HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-03-28, Page 6DAPS PREPARE FOR HISTORIC ELECTION Japanese carpenters are pictured above putting the finishing touches to some of, the 200 ballot boxes Tokyo will use in the national elec- tions April 10, the first in history in which the newly enfranchised Nipponese women will take part. THE INSIDE ON • HOCK E Y By ED. FiTKIN There's many a slip `twixt the cup and the „lip — especially the Stanley Cup. Going into the post -session play- off whirl, Montreal Canadiens are almost unanimously installed as favorites. Dn their record they deserve such acclaim • but pail performances count for little in Stanley Cupping when the style of play boils down to a man -for -man basis, * * * Toronto Maple Leafs emphasiz• - ed that point last year when they utilized a dozen mets to upset Can- adiens and then Detroit to take the championship. Great netminding is a must in these playoff jousts, too. In this respect, Canadiens are well served by Bill Durran, Ve- zina Trophy winner for the third successive season, But Boston •(with Frank. Brimsek) and Detroit (with young Harry Lumley) are also aces in netminding. And the Hawks have old Mike Karakas who usually rises to remarkable heights itt cup warfare. * * * Dick Irvin is perturbed this spring by his club's inability to beat Detroit in regular competi- tion. Much to his relief the Wings finished fourth and the Habs drew Chicago as their first-round oppon- ents. Detroit tackles Boston and Dick is hoping that the Bruins dust off the Wings while his Canadiens are bopping the Hawks. Another factor disturbing Irvin is the loss of Leo Lamoureux, who suffered a shoulder separation, and may see little action. Butch Bouchard, Dick's rock -of -Gibraltar defense - man, is also on the limp. It is ex- pected that Bouchard will be okay —and Frankie Eddolls, who was recently brou 'ht up from Buffalo, will fill in for Lamoureux. * * * If there is any big upset .this spring, it wouldn't surprise us if the Boston Bruins are the perpet- rators. With the return of Bill Cowley and Roy Conacher, Bruins now can i.,e three solid lines — and with Brimsek to back up a fairly rugged defense, Art Ross and his merry men may be tough to take. Jack Adams is pessimistic about Detroit's chances because of the loss'of Syd Abel and Eddie Brune - team and he isn't saving much. Chi- cago hopes are high hut the Hawks are weak defensively and that may produce their collapse. But as we said before, there's anany a slip `twixt cup and up -- So get ready for anything to hap- pen. It usually does. * * One of our young readers in Woodstock wonders if farmer boys have just as good a chance as city boys to become hockey players. Well, Lester, the answer to that is: It all depends on the boy him- self. H he is ambitious enough to become a hockey player, then noth- ing will stop him. There are three major requisites a boy must have— Head, Heart and Legs. Tile first thing he stunt do is to learn to skate — and keep on skating until he has really perfected style and speed, That's one of the first things a hockey scout looks for in a youngster is skating ability be- cause if a boy can't skate, then he has little chance to get anywhere. Then he must learn to use his head —to size up a situation at a glance and to stake smart moves at the right time. On top of that he must have heart—and by that we mean courage to keep on battling even when a game appears to be hope- lessly lost. This cajuaitn terminates our con- tributions for this season. It has been a pleasure to keep you posted on the hockey gossip and perhaps next year, we'll be back at this same old stand. Until then, best of luck to all. r MoJceb YftuuSl Modern Way Relieves Miseries of Colds Pleasantly—During Night Today, the modern way most mothers use to relieve miseries of colds is to rub Vicks VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime. Results are so good because VapoRub .. . Penetrates deepinto cold- : irritated bronchial ubes :with its special, medicinal vapors. Stimulates chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. Then For Hours VapoRub's special action keeps on working. Invites restful sleep. