Zurich Herald, 1946-02-21, Page 4,r,r 1y, l} Q77:1
You Cannot ilame God If You.
Spend Eternity in Hell!
"As I live, -a,li thtiLord God, I have no pleasure hi the
eleathofehtewickci3;bat the wicked turn from his war'asniT
live;—Ezi•1.. 33.• 1.3. .3
"The Lord i., not ,slack concerning 'anr0m utdperitih,.
long .suffering :to u: hard, not willing
but thatl all hotild • erome to repentance."—II Peter 3 •Yl.
CAWS. -E.' PULLER. P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, -53, CAL.
`O1'd=fashioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many "stations at
various times.
`Mutual Network, Sundays. Luteal Stenon, 'CKLW, Windsor
,iiaitiCHi • ;-IRA )
1) Tiernan ipaid a tribute to Dr.
Susan 1 aucrfiend who was a miss-
ionaily in Japan and passed away,
Oct. 314• A short prayer was giv-
en in •memory of Dr. Susan Bauer -
fiend, The Study Book was given by
Mrs G. Wildfong.A hymn was sung,
after which the president, Mrs. M.
Tiernan took charge for the businges
Roll was called with 17 member's
present, 43 sick. visits and 4 daint-
ies were sent to the sick and shutins
during the month. The meeting clos-
ed with the lelizpah Benediction..
tt i n -Farmers!
For Meats and Frozen E:uits
Will be ori display at our Showroom opposite
Cann's Mill, Exeter,, on
SATURDAY, FEB. 23rd, to SAT. MARCH 2nd.
Phone 59 W
Established 1900
Of Trader, Threshing Machine.
Farm Stock and Implements, at lot
10, Con. 1, Stanley Township.or M miles
miles south ofeiBrutc eft old 4 Highway,
north of Kipp , N.
Commencing at 1.00 o'clock p.m,
HORSES — 1 General Purpose
mare 10 years old.
Cows and Young Cattle -- Holstein
cow due in March; Holstein cow due
in March, road Durham cow due in
March, Roan Durham cow due in
March, blue roan caw due in March,
black cow fresh with calf at foot,
Jersey cow fresh with calf at foot;
roan heifer clue in March, roan neif-
er fresh with ealf at foot, roan heifer
fresh with calf at foot, roan heifer
clue at time of sale; red heifer due
in March; red heifer due at time of
sale, 3 roan heifers rising 1 year old,
2 blue roan heifers rising 1 year old,
2 red heifers risingo1dyer. old;
steer rising 1
ford heifer 5 months old, Polled Her-
eford rising 1 yr. old, o ooilled Here-
ford steer rising 1 yr.
Pigs — Yorkshire brood sow bTed
2 months, York. brood sow bred; 7
stocker pigs about 110 -lbs. each; 11
stocker pigs about 140 to 150 lbs.
each, 6 pigs 6 weeks old.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale were
in Toronto last week attending the
Hardware convention.
Mrs. Bowden of Exeter was a vis-
itor with Mr. and Mrs. •Jack Farqu-
har and fancily.
Miss Maude Glenn of London vie
ited with relatives here.
Misses Barbara' and Margaret
Shepherd and Edna Saundercock,
spent the week -end in Toronto att-
ending the Ice Follies.
Mrs. Annie Logan who has been
ill for some time was removed to
St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in the
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davtason of
Sarnia visited with their parents, Mr
and Mrs. W. R. Davidson and Mr-
--- ---- —�
land Mrs, Orville Twitchell.
lI returned to
®I Mrs Albert s' orenz
her home at Grand Bend after spend -
0 1 ing a few days with her daugntei.,
6 1 Mrs. Jack Corbett, who is ill..
t3 Misses Mary Goodwin, Jennie
*I Jolly, Margaret Glenn and Barbara
Michie spent a pleasant week -end in
London with relatives.
Miss Eleanor Bell, RN., daughter
of Mrs. Wm. Hyde returned to New
York to resume her nursing duties.
