HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-04-11, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS WANTED CASH FOR FOX 11011, --Dead animals removed. Tww-'lmur ser- vice day or night. phone Credi- ton 4'lrl15, collect. Jadk Wil- Iiautlrs• P.i. ,4.6-'41 At once, girl for general work. Apply to Dominion lurieh LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex AM INA POSITION TO CON - Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. FEMALE HELP WANTED Hotel House, ;toot •n9 Auction Sale, regardless no to size or article to sell. T solic&tl business, no charges a for if oServices Rent satisfied - tared. e gid. AIRTHUR• WERER---Dashv°ood phone 57 r 12 VE,TERINARIA•N Dr. W. 13. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURG nO�1re•t, °Zee with Residence, MaOpposite Drug Store BUTCHFPS Zuri.cbs' Popular NOTICE I have taken over the agency of the Viking Cream Separators, any- one needing repairs or service on same, please get in touch with me at once. --Alvin Rau, Phone 83r2 Zur. LOCAL NEWS ZURICH _HERALD l.i...f? Mr. E. Nickel of Clinton made a business trip' to our village on Sat. urday. Miss Florence Haberer of London was a recent visitor with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Haberer. Mrs. S. Kuntz of Dashwood Mrs Sunday visitor with her friend, Emily Fuss of town. Mr. Garfield Brown of New Ham- burg was a visitor in our village on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Rader, Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader and Mr. Victor Dinnin spent Saturday in London,. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beam of Wat- erloo were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yung'blut and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile of Dash- wood were Sunuday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore F. Klapp. Miss Greta Haberer has returned to her duties at London, after en,. joying a week's vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cook and dau- ghter Patricia and Mrs. Wahl and j daughter Helen of Kitchener, re visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Brenner last week. Margaret Misses Shirley Krueger, Mr. R. Massaw, Mr. E.Holden,were recent Hurly, all of London, visitors at the home of the f o�14th MOW? Mrs, E; G. Krueger, cots. 1 Wiz'. and Mrs. John Wagner, of Guelph; Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard Schnell Ms.LeonardSchnell of Saskatoon, Sask., were visitors at the home of the former's nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wag- ner of town last week. Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and daugh- ter, Miss Hazel of Stratford; Mrs. S. E. Faust and son Harold of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs, Carl Faust oe Galt, were visitors at the home of Mrs. W. H. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien. Mrs. `Mrs. John Brenner ofoto n, Harry Wahl and Mr. Cook of Kitchener attended the funeral of the former's brother-in-law Mr. Char- les Stiekies in Detroit, who died sud- denly at the age of 61 years. lie lea- ves his sorrowing wife, nee Carrie Greb, formerly of Zurich; and three sons all of Detroit. Much sympathy .goes to the bereaved family. FOR SALE A quantity of seed beans for sale. Wm. Oesch, Phone 21r98, Hensall FOR SALE OR RENT -150 acres grass land, Lot 4, E %z lot 5, Con. 8, Hay Town- ship. Apply to 0. Brown, Centralia, or Garnet Hill, Crediton: LOST A young sow about 150-1'bs. Finder notify Tony Hoffman, Phone 90x11. AT MART Let '[1s supply you with the Bey Choice of Fresh and Cur - Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ext., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Pricesor Wool, Hides and Skins �. yunghiut & Son PRODUCE SilverW ood DAIRIES FOR SALE Spring Filled 39 -inch Ma the n good condition.—Apply erald Office, SILOES AND Rub oers FOR COLD AND WET WEATHER LET USS SUPPLY YOU wrrH YOUR NEEDS. WE CARRY A GOOD SELECTION OF DRESS SHOES, OE WORK BOOTS and RUBBERS the Entire FAMILY. BUY FROM OUR EARLY SEASON SUPPLY GO0'D SHOE STYLES! GOOD SHOE VALUES! GOOD SHOE SERVICE - LOWEST CASH PRICES - NOTICE The time of year is here for the annual clean-up, and we would re- quest allcitizens to obey our orders to have all ash piles removed by May 1st, also remove lumber and gravel and any other undesireable rubbish from the streets and else- where. The laws of sanitation demand these rulings. By Order — The Trustees. FOR QUICK SALE A.eparagns plants, strong, well - started 1 -year old, Martha Washing- ton variety. 