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone! Hpme-Proved by millions of users, VapoRub's special pene- trating -stimulating action works just fine! So be sure you get the oneand only VICKS VAPORUB. SPECIAL FENCE POST M IXTURE Yes::: and at a cost of only 3 to 4e per post. This is the flrst step towards 'real fencing economy'. Each year two out of three untreated posts lie broken off due to rot at the groundline. This means—new posts, new wire—and a great deal of trouble. "Osmose Special Fence Post Mixture" combining 5 time -tested industrial pre- servatives makes native posts last 3 to 5 times longer... doubles the life of Cedar ... makes valuable posts out of Poplar Spruce, Pine, Willow, Tamarack, and Oak It is most effective on green fresh cut posts. Simply applied like paint from 4" above to 8" below the groundline. Over 1,500,000 power and telephone poles treated in the O.S. and Canada are your guarantee. Figure your fencing costs in lobourtime and materials for the last ten years, then like a great many of your fellow farmers and ranchers, send In your order for Osmose, , See your local dealer. Gallons $3.95 — treats 80-150 posts OSMOSE W00® PRESERVING COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. 1465 Yonge Street. • Toronto issUE 13 :•1946 IIA iIV CLIII))tb MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS You buy baby .chicks for one reason. To receive dividends on Your investment, you must be certain where your money is In- vested. We titer you baby chicks from a Poultry Unarm with every breeder pullorum tested and gov- ernment banded, Write for our 194-6 price list and descriptive ca- talogue. MONKTON POULTR Y FARMS, MONKTON, ONT. STARTED OHICIC BUYERS, HERE is your opportunity to secure some wall started two and three week old chicks In non -sexed, pul- lets or cockerels in pure breeds or • hybrids. Send for special list at olsu14ly idortdAso-8toweek plflorais '^pullets for immediate delivery, Top Notch Chiekeries, Guelph, Ontario. RELIABLE CHICKS Just think what this means to the buyer, Your investment is made worth while • when you purchase your chicks from us. Our repeat orders year after year is the proof of our quality ehioke. Blood testing tor pullorum done each year, we only hatch from clean flocks. Miliers Chick hatchery, JohgsonOnt. (Successor to J. D. NEWMAN'S ' BRED -TO -LAY CHICKS - White Leghorns, Barrell Rocks and Barred Rock, White Leghorn Crossbreeds; double . tested. An Ontario Breeding Station over Fifteen years. Elmview Poultry Farm, William J. Newman. Nor- ham, Ontario LET TOP NOTCH CHICICS MAKE money for you. You can enjoy greater profits from poultry this year if you start with Top Notch chicks today, Your initial saving comes from the substantial cash discount allowed by Top Notch on all deliveries in March. Your early flock will be ready for the best markets because your large eggs and 'poultry meat will be plentiful when prices are at their hest. All Top Notch chicles are from Government Approved Pull- orum tested breeders and are noted for their vigor and livabili- ty. Write for free copy of the Top Notch catalogue. Also two and three week old started chicks and 8 to 14 week old floor raised pul- lets for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chiekeries, Guelph, Ontario. A-1 BABY CHICKS FROM BLOOD - ed tested stock. White Leghorn; Barred Rock; Hybrids. Soma started chicks available. Write A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, START NOW, START RIGHT The Tweddle Way, Starting with Tweddle chicks today means three great advantages for you. First you receive a substantial cash discount on all deliveries made in March. Second, your pul- lets will be laying large eggs at a time when they are at their highest price. Third, your cocker- els will be plump : nd full grown in time for the best poultry meat market. These are reasons enough for ordering Tweddle chicks to- day, but there is also another im- portant reason ... the fact that all Tweddle Chicks come from Government Approved pullorum tested •breeders of known' pro- ductivity and livability. When you buy Tweddle chicks you buy the best. Write for your free copy of our catalogue today. Also two and three week old started chicks and six week up to 16 week old" floor raised pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chicle Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, THE CALL IS FOR MORE AND more food. Order chicks now for immediate or April -May delivery. We can give prompt shipment on started pullets. Let's know your needs. We've your favorite breed or cross. Ask for pricelist. Bray hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ontario. 