HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-02-14, Page 1Established 1900 HERA ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINt, FEBRUARY 14 ( 9 46 ...1•••••1111, CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER 0..50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. Advertisin aoka.....som.mi I Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides. all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A GALL! Phone 68 for your Appointments. MRS. EDW. .GASCHO, Zurich EMMANUEL :EVANGELICAL CHURCH ••••••••••••••••yr....s• C. B. HECKENDORN, Pastor Mrs. M. OESCH, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.-Divine Worship. 11 aan.-Church School. 7.30 p.m. -Divine Service. You are Welcome at all Services ST. PETER'S "Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONTARIO weemana.1100110.1.0 REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.m.-Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. -Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -Divine Worship. . Everybody Welcome to ail Serie COMFORTABLE GLASSES REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method o Eyesight Testing Used.. Open ever Week Day Except Wednesday.. is t, atest Selling Force. Try an Adi Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices • IS YOUR WIFE STILL • YOUR SWEETHEART? CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS Bailey Florists, Exeter Main $t. - 4%.19111.11k Phone 276 GIRLS, YOUR CHANCES TO MARRY ARE DWINDLING A man is a marital prize in these days of surplus women.. As if GIs taking foreign wives isn't bad en- ough, unmarried girls find their men grabbed off by divorcees. Genev- ieve Parkhurst, in The American Weekly, with this Sunday's (Feb. 17) issue of .Detroit Sunday Times, tells what it takes 'to win a hnhsbaritlah•Get Sunday's Detroit 'Times. . - . . Farm Forum • • • Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Battler op- ened their home to the Babylon line Farm Forum for their regular Mon- day evening meeting. 'rhe Costly Trip from Producer to Consumer,' was the topic studied. Methods of reducing the cost of this trip which is of interest to both rural and urban f residents were discussed. Our social hour consisted of progressive games, a sing song and a delicious lunch in - eluding homemade Mr. ice cream. 44+++++++++++44++4.4 -1 -1 -It++++ ,e++++++++++++++++++++++++44 4. affinan lard ifiantc -ta• Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance 3 of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. at MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR MIGHT TELEPHONE No.'70 4. 4. 4.44+++++++++++++++++++++++0e+++++++++++-teeee++++++++++ ashwood - Ontario 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ..m•••••••aw*.*Fonamolgoa.001ir. " )1101 wilimiummin iiillMilitigott 1 Mil • • .",•• "f• zumeirs Grocery Store ..ats1011110 When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leachng supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Men Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED, Phone 65 01'11 „,,eire,"•,', 4 , .1,11)Iiillil,111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111411111111101111Illilii and Mrs. Arnold Merner invited the Forum to their home for the next meeting. Unique Farrn Forum Thirty members of the Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs. Maurice Durand and they agreed that the "Costly trip from the Producer to the Consumer" could be avoided by co-operative marketing. Although they did not think this could be done on a 100% scale. They thought if given a try would prove itself profitable. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Horner with Wm. H. Edighoffer as convenor. HAY COUNCIL The Annual Meeting of the Hay Municipal Telephone System was held in the Hay Toiernship ,Council Chamber on Monday, February 4th, at 1.30 p.m. Mr. William Haugh ac- ted as chairman. The Auditors' Re- port for 1945 was read to those pre- sent. Mr. T. H. Hoffman gave an ac- count of the year's activities in his area while Mr. H. G. Hess who was unable to attend presented a paper which was read by the Secretary. Dthe ear a 12,000 foot cable 3 Ul g was installed west of Dashwood, and a nenw switchboard ordered for Zur- ich Central. The guest speaker was Mr. James Vance of Woodstock, Ont. He described conditions that existed in Princeton and Innerkip System of which he is Secertary. These systems are on thelines of ours. The meeting was then adjourned and the Hay Township Council be- gan its regular Township meeting. The following .correspondence Was presented: W. F. Hamlyn, re Teleph- one pole prices; Dpt. of Lands and Forests 3 re the planting of trees for windbreaker,. Out, Hydro Imes ciOs sing telephone lines; GeOh .Feagen, Plowing Match; Canadian Ind. Tel. Assn; Assn. Rural Municipalities; Dp Re -construction and _supply; Good Roads. The following motions were passed That a grant of $100.00 , be given to the Huron County Plowing Assoc- aar-ae. esc.--.41k-e3,fe•MPIMISMILIMMINIMIIII• THE CARNIVAL The second annual Carnival and ale first one on the new rink of t he Zurich Lions Club was held last Fri- day evening with a large attendance, the affair in general was one of the best ever, and the local Club is very.. thankful for the public in general for the nice support given both m attendance and participation in the various conterst which were in many cases hard to decide on the winners. Following is a list of those who won the prizes: Girls under 6, Sheila Willert; Boys under 6, Pat O'Brien, Don Gascho; Girls over 6 to 12 7fancy dress, Betty Gascho, Katherine Kalbfleisch; boys over six to 12, fancy dress, H. Clausius, D. O'Brien; Girls over 6 to 12 comic, B. Gascho, June Willert; Boys 6 to 12, conic, J. Haberer, W. Yungblut; Girls over 112 to 16, fancy dress, Shirley Smith - B. Geiser, 2nd Kath- leen Hess; Boys 12 to 16 fancy, Bill O'Brien; Girls over 12 to 16 comic, Anita Datars, J. Mousseau M. Huff- man P. Hess; Ladies over 10 fancy, Mra. D. Geiger; gents over 16 fancy A. Gelless; ladies over 16 comic,Mrs Hale* Geiger; gents over 16 comic, E. J. Deters; Best National Costume Ronald Heinrich; Oldest skater on ice, 4. G. Hess; Best dressed Lion, E. S. Datars; Races, girls under 12 G. Dietz, L. Heckendorn; boys under 12, J Haberer, R. Heimrich; Open race,ladies, Shirley Smith; open 'race menllosS ,Gascho. .fudges : Mrs G. Koefiter, Mrs. A. Heideman, Mr. G. G. Sewell RED CROSS NEWS ANNUAL, MEETING That a grant of $25.00 be given to the South Huron Agricultural So- ciety for Stock show and $10.00 to- -wards the Seed Show. That By-law be drawn up confirm - Mg motion re: rate of pay for Reeve and Councillors for special meetings and for signing cheques. That the Council of the Township of Hay hereby grant the Lions Club of Zurich permission to carry on with the Bingos for 8 or 10 a year. The Lions Club to comply with the laws of the Criminal Code. That Mrs. Fanny Bender be eng- aged as caretaker of the Hall for 1946 at a salary of $85.00 per year with rights to demand. $1,00 from each prospective user for each use of the Hall unless the Hall is rented at the regular rates. That trees on roadway between Concessions 4 and 5, and between lots 15 and 20, of that concession of Hay Township be sold and that By- law be passed authorizing the sale of this wood That the Clerk and Council attend the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities and Good Roads Con- vention. That payments on Hay Municipal Telephone System, Roads, Relief and General Accounts be paid as per -vo- ucher. Roads - Alf Reichert $5,60; Hil- ton 'hummer 1.40; Harold Horner 1.40; Robt. Adams .90; Eben Wei- gand 2.20; Leon Bedard 1,60; Alph- onse Meese 57.15; Lloyd Mousseau $10; Clar. Schade 1,40; Hy Schilbe $8; Charles Recker 2.80; Leonard Memel. 1.40; Louis Masse 50.80; Jas Masse 62.10. Relief - Mrs John Suplat $25; A. Heideman, rent $3; Emma Bassow 8.90.