HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-03-14, Page 4mgr^*lis QNT
You Cannot Blame God If You
Spend Eternity in Hell!
"As 1 live, saith theLord 'God, I have no pleasure in the
deathoi'thewicked; but that the wicked turn from his way n 4
live:—Ezek. 33, 11.,
"The Lord is not slack concerning His promise.—but is
long suffering to u: -ward, net willing that any should) erish,
bat thatl all shoald come to repentance."—II Peter 3:9,
LASTING LIFE." essuee R•: 16.
CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS :ANGLES, •53, CAL.
Old-fashioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts en many stations •tit
va:nian8 times.
Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station., 'CIiLW, Windsor
A general members meeting of the
Hensall District Co -Operative Incor-
porated will be held under the new
Charter in the Town Hall, Hensall,
on Friday March 15th, 1946 at 2 o'-
clock, p.m. When the following
items of business will be dealt with:
Accepting the financial report for
1945. Approving of by-laws; Elect-
ion of 7 Directors; Election or Aud-
itors; and any other business that
:may ariee. Mr. W. G. Nicholson will
be present.
The regu];ar 'meeting was held in
the Scout Hall, .:when Mrs. Emery
MEETING Desjardine entertained the Scouts to
a .social evening se 'her home when
games were enjoyed followed by re-
The following evening a Father
and Son banquet was held, tables be-
ing set and nicely tiecorated at W.
F. MacLaren's drug store. About 35
persons partook of a very bountiful
repast served by three of the Scout's
methene, Mrs. Mac'•Laren, Mrs. Man -
ford Luther, and Mrs. Well Gill.
Following the banquet a toast list
was carried out With Scout Master
YiaeLaren as toastmaster.
John A. Armstrong, President.
Bertram Klopp, Secretary
In loving memory sof our dear hus-
band and Father, Peter Deichert Sr.,
who died two years ago, March •1(th
His life is a beautiful memory-,
His death is our silent grief,
He sleeps in God's beautiful garden
in the garden of perfect peace.
-,Sadly missed by Wife and Family
Willert—In loving memory of oar
dear wife and mother, Melinda, who
God called home 17 years ago March
13, 1939.
Just seventeen years ago you left ue
How we miss you mother dear,
And remember all your kindness
As we drop a silent tear.
God is great, he gives us strength
to bear our heavy cross
He is the only one who knows how
bitter was our loss,
i miss her a thousand time: along my
weary way,
For life is not the same to.:me -ince
she was called away:
She left behind an aching heart that
loved her most sincere.
That never can and never will torgst
you Melinda dear.
---Sadly missed by her lovine husb-
and and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forrest and
gamily and Mr. Cooper Forrest spent
a day recently with the former's
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blacker.
Mr. and :Mrs. Wilfred Weido ac-
companied by Mr. Clifford Weide of
St. Catharines .pent a pleasant holi-
nay with friends in Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable
and Margaret of Centra:am visited
recently with Mrs. Jas. Love, Aga:,-
tend Jim.
Quite a number in this community
aee i11 with bad colds and time flu.
Cpl. Edward Holt received. his
discharge from the airforce and .he
and hie wife are spending a few days
in London.
'_Mr. Ilert Cox k home at present
after a month in Westminster Hos-
tital and is much. bettr,r.
Mr. Alvin Bo .;I nberry is busy mak
ing cement blocks for the new the-
atre to be erected.
The play "Maid of Money" drew
zc large crowd last Monday night.
Ihe players all taking their parts
nv<:11. el -00 was realized from the
Little Son Passes
Funeral services were held tor
Norley, infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Brown, of near Greenway,
sit the 1-lotfman Funeral Home in
fa•shwood on Thursday last. The
ee:r'vic'e was .conducted by Tlev. W
Cleave, of Grand Bend. Interment
taking place in Grand Bend cemetery
The Grand Bend Boy Scouts eel -
et' hated Boy S.couth week in grand
,tyle end scouting reee:ived o. new
ins in the village. On Sunday,
¥'eh. 1.7th the Scouts and Cubs with
their heelers and sponsorc'rs attended,
ax service in James St, i'rliteed CAlai'4h
vtth the Exeter SUMO,
The World's Day of Prayer was
observed in the Evangelical church
on 'Friday evening.