She has just obtained her retirement
from the services, having served as
a nursing sister with the RCAF.
Mr. Enoch Parker was stricken
with a stroke Monday last at the
home'o£ Mr and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore
Usborne, and he continues• quite ill.
The many friends of Mr. Joseph
Hagan regret to hear of his contin-
ued illness, and hope for an impro-
Laporte of the Blue Water. ..
Mr. and .Mrs. Len
daughter of the Blue
SundOY .guests with 3
Morris :Denomme of Das
oararas and
Water were
Ir. and Mrs. j _hiss Fayme Logan received nor
y of the death of her sister, Ir's ; ft cut (overhauled) , 2 walknsg
Implements, "Etc. -- McCormick
Deering Farman M. Tractor, on rubs
bei, with starter and ;generator in
A-1 condition, belt pulley and P.T,O.
36-50 Stratford Decker Grain Mill
with straw cutter, blower and grain
elevator, thoroughly rebuilt like new;
leas full line of belting; McCormick
Deering 3 -furrow narrow bottom
tractor plow like new; :McCormick-
cCormickDeering No. 8 stiff tooth Cultivator
-with power lift, Cockshutt 3 -section
lever harrows, 2 -wheel tractor trailer
with 32x6 -in. tires and large plat-
form, Cockshutt 13 disc fertilizer
drill, Massey --Harris (drum type) hay
loader. McCormick Deering side de-
livery rake new; :McCormick Deering
steel truck wagon new on roller
bearings, low farm wagon; 16 -ft. flat
rack, 2000 -db, scales, 5 -section diam-
ond harrows and draw bar, McCorm-
ick mower 5 -ft. cut; Deering mower
'ei roarer 21st, 1946
Motorist. Why take chances
A Gas known to every
on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7
kinds of Grease. W e invite you to
Ya watch
our trained
Expert Repairing
use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooins.anZurich's
FiStation. est aMost Up -To -
Date Garage
Drive in and let us service and " Pep Up" your Car
Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in Connection.
horse collar, , Household Effects — Beach stove,
set gle Harness,
set single cchime bells, Separator
ly new 1dovenport, 6' kitchen chairs, lly new ; Renfrew stove near --
bells, McCormick Deering S p
'nearly new with electric motor, grind ure:.sers, 2 stands, bed springs, rock-
tone, everters, cow chains, chop bore, ing chair, 2 linoleum pieces, fruit
forks, shovels, spades, neckyokes, 1 tjars, ironokettle, eic kitchen
quantity of cedar posts, steel posts, • _ ,
300 feet of snow fences, .2 Hydro : Daisy churn, lamps, lanterns,
poles, chicken feeders, pig feeders,1 of skates size 3, 5, , -phonograph
colony house 8xbr2ft. conony house 1 and numerous other articles.
-8 ft. 2 shelters, electric brooder , No reserve, as the- proprietor hen.
Herald Printing Office } STANLEY 1 O�� NSHls
(Member of Canadian Weekly News-;
paper Association.)
Sear, strictly in advance. $2.00 may 1
be charged. No paper discontinued!
until all arrears are pain up unless 1
at option of publisher. The gate of
which every Subscription is paid is
donated on the Label.
In Memoriam, one verse 50e. 25c
for each additional verse.
Thanks 50c.
Auction Sales -32.00 for one
section if not over four inches
Miscellaneous articles of not more
than four lines. For Sale, To Rent,
Wanted, -Lost, Found, Etc., one in-
sertion 25e; 2 ins. 40c; 3 ins. 50e.
Contract advertising made known
on application.
Address .all :Communications to
Card of
Elliott, who has resided with mensb plow., twin plow, Oliver wean scuf?'-
1 ers of her family in Manitoba for ler and puller combined, tractor cul -
the past few years. tivator to fit W-4 tractor; 1 -horse
dat Advances in Navy
scufiler; 2 -drum tee
Ii , fanning m
George Beatty's Varna on Saturday, that her son, Ordinary. Seaman Ron , ere
An auction Sale will be het ' Ihay rakeClinton
re Pearl Stephan r.ecer, ed word
1 roller, i0 -ft.
ill, elec-
stove, coal brooder stove nearly new,
stock rack, wagon box.
