HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-03-14, Page 8•1. 1 afr VIVIVVCII, ONTARIO wasaszauutougmmak,notummemoratomustot,,.......r...mf...r........„— ZURICH TrIFRAtn,00../111. 4"g '„ite•; 3 only Lace liledspreads, 90x108 -inches, Reg. 11.95, for 8.50 each 10 Only Braided Felf Mats, 21x36 -in. at 1.45 each 4 only New Broadfelt Mats 27x51 -in. at 4.65 each 20 only Ladies' Print Housedresses at —1.65 each 25 pair Flannelette Blankets, fine quality, Blue, or Pink check 3.65 a pair All Mens and Boys Overcoats, Windbreakers, Breeches at Reduced Prices GROCERIES Bulk Black Tea, per ib. Canned Peas, Sardines, Brunswick Pearl Barley per lb. 38c 2 for 25c 2 for 17c 6c 6c Cream of Wheat, per lb, Gasch (\P TELEPHONE 59 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST LOCAL. MARKETS Mr. H. K. Either, Secy.-Treas of the Hay, Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Crediton, was in town on Satur- ButtfeCrpreerelb4. very .... . Wednesday), ,...• . •3•83: 'day presiding at the meeting. Eggs C. Slemon visited in Exeter one day Geese, dressed 31, 29 22 Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gerber, Mrs. Turkeys, dressed last week. a .d r' 'weather Wheat bushel DeltEtiects(1,reds 7reeedsed p The mud weather of theby real wintepast week ever the week -end, but now it is Oats, bushel 4,4. 4. • 28 1 28 30-20 ' was followe 0 again wormer, just the kind of wee- Barley, bush. , . 15.1020 73 4, either one can expect in March. 70 1 .." I son Gereld; 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Shorts and bran, ton . .e , .. . . 30.00 eee Flour, bush. 2.60, 2.75 4: ?II Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Merrier and a, 1 We are very fortunate in receiving a Shipment of New A:d2:1,...t.Ha . .........., ,.........:.„.. . . . 33.00 . . • TENDERS WANTED t., Enamelware, such. as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which Reichert and son Glenn .and Mr. ✓ Jacob Walper enjoyed a motor trip .. . 4 to Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Lockport P • and Buffalo for a week. \I v I tc 4 I Mrs. Annie Kockeme who spent a • • few week, at Baden and Waterloo, e• has returned home. Her mother, Mrs y Caroline Price, who has .been resid- ing at Waterloo. returning with her to Zurich. Mrs. Price will be mak- trig her home in Zurich as she is getting up hi years and has had sev- 4 eral accidents and injured her legs. Thursday, March 1-946 • ,40.1e n +NV** *0401#0`.4.44 4 "tt.,...40011 *441 0 1.4410,04.441,4"11+104 444 41,, Y•UR rdware and Furniture RE NEW ENAMELWARE FOR HAULING AND CRUSHING GRAVEL Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the undersigned until 0 o'clock, p.m., Saturday,. March 30, 1940e for theerushing of 4,000 cubic yards to. %-inch size to be placed on the Hay Township roads at a rate per cnbic per mile. Ten- . The Auction Sale of the effects of ders else to. state a. flat rate. Con - Q. the late Louis Wurm was held on tract to. be completed, by October lst to;), Saturday and brought out a fairly 1946. Contractor to supply crusher, '14 good number of people, regardless of power an.d trucks; Hay Township to gp the inclement .weather. The -pron- supply 0,11:e truck_ VP erty was. pnrehaeed by Mr. J. I'vl. A marked. cheque for $200.00 to Cowan of Saeepta, who we under- accompany tender: Lowest or any VP stand purchased it for an aunt who tender not necessarily .a,ccepted. will come to Zurich to reside. • Sap Don't Seem to Run So fax this year the inanle syrup W. lq e a s o n has been a flop. somehow the Cle)?k, Hay Township, Zurich, Ont. Vsap won't run this spring. 'It is too IW bad for those who have went to all iich, on March 4th at 1.30 p.m. as a '1,e1 this extra hard work, and now are Court of Revision to consider appeals I. not realizing any satisfactory results on the Forrest Drain and the Tuck - tor their labours. ey Drain By-laws. There were two Purchase Reat ,state - appeals entered on the Forrest Drain, .A rather interesting real estate first by Wm. and Edison Forrest, er- deal was put through early this week ror in acreage, and the second by when Mr. Howard Klopp purchased Wm. Alexander, error in acreage" some land on which is located the Each person presented his case per - barn, etc. from Mr. Harry G. Hess. I just east of his electric shop. We There were no appeals entered ae I understand Mr. Klopp will in time gainst the 'hickey Drain, so the C(2,-- ! erect an up-to-date service station uncil then deliberated th private se - thereon. as his time has about ex- sion and the