HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-04-11, Page 7Voice of the Press 11 Commonwealth Force R1r. Bracken's argument is that stow, as ..ever before, Canada must stand firmly at Britain's side. The three great powers in the world today are not Great Britain, the United Stt.tes and' the Soviet Un- ion, but the British Common- .ealth, the United States and the. Soviet Union. And while the Commo wealth stands as one, it remains, as ever, a mighty force for peace and order in an explo- sive world. —Montreal Star. Nutty as Fruit Cake "'High prices have a habit of making young men prune their dates."—Kitchener Record. "On the contrary, many a chap finds that he has dated a prune, and aloesn't give a fig for her."—Tor- onto Star. "But any of them would reach for a peach, as long as she wasn't wearing a pink veil."—Pet- erborough Examiner. This thing is already pretty corny, but we'd like to add that the peach under the pink veil is a lemon that has lately been getting the raspberry. —Ottawa Citizen. Poor Eating The Financial Post, which likes to indulge in statistics, has an ar- ticle which shows that the aver- age Canadian could carry through for a year or more, without work- ing, living on his bonds. This, of course, is on the presumption that the other fellow would not be try- ing to do the same thing. If everyone knocked off work for a year the country would quickly he in a mess and even the bonds would not suffice. They make poor eating. —Port Arthur Ncws-Chronicle. Dry and Wet It's a great life! A lot of drain- age experts would make Canada dry, and a lot of anti -prohibition- ists would make it wet. — The Farmer's Advocate. Good Reason Canadian race tracks recorded $42,000,000 in wagers during the past year and yet some people wonder why shirts are scarce.. — Port Arthur News -Chronicle. Use for Nazi Flag That was quite a sensation in Vienna. The people saw a Nazi flag flying out of a third storey wi-idow. Prompt enquiry was made; the Russians had been us- ing it as a scrubbing rag and hung it out I dry. — St. Catharines Standard. Now Mosquito? The new spun -steel stocking may solve an age-old problem— unless, of course, Nature comes up with an armor -piercing mosqui- to. —Stratford Beacon -Herald. • Nothing To Take Its Place Circulation of United States 'newspapers increased by 2,500,000 ia.st year to an all-time total of 48,384,188, and figures for Canada would show a similar movement. Nothing so far invented is a sub- stitute for the newspaper, and nothing is likely to take its place. —Ottawa Journal. Face -Saving Speaking of face-saving gest- ures: It ha., been announced that the nation's women will spend $2,• 000,000,000 on cosmetics this year. — Christian Science Monitor. As It Ought To Be Ontario's Minister of Agricul- ture thinks farmers should take their wives to conventions. The Minister is wrong. The wives slt4uld attend the conventions while the lnen look after things at home. The sten can always "get to go" to auction sales. Works Both Ways Antos ruin some of the younger generation, a teacher contends, And some of the younger genera- tion do a swell job of ruining autos. —Guelph Mercury. Work It Both Ways It is now said that we should try to understand the Russians, Why not also get the Russians +o understand us? —• (_hath:an News. JUST IN FUN Errec. The y.;ung man at the social Gathering was boas .ing ui Lis Arc- tic explorations. Lie gnz at the beautiful girl he was trying to im- press. "J ust imagine," he said, drama - tically, "an enormous icefloe." "Yes, I'd like at. ice," said the girl, absently, "but my name isn't Flo." All True The skipper ul a tramp steamer, writing the log recc.rding an event. fill day, rounded off his task with the entry: "11 ate intoxicated." To the mate, who indignantly pro - t, sted on reading it, the skipper retorted: "41/ell, it's true, isn't it?" The following day it was the mates' duty to write the log. He completed his account with "Skip per sober." The captain stared at it fur a moment, and then exploded. "Well, it's true, ain't it?" was the mate's rejoinder tt— as HORIZONTAL 1,4 Pictured premier of a British domin- ion. 9 Loiter. 