Hay and Grain — 10 tons of
mixed hay, 100 bushels of mixed
grain, 200 bushels of oats, 4 bushel's
of grass seed, ;�,�1E.1 Wm. Jennison, Proprietor.
- Feb 23rd •of the estate of John Mc - tide feed cooker, root m
Clinchey when the farm of the said
estate will be offered for sale. �t
The Brame -en line branch or -ie ; Arm as air mechanic second claw.
Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. j Ile will proceed to Aylmer, Ont. for
Bert Dunn, Sr., on Jan, 30th. 'There (three months then will go to Scot
was a quilt made and a quantity of land to complete his training.
sewing given ,girt, Had Annual Meeting
Mr. Keith `Westlake of Zurich Call -
e d on friends ;one day recentlly.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Nilestown
osere Sundayguests
ald Stephan, has passed all his tests
and exams in his wireless course, and
has been transferred to the Fleet Air
A large number of members and
adherents of Carmel Presbyterial)
congregation attended the :annual
meeting, which was held in the
separator' 350 -lbs. capacity with mot-
or attachments; wlieelbarrow, stone -
boat, snowplow, pig feeders, water
trough, harness, horse collars, se2 el-
sleighs, cutter, 30 cedar rails,
ectr•ic fencers, all -steel circular saw,
2 -wheel trailer and stock saes. has
600x16 tires, oat roller, cutting box,
set extension rims with lugs for W14
McCormick Deering tractor, set of
ands last at the borne l ld ' tl clic tractor chains, 100 gallon gas tank,
of Mr. and 32rs. A. Ings. Also l'1 small gas pump and hose, forks,
olroom of the church with Rev. 1'• sh
J W. Horner ,of Zurich in companyFerguson as chairman and J. W. ovels, chains, whiffletrees and num-
erous other articles.
sold his farm.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
E. E Weido and Leonard Sararaee.
with 3Irs Krueger and son, Ralph, Bonthron, secretary for the meeting. Grain and Feed — 14 tons mixed
im calling on Mre Horner's daughter., Followwine•the devotional exercises hav 1000 bushels mixed grain, 400
its tlr. Ings. the varied reports of the different
Mr. Sam Wetzel .0f Toronto
a few days ' with his mother,
Miss Zeta Nadiger, R. N. of
organization were given and were all
most gratifying. Following the busin-
spent l ess Rev. Ferguson addressed the
M. congregation with an inspirational
ell, Mic h., spent the past week DISTRICT NEWS
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. Ervin Guenther of Camp Bor-
den spent a few •clays With relatives
here last week.
31r. and Mrs. Lorne Genttner
spent the week -end with friend: in
---�- - Sarnia.
1 A number from dere
Ptl►ikslled for Everyone .attendee
take his Neal ; Ne''-Niblock wedding in London on , KipPen Native Dead
No man 'is too ,poor to
Saturday. Randall L. Clarke., 1ormer mayor.
newspaper ;and it .is 'false economy to i Mr. Gordon Eagleson spent the of. Arcola, Sask. died at his home in
try to get .alone without 'h. Hardly a
week -end with friend, in Loudon. Toronto. He had lived in Toronto
week passes, that something does not' Charming Wedding 1ff ~ince his retirement two years ago.
appear in tench lumnsuwhiel ,Will be of The marriagewas solemnized af.. He was born in Kippen.
financial benefituo you and by the `°nil Grace Cnitedchurch, on Saturday Gets Letter from Holland
of the year you have made +or sax'- t13 Carlyle Cornish
ed from one .to twenty times the sub-, afternoon of Oris 'Doris, second •da 0 d
:cripion price. The city papers •do not, ughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nib iodic
fi 11 d letter from
take the place •b£ ;your lean
,paper. !Hamilton Road, London, to Wa
although some people .seem to think 1 Jon Nees ,of Dashwood. son
of S.Mrs.
