HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-04-04, Page 84A*$CI1,, ON 1 A Klf1 ZURICH t11 RAL.ii BED SPREADS Fine Chenille Spreads in pretty shades of Rose Canary Yellow, .Light Green, Turquoise, also white all with contrasting color designs... Priced front 12,50 to 15.50 each. ENGLISH IGIINGHAMS Only 4 pieces of fine quality Dress Ginghams, Plaid effects, 36 -in. wide at 90c, ,a yard. HAND BAGS ' Ladies' Hand Bags, genuine plastic, will not crack or peel... Special at $5.25 each. MEN'S WEAR A few Men's Top Coats just arrived, also ..a small lot of men's and boys' Ready -to •Wear Suits* GROCERIES A shipment of Irish Cobbler and Kadathin Seed Potatoes. Also good eating potatoes ,on hand. Everything in Garden Seeds, Fresh Fruits and veg- etables every week -end. Tasch TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH A "T%- r -17-71 Tip Have you adequate protection .against loss Damage by Fire? Labor and Material Costs have increased consider- ably. Talk your insurance problems over with ane! Insurance License No. A 714 or Real Estate Do you want to sell or exchange your house or your farm? List the same with me. No obligation unless sale is completed. Telephones: Real Estate License No. 1354 Office 65; House 175. drew F Hess, Insurance and Real Estate - Zurich Zurich a . laa 3 ,fie eu "m°"'tt s ,G _ +r,Jsei!" Sva ri HARDWARE - SEE.] S You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays li.etinne dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of, farm. Ianprov- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls -Exceptional Values at Lower Prices. and FURNl a'U `• Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ' ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ISTADE �nenen r f � � �� yup, I 0 ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE SERVICE iiiiitetiestoolosiwimimmiosiwbojetembeammosoestAmpoomktromatoolo iittiM Obi WW1iliatKEST •Hay Council met on Moncray tor the April meeting. Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Stelck of Dash- wood were Friday visitors in town. Miss Dian Thiel is spending a few da},s at the home of their grandpar- ents in Dashwood. Roy Iloward of London, spent I the week -end at the hone of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thiel, ,Miss Kathleen Hay of London,' wasn. a Sunday visitor at her home in tow Much cooler and more seasonable weather has been ushered in which:. will regulate the budding of trees to the more normal time. + Miss 'Verde Bechler, Bronson lin', 1 is spending a few weeks at the home 1 of her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Swartzentrujber. Born -At Zurich, on. April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Swartzentrub- er, a son (Jacob William.) .Mother. and baby are :hire. Fourteen tons of Dutch Set onions were -hipped from Exeter by itl r. Geo. Hay recently to. be ready for spring planting. Further shipments to the north have since been made. 'Engagement Mr. and Mrs. William :'Dein, of Dashwood, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Marie Thursday, April 4th, 1040 LOCAL MARKETS 44: (Corrected every Wednesday) 4, Butter per Ib. 38 4F Eggs al, 29 22 .,v Turkeys, dressed 38x/2 : Geese, dressed 28 4 Ducks, dressed 28 Chickens, dressed 30-20 0 Wheat bushel 1,12 A' Oats, bushel 50c Barley, bush. 73 ' ` Buckwheat, bush. 70 Flour, cwt. 2.60, 2.75 Shorts and bran, ton , .+......30.00 Middlings, ton 33.00 ----�.a.........mom:»:.•mm�Nr.[.:r.:tu•:¢mt�ti4L Betty Anne Beauty Shop 1 HE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS the Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 68 for your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich Anna, to Glenn Le Roy Brown, onlyMMANUEI' EVANGELICAL CHURCH son of Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Brown Dutton, the wedding to tame plac quietly in April. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dietz wish to announce the engagement of the( second eldest daughter, .Betty, to Arthur G. Hoist, sort of Mr. andMrs Harry Hoist. The ' marriage to take C. B. HECKENDON,F.Pastor r Mrs. M. OESCH, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.-Divine Worship. 11 a.m.-Church School. 