Zurich Herald, 1946-02-14, Page 6Titre' Is Nothing We're inclined to accept as gos- pel anything that those Prussian grenadiers who serve a;a doormen at the big movie houses choose to yell down our throats, but we were somewhat flustered the other night when we heard the one out- side the Astor Theater announce Clearly, "There will be iru nediate seating in half an hour." Peace Spectacle To the children of bomb -scarred England peace has brought many wonderful things, things never known before to the small fry whose memories are too short to recall the days before the war. A little girl in London, return- ing home on a bus, looked hard at the young man collecting the fares, and exclaimed excitedly, "Oh, look, Grandpa! It's a man Conductress."—Wall Street Journal. A Drawback "'My poor fellow," said the old lady, "here is a shilling for you, Goodness, gracious, it must be dreadful to be lame, but just think how much worse it would be if you were blind." "Yer right, lady," agreed the beg- gar. "When I was blind I was al- ways getting counterfeit money.' Too Late After leaving his church the min- ister stopped to shake hands with a young woman who was a new member of his congregation. In the course of conversation the min- ister remarked how pleased he al- ways was to welcome new Mem- bers to the church. The young woman blushed prettily. "It's very kind of you to say so." Not at all," replied the minister, "Just let me have your name and address, and 1 will be able to call and see you." "Ohl" stammered the girl. "I— er—I'm afraid you're too late. I've got a boy friend already." Cheap A doctor was knocked up in a small village about 3 a.m. by a man who asked him to come out immediately to a place ten miles away. The doctor dressed quickly and got out his car, and they drove furiously to their destination. Upon arrival the man asked: "What is your fee, doctor." "Half a guinea," he replied in some surprise. "Here it is, then," said the man handing over the money, "and cheap, too. The garage man wanted thirty bob to drive me over." SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith tt CORR. 1944 BY NEA SERVICE. INC. T. M. REO. U. S. PAT. OFF. "Mom, I invited Dorothy over for dinner --she doesn't eat much and she's a whiz on fractions!" • HOLD EVERYTHING 1 HORIZONTAL 1,6 Pictured new, U. S, Representa- rive, Mrs. ----e Luce. 11 Weep. 14 Fun, 15 Idolize. • 16 Falsehood: 17 Aromatic plant. 18 Tellurium (symbol). 19 Year (abbr.), 49 Powerful 20 Russian river. explosive 21 Uncommon, (abbr,). 23 Diaphanous, 50 Leader. 25 Ocean, 54 Age. 27 Each (abbr.). 55 United King - 28 Entangle. don .(abbr.). 31 Right (abbr.),,,56 Rhode island 32 Arabian (abbr.). garment. 57 Australian 35 Beverages. bear. 37 Dry. 58 Intellect. ' 38 She has 59 Punitive. written sev- 61 Mistake. 62 So (Scot.). 9 Attempt. 63 Famous Bel- 10 Frames for gian violinist drying skins who died, in for parch - 1931. ment. "64 Article of U. S. REPRESENTATIVE Answer to Previous Puzzle eral ---, 40 Pocketbook. 41 Young goat. 43 Sanctified person, 46 Table linen. value, VERTICAL 12 Prevalent. 13 12 months, 22 Ranh. 24 Laughter sound. 26 Erbium (symbol). 28 Cartograph. 29 Every. 30 Afternoon party, •32Arrive (abbr.) 33 Twice (prefix). 34 American humorist, 36 Small stream (var.). 37 Originators 1 Burn. 39 Like sirup. 2 Moon goddess. 40 Promissory 3 Mohammedan note (abbr, noble (var.). 42 Levees (va 4 Flowers, 43 Deviate. 5 Before. 44 Imbecile. 6 Flying 45 That thing. mammal. 46 Fresh tidings. 7 Poem. 47 Operatic solo 8 Hawaiian 48 Top of head. bird. 51 Auricles. 52 Liliaceous plant. 53 Short lance. 57 Parrot. 60 Symbol for 11 Ball of thread sodium. r• .). Well Suited Having chosen the cloth for a new suit and had his measure- ments duly taken, the young man said apologetically to the tailor: "I'm afraid 1 •shan't be able to pay you for three months." "That's quite all right," the tailor said amiably. "Oh, jolly decent of you!" said the young man, "\Vhen will the suit be ready." "In three mouths, sir," was the polite answer. A Full Plate "Now, Tomuiy," said the teach- er, " let me see how. much you remember of niy lesson on whale fishing. Can we eat the flesh of the whale?" "Yes," answered 'Tommy. "Good boy," said the teacher "and what do we do with the bones?" There .was a moment's pause, and then Tommy said with de- termination: "We leave them on the side of our plate, miss." IOOPR. ilk/ EY M. ?.111,1G4 roc. MC. T_ N. AE V. O. PAT. OPT. "Ooh -.