HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-02-14, Page 4•
Titus 3:5.
Aets 81
im. 2. 5.
Old-fashioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at
various times.
Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor
Mrs. Wm. Parke was taken to
Store Sold
Mr. J, W. Holt, who for over, 21
years has been in the general Marie
and real estate business at Grand
Bend, has sold the building and bus-
iness to Jas. Dalton, who conducts a
.similar business at Mt. Carrnel. Mr.
Holt is preparing to erect a new re-
sidence at Grand Bend and will con-
tinue in the real estate business
which at present is booming in this
popular summer resort.
Presentation Made
Last Saturday evening about 65
friends and neighbours .gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Baker, Grand Bend inhonor of Pte.
Warren. Sharrow, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Aquillas Sharrow, of the Blue
Water Highway, who arrived from
overseas a few months ago. The ev-
ening was spent in games after which
Mr. Orlin Truemner was called upon
to read the address and Carmen Ire-
land presented Warren with an el=
ectric radio and pen and pencil set,
In a few well chosen words Warren
thanked the neighboursand friends
for remembering him on his safe re-
turn from overseas. The ladies of
the community served lunch!
Clinton public Hospital and an op-
eration performed in the interests of
her health, 'She was. attended by
Dr. 3. C. Goddard of Hensall.
Pte. Jim Campbell of Guelph spent
the week -end with Mrs, James .Sang-
ster and family.
A civic reception for the Hensall
personell returned from overseas,
will be held in the town hallFray ed
evening, February 22nd, s'po
by the Reeve and Council and the
Lanier 5. pClublic c b will
cater will be held
banquet. A p
Mrs. A, D. McEwen, whilemist the
own hall Friday evening
the 500 Club at the Euchre party,
had the misfortune to trip on the
steps and injure her ankle. X-ray
taken at Clinton public Hospital re-
vealed torn legaments of the ankle.
The attending physician was Dr. J.
C. Goddard.
Successful Auction Sale
The auction sale of Andy Bell on
No. 4 Highway, north of Hensall, con
listing of the farm of 150 acres of
11'Iessrs. George Schefibuch and
Published for Everyone Donald Restemeyer'are spending a
No man is too poor to take his local in
3 few daysLondon this week.
Mr..Mervyn Tiernan is attending
newspaper and it is false economy to
try to get along without it. Hardly a I a hardware convention in Toronto,
week passes, that something does no this week.
appear in its columns which will be of Mr. Howard Klumpp spent a few
financial benefit to you and by the end, days in Toronto last week where he
of the year you ,leave made or say- received his discharge from the
ed from one to twenty times the sub- ec Force. He has accepted a the
takethe price. The city papers do not j in the Dashwood Planing mill,
take place of your local paper, itionhe has set up a radio repair
although some people seem to think 1 where h
they do. The city papers are alright ; shop.. Thos. Klumpp and Mrs. Lov-
in their way, but they do not give 1
you what you are most interested in, l ina Kellerman were taken by surprise
tour community. You cannot learn I bee one evening last friends gathered eek when a u at
Thursday, February 14th, 194
land, stock, implements,
furniture was a great
high prices realized, with buyers.from
various places including Tillsonburg,
and as far north as Walkerton. The
farm was purchased by Mr. William
J. F. Bell of Kippen, at the price of t
$13,700. The ladies of St. Andrevi s'
United church, Kippen, had a lunch
booth and realized '$70. Mr. Bell and household effects of the late Mrs els' First Fire in Three Months
appreciated having such a large Johnpub-
lic auct on. Theh usr e and property Clinton volunteers fire brigade was.
crowd attend the sale. were purchased by R. E. Balkwill called out the other night to a blaze
Plan Memorial Building
A meeting was held Tuesday even- for $2,650. Good prices were realized East St ome •the MortharterCnasect oze
ing, Feb. 5th in the Town Hail, Hen- i for thechattels.
eon Liquor Charge of the town, when a spark from the: -
sail, of the representatives of the! fire lace in the living xoom ignited a;
various organizations from the school When Provincial Police walked basket of a er and a setee. Damage•.
Board, Chamber of Commerce, Girls' Hotel, Parkhill, receninto a storeroom of tly ande foundton
by fire and smoke was estimated at
Dance Club, Women's Institute, $100. It was the fust fire in Clinton.
Hundred. Club, and the Canadian Le- 1 .five men drinking beer in a store- ii three months.
Bion, also Rev. R. A. Brooks and room, the edproprie or, Seo. Johnsawa •
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. Wm. Wessing. of London was
hone with his family over the week-
Mr and Mrs. Edmond Laporte of
St. Clair, Mich., were _visiting with
their parents over Sunday.
Mr John Woodcock of Montreal,
was a St. Joseph visitor over Sunday
with relatives.
