HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-02-21, Page 1Established .19,90 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21 1946 a Adjerhsi 1 Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied With the very latest of 'methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 68 for your . Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. HECKENDORN, Pastor SUNDAY EVE. FEB. 24th, at 7.30: REV. A. B. IRWIN Of Exeter will be the guest speaker at an interesting program given by 1 • the Youth Fellowslri)m. EVERYBODY' WELCOME ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.m.—Divine ,Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School, 7.30 pan.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services COMFORTABLE, GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES Ce E. Zurbriigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST .at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of eyesight Testing Used.. 'Opera every. Week Day Except Wednesday., ni the CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER $1.50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in LT.S., in Advance. Ci f Cr Force, Tan Ad! "3C ii3 tF'" '�vraa ma'+ •r.C:rexi�'^.L3CMOT'".c MI' """^"`-MVACLIENTAff.r.P= =1' matt tit1111r `ed'u' W Eras a 11 o taloa/ ZURICH ONTARIO BANKING HOURS . . Mondays to Fridays i clusive 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. SATURDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 o'clock Noon bakINEata Are You Suffering . From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices IS FOUR WIFE STILL YOUR SWEETHEART? CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS Bailey Florists, Exeter Main St: - 'Phone 276 Hensall'Cou,zcil Minutes The regular meeting of the Vill- age Council was held on the evening of -Feb. 5th in the Council Camber, with all members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. ++++++++++++++ '-i-++++++++0,:.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ eaa �,7 fannat Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and 1kibured• Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE,' ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. D;AN NTGl-IT TELEPHONE No. 70 Da thwood - Ontario a r 4.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4A++++++++++++4 -e+++++++++++ 11111 1 1 E i' 11111115114 I :Njf EOM I I4IlIIIIIn (I IIIIIII(TIII ail TEEMI, ajil3tl%lfir ' s ry Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock' of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply "houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and.rnanV other lines we offer at -very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Menno esch PRODUCE WANTED. e Zurich Phone 165 IN MEMORIAM Neeb-^In loving memory of our dear sister, Violet, who passed. away three years ago, February 25, 1943. Quickly and suddenly came the call Her sudden death surprised us all. Dearer to memory than words can tell The loss of Violet we loved so well. —Fondly remembered by Beau and Bill. R. J. Paterson, tax collector, re- ported as having collected $42.44 since the last meeting leaving a bal-ance of $190.10 outstanding, also stated he had receive,d a letter from D. W. Fess regarding his property on, South Richmond st. . R. E. Shaddick reported as having. received a letter from the Emergency Shelter Office in London as regards vacant houses in the Village. Correspondence read as iollo*s: Ont. Assn. of Rural Municipalities; •Queen Alexander ,San., Dept. of -Pla- uning '& Development.; Dpt. of Vet- erans Affairs; Dr. D, G. Steer; Mea- dows ,Critoph Co; County Treasurer; Monteith 4 Monteith; Gutta Perella Rubber Co;^Pritchard Andrews Co; Ont. Good Roads Assoc; same consi- dered and filed. Bills and Accounts read: —Huron Co. bal road acct $1183.38; J. A. Paterson, premium on 'bonds $28, In- surance on hall, $32; Dr. F. •Scherk, transportation re Dabus $5; Gutta Perclta Co. fire Dept. supplies 6.4.20; F. Peters, repairs hall 8.20; Munic- ipal. World supplies 11.35; Assocn. Rural Municipalities, members iaip $5;. J. Pfaff, snowplowing streets 7.50; R. Broderick, snow removal team 12:60; H. Walf do 8.40;' G. Hudson do 8.40; C. Schwalm do 8.40; K. Mc- Kenzie do 8.40; T. Kyle salary 73.30 Hensall School Board, current expen- ees 1000.00; G. M. Case, coal, hall 48.55; Hensall Hydro, hair 14.35; W. Allan, plowing streets 44.00. Motion, that we renew our memb- ership in the Association or Rural Municipal ities. The reception committee reported the 500 Club as being willing to supply the banquet for the returned boys, and the same to be .held in the Town Hall, Feb. 22, and 45 invitat- ions sent out to the different boys to attend. 111 ' i IfiliiiIiiitIMPWROKIN1010111114411141111111i1110111111111101 10,11111Niii ll 1111CII iT• i �� 111041110, ,11 • k.elebrate.; Birthday A very happy event was celebrat- ed at the home of Mr. and MTs. Ur- an P:tile, 14th concession on Mon !ay • evening. The occasion. being .ir. PPfde's birthday, when some 26 riends from the Dashwood area . nade . complete surprise party, and a most lovely time was spent during the eVening hours. Resident Found Dead The cold and lifeless body of Mr. Albert Geies of town was found ly- ing on the floor in his house on Tu- esday. evening: Campbell Krueger, w,ho delivers the London daily paper's noticed that Mr. Gies had nos been removing his papers the last few days and so an investigation was made and the body was found as. a- bove mentioned. Mr. Gies who was a mute, lived alone for years • in his large residence opposite theSt.. Bon- iface