• General Accounts - Whinier & special mention. Mrs. Smith had com- Co. 31,75; R. J. Lovell. & Co. 12.15;• H W. Brokenshire 18175; Fanny pleted 119 articles and Mrs. Foster had made 96 'articles during the year. Mrs. 111ousseau was requested to con- vey to these two very faithful work- ers the sincere apprecation of the Zurich Branch. Mrs. Albrecht, the convenor for quilts, reported that 39 had been ehieped. It was moved by Olive O'- Brien and seconded by D. Ducharme that the officers comprising the 1945 executive be re-elected for 1946. The motion was carried. The meeting was adjourned on motion of mid Father Lucien -Victor Secretary. The annual meeting of the Zurich and District of the Canadian Red Cross Society was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on January 24th, 1946. The minutes of the last annual meet- ing. were read and adopted, Teras- urer Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer reported a bank balance of $588.22. He also summarized the financial record at the Branch for 61/2 years which had elapsed. since its organization. Dur- ing that time collections had totalled $11,096.11. The amount of cash re- mittances to Red Cross Headquarters had reached a total of $6,104.16. On motion of Mr. David Ducharme and Mrs. Herb Mousseau the report was adopted. The problem of the storage or dish posal of the six epidemic units be- longing to the Branch was discus-ied. On motion of Dr. O'Dwyer and Miss Olive O'Brien it was decided to have the units put into suitable condition and placed in storage. Miss O'Brien moved that Dr. O'Dwyer be authori- zed to make use of any articles in the epidemic units, if and when he should come upon any home in need of such articles. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Mousseau and was carried, , On motion of Mrs. Ed. Deters and Mrs. Chester Smith it was decided that the workroom be discontinued temporarily after present quotas are filled. Mrs. Ward Fritz reported that the Hoapital . Supplies Committee had shipped 13,8 articles during the year to headquarters. A report on the work of the Knitting Commlztee was given by Mrs. Chester Smith.,152 articles had been sent in during the year. In her report on the work of the Sewing Committee, Mrs. Herb. Mousseau pointed out that 663 ar- ticles had been shipped during the year. Mrs. Mousseau cited the splen- did work of Mac. Clayton Smith and Mrs. Jos. Foster as being worthy of E EVERYONE IS WEARING THE NEW ADORNA GLAMOROUS EARRINGS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS- SORTMENT EVER. COME IN AND SEE THEM! RANSON LIGHTERS ARE BACK AGAIN $6.00 TO $8.00 LADIES' AND GENT'S MODELS A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. PHONE YOUR OR or Positive Identification of the World's • Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coaly Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall 0404141041000000•006.0411110000090000000001001110411100•11161140410 Bender $85; Hay Stationery 8.75; Dominion Hotel 82.00; Hay Mimic, Tel. System 2500.00; Treas. South Huron Agric. Soc. $35; Hay Telephone System - C. M. Rudolph 846; Bell Tele. Co. 341.84, Stromberg, Carlson 968.51; Northern Elec. Co. 158.97; T. H. Hoffman 450:00; Treas Hay Twp. $70; Auto- matic Electric 14.31; II G. Hess 235.65, The Council adjourned to meet, a- gain March 4th at 1.30 pan. H. W. Rrokenshire, William Haugh, Reeve. ANNOUNCING 1TH R. PSE EOM Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director HOSPITAL BED FOR RENT Day and Night Service, Telephone 89 Zurich 1-4+1,-.' 4, 4. 4. 4. 4 4 E.44114+++++++++44+4.44+++.1.4.4 44++++++++++++++++++÷+++4,1 For Quiek Sale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. KALBIFL1ISCH & SON Phone 69 - ZURICH 4. + 1 TSE Pioneer Feeds FOR YOUR POULTRY and STOCK. Hatching Ration, Big 3 Laying Mash, Dairy Rat- ion, Pig Starters and Grower. FOR YOUR CHICKS Click Starter, Grower, Scratch Feed, Chick Size Oyster Shell and Grit, Bone Meal, Cod Liver Oil. Also have in Stock Concentrates and Mineral for YourConvenience at all times A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always THE LAKE STORE Edmund Swarttentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 ‘sommisssissousommmummispossoommossissiousomossommostaxasossow