7.30 p.m. -Divine Services. You are Welceme at all Services 1 place .in April. Farmers are busy at -the seeding, and a goodiy number have completed the same, while others are at it. full force. The land work up very nice; this spring, and getting such an early gait, should lay a foundation for a bumper crop which is so badly need- ed for the world food shortage. Mr. William Jennison. who Inas recently moved from his farm on the Blue Water Highway south, to Grand Bend, was in town on Saturday. Mr. Jennison will now put 'his full time on contract work, he was successful in securing the gravelling contract for Hay Township this summer. Mr. Albert Clausius has purchased a frame dwelling house at Crediton, and is making preparations to have the house moved to Zurich in the near future He has also purchased from his brother Harvey, a building lot where he will move the house thereon. This is a very good .plan to help the housing shortage, as tha material for building new homes is not too plentiful. Mr. Ward Fritz, of Zurich, who is erecting a new service station in. Exeter North, has the ground staked out and is now waiting for material to commence the new build- ing. Mr. Fritz has been appointed distributor of Supertest products for' the Exeter Branch under the Present company supervisor, Mr. E. i+.J. Davis who will continue to renain in Exe- ter --Exeter Times Advocate. Let Us Have the News The Herald. is always glad to pub- lish your news items and we always invite them in our columns. If you do not feel like writing them up and wish to phone them in, as many peo- ple do, early in the week, call 10:5, which is our residence and the Pub- lisher's "better half" will gladly take down your items. As we are busy operating our Linotype, and too -many phone calls do not mix any too well with operating so delieate a machine. Please! Celebrates 86th Birthday A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thiel Jr., on Tuesday, when the members of their family gathered iii honor of the former's father, Mr. Andrew Thiel's 86th birthday who is in residence there. The evening was enjoyed in social chats and - a tasty luncheon was served. All wishing Grandpa Thiel many more birthdays. Mr. Thiel is enjoying good health and able to be out in the open air every day and can heardly realize his age. His many . friends join with his family for his continued good health. • HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hay met in the Township Hall, Zur-; ich, on Monday, April lst at 1.80 p, in., at which time the following corr- espondence was presented and the fol lowing motions passed: R. 0. Staples C.Y.S. Re: Formation of Twp. Put}lir School Areas; J. 1-1. Kinkead, I.P.S. Re: Po:•niation of High School Areas in Huron Co.; .Frank Donnelly, K.C. I Re: Haigmeier appeal to Drainage Rc,er+ e. Tenders for crushing and hauling gravel; Dpt. of Highways,' 1946 expenditure; Dept. of Attorney General, re Bingos, Lotteries and Raffles. Motions: That the tender for cru- i ehing, hauling gravel on ;slay Town- ship roads as' received from Wm. F. ,Tennison at 56c per cubic yard flat rate for hauling and 45s per cubic yard for crushing, be accepted. Con• tract to be signed. . 1 That four cords of good wood he 1 bought from Mr. Seldon of Exeter. 1 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10' a.m.-Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. -Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services • "'het a public meeting be held at 8.00 p.m. at each of the centres na- med below, for the purpose of lis= cussing the formation of a Hay Twp. Public School Area. On Thursday, April Ilth at S.rS. No. 12, Hay; Monday April 15th at the Township Hall, .Zurich; and Wednesday April l''th at S.S. No. 10, Hay. The Rate- paNers are invited to attend these meetings. That the Welcome Horne Commit- tee be notified to meet at the Twp. Hall, Zurich, on Monday, April 8th at S p.in. to organize for the final reception of the service rnen and women. That the Hay Municipal Telephone System erect two trunk lines of as No. 12 copper wire from Zurich to meet the Bell Telephone Co. Tines at the corner of the Zurich Road and second concession of Hay Township, to give the Hay Municipal System service to London and Clinton. That Henry Lawrence be given the contract to construct the Tuckey and Forrest Drain accordiug_to the Eng- ineer's Report at the estimate as shown in the said by-laws. Contract to be signed. That• payments on Hay Municipal Telephone Systema, Roads and Hay Twp. accounts be paid as per vouch- ers. .Township Roads -Jos. Swartzen- truber $2.60;Roy Gin,gerich 3.50; P. Ducharnie 15.35; Philip Masse $3; Allan Smith $3; Peter Deicnert .Ir. 1.3.75; Samuel Miller 1.40; Elmore Deters 10.17; Jacob Ortwern 3.15; C Benerling 5.60; Jno. Schade 2.80; W Weston 4.20; Mose Erb ,60; Amos , Gasch.