The Y.P.A. of Centralia will present
their play entitled "The improper
Henry I'ropper" in the •basement of
the Evangelical church .on Tuesday
evening, March 26th. Everybody is
cordially invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighofer of
Mitchell visited with Mr. and Mrs. E
R. Guenther• on Sunday.
On Sunday evening, Mrs. Edigh-
otl'er gave an address in the Evang-
elical church which was very much
1 appreciated. The Ladies Choir gave
several numbers and Mrs. Simpson
rendered the "Lord's Prayer."
Mr. Leonard Bender of Toronto,
spent Sunday with his father, M:r.
jJohn Bender.
Mr. Milton Webb who has been
in the London Hospital sufering;
from an infection in his eye, re-
• turned home on Tuesday.
Mr. Percy Humble of Sarnia, is
visiting with relatives here.
Mrs. D. Tiernan who is in Victoria
Hospital with a fractured hip is
getting along as well as can be ex-
Theodore Luft, who has been with
the RCAF. out at Alaska, has retumn-
ed home
Mrs. Stadelbauer and Mrs. Flynn
of London were Sunday visitors with
friends here.
Mr. and Mee. Peter Kraft cele-
brated their 67th wedding anniver-
sary on Monday. Their many friends
were delighted to hear a recording
of their former years on the farm
over CKNX., Wingham Station on
Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Kraft is 8e
and Mr. Kraft 90 years old. The
community extends heartiest congra-
tulations to this fine old couple.
:Wee A. IZ. 'C•an'tlebell, in Guelph.
Lieut, Nursing Sister, Marion
Dougall, daughter of Mr. and Mr.,.
Wm, R. Dougall of Hay Township,
who has spent two years overseas .in
hospital work in England, has arriv-
ed back home, coming across on the
, ,pilitanitt boat,
Hall Being Redecorated
'Hensall Town Hall is being redec-
orated throughout, the painting le
:being done by Edward Little. The
walls will be a buff color with white
Special Meeting
A special public meeting of the
Red Cross will be held in the Town,,
Hall, Hensall, on Tuesday evening,
March 19th at 8 p.m., when Flight
Lieut. Jeiffrey Bowles, Fild Secret-
ery of the Ontario Division, will be
present to discuss the future of the
Hensall Branch. All Red Cross me-
mbers of Hensall and district ar-
asked to be present at this needing.
An opportunity wilt be given all pre-
sent to make a final, deeisin.
Mr. Leaton Siemon of town has
purchased the property of the late
Mrs. Alice Pfaff.
Mr. Clarence Reid of Exeter, has
purchased the property now occurs
ied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm
of Neilsall.
Mrs. Emily I-Iorton, who has been
111 at the home of her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rowe -litre
is improving nicely.
Miss. R. 11 ltliddleton left on Sun-
day for Detroit, Mich. where .she will
;pend a week, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. George Middleton.
The many friends of Mr. C. L.
Jinks, who has bee„ ill at his home
for the past week, will be pleased to
learn that he is improving.
Mrs. H. Arnold who underwent an
operation last week at Victoria Hos-
pital, London, for removal of a cat-
aract, is improving nicely.
The L.O.L. 733 are sponsoring an
old-time dance in the Hensall Town
Hall, Friday March 15th. Steve Dnn-
das and his orchestra will furnish the
the music. The Ladies Five Hundred
CIA will have e booth in the hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones were
recent visitors with Mr, and Mr.s,
Lee Ouch in St. Catharines.
Miss Strong of Dauphin, Man., is
vieiting with her aunt and uncle.
Miss Mary and Mr. Wm. Fee.
Miss Florenee Schwelmn of London
:vas a week -end visitor with her
mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm, ,
Miss Cassie Dougall ha,: returned
a pleasant v(''it e•.:11, r"eleti'S"n.,
IR Toronto and also 'ith Dr. reel
Of Farm Stock and Implements, on
Lot 7-8, Bayfield Road 'South, Stan-
ley Township; 3 miles west (of Varna
and Vie miles east of Hayfield, on
At one o'clock,
Consisting of a full line •of Live
Stock and Farm Implements. Full
listing of the sale will he 'in next
week's issue.
