Zurich Herald, 1946-04-04, Page 2KURDS ADD TO IRAN'S WOES Fierce Kurd tribesmen, like those pictured above, are reported in rebellion in Iran's wild northwest region for the purpose of setting up an independent Kurdistan republic. Said to be Soviet -backed, the rebels' force includs Kurds of both Iran and Iraq. By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") ! Just the other morning our fav- orite newspaper columnist — pre- sent company excepted, of course —wrote a piece about the proposed r avival of the Olympic Games. And he marvelled, in print, as to why in the world any sensible per- son would desire to bring back to life these events, which are far beter remembered for the squab- bles and bickerings they sired than for any outstanding athletic feats they spawned. * * * Now we would have thought that anyone so astute as Mr. J. V. McAree, the gentleman referred to, would know far better than to be in the slightest doubt about a matter of that kind. It is quite true that the Olympics, far from promoting harmony among the nations, were productive of more discords than a Shostakovich sym- phony played by the Hogg's Hol- low Silver Cornet Band. It is a fact that the gatherings at Athens, Paris, St. Louis, Londe;. and Stockholm came close to bringing on World War One years before it was due; and that the Olympics at Antwerp, Paris, Amsterdam, Los Angeles and Berlin caused the parties involved to detest one another so much that it is a wonder World War Two didn't arrive ahead of schedule. * ** But, on the other hand, just con- sider the enormous benefits con- ferred by these international bean - as— benefits for which we have space to mention but one or two. * * First, of course, there were the transportation compaaies. Under present travel conditions it is hard to recall that there have been times when oceat liners had far more passenger space than there were persons to fill same ten times over—periods when ticket agents would practically plead with you to take a whole section or draw- ing -room instead of dealing you out an upper with the air of con- ferring a priceless favor. And, at such times, hauling huge quanti- ties of assorted athletes thousands of miles o'er land and sea didn't exactly pain such transport agen- cies to any noticeable degree. * * * But, for the greater' benefit of all, we must think of the many estimable gentlemen who, by rea- son of the Olympic Gamer,, were enabled to enjoy the broadening effects of travel that would other- wise have been shut to them com- pletely. Just consider those self- sacrificing Management Commit- tees and Honorary Delegates who bravely bearing on their chests the heavy burden of Official Badg- es without a whimper—were able to get a close-up of Greece, France, Britain, Sweden, Switzer- land, Germany and many other interesting lands under the finest circumstances, quite unhandicap- ped by the thought of having, like the athletes, to keep in condition, or of worryilig, like ordinary mort- als, about how nmch the whole thing was costing. * * * This unseasonably early Spring weather is stirring, in many minds, thoughts not ordinarily due for an- other month or so—thoughts of Woodbine and the ,tart of another horse -racing season. However, it is a subject we cannot dwell on at length just now—merely re- peating by request, one if in fav- orite ttirf anecdotes. It is about a trainer whose horse, on which he had wagerers heavily, hail failed to conte through ---in fact, had been badly beaten. That sane evening, in the stable, the trainer was watching said steed eating. The horse was nos- ing around among the oats in the feed -box with an air of 'distaste, as though they didn't • suit his fancy. "What the aitch is the matter with you, acting so high - hat," said the trainer bitterly. "There isn't an oat in that box that didn't grow fast:r than you can run!" * * Which should be about enough for now. A few minutes ago a certain young gentleman asked' us what we were writing about. "Son," we replied, "if we had to give it a title it would probably be 'Ho* to Write a Sports Column with Nothing to Write About." So be sure and tune in next week —it will probably be still worse. Use Mist A fine mist of water and oil is sprayed on cotton during ginning to prevent