10 WEEKS ULD LEL/lit/R.0 PUL - lets 70c. 2,000 Hollywood Leghorn Pullets 10 weeks old at $70.00 per 1013 for shipment March 18th, Large husky Pullets from hens with records of 300 eggs per year for 10 generations, These pullets will lay plenty of big eggs next Summer and Fail when eggs are a good price. Mso day old chicks. hatching twice each week. rocks, reds, leghorns, australorps and 6 hybrid crosses. Write for price - list and calendar, 13ig Rock Farm Mille Roches, Ont- Box W. STARTED CHICK BUYERS DON'T waste any time sending in your orders if you want started chicks. We have a good choice now in two and three week old pure breeds and hybrids in non -sexed, pullets or cockerels, Also floor raised pullets six weeks up to sixteen weeks, for immediate de- livery, Send for special pricelist today. Free catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 25FREE CHICKS DUI: BABY CH (CRS ARE 'rH progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds• All Breeders blood -tested. PrIces from 3c to 25c, All • guaranteed excellent layGoddardDChickds[ delay, now tannin Heights. Ont YUU11 (;Ob 1011NAlhN'l APPItUVIiIt chicles from Accredited Flocks should he ordered now Barred Rocks, New iampshires, Neu' Ramp X Barred Rocks, and Light Sussex X New [lamp Hybrids. All breeders blood -tested for both the regular and X strains of Pallor= for you/ protection. Lincoln Chick Elatchery, 2 Race Street, St Catherines, Ontario IBUSINE>;SS OPPORTIIN3Tf1(,5 NEW DISCOVERY, TESTED SAVES 45% gasoline, guaranteed, send stamped envelope. 5. Brodie. Vilna, Alta. 0?PORT UNITY '1'0 RAISE REAL chinchilla animals. Profitable bu- siness of your own at' home, pe- digreed breeders from prize win- ning strains, $885 pair, fully gua- ranteed; free literature. imperial Chinchilla Ranch, 360 Dominion Blvd., Sandwich West, Windsor. • itETU RNFOD i'1C'I'ERANS IN l 1 RA Areas not c,trahle of bard week If you can drive a oar and sell. why not try belling Lightning Rods? Sahel/ to be in busin essstrforf required with good ttnnncial results 'Gov. ernment (`cntrolled Business Write for particulars and terPitn ry openings, The 13. Phillips (`nm pony, tamtred, 200 blain 1 [ren+ Toronto% Ont. CLASSIFIED A DVFRTISING lli'S.flVI0$S OPPORTUNPI'IES MR, WOOL GROWER We operate a Government Licens- ed Wool Warehouse and are pre- pared to purchase this season's wool clip according to Govern- ment Grading Standards and at established Government prices. Prompt settlements made. You can apply your wool credit " against blanket pxtrcltases. We do not handle used woollens nor, ,are we able to do Customs Work. THE; S'I'rtATIIIIOT WOOLLEN STRATI -MOT, ONTARIO ATTENTION MR. FARMER Are you interested in having your barns and other buildings spray painted this spring? If so get in touch with Nell Crits, Spray Painter, Stratford, Ont., for an early start. Newest equipment in spray painting; work guaranteed, and free estimates given by writ- ing to the above address, DYi:,ING AND CLEANING HAVE 7013 ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are _glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonga Street, To- ron to, -. FOR SALIt ELECTRIC M0'roRS NEW, USED bought, so'd. rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 23?6 Dufferin St. Tor- onto, Ont, LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS? If you- want the best equipment available at the cheapest price, write for particulars, The B. Phil- lips Company Limited, 200 Main Street. Toronto, Ont. JIGSAW Heavy cast frame, 12" throat, tilting table, mechanism runs