following motions were .pired in Mr. Ward F.ritz's station o- then passed: Icross the highway, and as Mr. Fritz That the appeal on the Forrest : apparently according* to reulations. Drain as handed in by Edison For - must operate a service station in or- rest be allowed and error changed !der to deal in autos. Mr. Harry G. to read NIA lot 24, Con. 3, 45 ac - Hess has also purchased a Villagelet res and SIA Lot 25, Con, 3, 50 ac- • from the northern part of Mr. Osear res. And William Alexander's ap- peal, that the assessment on . NIA, • Klo•pp's land near his residence. And Lot 25, Con. 2, be cancelled, and that the area on lot 26, Con. 3, be deseribed as 20 acres. Said changes to be made in By-law to be adopted, and Court of Revision to be closed subject to appeal to Judge.,: That since no appeals were receiv- QAT Grevel te be used tram the Welsh PIL H W.. Brokenshire, e ZURICH •40 \;c1) ENTENITIZZOIREWEiff... aTitulg Have you Labor and ably. Talk adequate protection Damage by Fire? Material Costs have increased consider - your insurance problems over with me! Insurance License No. A 714 against !toss or eal st te Do you want to sell or exchange your house or your farm? List the same with me. No obligation unless sale is completed. Real Estate License No. 1354 Telephones: Office 65; House 175. Andrew K Hess, Zurich Insurance and Real Estate - Zurich weight champion. Read in The Am- nsiIiMEEZETL_m*PIEMEL"stamoimaggswEEMEGOEV erican Weekly, with this Sunday's so things keep a -moving •in. the Vil- lage. Returned from the South Last Thursday, Mr. Oscar ,I.Copp returned back in Zurich from his;ee.7.- , tended Motor trip to Florida, The party consisting of Mr. Klopp, gr. ed on the Tuckey Drain, the Tuckey Peter Eisenbach of Grand Bend, and Drain By-law be so considered read two gentlemen of Parkhill. They a third time and that Court of Rev - had a most delightful trip to thaThatbe closed: sunny part of the world in the win- t ter time when we are shivering with chase the offer of $28.00 for pur- 1 the cold, and there there are thou- chase of trees and cutting of brush on roadway between Concession 4 & ands of people on the .beecnes daily 5 of Hay Township, and situated be - enjoying nature at its best. .They tween the lots 15 and 20 as stated made a cornple round trip around the in the Advertisement, and received 1State going down on the •gutf side from Lloyd Mouenseau be accepted. and returning on the Atlantic ocean By-law to be passed to confirm the side, and then on their way home they sale,' • took in New York City. . That two notices be inserted in • WOMEN TO THE TOP the Zurich Herald March 7th and By Gene Tunney 14th, and in the Stratford Beacon Herald, March 9th and 16tn adver- 1 The post-war world will see many s. . I women rising to dominant positions using for tenders to crush and haul • in business, says the former heavy- gravel on Hay Township Roads per • cubic yard per mile, also on a flat rate (4000 cubic yards) Contractor to supply crusher and power, Twp. to supply one truck. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by March 30th, 1946, it 6 p.m, Marked cheque for $200. to accompany tender as guarantee. That the Council of Hay hereby grant St. Peter's Parish of the French 'Settlement permission to hold 8 or 10 games of Bingo a year, providing that the laws of the Crimin.al Code are complied with. That the Township of Usborne be requested to clean out the filled-in 1 ut-8 iiiirDWM.-fe 00 CID @era* 13-WADZOINT egtemtPewoilee--M451105090 HARDWARE — SEEDS You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do., Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more tine to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices. .. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, k urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. and FURNITURE Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering ZURICH - E.71 ONT. QUALITY PRICE — SERVICE 4144114434404W•ORaMoVtaeftsfacaft*fegigWV *84300400111101, 5 5) 8 (March 17) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, how many women already have carved out spectacular careers. Get The Dtroit Sunday Times this week and every week. Farm F�rum Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Erb of the Parr Line, pleasantly entertained the Babylon Line Farm Forum on Mon- day evening. "Who Will Export Our Farm Products" was the topic ds - cussed. We all agreed that govern- ment boards were quite satisfactory during wartime, but some members portion of the Down Drain East of the