Mrs. Maryanne Charrette who
spent some time in Detroit and Wind-
sor'vieiting with her children, return-
ed to her home on Saturday last
Mrs. Joseph Canthi of St. Joseph
left on Friday last for Detroit, where
she will spend a few days with her
Mr. Alphonse Jeffrey who is em -
in .
from them when public meetings are 1 theiro home sin honor of their birth- ployed in Kitchener, spent Sunday
Field. who have died, who are marry-
ing and who are moving out and who s day. The evening was spent in cards. under the parental- roof in Beaver -
t' in and games, after which they were town.
Miss Cherie Laporte of St. Clair
Mich., spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. H. Laporte of the Blue
Water north.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Siemon of
Goderich spent Sunday with relatives
in this vicinity.
Sgt. H. C. Ducharme and Mr.
Isadore Ducharnie returned to their
homes after spending the week -end
in Windsor and Detroit.
A few local fishermen from. Grand
Bend made an attempt to set. nets at
this bay point, 'after, deserting their
home town and after an east wind,
the result: fish and nets disappeared.
want to sell land, or other ar is es, I
fact, hundreds of items which mioght u. i presentedwfollowedwith
hby Several
y luncheo lhis
be of particular importance to y
Snell platters city papers cannot fur- after which all went home having
enjoyed a very pleasant eveningand
;Wishing them many more happy
BLAKE (days. .
Mr Arthur Sreenan who spent a Late Mrs. P. M: Humble ... •
few days with Mrs. Sreenan in the Mrs. Percy M. Humble of 374
London Hospital, returned to his Shepherd St., Sarnia died at the fam
come as she is much improved in ilv residence in her 67th year. She
r was formerly Minnie Finkbemer, a
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard and member of Devine . Street United
son of Brucefield, visited Mr. and church and of the Ladies' Aid. She
Mrs Sam Hey. ' also belonged to the Eastern Star
Mrs. Arthur Finlayson is z.olding Lodge No. 50. She ie survived by
the WVIS. meeting in her home, oil her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Don -
Thursday afternoon. Miss Emma ald. Sutherland, Windsor, a son Mel -
Dinsmore group is in charge. ' vin Humble at home; two sisters,
d Gather -
Miss Irene Baker of Clinton visite 'Mrs. Reuben Goetz and
Tier parents,Mr.and Mrs. Robert ine Finkbeiner both of Dashwood.
Baker on Sunday. Funeral services was held at the D.
Mr James Dinsmore visited .with J Rabb funeral home on Friday ev-
ceusins in Windsor for a few days. ening, following which the body was
Mr and Mrs. Donald ng hion and taken to Crediton on Saturday morn -
son of Toronto, are visiting his moth-
ing where interment took prece at 1
er and relatives in the vicinity. o'clock with Rev. Burn of Dashwood
Mr. and Mrs.•E. Faber and family jofficiating.
of Kippen visited Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances
on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7
kinds of Grease. Weainvite you to watch our trained
Expert Repairing
We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up -To -
Date Garage and Service Station.•
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car
Ward Fritz Used Oar Lot in Connection.
and the position will be filled at a Mutual Fire Ins. Co. whose business
meeting of the Council.
Purchases Property
An auction sale of the real estate
has become so extensive that he
has found it necessary to give up the;
management of the Hardware basin -
Late Gerard Bedard
While preparatione were being
made to welcome one son home Irons with her son, James P. and wife at
It WO and.
d each
project. M.
s cokes-' Parkhill is a local option town.
Rev. P. Ferguson, to discuss a com later
munity Building Mr.M of the five "found ins" $10 and costs.
Saunders was appoints as 1 High Priced Coal
man, with Mrs. A. Kerslake, as sec- ; g
retary to go before the Council. A' A feature of the auction sale of
planning committee was formed con-, the late Mrs. Elizabeth Barron, of
sisting of Mr. M. Saunders, Mrs. R. Seaforth, Tuesday last, was the sale
H. Middleton and Mr. G Hess, and of about two tons of coal for over
the propert.y committee of the Co- $50. The purchaser is reported to
until plans are under way to erect have said he simply had to havethe
a memorial building in conjunction uel and w
u d have
tsbeenepirep prepared
with the school board which will em-. to pay ven
brace a recreational room and audit- property was bought by D. Papple,
t of T'uckersmith, the price being at
onium ' $1 000.
Addresses ,Young People Had Successful Year
The Young People's Society of The annual meeting of the the Hensall United Church held their
Tees -
regular meeting Monday evening last water Agricultural Society was held
when they had as their guest speaker in the Town Hall. Owing to bad
Mr. Edward Judd, principal of the roads the attendance was smaller
Public School, who gave an rnterest- .than usual. The treasurer's statement
ing and informative address on his showed the assets more than $12,000
work at the Reform School. Miss with liabilities nil. Prize money a -
Florence Welsh contributed a piano mounted to over $4,300 the largest
instrumental. amount ever paid. Entries were 600
Miss Mary Steckle, who has been
visiting with relatives at Markham,
has returned to her home.