-honorable commander must have lost face!" Selling Tip When Thomas Lipton was a youngster : e spent much time in his father's grocery store and wit- nessed, with unmistakable disap- proval, the elder Lipton's lack of showmanship. One day he watched unhappily as his father attempted to sell a customer 'a half dozen eggs. After the customer had gone he said: "Father, you should let Mother sell the eggs." "Why?" asked the father in sur- prise. "'Nell," replied the future mil- lionaire, "Mother's hands are a lot smaller than yours, and the eggs would look bigger." THE SPORTING THING "Pa's the patient type!" NUKE OF THE PRESS Lower Education An elderly acquaintance, of phil- osophical tendencies, in discussing the current wave of juvenile and adolescent delinquency says "A pat on the back is a good thing, pro- viding it is applied early enough ni life, often enough, • and low enough." — St, Thomas '!'Imes -Journal. Hal Ha! A psychologist says that in 100 years people will have nothing to hngh at. We don't get it. There will be old albums, with pictures of the ladies' hats of 1946. —Ottawa Citiza,l The Weaker (?) Sex Woman may be physically weaker than man, but she can put a cap on a fruit par so tight. he can't take it off! —Wall Street Journal Smart Fellow As the old fellow suffering from lumbago said, when he struggled out of the chair: "It's the getting up that gets me down." —Stratford Beacon -Herald Relative Values A cheque on your .overdraft at the bank is valueless. But a check on your living expenses is as good z,s cash, —Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph You Will En,oy 9t4ylgg 11 The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO • Every Room wlth Bath, Shower rind Telephone. • Single, 52.00 up — Double, $3.50 up. • Good hood, Dining and Danc- ing Nightly. Sherbonrne ni Carlton Tel. RA, 41:15 NiiiEMBEMNIIMEanzzacesular Fiery, Itching Skin Gets Quick Relief antisepis a jticnoilt thatlwill penet- ratingiig you speedy relief from the itching and distress of Eczema, Itching Toes and Feet, Rashes and slain troubles. Not only does this healing anti- septic oil promote rapid and healthy healing in open sores and wounds, but boils and simple ulcers are also quickly releived. In skin affections — the itching of Eczema is quickly stopped; the eruptions dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same is true of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum and other skin eruptions. You can obtain ltloone's Emerald Oil at any modern drug store. MUTT AND JEFF Maybe They Should Have Ordered A Sinatra Sandwich A. La Frontage By BUD FISHER GOSH,I DON'T KNOW WHAT THESE FUNNY NAMES MEAN! I'LL ORDER FOR You, JEFF! I KNOW ALL ABOUT THESE FOREIGN DISHES! WAITER, BRING US SPIMONIO VERMATELLI! BRING US SPIMoNIb VERMATELLI - HERE, ON THE MENU! COME COME, WAITER, HURRY! MUTT, WHAT'S SPIMONIO VERMATELLI? YES, I'M THE NEW OWNER OE THE PLACE! REG'LAR FELLERS—Going Up! OkA`, MEN—T1.115'LL GETCHA AIR -MINDED BY EASY STAGES! WARNINGI RINGING 'BELL MEANS t215ING- ELEVAroa JtT THIS 1S THE SECOND TEST-- WNEIJ FINISH WErLL TRY 1-14''LAST' AtJ` TOUGHEST OF ALL/ st FORTY -Ni NTH FLOOR AN' MAkE i -r SNAPPY/ Only His Watch A well-to-do Negro had been ill for some time and showed no signs of improvement under treat- ment by a doctor of his own race. So presently he dismissed him and summoned a white man. The new doctor examined the patient, and then asked: "Did the other doctor take your temperature?" The sick man shook liis head doubtfully. "1 rluuno, sub," he declared, "I sartiny dunno. All I've missed so far is my watch." Experience Necessary "Madam," said the new care, - taker to the lady who had just employed him, "1 want to thank you for giving me the job, and ask you one question. .l notice that you advertised for a married man. Docs tha t mean that you will have some work in your home for my wife?" "Oh, no," replied the woman. "I wanted a married man so as lo be sure I'd get someone used to taking orders from a woman."— Wall Street Journal. Yes --Mothers HUCHLEY'S STAINLESS WHITE RUB Does Give Faster Relief This faster penetrating Rub really does bring quick relief to either kiddies or grown-ups. Rubbed briskly over chest, throat and shoulder olades, it helps create a glowing warmth, breaks up con- gestion, eases breathing—BUCKLEY'S WHITE RUB must give relief in less time or money back. Price 30c and 50c. • Sold everywhere. By GENE BY ES trlEN -I M TO SAY YOU COMPLETED TN' DUGAN AERONAUTICAL COUPSE WITH FLYIN' COLORS-- TNERL-FOl2E, I'M PROUD T'GIVE YOU TI-tliSE HERE PILOTS' LICENSES / POP—Pop's Impressed 6y Rank .1 WANT TO SEE THE COLONEL TAKE A S EAT vQ -00 \,P% -o ti I SUPPOSE YOU KNOYV .I'M THE BRIGADIER By J. MILLAR WATT