the development of static electricity which seriously clogs machinery. i The Far Forum IT'S TRUE THAT _—cotiplete control of Warble flies can be assured if all infested cattle in your area are treated by a Derris or Rotenone wash now. The first application of this wash should be applied to their backs when the swelling becomes con- spicuous. The second and third ap- plications should be made at inter- vals of 28_ days. The Heel fly appears in the season, March to June, while the large Warble fly is active from early June to August. * • * _there will be no subsidy of 50c per pound paid this year on imported package bees as was paid in 1945. To offset this increase in cost, there will be a revision in the ceiling prices. * * * _____..the increasel use of lime- stone by farmers under the sub- sidy arrangements is understand- able since railway companies re- duced the standard freight tariff on agricultural limesto,ie by 25%. For Southern Ontario the Depart- ment of Agriculture paid 50% of the reduced freight up to a maxi- mum grant of $1.00 per ton. On the Sugar Beet Front The Dominion -Provincial Con- ference held in Ottawa called for a 35,000 acre quota on the On- tario sugar beet crop for 1946 and 90,000 acrd for all of Canada. The latter figure is 30,000 acres above the 1945 goal, while the On- tario figure is almost exactly double the 1945 harvested crop. The additional assistance ,rant - cd by the Sugar Administration of 6034c -r 100 pounds of sugar plus some subsidy iron' the Ontario legislature will stimulate contract- ting in Ontario, assuring the suc- cess of the 35,000 acre goal. 1200 PIPE CLEANERS SENT PREPAID You send $2.00. We do the rest. 1`Vational Pipe Cleaners Canandaigua, N. Y. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING nAli� (1I1i0)Iets IF YOU HAVEN'T THE BQ'IJIP- ment and do not want to be both- ered with day old chicks, here is a grand opportunity to secure well started two and throe week old chicks in all the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses. Also floor raised pullets 6 to 14 weeks old, Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. RELIABLE CHICKS Just think what this -means to the buyer, Your investment Is made worth while when you purchase your chicks from us. Our repeat 'orders year after year la the proof of our quality clicks. Blood testing for pullorum done each year, we only hatch from clean flocks. Millers Chick Hatchery, Fergus, Ont, (Successor to J. D. .1 oh nso n). STARTED CHICK BUYERS, WE have the best lot of two and three week old chicks we have ever raised. All the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non -sexed, pullets or cockerels. Also 6 to 16 week old floor raised pullets. Send for catalogue and price list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. A-1 BABY CHICKS FROM BLOOD - ed tested stopk. ' White Leghorn; Barred Rock; Hybrids. Some started chicks available. Write A, H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, T4'EDDLE CHICICS ARE LIKE money in the bank! An early start with Tweddle chicks means an early profitable market for your eggs and poultry meat ... a mar- ket that pays the highest prices to those who are ready for it. Tweddle chicks all come from Government Approved pullorum tested breeders, whether pure bred or cross bred and they are carfully culled before shipment to assure you of a hardy healthy group of chicks. If we have missed sending you our 1946 well illustrated catalogue write us at once anda.we will mail you ane. Also two and three week old started chicks and six week up to sixteen week old floor raised pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. LIMITED QUANTITY STARTED chicks, various breeds, N. H. x B. R Light Sussex, etc., and crosses. Order chicks now for April -May delivery. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John N, Hamilton, Ont. BABY CHICKS, NEW HAMP- shires, Barred Rocks culled blood - tested under Ontario Breeding Station. Extra heavy laying strain. Harding Smith, Sparta, Ont. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING pure breeds to choose from: White Leghorns, Black Minorcas, Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hemp - shires, Island T land Reds, White Wyandottes, Light Sussex, Black Australorps, Jersey White Giants, Jersey Black Giants, also thirteen hybrid crosses. Send for catalogue and price list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. Ml Breeders' blood -tested. Prices from 3c to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bre ta.nnla Heights. Ont THE TOP NOTCH WAY MAKES poultry pay. Because a,flock started early pays off in higher prices, Your pullets will be laying large eggs in time for the early markets. Your cockerels will be plump and full grown at a time when poultry. meat prices are at their best. That's why Top Notch wants you to start early ... so that you will reap the best pro- fits. A shipment of healthy, husky Top Notch chicks in your poultry house today is an investment in a secure future for you. Every one of these chicks comes from pull- orum tested Government Ap- proved breeders of known pro- ductivity and livability. That is your safeguard the Top Notch way. Write for free catalogue to- day, Also two and three week old started chicks and floor raised pullets 6 weeks up to 14 weeks for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. 1t11SIN ESS OPNORTVNITIES NEW DISCOVERY, TESTED SAVES 45% gasoline, guaranteed. send stamped envelope. S. Brodie. Vilna, Alta. OPPORTUNITY TO RAISE REAL chinchilla animals, Profitable bu- siness of your own at home, pe- digreed breeders from prize win- ning strains, $885 pair, fully gua- ranteed; free literature. imperial Chinchilla Ranch, 360 Dominion Elvd., Sandwich West, Windsor.' ATTENTION MR. FARMER Are you interested in having your barns and other buildings spray painted this spring? If so get in touch with Neil Crlts, Spray Painter, Stratford, Ont., for an early start. Newest equipment in spray painting; work guaranteed, and free estimates given by writ- ing to the above address. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing qr cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. o-ronto. FOB SALR EI,E1'''1t1C !iamr111ts NEW, USED bought, eo'd, rebuilt: heltp pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2s r, Dtltfertn St. Tor- onto, Ont. GLADIOLUS: Exhibition Varleties, 1 Doz. one each color 81.35 2 Doz. two each color 42.60 25 mixed colors good assortment $2.00. All No. 1 Tlulhs, postpaid. Mac's Greenhouses, Nelson, B C, JiGSAW Heavy cast frame, 12" throat, tilting table, mechanism runs on 011, holds any type blade, turns to cut any length required, $12,05, Sent C.O.D. Brown, 88 Mountvlew, Toronto. Ont. FOR SALE, DARK GREY PERCHE- ron Stallion, eight years. 13 pre- rnium, quiet, cheap. Would con- sider trade for good young, mare. John Thompson, Route 2, Piston, Ontario ROSES: ,Hybrid Tea "and Ciimbltig each $1.25 and $1.50 postpaid, Mac's Greenhouses, Nelaon, B. C. MAKE MONEY' RAISING ANGORAS wool now` $13.50 Ib. Pedigreed breeding stock for sale, Brad- bury's, A.bercorn, Que, Fell SAI.Iil FOR SALE (SAM HANNOVER), Time 2-6 3/4. This is a beautiful big Brown Stallion, quiet and Bound. The service fee for the use of this Stallion is $5,000 for Stand- ard Bred Mares, Owner, Geo. W'. Wilson, Boulter, Ont, McCORM1CX - DEERING 16-30 tractor in good running order. New motor tune up. Reasonable price. Fred A. Stock, R, R. 1, Ta- vistock, Ontario, H E R C O "RED TOP" Electric Chicken Brooder Write for onrticnlnrm Huron Engineering & Research Co. Goderich Ontario IrAR01S IN It SA1,It 200 ACRE FARM WITH GOOD buildings, hydro, water in house and barn. Good cattle run, bush lot, with or without stock and lmpietnents. 'Berms if desired. Write E. J. Colson, Br'acebr!dge, Ont. 200 ACRES, QUICK SALE, NEVER tailing water, new house, 63 miles from town, No. 2 Highway, Box 86, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 159 ACRES GOOD PRODUCTIVE land — Small wood lot, good frame house, bank barn 40x64'. Implement shed, hen house, pig pen, garage and woodshed. Situ- ated on Lot 13, Con. 6, Dunwiele. 11,1 miles from railway station, general stores and churches. 1'4 miles off No, 3 Highway. 15 miles west of St. Thomas. Apply J. D. Graham, Iona Station. FOR SATE, 100 ACRE FARM, LOT 11, Con. 10, Mornington, 28 acres fall wheat, 35 acres new seeding down, remainder grass. 7 roomed house nearly new, large bank barn, good land. Price $4,000. Ro- bert L Stewart, Milverton, Ont. 110 ACRES, GOOD LAND, 2 MILES village, modern stable, brick house, good wells, school, cheese factory close, well fenced. Box 8, R. R. No. 2, St. Eugene, Ontario. 