Everything will be sold as the
rietor is giving up farming.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
David H. ]McNaughton, Proprietor.
prop -
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm, Tractor, Farah .Stock ,anti
Implementa, on Lot 10, Concession.
10, Stanley Township. 5 miles .north
of Zurich, or 6 miles west of Bruce-•
field, on
Commencing at 1 o'clock, mare
Horses -1 bay mare 6 years old,
1 grey mare 1.2 years old.
Cattle—Polled Angus bull rising 3
years old; Herford cow due at time
of sale; black cow fresh with calf at
foot; black. cow, black cow due in.
June; part Jersey caw fresh with
calf at foot; black cow due early in
April; black heifer rising 2 years old,
4 black heifers rising 1 .,year old; 2
fall calves.
Hay and Grain -8 to 10 tons of
mixed hay, 200 .bushels of mixed
grain; 3 -4 -ton of feed beans, etc.
Implements, Etc. -•Oliver Standard
Tractor, has starter, lights and power
take -off, No. 70 on rubber; with cab,
two new rear tires, practically as
good as new, has built up pulley; 3 -
furrow Oliver plow has narrow bot-
tom and practically as good as new,
McCormick Deering tractor disc new;
8 -sections spring tooth harrows Mas-
sey Harris; Massey Harris 1.3 -disc:
fertilizer drill; 7 -.ft. cue Massey Har -
ria binder; Ideal. Giant 6 -ft. cut
mower; International side delivery
rake; John Deere manure spreader;
Deering hay loader, 6 -section harr-
ows; rubber tired wagon with 32x6 -in
tires; flat hay rack new, wagon box,
gravel box, set of :Massey Harris
sleighs; walking plow, horse scuffler,
Bissett grinder 9 -inch has roller bear-
ings with beggar; 6 -inch drive belt
(i0 -ft. long practically new; 3 -inch
50 -ft. belt; 850-1b. capacity scales;
ladder, bag truck, wheel- barrow,
large steel tank, 5 -gal. cane, sling
ropes • new, set britchen harness, set
of spreader rings new, set of single
harness, cutter, 2 -wheel farm truck,
rip saw, electric fencer and numer-
ous other articles..
Real Estate -100 acres more or
less. There i$ a frame house with
asphalt shingles, has kitchen, wood
shed, drive shed, garage, bank barn
40x60 -feet; strawshed 50x36 -feed:;
plenty of water, also soft waster, is
well fenced and well drained, very
close to church and school; 16 acres
of 111 wheat, 22 acres of fall plowing
done, and balance is seeded down,
Is good clay loam, Hydro at the road
young orchard of four dozen trees,
have been bearing.
Terms of Real Estate --e10% on
day of sale and balance in •30 days.
Will be sold subject to a reserved
No Reserve. Every article will be
sold to the highest bidder.
Terme of Chattels. ---Cash
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
Richard Robinson, Clerk.
George And crson, Proprietor.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Saran, Stack and Implements, on
Lot 5, Concession 13, Stanley Town-
ship, 11/k :miles north of Blake, on
Of 75 Acres of Lend, at Hotel
At 2 o'cdock, p.m.
Land being North 8-4 of Lot No. 9,
Concession 16, Hay Township, locnt-
ed 21,e, miles west and 2 miles north
of Dashwood, 75acres more or less,
45 or 50 acres of heavy poplar bush
and balance in pasture. Well fenced
plenty of spring water, with wind-
mill on the property.
TIltMS---10 % on day of sale, and
balance in 80 days Will be sold
subject to a reserved bid.
Arthur 'Weber, Auctioneer.
Sar: I••r T, '' ?' - •.iia7711 i
1:;, ,(;,I(.ory. lest late !Ji:'nbeth Miller.
Commeneing at 1. o'clock, sharp
1101Ses—Grey Percheron wagon
Team rising 3 years ald; black mare
4 years old Percheron; grey Gelding
rising 4 years old Percheron.
Cattle ---Holstein cow due April
'22nd; Holstein cow fresh; Holstein
•Oow due at time of Sale; Holstein
C'QW due at time of sale; Holstein
cow fresh; Holstein cow fresh; Hol-
stein cow fresh and bred again; Hol-
stein cow fresh; Holstein cow fresh
and bred again; Holstein cow fresh,
Holstein cow fresh, 3 Holstein heif-
ers 2 yrs. old bred; Holstein heifer
1 -yr. old; Holstein Heifer 1 year old,
2 Holstein heifers fall calves. AU
these cows have been tested for T.
