Zurich Herald, 1946-03-07, Page 4You Cannot Blame God If You Spend Eternty in Hell! "As I live, saith theLord God, I have no pleasure hi the deathoftlhewieked; but that the wicked turn from his way • and live: Ezek. 33, 11. "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise. but is lona y suffering a to repentance."—II�1Pe�teruxish, 3:9e FOR" GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD 7111AT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEV- ETH ON HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVER- LASTING LIFE." Jahn 2: 16. TUNE IN: CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Old-fa'ahioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at 'various times. Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKT,W, Windsor NOTICE GENERAL MEMBERS MEETING A general members meeting of the Hensall District Co -Operative Incor- porated will be held under the new Charter in the Town Hall, Hensel', on Friday March 15th, 1946 at 2 o'- clock, .p.m. When the following items of business will be dealt with: Accepting, the financial report for 1945. Approving of by-laws; Elect- ion of ^r Directors; Election or Aud- itors; and any other business that anay arise. Mr. W. G. Nicholson will he present. John A. Armstrong, President. Bertram Klopp, Secretary DRYSDALE Has Reception Rev. Father Robert of St. Peter's Church, on the Blue Water was the guest at a party held in his honor at the parish hall on Wednesday, Febr- uary 27th. Mr. John Denomy was chairman and Master of Ceremonies, for the evening. The farewell address was read by the leader of the reception committee Mr. Alvin Rau. Dear Rev. Father Robert:` grain advising him of the death of We. the parishioners of St. Peter's his brother, Guy Brook, who died in Church, have gathered here tele ev-1 Sussex, England, in his 65th year. ening, prior i:o Your departure froni sine deceased had been a bank man- eur midst. It is with sincere regret f ager for many years and would have that we see you go. During the past !retired frown the bank this year. six months we have all learned to Ken Hicks, of the RCAF., Aylmer, love you, Your kind spirit, charitable -pent ai day in the village recently, ways, and untiring efforts in outcoming here to attend the reception behalf will be recorded in the heart in the Town Hall in honor of the of each one of us and will serve as lin personel. a happy remembrance for years to County Warden R. E. Shaddick, come. Our unanimous wish is that you may love your new parish and he loved in turn, just as you have ZURICH. Rte. . Thored ay, March 7th, 1946 meelesefesensoloilftmermelerser- stein cow fresh and bred again; Hol- 1Ohathahn fanning mill witrl beggar stein cow fresh; !Holstein cow fresh and screens, DeLaval cream separator and bred again; Holstein ,cow fresh, No. 15 with power attachment, large Holstein cow fresh, 3 Holstein heif- quantity of lumber, cedar posts, ers 2 yrs. old bred; Holstein heifer rails, ail , 200 cedar lost of snow or ences,ces, ele tric c 1 -yr. old; Holstein Heifer 1 year old, 2 Holstein heifers fall calves. All with insulators, steel posts new, 32- these cows have beetested for T. trought. extension large; lxkd yardsteel gravel box B. and were 100% good.Stewart horse clipper, pig scal- Pi�gs 2 Yorkshire sows due in new, spring wagon, 2 steel Man, black sow due in April, 5 small es and crates, sp g pigs 7 weeks old. drums, concrete pig troughs, 2 new Implements--MMcCormick Deering chicken shelters, largehicken hoppers e cooker, self binder 7 -ft cut practically new; De -feeders, quantity ering mower 5 -ft. cut; McCormick rnountedand fountains, sea of double Deering 11 -disc fertilifier drill; Peter harness, brass mounted; 2 sets of Hamilton 4 -horse spring tooth culti- dougle harness, brass mounted hand • vator, Massey Harris 11 -list out- made, set single harness, 10 horse throw •4 -horse; 5 -section harrows, collars in goodcondition, line shaft etc; Ideal manure spreader new; and pulleys„ MdConmick Deering hay loader new; Hay and Gaain — 0o 1Stons of Low Down farm wagon, farm wagon, alfa 'mixed hay; 1 30t bs ofls Car- clover16-dt. flat hay rack, wagon box, and timothy hay stock rack, gravel box, pr. sleighs, tier seed oats, 2 ton of feed beans, cutter, rublber tired buggy, 110 -ft. quantity of clover seed, alfalfa seed i steel rake, 3 -drum steel roller, car- also timothy seed, quantity of hard riage, 4-h.p. gasoline engine, large wood 16 -in; dog house, team bells, � cutting box, John Deere riding plow' milk cans, forks, shovels, eveners, twin plw, 2 walking plows, Oliver neckyokes, sling