Zurich Herald, 1946-03-14, Page 7c l• SECURITY FOR ALL United States Social Security Board Chairman, A. J. Altmeyer, propos- ing that benefits be liberalized and extended to 21,000,000 employed persons not now covered, said it might be necessary to raise the con- tribution rate from 1 to 10 per cent. He suggested a "stamp book" sys- tem for covering agricultural and domestic workers. 'BLIZZARD' BOSS Rear Adml. John H. Cassady com- mands the special United States Navy task force engaged in "Oper- ation Blizzard" in sub -Arctic areas of the North Atlantic. His force, consisting of the new aircraft car- rier Midway, three destroyers and a tanker, is seeking out the most fou) weather possible to test out carrier operations, planes and equip- ment under adverse cold weather conditions. Admiral Cassady is one of the famous wartime skippers of the carrier Saratoga. ARMY TO STATE President Truman has appointed Maj. -Gen. John H. Hildring to be Assistant Secretary of State upon his forthcoming retirement from the Army. He was chief of the War Department's Civil Affairs Division. CIGARET ? Here's what New York lighting ex- pert, Douglas Leigh, would do for the Empire State Building if they would give him the go-ahead signal. "Make your building spectacular," he says, "and double your rent." The eigaret on the Empire State Building is just one of his ideas. DOLL UP JAP SHIP FOR DATE—WITH DAVEY JONES The Jap warship that never saw action, the 10,000 -ton light cruiser Sakawa, is undergoing a cleanup and conditioning at a naval base in Japan preparatory to enacting its role of "guinea pig" in the U. S. Army-Navy atomic bomb tests in May. Top photo shows the Sakawa, which was commissioned in November, 1944, but never was put in operation. At lower left is Commander H. L. Stone, Yonkers, N. Y., who is captain of the Sakawa for preparation and participation in the tests. At lower right, U. S. sailors swab down the Sakawa's deck. Note that ship's turret has been stripped of its guns. A DRAIN ON HIS MIND • ieeeeeeeteee • eve ```•.`�D�X �ee Something about an fl=inch drain hole on the campus of North Texas State College, Denton, Tex., bothers the dog. Since Jan. 21, he has kept a strange vigil, growing thin with the strain. As seen in the. photo, he just sits and stares at the hole, apparently seeing something or hoping to see some- thing. What it is, no one has discovered. The dog is not vicious ands submits to being led away, but always returns to his self-imposed watch. Occasionally he wanders away by himself, but returns. UNDERGROUND AMBULANCE FOR MINE RESCUES 'h w. c�:..... Yi4J• r- \v>iJ60:J%va.\l'Nxsw».n'w Scientifically constructed for mine shaft travel, electrically heated and equipped with first-aid sup- plies, this new underground ambulance has been put into operation at Piney Fork Mine, Ohio. Mounted on rail wheels, it insures an injured miner a safe and comfortable ride to the surface. HOLDING THE LINE IN PHILADELPHIA It's "hold that line" at the General Electric Co. plant in 'West Philadelphia as pickets hold back department superintendent Charles R. Bloomer, back to camera. Bloomer, repulsed 'when he tried pass- ing the picket line without showing an admittance pass, later entered the plant after producing the necessary credentials. he', y ACHEy>>9� Ear Backache is often caused by lazy (kidney action. When kidneys get out of order excess acids and poisons remain in the system. Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis- turbed rest or that `tired out' feeling may soon follow. To help keep your kidneys working properly—use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Time -tested, popular, safe, non -habit-form- ing. Demand Dodd's Kidney Pills, in the blue boa with the red band. Sold everywhere. 135 • matensaanmaassafwesanaimmenagresemmeremremsormomnreofroma For Faster Relief t�M f CHEST COLDS Muscular Aches & Pains Tired Burning F * tet MASSAGE WELL WITH STAMP OF WORLD UNITY '..9rOW.,WMcafr..,.Mf144.04 u• ir4i,,.y;,yf�y;,� ;�:':3:�y:#'`:.:s>3,•.