they do. The city papers are :alright
'ir, their way, bat they ,do sot
giro i ext officiated. The bride was given in,
i�.marriage by her father, carried blue
you what you are most interested in, . l;
in your common"t3 loon r -nnot learn . iris and pink carnations. Attending
from them white enellie a ,.:tingi are the bride were her two sister,, Virg.,
held. who have •tiled, who are marry, inia and Joyce. Paul Nese, brother' heed at Exeter.
of the ,groom was best man. Ushers Sells Farm in Stephen
ing and who are moving out and ov 10 `', ^r•c Edward Dausett, cousin • of the Mr. Chas. Hoffman has sold hie
want to sell land, , other rtr ,ielc ~, in
fact, hundreds of items ,chem alight bride and Bill Ness brother of the farm on the 5th concession of Steph-
*rnom. Turing; the signing o: the ,•. ,n Twp. to , 'i iin'.,.c icer• •7r.
be of particular import -scree: to you. a seer the bride's aunt, Mrs. Cecil
Such matter:? city tfrepers cannot fur-
ir- ; rr ,.1 C1 er'i", London, ?':1 "Bee'':,f"
bushels Ajax oats suitable for seed.
Arthur Weber, Edward W. Elliott,
Auctioneer: -
G. M. Lawson, Clerk.
Herbert Mousseau, Proprietor.
Officials Appointed CLEARING
At Seaforth John Currie was ap•
pointed chief of police, Allan Reid, AUCTION SALE
chief of the fire brigade, John Cnrr:-
mings, asci, taut constable, street of Farm Stock, Implements, Tractor
superintendent and tax collector,and and Combine, one Lot 19, L.R.E.,
McConnell and Hays, town silicitoi-1. , Hay Township, on No. 21 Highway,
by Town Council Monday eve. last. 2 miles south of St. Joseph and 5
miles north of Grand Bend, on
At 1 o'clock, p.nr. sharp.
CATTLE — Grey Cow milking and
bred again with calf at foot; red cow
with calf at foot; red cow milking;
nee ay recon
of Bruce e c receive ared cow milking, black cow milking,
people in Holland who had taken and bred again; black cow with calf
care of him for a few hours after he at foot, red cow with twin calves at
bailed out of his bomber betore the foot; grey cow with calf at foot;
Germans caught up with him. They grey Cow milkin; 3 red steers rising
were very anxious to know all a• 2 yrs. old; black heifer rising 2 yrs;,
bout him. The letter was written in 4 heifers and steers rising 1 yr. old;
Dutch and he had to have it trans- 2 baby beefs about 650 lbs; 2 small
PIGS —Yorkshire Sow due at time
of sale, York sow due 3rd of April,
7 chunks weighing about 12.5 -lbs.
1 each; 6 chunks weighing about 80 -lbs
Hoffman has purchased the residence each.
in Exeter on Jobe St cereupind 1MPLEMVIENT�S — Allis Chalmers
Roland Greiner. The bine: has pule 1VIode1 B Tractur on rubber with
a,rcomnanied by Mrs. Leonard Morley pulley, I .T.O., with scuffles
who also played the wedding Marcia. chased a lot at Grand Bend from MI powerod beanpidler attachment; with
St. Joseph and Beaver ` - °" "3 } ' •hc; reception was held at the Y.W. Cyrus Green and intends r,7 ectin a nationalCombine 4 -ft. cut practically
, < . A., Hamilton Road. The bride's service station,
as good as new, Massey -Harris power.