Sigma. Peter E. Bannon, who has
just recently returned from overseas
has been spending the past week or
so visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Baker, and renewing ac-
quaintances in the district.
The many friends of Mrs, Annie
McClinchey are pleased to learn that
she was able to leave the hospital and
lis now at the home of her daughter
Mrs. James Ferguson left to visit Mrs. Steckle.
The many friends of Mr. Alfred
Ings regret to learn that he is not so
I well at present.
Paul Bedard, d n by street,
i ierising' with friends Had Successful Year
d thedeath
overseas, the home of Mr. and Mr...
St.Andrew's street
Goderich, was saddened
Mrs F. W. Baker is away to Lon -
above 1945. J. D. Little was award -
DISTRICT NEWS ed an Agricultural Service Diploma.
It was decided to hold the fair on
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy .Elliott and Oct. 1 and 2nd this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellerington, of Sells Hardware Business
Exeter left Sunday last on a motor I B. W. F. Beavers of Exeter anno-
trip to Florida. They will be gone for' unced the sale of his Hardware, Flu-
e few weeks. robing, Heating and Tinsmith basin -
Miss E. Graham, who has conduct- els to his son, R. L: Beavers. The
ed an old -established grocery business new business will be under the name
at Wingham, is retiring and has sold,1 "Beavers Hardware." Many new el -
the store building to a barber. I ectrical lines will be added, also oil
George E. Eilber, road superint- burners, air conditioning. Mr. Beav
endent for Stephen township for 18 ers will continue to act as secretary
years, has tendered his resignation, treasurer of the Usborne and Hibbert
Established 1900
Herald Printing Office
(Member of Canadian Weekly Neve -
paper Association.)
year, strictly in advance. $2.00:nzay
be changed. No paper discontinued
until all arrears are pain up unless -
at option of publisher. The date or
which every Subscription is paid ire
donated on the Label.
In Memoriam, one verse 55Oc. i5e
for each additional verse. Card 0f'
Thanks 50c.
Auction Sales—$2.00 for one in-
sertion if not over four inches
Miscellaneous articles of not more
than four lines. For Sale, To Ren,
Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one in-
sertion 25c; 2 ins. 40c; 3 ins. 500.
Contract advertising made knov:
on application.
Address all Communications to:
con vi.
of another son, Gerard, who passed i reT s. 0. have R eturned artand ier being i Un The
church, ting of Staheld Andrew's
away in the Hospital as the result o 1 i school room wieh .
n injury which he received to tris. guests at the Royal York Hotel, Tor-lireHinton lt as chairman and T. N.
Forsyth as secretary. An •attendance
of about 50 persons were present.
The reports of the various organiz-
head week.
HP for
a tits
head when he fell while at work. H onto, CWAC., Lon••
•g_ Pte. Ellen MacKay,
' � 0
'oder �,
by the
was employed
;an Co. and had returned to his csork t don, who visited at her homehere,
• b d suffering from ac -
there after the noon hour, when be- i is confiend to a
fore commencing work, he was ap- ute bronichitis. Her friends hope for i atv g ire re prew n ee , ndnthe the
parently seized with a weak spell and ,'a speedy recovery.
fell, striking his head. \N', ..ie wa Busy With Ice Harvest Managing Board for three. years:
vial him at the time and it wee not: The fishermen have been busy with i Robert D. Elgie, Carl McClinchey, H.
:for some minutes that he was discos- the annual ice harvest .and hope to be I H. Damn and Robt. McGregor. The
completed shortly. !pint year was rather .an historic one
eyed by other. hospital
whereer. itHwas to- ; p Dies at Toronto 1 in the life of the church; the congre-
ion to the hospital it co ndt:-' Mrs.7. W. Jowett has returned to l gations undertaking extensive reno-
covered that failedhe suffered from count:-
lion. He to regain conscious - l hes' home after having. been called vatona to the manse.
nese before his death on Saturday ev- r to Toronto Wednesday last owing to
I the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. W
ening last. Gerard was avert' likeable
boy and was born at Drysdale 21 `.H.. Wright.
• 1 Sells General Store
years ago and moved to-Goder:ce r
with his parents at the age of 13. Lawrence Stephenson has sold his
He was a devout member o' St. Pet -
1 general store on Main St. to Erne.,t
Hovey, Clinton, who takes possession
ergs church and a member of rbcs '.1 st. Mr, and Mrs. Stephenson
Holy Name Society. Surviving, be-(
d Billy have many friends 'here
Mre, J. W. McLean of Hensall, re-
ceived word that her sister, Mre.