B. and were 100% good.
Pigs -2 Yorkshire sows due in
May, black sow due in April, 5 small
pigs 7 weeks old.
Implements—McCormick Deering
binder 7 -ft cut prectica.11y new; De-
ering mower 5 -it, eat; .McCormick
Deering 11 -disc fertilifier drill; Peter
Hamilton 4 -horse spring tooth culti-
vator,••iIassey Harris 11 -list out -
throw 4 -horse; 5 -section harrows,
New Ideal manure spreader new;
McCormick Deering hay loader new;
Low Down farm wagon, farm wagon,
16 -ft. flat hay rack, wagon boss
stock rack, gravel box, pr. sleighs,
cutter, rubber tired buggy, ,10 -ft.
steel rake, 3 -drum steel roller, car-
riage, 4-h.p. gasoline engine, large
cutting box, John Deere riding plow'
twin plw, 2 walking plows, Oliver
bean scuffler with puller combined,
horse scuffle:', Wheelbarrow, root
pulper, cream separator DeLaval with
motor attached new; Clinton tann-
ing mill, oat roller, 2000 -ib. capacity
scales, 32 -ft. extension ladder, large
hay fork, slink ropes, a quantity of
twine sacks, grain bags, Dag truck
new, grass seeder, 12 -in. Fleury Chop
per and jack, 2 -wheel trailer, half -
'horse motor, light sleigh, pr. horse
blankets, 2 sets of heavy harness, 2
sets of single harness, 6 horse col-
lars, logging chains, 2 4 -horse even -
ere, •neckyokes, whippletrees, forks,
shovels, spades, cross cut saw, hem -
leek ;thanks, quantity of lumber, 2
large meat barrels and numerous ar-
ticles. Also an Allis Chalmers Model
4 Tractor if not previously sold.
No reserve, as the Proprietor nas sold
his farm.
Arthus Weber, Auctioneer.
Ervin Gingerith, Clerk.
Chris Gingerich, Proprietor.
Thursday, IVMar,ch. 14th,, 1946
Of Farm, Farm !Stock anct Imple-
ments and '.household Effects, on Lot
26, Con. 11, Hay Township. 114 mile
north of Zurich, on
At 1 oclock, sharp the following:
Horses — Matched team of blacks
rising 4 and 5 yrs. old, Clydes, each
has 4 white stockings, and white fore-
head, well broken, Agriculture type,
sound; :Belgium gelding strawberry
roan rising 2 years; Belgium sorel
rising 1 yr. old; silver maines and
tails; .Roadster mare works single
and double.
• Pigs — Registered Yorksrirre sow,
bred by Walker farms, due on the
15th of April, •2 pure bred York-
&hirre brood sows due April (20th, 1
pure bred York brood sow bred 2
months; Registered York nog 11s
years old, bred by Walkers farm,
sired by -highest priced boar sold at
the (salt sale.
Implements — McCormick Deer-
ing hinder 7-11. cut new, cut only 80
acres; International McCormick Deer
mg hay loader new;• New Idea low
down manure spreader practically
new; McCormick Deering 4 -horse
cultivator practically new, also has
extra tongue for tractor; low down
steel farm wagon M.-1-1; 16 -ft. flat
hay rack, .also 1 -man sliding rack
new; bob sleighs with Hat rack new;
cutter, rubber tire buggy, McCor-
mick Deering 5-11. mower; M -H.
bean scuffler; M -H. bean scuffler
with puller combined has new knives
1 -horse scuffler, 2 walking plows
new, 4 -section harrows; t0 -ft. Mc-
Cormick hay rake steel; McCormick
Deering 1G -plate disc outthrow;
Chatham fanning mill with bagger
and screens, DeLaval cream separator
No. 15 with power attachment, large
quantity of lumber, cedar . •poste,
rails, 200 ft, of snow fences, electric
fencer, cedar post for electrt'a fencer
with insulators, steel posts new, 32 -
ft. extension ladder, steel water
trough large; ih yard gravel box
new, Stewart horse clipper, pig scat-
' es and crates, spring wagon, 2 steel
drums, concrete pig troughs, 2 new
chicken shelters, large cooker, self
feeders, quantity of chicken hoppers
:mountedand fountains, see of double
'harness, brass mounted; 2 set., of
dougle harness, brass mounted hand
made, set single .harness, 10 lhorse
collars in good condition, line shaft
and pulle s„ etc;
Ray and Grain. — I.3 tan; o"
alfa mixed hay; TO tons o: dove,
A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances
on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7
kinds of Grease. We invite you towatch our trained
Attendants Grease Cars.