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic „e, re:- anal mother, accompanier) by the groom's 40 Years in Business
have returned to their home .ct anther received. Following the ren- Maurice Quante of Exeter loan lift
li t.Cor spring
kt tooth
cultivator, .3 -furrow „nn.. rounded out
.lo e roil, after an extended trip on
and nI to Windso rrsa] cid week
in Exeter.. He began tar- his d McCormick Deering binder 6 -ft. cut;
to Detroit, l Duerrr and other onset., I> a t. Theyco
:1Ii'. Cyril Dutl+arme- of Wrnd�a.•, Detroit. They will reside in Loudon trade and was employed for manyiMeH mower,I1dis orse fertilizer drill with
ltivator with
Dears with W. J, Beer, Ila v 'of Grancl
was a visit>r to his parent;, an the an their return. { grass seeder nearly new, 1VtoCor7nick
Blue Water Highway for a few day; Ladies', Aid and 'iW. M. S. 1 Bend. During all these years he has tractor manure spreader1VIron
The rraillar meetixic of the Lad -been absent from business on a Sat -g 1 ew. 4 -section drag
lht,st week,
We believe ice cutting started en ..•, Aid and W.M.S, of the Evanga: d-
iuieg the lake. The quality ie Pee ieel church was held 'Thursday even -
he bir:;t. 'rut rieeit to -day with the n -n. last with Mrs. G. Link's grouts
weather geeing up and down, and el:+ 1 charge Mrs. Link opened the. mrrg clan- ext M I3• hay 1oa er
winter sliding away, one mut net .ing' with a :short reading The bymo 1 when Miss Corrin. Wil enkamp,
lei particular as for teemple, for time ` eautiful Garden of Prayer •way sun' 1 ghter of Sr. and
oel f x Wilgen-rna- Deering
eringu,3-d um ste1-horse
h roller, walking
waits on no one., and ,,tore away r .ollawed by prays by Mrs. Link.;k,emp, Snowden,plowin rootw pulper, fanning mill
,the ice available, for the summer he seripture v,• read by 'Mr '.riage to Pte.Ceveld Syunn- cuttingp p
I4.lunxpp. Mrs. Lfnk then gave an ; xs;t son of the late Rev. J. 1r, and Clinton; wheelbarrow, bob •sleigh:,.
r,-retie.nutter, stoneboat Flelrety 10-
, f outline: of a temperance reading slid , els s, Snowden of Sceaforth. The eero- buggy, '
^r, �In/in-mayi1 elate cinder chopper belt, ha^.
• n. ul flu- ros'm. A durst v; u,: then given wee performed by the Rev. i 'i g
lie;v Halt anti Mr. x1113 .L1rs.) au "' 1 e,,, 1 at ,� .'"...v .,,, Thee ' le s ,.e., r, ere ek, 1200 lbw el es, grain bagger,
/ hats e o eH• 1; +F eon. 11'ev, r4'C ey^ a rl rrt. ?? :1,. ! y t, ,
f ',.‘101".'
� r�,r., 1 t'""*.''''.. 'MI eeet '0 Man, n, to �xeafoetn town 1
urday night on only five occasions. rubber near y n ,
Snowden- Wilgenkamp harrows, inthrow horse disc, rubber
A quiet wedding took place in tired wagon, low down farm wagon,
Amsterdam, Holland, on Feb. 7th, 16 -ft, fiat rack, also with 1 -man load -
d , 10 ft steel rake,
pieaeejty of twine elects; 20 -ft. lad•
u iclsy vi$ltO1a with Mr, ?1110 I'rs. . ,a7r r; . . ft ,. o ,,.
r 4,
sr A blanket 'Olaf might give cozy comfort to a baby -
may be only an agnravcii`icra so, ea full-grown man. So
with electric wiring on a farm. An unsatisfactory
wiring iota limits your use of electricity -and will soon,
become totally inadequate for growing needs. Wire
for immediate and -future needs from the start, and,
you will save money in the long run.
When you electrify your farm, you will probably'
do it grtiducally so far as equipment is concerned. You.
may start out with electric lights and a water pump,
and perhaps a motor toe; but to make electricity pay
best you will want to keep adding labor savers as.
you can.
Be sure that if and when you want to add an electric
stove, a water heater, a feed grinder or a hay hoist,,
there will be sufficient wiring and outlets in the,
right places.
A competent electrical contractor or your Hydro,
rural superintendent will advise you on adequate
wiring for your fame. Do it right when you start, on&
you will save time 'and costly delays.