>�!t.'r;?j:�,rsit:::�•� Above is the first design submitted for any form of United Nations postage. Technically known• as an indicia, it is intended for pre - stamped, metered mail. Highlights Demobilization of Women Complete demobilization of the women's services in the army, navy at:d air forces is "contemplated" before the end of this year, defence headquarters announced last week. At January 31, only 15,769 of the 45,430 women who enlisted during the war still were o3 sti eugth, most of them being used ,m clerical work involved in the general de- mobilization program, the an- nouncement said. AU members of the Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service are expected to he discharged by Au- gust, those in the Canadian Wo- men's Army Corps by September and those in the women's division of the R.C.A,F. by December, Quit Syria By April 30 The French foreign office has announced that France and'Britain have agreed to withdraw their troops from Syria April 30. Joint withdrawal of the troops will begin 'March 11, the announce- ment said. Sweden Aids The Hungry Sweden is to reduce its bread ration after declining a consign- ment of bread, grain, and rice from the Allied Food Board because it was more urgently needed in other countries, Stockholm Radio said. The amount which Sweden de- clined would have been sufficient to abolish the bread ration com- pletely, it was stated. Gov. -General Here In April It was reported that Field Mar- shal Viscount Alexander, Governor General designate of Canada, will sail from a British pori March 29 and arrive in Canada about April 4. The present Governor General, the Earl of Athlone, -will leave Canada shortly after lie opens the „new session of Parliament March 14. 'Caretaker' Government For Spain The United States, Great Brit- ain, and France called for a peace- ful abolition of the Government of Generalissimo Francisco Franco by the Spauish people. The three powers, in a joint statement made public in London by the British Foreign Office, proposed that an interim or "care- taker" government be set up in Spain until the people have an op- portunity to pick the kind of gov- ernment they want. The three powers declared that COMING! New protection for your vegetable, fruit and flower crops next year! Green Cross Insecticides, first with DDT, will be first with a complete line of powerful new insecticides and fungi- cides for farm and garden. *Trade Mart. Reg. LOOK FOR THE "GREEN CROSS'' f the News "so 'long as General Franco con- tinues in control of Spain, the Spanish people cannot participate in full and corttial a sociatiote with the nations that def: ated Naziism and Fascism. Bananas For Britain The first postwar consignment of bananas has rear' ed London. The bananas—approximately 96,- 000 6;000 stems—are intender, for child- ren under 18 in the home counties —one pound for every child.. Red Demands On Ira: Britain asked formally for ex- planation of the continued Russian occupation of Iran amid persist- ent reports that Soviets were de- manding five major conce-sions, includin;,. Iranian oil leases and recognition of the Azerbaijan "government," as the price of th •ir withdrawal, Speech From Throne A minimum wage for men, .- "new scribed as a departure" for Ontario, was forecast in the speech from the throne read at the open- ing of the second session of On- tario's 22nd Legislature. The speech also forecasts im- provement regarding marketing of farm produce, mothers' allow- ances, mining taxes, tourist trade and highways. OF COWS, SORE THROATS See for yourself' how quickly Aspitha acts! Drop one in a glass of water and "clock" it. Within two seconds, it will start to disintegrate. It does the same when you take it. As a result, it provides relief with remark- able speed. Get Aspirin today. The "Bayer" cross on each tablet is your guarantee that it's Aspirin. NOW -New Lew Prices! Pocket box of 12s , . * , only A 8o Economy bottlo of 24 , only 290 family size of 100 a , w only 79s ft Co. Limited INFORMATION ON REQUEST Bought — Sold — Quoted Hared A. Prescott & Co. MEMBERS -- The Toronto Stock Exchange, The Winnipeg Grain Exchange. 330 Bay Street TORONTO WA. 4831