on oil, holds any type blade, turns to cut any length required. $12.96. Sent C.O.D. Brown, 88 Mountview, Toronto, Ont. • LIFETIME CLOTHES PINS. HOLD in strongest wind. No snagging or• soiling clothes. Mail $1,25 Fifty Pins. Marshall Plastics, 411 E. Shlawassee, Lansing 12; Mich. FOR SALE, DARK GREY PERCHE- ron Stallion, eight years. B pre- mium, quiet, cheap. Would con- sider trade for good young mare. John Thompson, Route 2, Picton, Ontario, RABBITS: FLEMISH GIANT, ONE Imported White Doe, Two Black Does, one Black Buck Pour junior Steels. Opal Rex, Four Bucks — two Does, five to seven months. Ernie Holloway, Box 860, Bramp- ton, Ontario, FOR SALE, BARBER SHOP IN CO- runna, about six miles south of Sarnia, on Highway No. 40. W. J. Smith, Corunna, Ontario. RADIOS — NEW OR USED, FOR as little as $3,50. Parts and tubes of all kinds. List •sent for stamp. Economy Distributors, Kingston, Ontario, SCOTCH COLLIE, MALE, THREE months, Sable, white shawl. Im- ported sire. obertson, 462 Whit- more Ave., Toronto, Ont. HOISTS, GASOLINE OR ELECTRIC driven in stock. Hydraulic hoists for dump truck installed and ser- viced, WELDERS, V-8 LINCOLN ELEC- tric Welder, 450 amps, completely rebuilt. New P & H Gas Welder, 300 amps. Automotive Products Co., 5282 Wellington St. Montreal, Que. HERCO "RED TOP" Electric Chicken Brooder write for particulars Huron Engineering & Research Co. Goderich Ontario FARMS FOn SALE 200 ACRE FARM WITH GOOD buildings, hydro, water in house and barn. Good cattle run, bush lot, with or without stock and implements. Terms if desired. Write E. J. Colson, Bracebridge, Ont. 50 ACRES, SAND LOAM FARM FOR sale, suitable for Tobacco, Six roomed house, Barn 56 •X 38 feet. Hen House, Pig Pen, Garage. Im- plement Shed. Immediate possess- ion, Price $3500, Edwin Giles, Con - session St, Glencoe, Ont. 200 ACRES, QUICK SALE, NEVER frilling water, new house, 615 miles from town. No, 2 Highway, Box 86,73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1IAIRI)flISSIN(, LEARN HAI RDttESSJN1,, t'ti1i Robertson method, 1nforma don on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy 137 Avenue Road, 'Toronto HELP' WAN'I'r1) WANTED SINGLE MAN FOR chore work on small dairy farm. Good wages. H. A. Newall, R. R. No, 1, Meadowvale, Ontario. WES'J' END. COOK -GENERAL, live in, country girl accepted, char help kept; good wages, 4 Brute Gdns.. Toronto. HOUSEK.T1;EPER, SMALL RURAL house, 3 adults, references. Mrs, Robt, Gofman, R. R. No. 1, Oak- ville, Ont. 'WANTED 0001) PRACTICAL PAR - mer to take charge of small dairy farm, separate quartors, etc. Good wages to right man, H. A. Newall, R. R. No. 1, Meadowvale, Ontario. C'Otlr't,E iron DAIRY FARM, SEP - orate 'house, phone, garden, milk, fuel furnished. State -wages. John Skelly, T. R. 3, Prescott, Ontario, Mbll)Ir:At i,AT;MEEKA FOOT BALM 13E- stroys offensive odor instantly, 45e n bottle. Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa, DON'T DELAY 1 EVERY STIFFER- er of Rhenmatie Pains or Neuritis shouid try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Otta- wa. Postpaid $1.00, STOMACTT ANT) THREAD WORMS Often are the cause of 111 henitl) In humnno, nil it gee. No one its• • mune[ Win, not find mit it this is your 1rnnhir, lntere•ofine portion - Mrs - TTroc1 Write Muiveney's, 1Tpni('dl(', 8pecln)1sti, Toronto 3. • ' IFII0DICAL PROVEN REMEDY — EVERY SUP - 'Perez' of Rheumatic Pains or Neu-. ritis should try Dixon's Renrlldy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, INGROWN TOENAILS adl removes singrownn nainils tIntia few applications, $1.00 a bottle. WASIT Il'IX Ugly Virarts melt away painlessly with this guaranteed remedy, 35c. a bottle. CORN EEC Eases pain at once, and removes stubborn Corns In a few minutes, 35e. a bottle. Sent postpaid by A. C. Thomson, Chemist, Dept, A. 363 St. Ciarens' Ave„ Toronto, Established 1905. ARE 7017 CONSTIPATED? DO 7011 frequently have headaches and dizzy spells? Are you nervous de- pressed and irritable? Do you suf- fer from gastritis and indigestion or pains front' neuralgia, neuritis or rheumatism? Do you hav, backaches and urinate too often? Have you pimples or a blotchy