HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-03-28, Page 1'Established 120J ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 28 19 46 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER 3'1,50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. vertisi is the °COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES 'C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used.. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIGH — ONT.' Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices i 55arril, Winn ,vaierat ACfilte + 4. 4. • Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance F 1. of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer "and e. Funeral 'irector. 't44. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. .1. i- DAY Olt NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 75e 'g1• Dashwood— Ontario I t -+F .-.-.p,;..-1..1.d..F.• +i-4—++4..44444°E'.,I,-.L*."(•i4. ÷ •3••3••P•i••#• ••1••F44+++g•.€..I-.1.4.4.+.1' lhIIIHIIlI II uINIIIH{lljlll}CI i tt !1 z lea's Grocer* Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in sea.: on; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices -- Visit Our Store and Be Convinced e x; k, •_ esch 7 rich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 `51, 0,?iallni11VAINT NT 1111111111,1111 1 I ! 1110 IInill►�:}�; 1p Lace Curtain Material, Per Yard 85c House Dresses, Each 1.50 Chenille Bedspreads, Large Size 12.50 Each Full Line of Men's Work Shirts and Pants GROCERY For March r a 11 FOR YOUR SPRING CJ .F,ANING Full Assortment of Wall Papers and Window Shades Also a few Feltol Rugs, Hooked and Braided Mats at various Prices SPECIALS 28, 29, 30. Peas ................,..,..... 2tins 25c Gilletts Lye:...... ._.., • per tin 9g Old Dutch Cleanser2 tins 19c Handy Ammonia, . per pkg. 05c Javex .. 2 bottles 29c Old English Floor Wax ....,................ 141b. tin 49c Flusho, cleans bowls tin 21c Sinko, clears clogged drains Tin 21c Phone 140 C. 1-1. THIEL 'Zurich. reatest de?. instrl Sponsored and Enacted by ZURICH LIONS CLUB At 8 p.m. Town Hall,_ Zurich ON April 4th and 5th r Laughter and Chuckles Galore ;Songs—Jokes and Funny Dialogues Entire Proceeds will be used for Community Welfare Reserved seats 75. Rush Seats 50c. Children 12 and under 35c. IF IT HURTS YOU TO LAUGH HEARTILY, DON'T COME BE A COMMUNITY BOOSTER Reserved Seats on Sale at the Zurich Post Office. Get Yours Early - REASSURANCE FOR THE CHILDLESS Modern medical science now mak- es parenthood possible to couples who have believed it would be den- ied them. Read "Reassurance for the Childless," by Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, president of the Chicago Board of Health, in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (March 31st issue of The ,_Detroit Sunday MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER' A vary hapi?,y, .;surpt se took place n the Evangelical church basement," when relatives and friends gathered n honor of Miss Ellen Fremlin, bride elect) to present her with a niscellaneous shower. Miss Fremlin was asked to take her place in a de - orated chair: Mrs. Menno Oe.;ch ead the address. Misses Marion Fleischauer who was gowned in a lue floor length dress, Mips Kath-- een Thiel, gowned in a pink fluor ength dress, both looked charnvng, nd pulled the decorated small wagon ontaining a large basket of gifts to he bride elect. Mrs. Earl I'laxbard Mrs. Bryce Mack, Mrs. Ken. Breakey assisted. The gifts were lovely and useful. Miss Ellen spoke words in appreciation with many thanks fnr heir troughtfulness and kindness •hown to her. Contests were enjoyed and luncheon was served. Wishing he bride elect, a happy future, all 'eturned to their homes. The ad- dress was as follows: Dear Ellen --Time rolls its ceaseless course along, and we are more than delighted to learn that after six ye- trs or more, of faithful service in the Creamery and Bank of Montreal 'ou have decided to make your future ionic in our midst. Your winning smile and pleasing personality coupled with your effici- ent and accurate master of figures, have won for you a wide circle of friends in this surrounding commun- ity. ity. Our wish is, that you and the fine young gentleman of your choice may have many years of health, happin- ess and prosperity. We would ask you to accept these small gifts as a token of our esteem for you.