Expert Repairing
We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor.
Batteries, Accessories,' Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up -To -
Date Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car
Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in •Connection,
and timothy bay. 300 bushels Car-
tier seed oats, 2 ton of feed beans,
quantity of clover seed, alfalfa seed
also timothy seed, quantity of hard
wood 16 -in; dog house, team bells,
milk cans, forks, shovels, eveners;
neckyokes, sling ropes, block and
tackle, steel feed barrels, scalding
barrel, bushel boxes, steel hog tro-
ughs, cow .bars, devices, grease guns,
2 saw horses, etc.
Household effects — Good Cheer
white enamel kitchen range practic-
ally new; Coleman 3=burner gas stove
new; Quebec coal heater and steel
mat; wood heater, glass China cup-
board, extension table, drop leaf
table, 4 kitchen 'chairs and stooi,
General Electric battery radio, bed,
springs and mattress, dresser with
mirror, new lawn mower, smaller
lawn mower, wash stand, toilet set,
large quantity of sealers, .2 vinegar
barrels, step ladder, washing mach-
ine and ringer, small table, 2 butch-
er tables, day bed with mattress, gas
lamp„ kerosine Iamp, 8 -day clock,
pails, garden rake, 3 hoes, 2 gaso-
line cans, .5 -gal kerosene can, stove
pipes, bench, clothes basket, gal'low.,
crocks, spinning wheel, lawn flower
stands, mail box and post, screens,
car defroster and. other numerou6 ar--
Real Estate — 1-00 • acres more or
less, being Lot 126, Concessron. 11,
in Hay Township, 11/, miles north of•
Zurich; 25 .acres• din red clover, 10
acres of alfalfa, 8 acres permanent
pasture, 10 acres of fail wrseat, 1T
acres of fall. plowing, 20 acres of
corn ground, 9 acres of hardwood
bush, fruit trees; apples,. plumbs, ete.
brick house with new soft water sy-
stem, built in cupboards, wood shed,
slate roof on house, plenty of karst
and soft water;' modern bank dairy
barn, 20 steel' stauncheons, steel butt
pen, water bowls, litter carrier, large:.
pig stable in main ;barn, hen house
Terris of Real' Estate ---1:0'% to be
paid on day of sale and balance ht
30 days. Sold subject to a reserve&
bid, if not previously sold.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
Wm. S. Johnston; Clerk.
William Schrag, Proprietor.
Orf ICE•
Mae Glim Selaitt
benefits ME WHOLE community
Regular employment and pay envelopes make for -
carefree families—for prosperous communities—for
"good tunes" for employer and employee alike. The,
National Employment Service, with offices in more-
than 200 cities and towns across Canada, serves the,
needs of 'both em.pioyers and employees—and the,
local N. E. S. office takes its place in importance toy.
the community among the time honoured corn..
munity institutions—the Post Office, the Court:
House, the City Hall
Without National Employment Service, the worker is°
left to his own initiative to find a job to support:
himself and his family. The employer may be un-•
able to reach workers he requires. National Employ-
ment Service is the clearing house through which
employer and employee are brought together, so,
that both may have their free choice of the entire_,
employment market.
rational Employment Service has
5 main functions:
1—Organization of the whole employment market„
and bringing together employers and employees;
3—Collection .of information on employment prob-
lems for the use of Government, Management;
and Labour;
3 ---Administration of Reinstatement ift Civil Em-.
ployinent Act ;
4—Dealing with Unemployment Insurance Benefits;;,
5—Dealing with Out -of -Work Benefits for: Ex -Service:•
Make full use of the Local Office;of National Employment'
Service. It is there to serve your needs, and those of
the entire Community.