ropes, block and bean scuffler with puller combined, tackle, steel feed barrels, scalding horse scuffler,. Wheelbarrow, root barrel, bushel boxes, steel hog tro- pulper, cream separator DeLaval with ughs, cow bars, devices, grease guns, motor attached new; Clinton 3ann- 2 saw horses, etc. beg mill, oat roller, 2000-1b. capacity Household effects -- Good Cheer scales, 32 -ft. extension ladder, large white enamel kitchen range practic- hay fork, sling ropes, a quantity of ally new; •Coleman 3 -burner gas stove twine sacks, grain bags, nag truck new; Quebec coal heater . and steel new, grass seeder, 12 -in. Fleury Chop mat; wood heater, glass •China sup- per and jack, 2 -wheel trailer, half- board, extension table, drop leaf horse motor, light sleigh, pr. horse table, 4 kitchen chairs and stool, blankets, 2 sets of heavy harness, 2 General Electric battery radio, bed, sets of single harness, 6 horse col- springs and mattress, dresser with lars, logging chains, 2 4 -horse even- mirror, new lawn mower, smaller ers, neekyokes, whippletrees, forks, lawn mov 'r, wash stand, toilet set, shovels, spades, cross cut saw, hem- large qua ity of sealers, 2 vinegar lock planks, quantity of lumber, 2 barrels, sl? p ladder, .'washing mach - large meat barrels and numerous ar- ine and ri ger, • small table, 2 hutch - tides. Also an Allis Chalmers Model er tables, day bed with mattress, gas l sold: lamp„' kerosine lamp, 8 -day clock, 4 Tractor if not previoust No reserve, as the! ei,Priet r nas sold pails, Aden rake, -3 hoes, 2 gaso- line reeler, line s, 5 -gal kerosene can, stove his farm. pipes, e,eh, clothes basket, gallop Terms—Cash w ocks' �i-,3g wheel, lawn flower` Ervin Ervin Gingerich, Weber, Auctioneer.. stands,:,•• box and post, screens, Clerk: Chris Gingerich, Proprietor. �erae et'oster and other numerous are with us, but realising your power of goodness in any community, we feel gratified and give thanks to God and His excellency, the Rev. 'Fr. T. Kidd, Bishop of London, for having sent you to us even for such a short while. To them, with God's Holy will and with our prayers, Bless oth- ers as yon have blessed us, with good example and good teachings. - And prays that God will strengthen you to further His great work, and also wish you lots of health, strength and happiness so that you may ensoy even greater success in your.vocat- ional life. •After these remarks Mr. John Den- omey thanked one and all for mak- ing this occasion such a great suc- cess, and the remainder of the ev- ening was spent in dancing, singing and card playing. HENSALL Mrs. George Bennett is confined to her home with an attack of pleurisy. Douglas Sangster of Westminster Hospital, was a recent visitor with his mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. The Hensel” Seed Show will be held in the Town Hall on Friday, March 8th, Rev. R. A. Brook received a tele - Jas. Paterson, Village Clerk and the councillors, A. W. Kerslake, Melvin Moir, BEd Fink and Howard Hyde been here. What is our loss will be , were in Toronto last week attending their gain. We sincerely hope that the Good Roads Convention. you will find frequent occasions to Miss Mary Hemphill of London, •cnisit our parish in the future where : spent the week -end at her home here you will be warmly welcomed. And 1 friends of Mrs. Geo. Walker are so it ie a great pleasure for us to, pleased to see her out after her re- take this opportunity of asking you ` cent illness. this evening, Father, to accept thio 1 The World's Day of Prayer will be purse as a very small token of (mil observed in St. Paul's Anglican appreciation for what you have Clone • church, Hensall, Friday March 8th, for us and of the very high esteem 1 at 3 pen. Carmel Church and the in . which you are held here. United church will unite with them. Signed on behalf of the Parishon- ° Mrs. Harry Arnold, well known ers of St. Peter's Churcn, French,'Hensell resident left on Monday for Settlement. i Victoria Hospital, London, where Following the presentation Mr. she will undergo an operation for re - Charles Rau presented Father Robert moval of a cataract from her eye. with a purse of money amounting to • The many friends of Mrs. Arnold one -hundred and three dolrars, to trust the operation will prove suc- which Father Robert made a very ap- ce&fun. The operation will be par- propriate and lengthy reply, expres- formed by Dr. S. Thompson, eye sing his gratitude for the fine spirit specialist of London of co-operation shown him. During • the course of his reply he stated that' he considered this purse as a symbol o f respect toward the priesthood. And that though parting is sometimes ,.aid to be `Sweet Sorrow" and he was will ing to accept it as the will of (lod. Mr. Roche spoke in brief, and corn - anted on the good work, both spir- itual and temporal, during his short of Dashwood. w75est acres more or less, stay in the parish. Speech in brief:. 