100 plants for $2.00. L. Warnock, Zurich. NOTICE PAINTING—+Spray or brush pain- ting, indoor or outdoor. Barns and drive sheds a specialty. G. Gratton, Grand Bend, Phone 42r3. Cash Poul re Market a a a Cream, Eggs rlave your Eggs Graded on Our AUTOMATIC RADER EGG Manager LeRoy O'Brien, Phone 101 ZURICH Zurich Police E.D. J. DATARS . RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES 04440444404444.4" 4444 4.4404•.4 *************a***4 • tinsel. District Co -Operative • • 3, Ingram, m Hen , sall Phone 83 43 perative Shipper of • DO YOU NEED MONEY FOR INCOME TAX? If you are short of cash to pay of ouMr income or other taxes, a personal loan may be the answer to your need. Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to g Tient accurate service. and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor I'or every useful purpose, Mr. Sewell. manager of the Bankof Montreal, lending money to peo walk of life at the low cost of 27 cents a month for $100 loan, ep able in twelve monthly which is equal to 6% interest per annum. You can `borrow more or less, for longer or shorter periods.. the cost is proportionally the same. FARM FOR SALE A good 120 acre farm for sale, about two miles from Hensall, for a quick sale will be sold reasonable. —Box 134 Hensall. gg Mr. and Mrs. Steinback and children; r] Steinback and Mr. and ,vrs. Karl Steinback all of London, rled and the home of their parents, Mrs. Henry Steinback, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howald, also attending the the funeral of. their grandmother, late Mrs. Henry Reichert. Mrs. Menne Oesch attended Miss 1 ren e e ffuneral of her cousin, McDonald, Principal of the business College, Toronto. The remains be- ing 'brought. to her home near Kin- cardine where service was held. A large number of relatives and friendsis gathered in the honor of the all p who aed as she was beloved who knew her, as her kindness thoughtfulness to mankind \vas be• yond words. OBITUARY Incorporated FERTILIZER FERTILIZER WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL THE REGISTERED BRANDS OF FERTILIZER. GET YOUR SUPPLY EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. SHINGLES, COAL, FENCING IVI ,'FEE S, SEEDS AND OTHER FACo-0 Cattle, Calves and Sheep. - We will call for them. ER MANAGER HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOP , Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY IG olla d CO Exeter Of 235. CANADA rt 15 LTD. DARLING ARARLI N(ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) TRUCKING Having added another new Truck we are in a position all local and distancelongg trucking. Have two hydrolic lifts. Give e s a call. —Mass Cartage,Phone Zurich Central. NOTICE I do custom whitewashing with a sprayer; Colony Houses, Stables, house cellars, etc. --Vin. Watson, Phone 35x19, Dashwood central. HELP' WANTED Help in the Planing Mill. Apply to .F. C. Walbfleisch & Son, Ttd. INSURANCE ._._.- Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK iniH LARGEST RESERVE, BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN AG BUSINESS MUT- UAL COMPANY ox OF ,THIS KIND IN ONTARIO :Aon Amount of Insurance at December 31st, 194.4: $45,465,635• Total Cash in B.anand Bonds. $ WANTED Cucumber Growers Mr. Leo Corriveau Has been Appointed Representative to Accept Contracts for Acreage on Behalf of Lealand Co. Ltd., OF SIMCOE ANY GROWERS INTERESTED May Get in Touch with Mr. Corrivea by mail at R. R. 2, Zurich, or by Phone 83-11, Zurich. CHICKS S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS Healthy, Husky R. 0. P. CHICKS as usual 13RUCE J. KLOPP - Zurich FARM FOR SALE For Saiz Kram style baby buggy in good condition. For information apply to Herald Office. WANTED WANTED—Ashes or filling ground to fill in east of my garage. No tin cans or rubbish taken: --Ward Fritz, Zurich. —_ Late Regis A. Denomme The death of Regis A. Denomme occurred on Sunday at his :twine on north of the Blue Water Highway, a a Drysdale in his 80th year. He washi s very jolly and popular man to time, and had many warm friends. The survivors. are, his widow, who two was formerly Pauline Jeffrey; sons, James, Grand Bend; Henry, Pe- esane, Sask; three daughters, Mrs. Louis Durand of near Drysdale; Mrs Harry Rose of Zurich; and Mrs. Ed- ward Parks, Windsor; a brother, Louis, of Detroit, and two sisters, Mrs. Oscar Ducharme and Mrs. Jos- eph Gelinas, of the district. Funeraornin.l mass was sung on Tuesday tch with. at the St. Peter's R.C. interment Father Robert officiating. r cemetery. was made in the adjoining Consisting of 100 acres good clay loath, 12 acres sugar bush, good building,, near school and on Colleg- iate free bus line, Hydro, 41x, miles from Hensall, 7 miles to St. Colum - ban, good terms, 85 acres low ng in done, i• or particulars phone Zurich, E. F. K1.0PP---ZURICH int, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire insurance Job pjufing FARMS FOR SALE Hillsgreen, 75 acres pasture and wood; windmill u 1and �oecret t oh.Iug• Bargain for q Pearce, Exeter. 