William McAllister had died on Sat-
urday February fth. Born in' Hay
Township, she was the former Jessie
'hell, daughter of the late Mr., and
sides his parents, are five brother.; t �c•ho will greatly miss them. They f Mrs. Daniel Bell. Surviving are two
and two sisters, Clare, who retuned have purchased a farm on the Huron, sons and three daughters; 2 brothers;.
on Monday from overseas, Terrane , Road a mile north` of Clinton whereR. D. Bell, Hensall and C7. G. Bell,
Isadore, Neil, Anthony and Shirley 1 the\' will make their home I Hensall. Three sisters, Mrs. T. Me-
J1nne, at home and reins. J. Donnelly 1 Couple Honours -1 sellister, Hensall; Mrs W. W. Cooper
(Velma) of Gncierieh.. The funeral There was a large attendance et of Kippen.;service was held Wednesday morning - the Town Hall, Bayfield, Friday ev- ; The euchre and dance held in the
at St. Peter's dhrrrch, wheel rnrruieni I K ring last. when friends gathered tot Town Hall, Friday evening sponsored
high mass was sung by Rev. H. T. I honor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ssotoh• I by the Ladies 500 Club was a decid.-
?Pillion. The floral trihetes were lot ! ,;1<.v. Bronson line, Stanley Twp.' ed success; 17 tables were in play for
r.•ly and many, Interment was in the During the evening the young couple
Colborne R.C. Cemetery. t were called to the platform and Mrs.
I W•'i. E. Parker read an address in
D.ASH'WOO7 I which was expressed a welcome to
the bride andhappiness that Tom;
Mr. Clifford Snider who has 'been i even tw service overseas with the
the euchre, following are the prize
winners. Ladies' first, Mrs. George,
Glenn; second was Mrs. Geo. Sang-
ster; Consolation, Mrs. 3. E. McEwen
Gents first Geo. Boa; 2nd J E Me -
Ewen ;
c -Ewen; consolation, Archie ,Rowcliffe.
eniplol•^rl wth Wein Bros. ln'f': 1a4 i RCAF and was a P.O.W. in Germany The music for the dance was twillsh
week for London where he he SC -P'. ao • 18 months, had decided to settle ed by Murdock's orchestra with Tom.
Trrrd employment with the Simpson on the fancily homestead. John Wild , Meyers as floor manager.. Proceeds
Co I riade the presentation of a purse ofwere for patriotic purposes.
Mr. .Albert ;Miller visited with fu < 0. The Bayfield Valley 'dive played 1 Mrs. Pearl. Stephan received word
• 4.rirla in Michigan last week. for the dance and used the amplifier 1 that her son Ordinary Seaman, Ran--
V.V. and Miss. Kenneth MoCrrae are, fer the first time in the hall. Jerome ald Stephan has passed all his tests
visiting: with his parents in ifeaford litelard and Mr. Sierran sang West- are exams in his wireless course
lied in Toronto this week. ( ern cowboy songs. Carl Huston was and has been transfered to the fleet
, f. • ..v l floor manager, assisted by Lindsay air arm as air mechanic, second class.
Minn t .fore;et the.monster carnivel y
cm the Deshweod Skating Ithikm
. on Smith and Mr. Sieon. Refreshments He will proceed to Aylmer Ont., for
}f'rrursday.'T'eb, 14th, flood prizes wre serced and it was air enjoyable three months' then will go to Scot-,
"�+iiil land to co.nllete his tre,ining
be pivet. evening..
S r
ileNeSe.e, Ten.
eels; e
The largcet single snipnteet of dairy
earth) ever snide I.. •1 Canada to-
Mexico t eeent ly p ••.s 1 (Nor Lain telt ut.
National Railways' tints An 11 c' ct :i
trate. it cos inta:l at 300 p c:l..
Rolstein, Jersey, Gem
c v r <i �. .•
shirecows and li s, , a • . rod
the •
Shire. Goy, r,,:,l ret, and fol-
lowed a previous' p1001s rso, l,:ado in
May, of 10i) 11otstcdns, : le hi t
complete heal of cattle ever to he
lMexic . irThe Cto) phoit,ariph<sho} e .
part; of the largo ; Itipmcnt, a group
of 3 talsteins sit a, Canadian Nihon:..
ilail•,vaysstockv rd,icsicdand,chealc-
rd,readytoente, a('. N,It strep oar-
ruto start their jotu ncy toMy •loo..
Pictured bdnw is (;enteral ,?. Cr.I+s-
cobar, left,, of Montroat and Me ion,
president of the Canadian inien-
1nxrric� r\r„nctrctiert, di•<tr .ng With
F1•ederic ° Senches, repr r olittl g t h:,.
Mexican (rover nl+,ft., the ranter of: '
:further shipments from Canada.