45 or 50 acres of heavy poplar bush "The sad at heart and sharing your and balance lin pasture. Well fenced sorrow and great disappointment, T lents of spring water,with wind 'feel privileged with the honor of , mill on the pproperty. apeaking to such a distinguished 1 guest as our spiritual director, our I GI`lRMS-10 %• on day of sale, and ;representative of Christ, The yea jr balance in 30 days Will he sold etfeje�ct to a reserved bid. 'Rev. Father Edgar Robert. i Dear Rev. rather: In behalf of our; Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. church; our parish and our comm- Sande( J. Miller, •Ferdixrafui Miller, unity we gather here tonight in �grati- Executors "of late Elizabeth Miller. fscation and heartfelt thanks to eat - press to you? our appreciation for' Clearing Auction Sale ;•our spiritual and temporal acompli- , AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects, In ZURICH, on SATURDAY,. MARCH 9th, At 1.30 o'clock, sharp, the following REAL ESTATE — Being compris- ed of Village Lot No. Forty -Six in Knell's Survey, of the Village of Zurich. There is on the premiees a frame dwelling covered with metal siding, has up -stairs, cellar, kitchen, smoke house, 1 -5th acre of rand, the house is wired for Hydro, plenty of hard and oft water, buildings have goad roofs, and nicely located. Terms of Real Estate -20% to be paid on day of sale and balance in 30 days, Will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Household Effects — 2 bed room suites, Clare Jewel cook stove, prac- tically new; dining room table, 7 dining room chairs, rocking chair, trunk, 12 -gauge shot gun, glass cup- board, 2 bureaus, electric plate, buggy rug, mirror, iron kettle, meat grinder, lawn mower, 2 small tables, quantity of coal, shovels, hoes, axes and numerous other articles. There will also be sold at the, sane time and place the household' effects of Mrs. Susan Gesell, Prop- rietress Terms—•• -Cash Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. E. E. Weido, Clerk. Alvin Wurm, Henry Schilbe, Exec- utors of the latg Louis Wurm Estate Terms—Cash KLOPP'S ONE - STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch our trained Attendants Grease Cars. Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor. Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidyest Rooms. nesd Most Up -Te - Date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE Ward Fritz Used Oar Lot in Connection. •0 a...a in adjoining barn, also horse stable old, red Durham bull 1 year old; 2:. and other box stalls, large concrete • small calves. • cement silo new 12x35 -ft. with feed room, large drive shed with new steel roof, land is good clay loam well drained, well fenced and in good state of 'cultivation, barn haslitter carrier. '.Germs of Real Estate -10% to be Real Estate — 100 acres more or less, being Lot 26, Concessron 11, in Hay Township.,' 1 4 miles north of Zurich; 2.5 acres in red clover, 10 acres of alfalfa, 8.acres permanent pasture, 10 acres •ef fall wheat, • 17 acres of fall plowing, 20 scores of corn. ground, 9 acres of hardwood bush, fruit trees, apples, plumbs, etc. brick house with new oft water sy- stem, built in cupboards, wood shed, elate roof on house, plenty of hard and soft water; modern bank dairy barn, 20 steel stauncheons, steel ,bull pen, -water bowls, litter carrier, large pig stable in main barn, hen house AUCTION SALE Of 75 Acres of Land, at Hotel Corner, DASHWOOD, On FRIDAY, MARCH 15th. At 2 o'•edock, p.m. Land being North 3-4 of Lot No. 9, Concession 16, Hay Township, locat•• shments during your short stay with es. Yon have rekindled the fire of faith in our seek strengthened out .belief, en lightened our minds,with an understanding of good willand Of Farm Stock and Implements, en loot 5, Concession 18, Stanley Town- 14 own-1x miles north of Blake, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th. Commencing at 1 o'clock, sharp filled our hearts with faith, hope and Horses—Grey Percheron wagon charity. Team rising 3 years old; black mare In our Church and Parish affairs 4 years old Percheron; grey Gelding too, you have been a success. Your rising 4 years old Percheron. 