12 Cab, 13 Fertile spot in desert. 14 Affirm, 16 Improve. 18 Directed. 19 Cubic meter. 20 Great Britain (abbr.). 21 Voice modulation.' 22 Engrave. 24 Member of BRITISH DOMINION LEADER Answer to Previous Puzzle SUTHERL.N PSVT IBI AL I I'•PTOMT I T D NlEEM>titA c :a y... R R SA T S E A L L E O C ATT I R GR NI L 0 R V E EONS T E J N T A S A L U S US PE PO 0 R T RI SE CRES 41 Unit of light intensity. 43 Sharp point. 45 Exists. Parliament 47 Merit. (abbr.). 49 Aureole. 25 Her. 50 Parent. 26 Garden tools. 52 Of small 28 Baseball stick. value. 30 And (Latin) . 54 Imitate. 31 Farm . animal, 56 Teacher. 34 Verbal. 58 Auricles. 35 Genuine. 59 Musical 36 Jewel. drama. 38 Ocean (abbr,). 61 Acid. 40 Anger. 62 Head cover. 63 Plants. 64 Color. VERTICAL 1 Part of a doorway. 2 Tool. 3 Next after eighth. 4 Therefore. 5 Man. 6 Einploy. 7 Current. 8 Steamship (abbr.). 9 Machine. 10 Hail! 11 Microbe, 12 Child's game. 15 Corded fabric. 17 Performs. 19 Scotsman. 23 Article. 25 Impression. 27 Schedule. 28 Marsh. ' 29 Area measure. 32 Belongs to us. 33 Tiny, 37 Infold. 38 Wood sorrel. 39 Ritual, 42 Ferment. 44 He is premier of the Union of Africa., 45 Frozen water. 46 Persian ' ruler.' 48 Back of neck. 49 Heron (var..).' 50 Greater number. 51 Talent. 53 Age. 55 Through, 57 Greek letter. 59 From. 60 Like. Very Simple During a question period follow-' ing a lecture a man arose and put a foolish query to the speaker. The latter replied: "The logic of your question makes me think of another Can you tell me why fire engines are always red? You c n't. Well, fire engines have four wheels and eight men. Four and eight are twelve. Twelve inches make a foot. A foot is a ruler. Queen Elizabeth was a ruler, The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship that sails the seven seas. Seas have fish. Fish have fins. The Finns fight the Russians. The Russians are Red, Fire engines are always rushin'. Therefore, fire engines are always red. I hope this ans- wers your question also." Just A (yp A merchant heard that the na- tives of an island in the South Seas had more gold than they knew what to do with, so he de- cided to help them out. He sailed to their island with a boatload of onions. The natives had never tasted onions, and were delighted with them; they exchanged a ship- load of gold for onions. The merchant's business rival was enraged when hP heard of this, but decided that if the natives liked onions they would surely like garlic better. He therefore .00l them a shipload of garlic, and true enough they were delighted. When he asked for gold in re- turn, they told him they wouldn't think of giving him anything so common, and insisted upon turn- ing over to him their most prized possession—the shipload of onions. �- RELIEVES -MISERIES OFTh Baby's Cokt S Penetrates tl Stimulates deep into bronchial tubes with its sooth- ing medicinal vapors. the chest and back surfaces like a good, warming poultice: Warming, soothing relief—grand relief—comes when you rub good old Vicks VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime. Its penetrating -stimulating action keeps on working for hours. In- vites restful sleep. And often