C.N.R. Railway tracks, in Hay thought that when there was less de - Township. mond for our products, it =gilt be That payments be made of the fol - better to have a combination of pri- vate agencies and government boards. The social period included a sing- song with very entertaining solos by one of our members, The next me- eting will b held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner. Unique Forum On 'Monday night, Mr. and MN. Clare Geiger opened up their home to the members, of the 'Unique Farm Forum. After an interesting address by Mr. Bert Klopp, the topic, "Who will export our Products?" WAS dis- ruesed. seem color to be of very good quality, and some attractive designs. To appreciate these articles one must see them. We- invite your inspection. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have - a fine range to choose from, a rine stock of Spring Filled- Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE We- have some very attractive and newly designed Bed Room. Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and. finishes. Be sure and see them if interested in this line of furniture. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware Johnston & Kaibfleisch• Hardware & Furniture. Ithwie 68 lowing as per voucher : Hay Munic. Telephone System — H. G. Hess '235.65; H. W. Broken - shire 129.40; Tutom-.atic Electric 40 • 95; Bell Tele. Co. 295.61; T. H. • Hoffinan 414.68; Northern Electric 1203.95; Stromberg & Carlon 4.82. IHay Twp. Roads — Exeter Times , Advocate 3.72; General Supply Co. 2.53; L. A. Prang & Son $1; James Masse 47.60; Herb Neeb 32,50;.11, W. Brokenshire 10.00; Louis Masse 69.60; Louis Zimmer 11.90; Hay Municipal Tel. System 1.15; P. C. No unanimous conclusion was reached. Some thought that at leCkaelebil$eeis;ch & Son 5.25; Henry Be. Government Board has better Eldon Ortwein 2.55; Alnb. fore-' onse Masse 78.30, siglet end hence tends to stabilize 1 Relief -,-; Mrs. John Suplat $25; prkes while others insi.ited that we . A. Heideman rent $3 ; Edith Mason $5; Emma Bassow 8.90; Vernon Schatz, food $5; Hay Twp. General Accounts -- A. . G. Hess 890.80; Prov. Treas. insulin 6.26; H. W. Brokenshire, salary etc. 219.35; L. Sehilbc & Son 21,20; Mun icipal World .$0; Treas. County of Huron 23.60; Hydro Electric of Ont. ' 5,82; Hay Mimic, Tel System, loan i Motion,$500- - that the meeting be adjo. urned to meet again on Monday, Ap- ril 1st at 1.30 part. The Connell of the Township of i H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk. Hay met in the Township Hall, Zur.; W. H. Peugh, Reeve, need more private enteiprise to create initive and prosperity in our colintry, Irowever, everyone agreed that co-operativecould nt into the pieture in that the profit now made be the vari °iv exporting agencies would be distributed ;intonethe share holders. Ralph Krueger will he the convenor at the next meeting which is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger. HAY COUNCIL V Massey -Harris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1945! I HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT. TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at 400 to 450 SIZE @ 850 to 900 SIZE @ $70.75 $59.50 $82.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES • ' Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp..Re.s. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. W12en a Dealei's Name Appears on Advertising EVERY NATIONAL PRODUCT • HAS A LOCAL APPEAL MAIN STREET IS NOT AN IMPERSONAL METRO - TO ADVERTISE IT IN THE LOCAL WEEKLY NEWS- TAGTS ARE MORE FRIENDLY, SELLING MORE PERSONAL AND GOODWILL MORE IMPORTANT. THAT IS WHY EVERY NATIONAL PRODUCT CAN GAIN IN ACCEPTANCE AND SALES WHEN IT IS LOCALIZED. AND THE WAY TO LOCALIZE IT IS POLITAN MARKET. IT IS A MARKET WHERE CON - PAPER, OVER THE DEALER'S OWN NAME --WHERE HIS CUSTOMERS CAN SEE IT—WHERE HIS STAN- DING IN THE COMMUNITY SPONSORS ITS VALUE AND EXCELLENCE—WHERE IT GAINS THE SALES ADVANTAGE OF THE DEALER'S REPUTATION. Weekly newsapaer advertising is concentrated advertising. It is point of sale advertising. It is merchandising on the spot. It is coverage of a known and definite market. It helps the dealer to rnove merchandise off his shelves quickly and profitably. It gives him an interest in the merchandise advertised and an incentive to co- operate with the manufacturer to their mutual advantage. USE WEEKLY NEWSPAPE,RS Serving those important parts of Canacra that lie outside of the city. CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION esauraaneaar