5nanci,,l report was favourably re- Cattle—Holstein Cyw dun April e ived by all and we compliment you '22nd; Holstein .eow fresh; holstein ee good business. A Ieef .from your Cow due at time of Sale; Holstein :leek wentel help many of us its mete. Cow due at time of sale; :holstein sry, Father, soli will stilt remain co,v frcralr; Holstein cow fresh; Ila!-Deering16-pl 4 ate disc outthrow:t AUCTION SALE Of Farnn, Farm Stock and Imple- ments and household Effects, on Let 26, Con. 11, Hay Township. 114 mile north of Zurich, on TUESDAY, MARCH 19th At 1 oclock, sharp the following: Horses — Matched team of blacks rising 4 and 5 yrs. old, Clydes, each has 4 white stockings, and white fore- head, well broken, Agriculture type, sound; Belgium gelding strawberry roan rising 2 years; Belgium sorel rising 1 yr. old; silver maims and tails; Roadster . mare works single and double. Pigs -- Registered Yorksntre sow, bred by Walker farms, due on the 1,5th of April, 2 pure bred York- shire brood sows due April '2Oth, 1 pure bred York brood sow bred 2 months; Registered York nog 11i: years old, bred by Walkers farm, sired :by highest priced boar aold at the Galt sale. - Impl.ements --- McCormick Deer- ing binder 7 -ft. cut new, cut only 80 acres; International McCormick Deer ing hay loader new; New Idea low down manure spreader practically new; McCornnick Deering 4 -horse cultivator practically new, also has extra; tongue for tractor; low down steel farm wagon M. -H; 16 -ft. flat hay rack, also Leman sliding rack new; bob sleighs with flat rack new; Cutter, rubber tire buggy, McCor- mick Deering 5 -ft. mower; M-il. bean scuffler; M••tII, bean senffler with puller combined has new knivee 1 -horse scuffler, 2 walking plow, . new, 4 -section harrows; 10 -ft. Mc- f 'Cornniek hay rake stieel; 1Vfr.C'nrtniclrq Pigs — 5 Yorkshire Sows with lite ter at foot; Yorkshire Sow due at time of sale; 3 Yorkshire Sows bred:, 3 months; 25 Yarkshire sows break 2 months. These Sows average a=- bout 275 -lbs. each and are of Bacbi Type. paid on day of sale and balance hi i Implements — White bean mach- 30 days. Sold subject to a reserved , inc • on rubber in good condition -with belting, ,blocks and cable; McCor. r mick Deering W. 4 Tractor on rub-. 1 ber, has starter and lights, P.T.O.; Allis )Chalmers 5 -ft. .Combine No,. 60 in good. condition; 3 -furrow plow }with naw coulters and skimmers Mee Cormick; 8 -ft. McCormick trblibres O}f` Bean Machine, Tractor, Coni:! disc new; 10 -ft. McCormiwith power ck Deering'::bine, Farm Stock, Implements and i rift tiender 10 Newx Ideal; manure spr Household Effects, on Lot 11, Con. Bader practically new; rubber tired, 3, Stanley Township, 2.‘emiles farm wagon; 16 -ft. flat hay rack;north of Zurich, on 250 -gallon gas tank with 'pump unit Thursday, March 14th, and top tank; 2- wheel traile With, Commencing at 1.00 o'clock, sharp stock rack. • :as Horses -1 Belgium Gelding, rising Household Effeeiis---Steel bedstead 2 years old. and .springs•, wicker rocker, settee,. Cattle—Holstein • cow fresh and Victor battery radio, Quebec • coat bred again; Holstein Cow fresh; Hol- stein Cow fresh and bred again; Jersey cow fresh; Jersey cow due at tihne of Sale, Hereford Cow still milking, Herford cow still milking and bred again; '2 road heifers rising 2 years old; Herford heifer rising 2 years old; Holstein heifer rising 2 yrs. old; holstein heifer rising 1 Ervin Gingerich, Clerk. year old; Brindle )heifer rising 1 yr. Earl Gingerich, Proprietor. bid, if not previously sold. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer., Win. S. Johnston, Clerk. William Schrag, Proprietor. Clearing Auction Sale heater newly lined and with pipes. 70 sap ,pails, new, range cook stove, hand washing machine and numer- ous other articles. No reserve, as the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms—+Cash Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. RED CIIOSS WORK Only your continued support -of the Red Cross can ensure: that the splendid work being done for our sick and wounded, 'veterans will be kept up. Your support will snake possible. such vital peacetime works as the upkeep of Outpost. Hospitals, the Peacetime Blood Donor Service, Nursing Services, Disaster Relief, the Visiting Homemaker Service,.. the junior Red Cross, and many other services for the social betterment of our people. There will be no Red Cross drive for funds this year. Your continued membership in the Red Cross is all that is asked. Minimum membership fee is one dollar. Your local Red Cross Branch will provide you with further details. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY PAZ ONTARIO DIVISION 004,20 Pt C. BRUCE HILL, President 14.44