HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-02-07, Page 6MOPSY byGtADYS PARKER THIS iS YOUR LAST CHANCE, MOPSY I r THd5 ONE 1:1E5 YOU FLUNK YOUR NURSES AI OE COUFS ' r ..._ FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger "The odds are better since l cut a hole in it!" "OLD DOMINION STATE" HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted state, 8 Swamp. 14 Mulcts. 15 Casts again. 16 Drunken carousals, 17 Malayan jumping disease, 18 Work with needle and thread. 19 Swiss river. 20 Star facet. ?,11 Him, 22 Native of Latvia. 24 Stringed musical instruments. 27 Before. 29 Indian. 30 Jumbled type. 31 Laughter sound. 32 Of the thing. 33 Symbol for calcium. 34 Genus of vipers. 36 Is able. 37 Incursions: 38 Greek letter. Answer to Previous Puzzle e.AR B14 £S RE GA. P L E3 R EN V wit Er Y E N E= A D A >Fk G E T ON A E S T BB R E. L 41 Rave. 42 Ells English (abbr,). 43 Confine. 44 Footlike part. 45 Object. 47 Throe. 48 Spider monkey. 51 Petitions. 53 Sligh 54 Catchers of eels. 55 Its capital is --, VERTICAL 1 Surety (Roman) 2 Little demon. 3 Rate again. 4 Large. 5 Cake froster. 6 Not elsewhere specified (abbr.). 7 Exists. 8 Allot. 9 Wood sorrel. 10 Sun god. 11 Aver. 12 Female saint (abbr.). 13 Compass point 15 Hank of twine 17 Louisiana abbe ( .). 21 Mist. 22 Person affected with leprosy, 23 Genus of shrubs. 24 Hearken, 25 Type of nut. 26 Meager, 28 Go by. 31 Conceal, 35 Wintry. 36 Italian country house. 38'In terdicts, 39 Hen product, 40 Symbol for tellurium, 41 Arm anew. 43 Sedans. 44 Expression OS disdain. 45 Mimic. 46 Anger. 47 Through, 48 Civilian Conservation Corps (abbr.) 49 Number, 50 Augment. 52 Biblical pronoun., 53 Symbol for silicon. Unusual The captain of the local fire brigade entered the Pig and Whistle and ordered a half-pint of beer. The landlady looked at him in astonishment; never before had she known hint order less than a pint. "Did you say a half pint?" she asked. "Why yes," replied the fireman. "1 know it's unusual, but 1 haven't time for a pint. I'm on my way to a fire." Baffled A man went to a physician, com- plaining of prolonged headaches. The doctor told him to stop smok- ing. "I have never used tobacco in any forst." "Well, then, stop drinking." "I ani a total abstainer." - "Late hours, then, and fast wo- men," "1 ani always in bed by nine. I am a bachelor and live with my old maiden aunt: Now, seriously, what causes my headaches?" "I don't know,". said the baffled .doctor. "1 guess your halo's pinch- ing." THE SPORTING THING CDG &PS 1 rig i ; +'r i "Did you •whistle, I hope?" Easy Enough •. A girl bad passed various 'exam- inations for a position, and was now facing the selection committee for the ' intelligence test. She had been warned that thi= was always fti'1 of ''catches'. "Now, 'Miss Smith," said one of the examiners, "If a man buys an article for dleven shillings and six- pence, and ,,ells it for nine and tenpence, does he gain or lose?" The candidate pondered deeply for a fete moments, and then re- plied: "Well, he gains on the pen- nies, but loses On the shillings," Seemed a Good Idea On the first day in her new home the }lung bride was efficiency per- >lonified. "Jag:c," she called • to the parlor • maid, "the casters on these chairs squeak horribly. Oil them right away." Sorry, miss,' replied Jane, bit we haven't any oil." "Then take this quarter," was the 'nstant rejoinder, and buy a quart of castor oil," One Or Other She was obviously annoyed when she returned from her shopping expedition. "John," she said to her husband, "I've just found that the woman next door has a coat ex- actly the same .as mine." John looked up from his bank- ing account, which he had been trying to balance. "Well, my dear," he said, "I suppose you'll want me to buy you a new coat?" "Yes," she replied. "It would be cheaper than moving, wouldn't it?" MUTT AND JEFF — Well as Shakespeare Didn't Say "Get the Flit Mutt, Get the Flit" M,F, YOUR IGNORANCE IS POSITIVELY REFRESHING! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYBODY OR A NYTHiNG t (3H, I WOULD* SAY THAT! .1 KNOW THINGS AND STUFF! HAVE YoU-11\ EVER LEAD BACON P,' N0, BUT 1' VE EATEN IT! r' Lessons From Father Two members .of the club were having an argument about right and wrong. "Don't talk to me about right, and wrong," said Brown heatedly, "1 'cannot re - remember the time when I couldn't distinguish the difference•„ "1 suppose you were taught the difference at your mother's knee," sneered Black. ' "Certainly not, 1 learned over nay father's knee," retorted Brown. THE SPORTING THING "Stop sneezing at me!" Great Salesman "You know, old man," said Brown, "that fellow's too smart for me. Do you know what he did?" "No," said Green. "What?" "Well, he sold me a plot of land that was two feet under water. 1 went round and demanded my money back." 'Did you get it?" "Get nothing! , He sold me a motor -boat!" filiMininninigneirianSEMSEENh You Will Enjoy Slaying Al The St. Regis Rotel TORONTO • Every Room with Bath. Shower and Telephone. eb Single, $2.50 up — Double, $8.50 up. • Good Hood, Dieing and Danc- ing Nightly. Sherbourne al Carlton Tel. RA. 413i By Bud Fisher O H, THAT HAM SURE,' KNEW HIM WE USEDTOPAL AROUND TOGETHER! You BOOB! BACONS BEEN DEAD OVC--R TWO HUNDRED YEARS! /REALLY? HOW TIME DOES FLY! REG'LAR , FEI .i .F.RS—Advance NOW, 1-IERE IS A VERY C.— CAAF2DHAND•I sI PATI -1Y ONLY 'FIVE CE'N'TS.• Sympathy GOOD! NOWJus-r ADDf2 Ss 1)- AN' MAIL IT TO PINHEAD DUFF' 1313 1 HIP_ T EENTN STREET CITY AN' HERE'S YEI. t NICKEL . SUCCESS FOR A PART is assured by serving Max. well House. This sit. premely fine coffee de- lights guests because its blend contains all the stimulating goodness of choice Latin-American coffees SAFES Proleet your 1100ES and ('ASU from ('11tf) and "1'11115Vl'S. BS'e have a size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, tin, any purpose. Visit use or write for pricer, etc., to Dept. W J, $&J.TAVL®.1R LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St, 10., 'Poroot(' Established 186:, HARNESS & COLLARS Farriers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supp?les. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices, We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you s•et satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto Heavy Treaded Retreads Tires File L<eleased - - No Permit Required,. $ 7 1,1) 440-450/21, 450/211 $ 7.00 471-600/111, 475-50o/20 $ 1.00525/IS, 550/16. 550%17 $10.05 000/10 $12.75 026-Go0 /10. 600-051/;30 $1.4.$0 Tri,, Ic 80x.; s sty, (Lilt.;20 $200.00 82x0-70(1/2(1 loply $00.00 84x7-7,10/2(1 12 1117 Other sires. as well as odd ami obsolete, are available al eunaliy low prices. E very tire gun -:Bile 4 :is• fl r government regulations. Order Now While the Supply Lasts Riitrite Tire Spies '279 Queen E. Toronto Ontario Swat and cap! in any Pipe 1 11 CANADA'S STANDARD PIPE TOBACCO HOLD ON TNERE, SONNY-- 1 HAPPEN TO KNOW YOU -- YOU'RE P1NWEAD DUFFY YOURS E -LF By GENE BYRNES TI-IAT'S RIG! -IT/ I'M BRINGING NOME MY SCHOOL DEPORT AN' I'LL -NEED TI -IAT, CARD BADLY i >rg TINC c II U re.orron. • 1 OP—Under the Ski Perhaps ARE THOSE TWO B 2OTH E IZS ? ,•.21'04:. 4444 adlenned�hY'"Tun Belt Syndicate.1nn)�J� iFES • AT LE A ST, ^? ▪ 7 ONE iSr — 1 By J. MIL.'LAR WAIT ..' NQT^ Su!zE ABOUT `. THE- OTHER— '"1 THE —