100 acres on pavement, adjoining: Varna; brick house with toedlaee, ee, water on tap, Hydro, extra g barn with dressed lumber, henhouse upstairs, driveshed and outside hen- house need repairs. Some bush. lteal bagain, immediate possession.-•Vm. Pearce, Exeter. NOTICE e A ,.ONE CENT a Word (mininum 25c.) is all that it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by several thousand readers, many of who will be in- terested in what you are advertising or are offering for Sale. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105. THE ZURICH HERALD • • • 4 v HAY TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL'! AREA A public meeting will be held at 8.00 o'clock, p.m. at EACH of t centres named below for the parpoe'l of discussing the formation of al Hay Township Public School Area.. 1. -.Thursday, April lith at S.S. No. •112, Hay. Concession 14. 2 --Monday April 15th. at Zurich hi the Town Hall, 3 -_-.Wednesday April 17th at S.S. No. 110, 1Tay, Concession 2. Kinkead, 0. Staples and J. H. Public School Inspectors for 1-luron and Arthur Amy of Stephen Tow n- shi•p will be the guest speakers. The Ratepayers are invited to at tend these m' tines, this in - You are asked to passbe formation ort to others who may Late Stewart Crerar Stewart Crerar, son of Mr. :and Hay Township, Mrs. Alex. Crerar, Joseph's Hospital passed away.in St. in his 30th, London, on Tuesday last, year. Born in :Molesworth, he carne with his parents to reside in Hay 20 years ago. He attended cont school atio t S. S. No. 14, Hay, school in Hensall. He graduated year t chemistry' following a four y ' ' course at the O,A•C• Guelph and was engaged in that occupation at Nobel during the war. He worked at Can- ada Packers in Toronto home withe labors or- aaory until coming are his three months ago. Surviving parents and a brother Allan at ]tome. Public funeral service was held on Thursday from the residence eon - ducted by Rev. P. A.Ferguson, of Hensall Carmel Pre sbyteeian church. Interment was made in Listowel cemetery. FARM FOR SALE r,0 ;teres pasture land being Lot N'is 3, Concession 7, Hay Towtisftip, farm has plenty of water, five acres or young bush, new Beatty windmill, new fences. For pa•rtictxlars apply to George Link, Dashwood; or Henri Adkins, Hensall; or Arthur Weber•: Dashwood, phone 57r12. NOTICE Reeldente of the Police Village, of YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED IF MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE- MEMBER TO CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICE'S ARE ALWAYS LOW AND WORK. Zurich desiring: the installation of Town Water in their homes are to have their application, in the hands of the Secretary as follows: til 15. For Spring Installation, by April. r�nr 0111 in�tallatinn by ,September 15 Water 5orvice will bo installed only in the Spring and Fall season. By motion of the 'Zurich Police I nrysciale sand the family moved t tet men Trustees. ustees' I l .nldon, four year~ ny.o. 5i:a attend etery. 17atec�, March 611x, 1�9:5u j interested. l H W Brokensliire Clerk. DIES AT LONDON Miss Madeline Mireau died at their `Family residence 192 Central avenue land Frederick of Hensall. the o • 1 London,boil afters a rlengthy ft{ll late Davi(' l Funerralrt the Donohue Nome, Requiem. tnd high mass I A't+tG tt•el of the Rosaline Mireau, formerly of` was sung on Friday morning all Te -1 andT f "lunch Mies Mireau was 'born it t at log ed in St. Peter's cert- William H. eeseeereoeeseigesteeel Baugh, RGeve. ed St. Peter's Cathedral, London, and was a member of the Confrat League it of. Blessed Sacrament, the. L g the Sacred Heart and the Society of the :Propagation of the Faith. She; is survived by three sister;, Mrs. Ed -1 ward iledard, Tlrysdale.,• ivirs. Win. Thompson, Brussel. and Mise uerbi a Mireau, of London and by Mich; ; i titers, Edward, of St. Clare, Jerry of London I William of Zurich; h d • r The trees will soon he taking on their new roti• ment and spring will be whispering to fanners everywhere "How about a new cultivator?—how about other faun machinery? —how about this and that?" Now is the time to get ready for spring. Ready money for the go-ahead farmer is available at the Bank of Montreal, if a loan will heip, see your nearest Bank of Montreal manager. He knows the farmer's problems and is ready to work with you, and to put money to work for you, to make your farm a better farm, Ask foe the fofder "Quiz for a Go -Ahead Farmer,"