by morning most misery of the cold is gone. No wonder most mothers use VapoRub. Try it tonight— home -proved " -VAPORtia Should Be Proud The colonel was invited to, a farm for lunch. Me astonished tl.c farther by eating two small roast fowls, later I.: noticed a cocl< strutting about and remarked "By gad, that's a p:oud bird." "So he s'iould be" answered the farmer, "he has two sons in the Army." YOU'RE TOPS in the family's estimationwhen you serve delicious Max- well House Coffee. It's bought and enjoyed by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world. You can't feel your best if you;, kidneys aren't working normallya Gin Pills help give relief from Backache, Rheumatic Pain and other symptoms of sluggish kid- neys. Your druggist sells Gin Pills on a satisfaction -or -money -back basis. Get a package today—use Proves their merit. Reguicr size, 40 Pills Economy;size, 80 Pills (15 the U.S.A. ask /or Gino Pills) GET DOUBLE SAFETY FETY N r HE REAL story of tire safety ji is told on the rough brick and grinding asphalt of the Indian- apolis Speedway. In official tests at daredevil speed STOCK Firestone Tires were subjected to 500 torture - packed miles to prove their invinc- ible strength. Throughout this gruelling test -135 M.P.H. on the straightaways—not a blowout, not a skid. Tough treatment—tough tires! Firestone Tires have always led the field with extra safety and mileage at no extra cost. Get most safe miles per dollar by having your nearby Firestone Dealer store equip YOUR car with the only synthetic tires that are proved on the speed- way for your safety on the high- way. You'll be glad you did ! FIRESTONE TIRE & ROBBER COMPANY of Canada, Limited HAMILTON - CANADA the 0Nk3' s�ttitfftE' 3`f: • XpO18 tiAixt1E sPEFQg1i 1946 Ti 2500, ANNIVERSARY /n Cd/700i3 THE SPORTING THING illr i{Ii "Your slip is showing!" MUTT AND JEFF– Speaking ac a Rank Outsider -1 Never Heard of a Four Horse Dead Heat By BUD FISHER MUTT,THEREARE FOUL HORSES IN THE NEXT RACE! I wANNA BET t ON IFLAi�00T. ,''r� 'FLATFOOT? ARE YOU NUTS, THAT NORSE HASN'T A 1 „ CHANCE! 1 W ANNA 135T TEN DOLLARS aN FLATFOOT! `IOU SIMP! YOU'LL LOSE YOUR DOUGH! THAT HORSE RUNS IN CIRCLES, 1 DON'T CARE! A HUNDRED WHAT ODDS CAN TO ONE!--- I GET ON ZU T LISSEN FLATFooT! To ME -- , . AS YOUR PAL I'M C30NNATtP YOU OFF! FIRST, T1 -IAT HORSE CAN'T RUN! r SECOND, HE HASN'T A CHANCE To WIN! AND -SNE GOSH! res GONNA, "-8-" BE A HECK OF A • SLOW RACE THEN! {' I OWN THE \:',; , OTHER THREE HORSES! RS! �' d l 1tv,\-......_; OWN H^ C i A i d FtS# A' tom, tar /'� ':�' `: !,ilit \ 9� ii 1 t ir,l ,- wyi�! tail, _ 14 jS Fr- li 4ztli-. r, l �� •'d1°. � tv. ' T.W. rAlik �✓ zi 't p® r,�� �' /l t t' t_, p1 � r 114�`d k�; Y'# d as� W `" iii •//7/:l^a� d?4 G? v`•H/.:.C•G'A"?8�- t ..r ,r:eW7<.. �sM�. d REG'LAR FELLERS—High Ho! 13115114E55 15 50 GOOD - I THINK. I'Lt. L.TCHA OPEN UP A • ; iARCH OFFICE OVER ON BOOP AVEN0O! YOU GO FIND A LOCATION AN' SET UP A STAND - < 11-1EN I'LL FIX YOU UP WIT 50VE•S70CK l �` 0KEY DOKE. T L •�ti, MAY ..11M, h s i D,RANCii OF=FICE FORGE - IS OPEN-- 'EM EdJr I GOT 50NNY MY POUt3T5! WE CANY MISS! ABOUT 59 MINUTES 32%z SECONDS LATER. By GENE BYRNES I KNOW lTT A LITTLE. HI614 SLIT ITS TH' ONLY SAFE. NAACO AROUND HERE! f: "_• (: riun en, k MI Iy,L,n„sv.,ved. •'--•—. PGP—Pop's a Man of Logic .,pw.... -_.--".k'iApna-N,ri,mV,buNld111mbwRu� 'manuvnams„nm>,.ni.wi4x...uo I tElk41T YC?LJ -THE DHAP WHO LC$T HIS STRIPE • t, HERE yrs YESTERDAY RDAY P') Re. or.aei 'rr a I tyadionte, Ifio,l, YES WELL, WHY' COME HERE if LOOVING FOR A SIR IIP 7 By J. MILLAR WATT WELL,I LOST iT HERE, DIDN'T z? «..-,mo..,,....,..s.,�...,.r.. mak+..-..,w„1ek.0,11..,