° .60; Chas. Aldworth. 12.85; Wm. J. Gould 1.50; Percy Campbell 6.08; James Masse 87.89; L. Masse 8.80; H. W. Brokenshire $2; Howard Klopp 6.27; Ed. Erb.' 4.77; Arnold Messer 13.50; .Harry McAdams 4,1i0 Eldon Ortwein $3 Alfred Meidin;et 3.87; Roy Merner 3,07; Wm. Zile,. 1.40; Dennis Ducharme 6.181; Wm, Watson 16.40; Sam De..jardine 1.70; Adolph Keller 1,60; Rud, Becker 10.31; Chris Erb .60; 'Wm. Heckler .60; Robt. Tinney $.2; Harrold Camp- bell 1.80; Elmer Campbell $9; Aup-' house Masse 41.40;$ Bruce Koehler 18.72; Stratford Beacon -Herald 4.32; V. L. Becker .45. .,relief- . Mr•s. J. Suplat $25; Albert Heideman $8; Emma Bassow 8.90. Hay Telephone System -:T3. W, Brokenshire 36.66; Bell Tele. Co. 295.74; Automatic Electric 49.73; T. H. Hofi'rnan 235.65; Coll. Customs and Excise 193.71; Doeon Tele. Co. 37.30; Northern Elec. Co. 294,64; 11. G. Hess 235,65, Hay General accts -Ont. Ssen. of Rural Municipalities $5; Bank, of Montreal 142:50; Mrs. M. MacKinnon .e.fund on drain 3.,15; Hay Municipal Tele. System loan $900; H. W. Tiro- kenshire $68; Twp. of Hay, Hills - green Cemetery Fund. 117.44. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain on Monday, May 13th 1946 at 30 psis, t. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Wm, H. Haugh, Reeve UR 1kware and Etirniture STORE NEW ENAMELWARE We are very fortunate in receiving a Shipment of New Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which seem to be of very good quality, and some attractive color designs. To appreciate these articles one must see thein. We invite your inspection. MATTRESSES - MATTRESSES Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have - a fine range to choose from, a fine stock of Spring Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE We have some very attractive and newly designed Bed Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see theirs if interested in this line of furniture. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware JOhnston Kalbffielstla t Furniture. h.ene 63 - S UNIE I LOYM-! T To ,411 Employers: .A1I Unemployment Insurance Books for the year. Lading March 31st, 1946, must be exchanged for new books. Kindly communicate iinntedirttely with your nearest National Employment Service Office if you have not already exchanged your employees' books. RENEWAL OF There are severe penalties fair ,failing to make Unemploymene insurance contributions for your insured employees an.dfor . failure to renew the Insurance Book. (9,8 reguired„ To 4// Employees: -Mit If you art an insured jierson protect your. benefit rigbtr by seeing that your Insurance Book has ggix exchanged. U E LOYIVIE lT !NSU A C COMMISSION ulc-2w 0 4 War >rIti Y .0 rblec. c. OR HEEL FLIES Losses ---Attributed to Warble Flies in Canada to nearly $ 14,000,000 annually Damage -Gadding of ' cattle during the summer, reduction in milk flow, loss in flesh, wast- age of meat in infected carcasses, injured hides. Control --Destroyed most easily in grub stage after having reached the backs of cattle by application of rotenone wash usually procurable at drug stores ,and spray com- panies, with directions for using. Quan- tity required approximately one pound of powder for twenty cattle for three treat- rnents: When to Treat ---Early in spring when grubs com- mence dropping. Repeat twice at /monthly intervals. How to Treat ---Apply material with stiff brush and rub in well. Cost ---Per animal, per treatment should not exceed • two cents. Savings ---As much as 5 dollars per animal. This advertisement is inserted by theAgriculture Committee of the Huron County Council,