complexion? If you have these symptosis use Golden Rod Fa- mous Indian Herbs, the natural system builder, tonic and blood purifier. Price postpaid to any address $1.00. Results guaranteed or money refunded. Golden Rod Remedies, Box 66, Station F., To- ronto, Ontario., MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING! WHY SUFFER? do what countless numbers of happy users are doing for the effective relief of: Chronic Ca- taryhal conditions (as to .Bron'- chitis. Asthma & Sinus Pains), Skin disorders Ouch as Bolls and Pimples: Arthritic & Rheumatic Pains; Ask your Druggist for Odorless and Tasteless ADAM'S GARLIC PEARLES or write• Vichmond ancouAd over. Can.am $3, pe.. P r 100 Pearies, ,enough for 6 weeks. YOUR HEALTH IS RELATED to the SOIL Dr. 0. 13. Earp -Thomas, noted bio- logist, explains all in stirring message, Soil and Health." Send 10c. today for your copy and learn the vital facts. Canadian Soil Products Co„ Dunbarton, Ont Ut'hroIIT trxl'.i Rs Egli{ W034 r,a BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great onportunity Learn Hairdressing • Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousards successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem. illustrated catalogue free Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 4a King St. Hamilton & 74 Ridean Street, Ottawa, PAT rang.,,.. FETHERSTONHAUGH & CUMPAN Y Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 King West, Tnrt,n-to, Booklet of Tuformaton on request, PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING • BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book tree Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11 N. 1' DO YOU KNOW GOD — OR PRE - ter a mystery? Read what the scriptures teach. Write for free pamphlets, "The Truth About the Trinity," Christadeiphian Church, 35 Hazelton Ave., Toronto, Ont, • "ETERNAL LIFE AND HOW TU Obtain it Free booklets on this ; great subject. J. Taylor. Gospel Hall, 611 Arlington St., Winnipeg, PHOTOGRAPHIC TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films uroperlye developed and 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 250 FINESTDENLNATRGINGrSERVICE You may not get all the films you the quality aro service you desire want this year but you can get all by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station i, Toronto WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of home photographic equipment and supplies. Write for price List, Economy Malt Order Co., 245 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. FILMS DEVELOPED 25 CTS. GUA- ranteed one day service, NO WAITING. Bay Photo Service, North Cay. RICHLY FRAMED COLORED ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL VALUE $1.39 (With Easel Rack $1.65) WHILE T5116 SU1'PLV LASTS handroinmfinest studio colored from any negative, on special 7 x 9" Niue line mount, framed in rich moulding White with (,old trim, easel Natural Mit. l 51.09 with ea rly Any size roll (6 or 8 exposures) developed and printed 250. En- largements 4 x 0" in easel mounts, 8 for 25c,; framed on ivory tint mats 7 x 3" in (lold, Silver, Wal- nut or [;lack. Ilhony finished frames, 59c. each If colored 711c Canada's largest studio does qua• lily wk om,v — and at low• est costor, (Prprint Nptlame nnci Addrpai. Plninly on Orders') Drawl M STAR SNAPSHOT `SERVICE nos 12911, foal (trtiee A, Toronto 41 '1(11' A 1 I N s'r tt l' nI EN't o 6111101+ A I3111)I)I,N(l'I'ON 1311 sells exons ng es musieaI inse(ru meal,. 111 Church Toronto 2. RAIii(► al i'1'Lil,t( ALL TYPES RADIO TUBES AND BATTERIES. C.::IIRYSTAL SETS $6.95 Complete with head phones. benuti• ful enbinet, no tubes nt' batteries re. quiren. Just connect to your present aerial and ground, RECORD PLA YENS' 529.95 25 or 60 excie to convert to your present radio. Send deposit with order, Wayne Radio, 446 Parliament, Toronto. SHEDS EMI 'SALT' BAIN110W (iLA1)1()I,0; A$S(i men1, 'twenty healthy bulbs ofsix named Varieties for One Dollar postpald, J, i'arker, 175 ,haw St 'roronto, Ont. SEEDS REGISTERED NO. 1 AJAX OATS, government sealed baga11.40 bu, Vanguard, Erhart or AJax No. 1, grown front Registered seed .and passed field inspection $1,10 bu,, bags included, F. O. I3, Oriliia, Canadian National or Pacific Railways, I. R. Shaw, Hawicestone, ' Ontario, NO, 1 RE0. AJAX OATS, $1,40 PER bus,; 1,500 bus. No. 1 Ajax Oats Commercial, $1.15 per bus. No. 1 Cartier Oats Commercial, $1.16 per bus. No. 1 Galore [Barley Coin - mental, 53.40 per bus. No, 1 0, A. C. 21 Barley Commercial, 51,40 per bus, Bags included. Cann's 51111 Ltd. F. 0, 13, Exeter or Whalen Corners 1.111111(1(Y0 5 -POUND SAMPLE PACKAGE Leaf Tobacco, Virginia burley, and prior, receipts and flavoring, $3.75 postpaid. Ruth's', en Tobacoo Exchange, iluthven, ()nt, TItA i'i'I;Rs TRAP WOLVES ALL SUMMER FOR bounty using their own gland scent, 'Write Fisher, Bos 420, Calgary, Alberta. WATCH REPAIRS GUARANTEED REPAIRS TO ALL makes of watches and clocks. Prompt service. Reasonable pri- ces, Send watches for free esti- mate. Accurate Watch Repair Co.. 117 Pembroke, Room 3, Toronto, W, N't'rl) SMOO'TI3 FOX TERRIER FEMALE of good quality. State particulars to Fred Murray, R. R. 4. Mitchell, Ont. WE PAY' HIGHEST L IIICES. FOR Muskrats, Domestic Rabbit Pelts and al] other raw furs, .hip to- day. Levin Fur Company, Depart- ment W., 160 Spadlnn Avenue. Toronto, Ont ANTIQUES 'WANTED. FIGURES, China, Silver, Glassware, 13ric-a- brac, Furniture. Avenue Shoppe, 100 Avenue Rd„ Toronto, Ont. WANTED 337 VETERAN, BUY' FOR cash, late model car and small going business. Box 126, Sarnia, Ont. MODERN. HOME IN FIRST CLASS condition Six or seven rooms, three bedrooms. Good sized lot with a fete fruit trees and chicken house preferred. Within 75 miles of Hamilton. Could exchange for private home in Toronto. Will pay cash. H. Clarke, 12 Pine Cres., Toronto 8, Ont. WANTED TO RENT STORE 1N small town or village with living quarters. Box 88, 73 Adelaide W., • Toronto, DAIRY MA N, DUTTERMAKNR wants Dairy or Creamery. Trull Particulars to 91 'Watson Avenue, Toronto. Britain Needs Oil From Iran Wells —The significance to Great Brit, ain of Russia's present interest in Iran — in terms of oil—is indi- cated in reliable though partly un- official estimates of the world's 1945 oil. production. Four countries, the United States, Venezuela, the Soviet Un- ion, and Iran produced seven eighths of the world's crude oil last year, in the followi'g respect- ive amounts, supplied b,• the "Pet- roleum Press Service": 231,000,000 tons; 46,000,000 tons; 25,000,000 tons, and 17,000,000N tons. Britain's aggregate production last year was about 12,000,000 tons, including the following principal supplies: 4;700,000 from Iraq; 3,- 000,000 front Trinidad; 1,000,000 from Bahrein; 1,000,000 from Can- ada, and 300,000 from India, With Iran's output, British Em- pire production would rt .cit ap- proximately 30,000,000 tons which would practically equal the Rus- sian ,and Rumanian totals. If Iran's production should be :'ided to Russia's, however, Russia would control four tines the British out- put, though only one sixth that of the United States, Keep Cool The London Daily Express in an editorial called on the people of Britain to keep cool and moderate "while clouds hang darkly over the iiiternationalvscene". "The cause of world peace is better served by patience and restraint than by ex- cited words or noisy disputation" it said. Triple -Threat Spray A grass spray combining a weed killer, fertilizer and fungicide is be- ing tried out with good results thus far. The spray is still in the experi- mental stage at the Department of Agriculture's Plant Industry Station at Beltsville, Md. Artificial Fog Puts Damper On Fires Artificial fog, newest weapon against fire, will save annually mil- lions of dollars' worth of property front fire and water damage, ac- cording to Fred Shepperd of New oik, Engineer -Manager of the In- ternational Association ,of mire Chiefs. A blanket of artificial tog spread over a fire cools the zone of cotnbtistion, and the steam produc- ed aids in smothering the flames, Firemen approaching a fire behind the fog are protected against heat and smoke, he explained, The fog is gen('r;lie(1 by forcing water tinder high pressure through a specially designed nozzle.