11A1It1)14 ss1Nt, LEAItN HAI RDROSSINI, THE Robertson method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Aced-, emy. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, HELI' WANTED WEST END. COOK -GENERAL, live in, country girl accepted, char help kept; good wages. 4 Brute Gdns., Toronto. HOUSEKEEPER, SMALL RURAL house, 3 adults, references. Mrs. Robt. Gorman, R. R. No. 1, Oak- ville, Ont. EXPERIENCED MAN, DAIRY Farm, milking machine, hydro, tractor. Top wages, R. A. Wood, Bolton, Peel County. COUPLE FOR DAIRY FARM, SEP- arat3 house, phone, garden, milk, fuel furnished. State wages, John Skelly, R. R. 3, Prescott, Ontario. YOUNG, EXPERIENCED SINGLE man for well-equipped Dairy Farm, Toronto 20 miles, Non- smoker preferred. 470.00 monthly, year round. Apply James H. Steen, Meadowvale, Ont. 6IFDICAL BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly, 45c a bottle. Ottawa agent, Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. DON'T WAIT — EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains of Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug' Store, 335 Elgin, Otta- wa. Postpaid $1.00, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble, interesting particu- lars — Free! Write Mnlveney's Remedies Specialists, Toronto 3. 131 G H L Y RECOMMENDED — Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dix- on's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. INGROWN TOENAILS Nail Fix relieves pain instantly and removes ingrown nail to a few applicntionr. $1.00 a bottle. WART FIX Ugly Warts melt away palnlesslY with this guaranteed remedy. 35c, a bottle. CORN FiX Eases pain at once, and removes stubborn Corns in a few minutes. 35c. a bottle. Sent postpaid by A. C. Thomson, Chemist, Dept. A. 363 St. Clarens Ave., Toronto, Established 1905. MAKE LIFE WOR'T'H LIVING' WHY SUFFER? do what countless numbers of happy users are doing for the' effective relief of: Chronic Ca• tarrhal conditions (as in Bron- chitis, Asthma te Sinus Pains) Skin disorders such as Bo111' and Pimples: Arthritic ee Rheumatic Pains; Ask your Druggist for Odorless and Tasteless ADAM'S GARLIC PEAR.LES or write Richmond Adam Co.. P O. 374, Vancouver, Can. $3 per 100 Pearles, enough for 5 weeks. YOUR HEALTH IS RELATED to the SOIL Dr, G. H. Earp -Thomas, noted bio- logist; explains all in stirring message, "Soil and Health," Send 10e. today for your copy and learn the vital facts. Canadian .Solt Products Co.. Dunbarton, Ont Ol'I'tllt't'trivial lea+ MOIt WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousecds successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue tree Write or call MARVEL AIRDRESSING OOLS 358 Blow' .5t, W. Toronto Branches: 4e King St. Hamilton de 74 Rideuli Street. Ottawa, 1, A'0'tON'i'S WET Hb iiS'CI,NelAUt0N & COMPANY Petent ;oltritors, lestebltshe() 1890: 14 gine alt est. Tort r't0 t3ookl'ei'of lnrurrnalor on request i'IIOTOGR APIIY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films uruperly developed and printed 6 ()R 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 250 F1NEST ENLARGING SERVICE) You may not get all the Dime you the quality enc service you desire want this yea: but you can get a1 by sending your films to IMPERIAL I'UtYrO SERVICE 't4tatiou 1. Toronto WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of home photographic equipment and supplies, Write for price list. Economy Mail Order Co., 245 Yonge St.. Toronto, Ont. SUPREME SATISFACTION Can only be attained by having your films processed by highly skilled technicians using the very best materials and modern mach- inery. All is obtainable at lowest prints 25c,oll reprints developed eaeh,dAl work guaranteed, Trans -Canada Film Service Toronto 13, Ont. FILMS DEVELOPED 25 CTS. GUA- ranteed one day service. NO WAITING. Bay Photo Service, North Bay. BE FIRST TO HAVE ONE ENLARGEMENT IN ' GLASS AND PLASTIC CRYSTAL EASEL 69c Send your negative and get this newest -style. glass enclosed en- largement 3'A x 4'A' for your mantel or dressing table — or to give a friend Supported to this crystal clear new plastic mount' your picture shows to its best ad- vantage. Packed to ensure safe delivery and postage paid for only 66 ce•rts. Any size roli (6 or 8 exposures) developed at,d printed 25 cents. Enlargements 4 x 6" In easel mounts, 8 for 25c.; framed on ivo- ry tint mats. 7 x 9" in Gold, Silver, Walnut or Back Ebony flniehed frames, 59c each. If colored, 79c. Canada's rdrgest studio does qua- lity work promptly — and at low- est cost. (Print naive and Address Plainly 'on c: -eters.) 