parsonage, and was of a very quiet 'and peaceable nature, and although unable to hear or talk, he was rather interesting to be around. As we go to press we know of no definite funeral arrangements. Farm Forum The members of tae Unique Farm; Forum met at the home of Mr and .Mrs. E, B. Horner on Monday, evening Feb. 18th with Mr. Wm. H. Edighoffer as convener who gave a very interesting talk on the subject "Will the .Consumer pay for quality" It w:s decided that on the average our gti ading•system of farm products was 1'.iit'iy. _satisfactory. It was thou- ght `shat the premium an Al hogs should not go back to 0.939 levels of $1.00 as this is not enough to. indtf'ce the farmer to raise the better type of hog. It was felt that the products should be marketed as to carry the grade night through to the consumer The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Men n.er. . Babylon Line Forum Mr: and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer of Zurich, former members of the Bab- ylon line forum opened their hone for the weekly meeting of the Forum The discussion groups decided that although grading is not always sat- isfactory, yet it is the best method of marketing farm products as it encourages the production of quality. The social hour was very pleasantly spent and everyone enjoyed beim;' with Mr. and • Mrs. Witmer again. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Greb when an interesting speaker is expected to be present. HYMENEAL A large delegation from different groups namely Womens Institute, 500 Club, Girls Dance Club, School Board, Clergymen, and Chamber of Commerce waited on the Council as regards a Community building or an addition to the School for Athletic Activities to be erected as a Memorial and come to the conclusion an •addit- ion to the school or a new school would be most suitable and beneficial to all parties and a committee was formed to look into this matter com- posed of M. Saunders, G. R. Hess, R. Middleton. On behalf of the Council and the Officials Councillor A. W. Kerslake. ires: rated Reeve, Warden R. E. +'ladr'ick with a Ronson lighter suit- ably engraved. The Reeve and Warden thanked the Council and Officials ti for their 1:indness, and stated that he would. retaliate •at some future date, also ;tr.tecl that as the Village was now celebrating 50 years as an Incorpor- ated Village it might be .a good thing to have a picture taken of the pres- ent ent Council to 'bang beside. the coup- ell of 50 year', ago in the Council Chamber. llotir4l9, that we now adjourn. Jae. A, Paterson, Clerk, tl EVERYONE IS WEARING THE NEW ADORNA GLAMOROUS EARRINGS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS- SORTMENT EVER. COME IN AND SEE THEM! Russell—Ducharn .: On Saturday, February 16th, 19.6 the marriage was solemnized at St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich, of Doreen Ducharme, youngest daugh- ter -of Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharnte of Zurich, to Cullen Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell of Lon- don, Ont. Fr. Lucien officiated foll- owed by Solemn High .Mass. 31r. Francis Ilietrich sang the Ave Maria at the Offertory, accompanied by Mrs. S. Dietrich :qrs. O'Dwyer played the wedding March. The bride, giiven in 'mai r t ge; l,s' her father, wore a floor length ruff- led trimmed white chiffon dress with lace yoke and a long lace veil caught up with a heart shaped head dress. Carrying a bouquet of better time roses. Attending the .bride were her niece, Doris •Chnnrette, wearing' t floor length blue chiffon dress and Mrs. W. 0. Growsky, wearing a floor length mauve chifi'on drosa and ear.. ried colonial bouquets of spring flowers. Pte. Cyril Ducharne, brother of the bride and Mr. Wm. 0. Growsky, friend of the groom, were best man. The reception was held at the home o:f the bride's. parents. In the even - held in pee was q rift a Y•ccep Mort de the Township Hall, Zurich, where', many of their friends •gathered to congratuiate them on this happy oc- tagon, and wished them a long and haptv wedded life, Following the dance; Mr, and Mrs. Russell left on a honeymoon trip to Chatham, Win- d:.or and Detroit. On their retnr'n they wall xe ide in Lorrtitil, RANSON LIGHTERS ARE BACK AGAIN $6.00 TO $8.00 LADIES' AND GENT'S MODELS AG. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. PHONE YOUR OF.1 or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL' Miller Creek Coati) Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel! .s esoseveas a a A v 1 • assese eerie&ee•e•esee'eesesoaeos6aeFa06o00' ANNOUNCING KEITH R. WEBTLASI FESIRAL HOME .Licensed Embalmer_ and Funeral Director HOSPITAL BED FOR RENT .Day and Night Service, Telephone 89 Zurich 0060®r 006 , •x® 800 4, 4, 4, +¢• 4. 4 4 4.L. ... ,... }.....' .!YJiI...y[.+Jl.y..q..fa.1 +-1-1.4'F..r .(.++-laa r Suiek Bale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs!. F. C. KALLBFLEISCH SON Phone 69 - -. -' _ ZURICH 1' A+94+in+•i•'i'++•d•^'r•Q I••4••4+++F••F•i••i..i..¢ + ++++ n.:r a..a.:; ,,H+ ^t•-t••t• i•-F•r.t.. mare _ .:fit MIM,SMEEffilgal i t;a ,:V# 6,a'"rARE OMEMIE +".+ 9. T,>.y---is wM"'3a;R,'' ,13., E Eio eer FOeds FOR YOUR POULTRY and STOCK Hatching Ration, Big 3 Laying Mash, Dairy Rat- ion, Pig Starters and Grower. FOR YOUR CHICKS Chick Starter, Grower, Scratch. Feed, Chick Size Oyster Shell and Grit, Bone Meal, Cod Liver Oil. Also have in Stock Concentrates and Mineral for Your Convenience at all tunes - A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always THE .BLAKE ST O Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11.97