—Sincerely. Ma z oth Paler rive one. Try Buy your tickets early for the big Lions Minstrel Show on April 4th. and 5th. The tickets are going fast. With this nice and balmy weather, spring surely is here. Very little has so far been done on the land, out a few more nice days and it will be ready. A Masonic (Iady's night) supper was held in the Dominion House on Monday evening, when masons from Exeter, Hensall and Zurich were present, some sixty in all, and a real -good supper and social evening is reported by all present. Farm Sold -Mr. Herb. Beierlin.g of the Blue Water south, has purchased the fine _100 -acre farm north of Zurich known as the Schrag farm, from Its former owner, Mr. Will Schrag, writ) with his_,ife and child on Monday left here and moved to Hebron, end. Mr. Schrag took with him his entire herd of Gnernsey cattle, 32 in all. The Thiel Transports conveyed the lot to,. Port Huron where they were re -load- ed on American trucks to complete the`400 mile journey. While we very inuch regret to see the Schrag fam- ily leave us, we wish them everysuc- cess. They are moving on the farm' •owlted by Mrs. Schrag's parents, and are located in a very fertile part of the i State. Fires in Community •.14ir. and Mrs. Roland Geiger have the�•sympathy of their many friends for the loss of their colony house, whimh was destroyed by fire, together wi 450 young chicks. It being some distance away :from other buildings and the wind in the opposite direct- ion, saved the farm buildings. Mrs. Geiger had looked after the fire a short time before and left everything in good order, the same as for the past 30 years. Cause of fire unknown Mr. and Mrs. William Reichec's of the Town Line, near Hillsgreen have the sympathy of their many friends for the loss of their hams and saus- ages when they were being smoked using an old stove to hold the fire; it being watched very closely by Mrs Reichert, who has been tending the smoke fire for 36 years. She had been out a very short time previous to add .some more damp sawdust and everything seemed to be O. K. In less' than half an hour Mr. Reichert noticed the roof burning and nothing could be done but add water to keep it from spreading. The Zurich Fire Brigade, assisted to keep the fire from spreadin to the house which was 'only a few feet away. The cause of the fire is unknown. LOOK J. B.! LET'S GET OUR OLD TBE BE BIG PAPERS READY FOR PAPER DRIVE YES FOLKS!—Everybody's Saving Paper for the Exeter Boy Scouts. Our Truck will call at your home on . HENSALL AND ZURICH FRIDAY, MARCH 29th. 'Bundles :Must be Tied Securely and out on the lawn If possible. Farm Forum Babylon line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bat- tler where a surprise party was held in honor of Mr. Battler and Mr. T. Foster's birthday. A. very enjoy- able social evening was spent chile games and contests were played. Addresses were read by Billie Mer- ner and presentations made by Robt. Merner, after which Mr. Battler, in his usual pleasant manner, thanker everyone for the gifts. Lunch in- cluded weiners and two attractive birthday cakes with candles. LAST BUT NOT LEAST. OWN ,A GOOD ;POCKET WATCH THE ADMIRAL 15 JEWEL, IN NICKLE CHROME CASES $15.00 IN SMART GOLD CASES $18.00 ONLY A FEW TO OFFER • ALARM CLOCKS ARE BACK AGAIN $1.65 to $3.50. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. d! or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE CO Midler Creek Coaltl Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Herrin iYi0i041111®M!®6.®0WIa1D•O®®••• SOO s • 1 1 i ANNOUNCING KEITH FUNERAL: Licensed Embalmer and HOSPITAL BED • Day and Night Service. Err LAKE HOME Funeral Director FOR RENT Telephone 89 Zurich M0�t00090 6.11411 i��sa3 S+e16,41 al.066•0•09.00®00 4' •••:+:03.444-4.+4,44++++4-÷•1 -a-4++ For 1i.uiek Sal • a. Phone 69 4. 4 tliN$°e1ia•1^13•i"i'l'•gy'.^Swg•gg"{••1,1.y.%ti.tl:l•riFFotlstrr� o9c�7'�r•:•-. 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Let Us Supply Your Needs! Masonit E. C. KAT4B LEISC SON ZURICH Forty members of the Unique Farm Forum turned out for the last meeting of the season which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger. Many worthy op- inions were expressed as the quest- ion.airo coarcereing "Improvements of Farm Forums" was filled in. These questionnaires filled in by the var- ious forums will have a considerable bearing on the Forum set-up for next year. Besides electing the oti3. cera for next year, a committee was appointed to look after recreational hour (we hear that Delbert is still pickhi'g up beans from under the chesterfield) conducted by Mrs Clare Geiger and Ralph Krueger, the most delicious (and abundant) lunch of the year was served. The lunch was followed by a sing -song after which everyone bade each other farewell WWI fnnethez frill rolls around, 4. 4. • 111 fir; eaa Ul': EstrAF1 ,R5sa r iu Fl?;z hk:`•Q. 6 Pioneer eeds FOR YOUR POULTRY and STOCK Hatching Ration, Big 3 Laying Mash, Dairy Rat- ion, Pig Starters and Grower. FOR YOUR CHICKS Chick Starter, Grower, Scratch Feed, Chick Size Oyster Shell and Grit, Bone Meal, Cod Liver Oil. AIso have in Stock Concentrates and Mineral for Your Convenience at all times A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always Edmund Swartsentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97