1)3z'I'T. al STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12811 ',oat Office A, Toronto el11SICA L INS'I It1Js Sall 1. PRE1 A. BODDINGIUN BUYS. sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church. Toronto 2. RADiO SUPPLIES ALL TYPES RADIO TUBES AND BATTERIES. CHRYSTAL SETS $6.85 Complete with head phones, beauti- ful cabinet, no tubes or batteries re- quired. Just connect to your present aerial and ground. RECORD PLAYERS $29.95 26 or 60 cycle to connect to your present radio. Send deposit with order. . Wayne Radio. 446 Parliament, Toronto. SEEDS FOR SALE .RAINBOW GLADIOLUS ASSORT- ment, twenty healthy bulbs of six named varieties for One Dollar postpaid. J. Parker, 175 Shaw St.. Toronto, Ont. NO. 1 REG, AJAX OATS, 41.40 PER bus.; 1,500 bus. No. 1 Ajax Oats Commercial, $1.15 per bus. No. 1 Cartier Oats Commercial, 81.15 per bus. No. 1 Galore Barley Com- mercial, $1.40 per bus. No. 1 O. A. C. 21 Barley Commercial, $1.40 per bus, Bags included. Cann's Mill Ltd. 5', O. B. Exeter or Whalen Corners TOBACCO 5 -POUND SAMPLE . PACKAGE Leaf Tobacco, Virginia burley, and prior, receipts and flavoring, $3.75 postpaid. Ruthven Tobacco Exchange, Ruthven, Ont. TRAPPERS TRAP WOLVES ALL SUMMER FOR bounty using their owls gland scent. Write Fisher, Box 420, Calgary, Alberta. WATCH REPAIRS GUARANTEED REPAIRS TO ALL makes of watches and clocks. Prompt service. Reasonable pri- ces. Send watches for free esti- mate. Accurate Watch Repair Co.. 117 Pembroke, Room 3. Toronto. WANTED SMOOTH FOX TERRIER FEMALE of good quality. State particulars to Fred Murray. R, R. 4, Mitchell, Ont • WE NAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR Muslcrats, Domestic Rabbit Pelts and all other raw furs, Ship to- day. Levin Fur Company, Depart- ment W„ 163 Spadinn Avenue Toronto. Ont. 21-20 BUICK REAR END INSIDE brdke bands and axles complete, drive shaft oil pump. Allan Rox- burgh, Belwood, Ont. Phone 24-6. Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, bring out cores heals eeickly, no scar. 25c, 35e, 50e, $1.00. OT ITMEM, FOR PEST CONTROTL! The sign of a modern, new litre of products soon to be available at your local hard- ware stores to protect fruits, flowers and vegetables from insect pests, fungus diseases And weeds. '.1rark Mark Ertg, LOOK POE THE "GREEN CROSS1 WHYsu {er {roan ITCHING -BURNING and do nothing about it Here is the chance for every person 7u Canada suffering from sore, itching, painful piles to try a simple home remedy with the promise of a reliable firm to refund the cost of the firs package if you are not satisfied with the results. Simply go to any druggist and get a bottle of Hein-Roid and use as directed. Hom-Roid is an internal treatment, easy and pleasant to use and excellent results mo quickly shown. Itching and soreness aro re- lieved, pain subsides and as the treatment is continued tlio sore, painful pilo tumors heal over leaving the rectal membranes clean and healthy. Get a bottle of Hem-Roid today and see tor yourself what an easy. pleasant way this is to rid yourself of your pile misery. NOTE—The sponsor of this notice is est old, reliable firm, doing business in Canada for over 20 years. Item -Rohl must help your annoying and painful pile condition—must do it quickly, easily and pleasantly or your own test of this remarkably successful formula costs you nothing. Try It today. ROLL YOUR OWN WITH Macdonalds • 2. 3. We get satisfactory service for years without any serious breakdowns, The upkeep expenses are small and so much Tess than any other make we pre- viously used. We can depend on uniform and close skimming even after years of service. sof 1. Each VIKING sold means an additional satisfied customer to our business. 2. Once installed, a VIKING requires a minimum of ser- vice. 3. We can always depend on the Company for prompt service on spare parts when needed. ISSUE 14-1946