HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-02-07, Page 41.r" ►'
726� , xy . 7th, 1946,
Titus 3.5.
ARE NOT! Rom. 4: 5.
Old-fashioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts ea many •statione,fslt
various times.
Mutual Network, Sundays. Local. StStation,Station,4CIKLWWindsor
which he purchased freest Peter Mc-
Gee last autumn,
Native Pie, in I'uronto
Mrs. Emma I. M. Weight, wife of
Dr. W. H. Wright, flied at her home
in Toronto. She had been an invalid
for eight years. Born in Bayfield,
she was the daughter 'of the late Thos
and Sara Ann Jowett. Following her
marriage in 1:89.0, she moved to Tot-
tenham, where her husband' practised
medicine for .some years.
Miss Pa'yttie Logan has left for
Irondon. where she intends spending
several weeks.
Mt: E, .L. Mickle was a business
'visitor to Chatham.
The e Young People of the United
cdhurch :enjoyed a toboggan party the
DASI-1Wu0D Mrs. K. N• `Tietz and little son
A monster Valentine Carnival will l have
doine theird .newapartment .husband and are
be held on February 14th at Dash- I Varna.
wood Skating Rink. Mrs C. W. .Brown .has left for her
Herb Luft underwent an operation horse in Clinton, Iowa, after having
for appendicitis in St. Joseph's Hos- visited her .sister, Mrs. Archie Arm-
pital, London last week. We under- strong, Bronson .line, • Stanley.
stand Herb is getting along nicely. Mr. Brown, who has been employ -
Pte. George Wolfe of Camp 1. ed in the canning factory at Aylmer,
den spent the week -end with his is spending his vacation with the
parent I Brown family •of Brown's General
Lt. Col. Eugene Tiernan of Barrie
spent a few days with his mother,
Mrs. Tiernan.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz were called
to Sarnia on Sunday owing to the
serious illness of her sister, Mrs.
Mr. T. T. Hoffman, accompanied
by Gordon Eagleston, Glen Walper, Mrs Pilgrim, .formerly Susan
attended the Telephone Plant School �,a2•t, will be remembered by many in
held at the Bell Telephone Co., in ' the district. When visiting her sister
London, last week. Mrs. Wright, she was involved in an
Mr E. Hutcheson had the misfor- accident some time ago, which prov-
tune of getting his fingers cut iaa ed fatal.
Klumpp's factory which required him Late ,Mrs. Thos Carr
to the Hospital for a few days. Death moved one of Brucefield's
Mr. Fred Genttner was in London older residents, in the person of Mrs
Last Wednesday. Thomas Carr, who passed away at
Bdr. Kenneth McCrae has return -
the home .of ;her tdaughter, Mr and
ed from overseas having served in Mrs. Cornish in Clinton. The funeral
Belgium, Holland and France, was held in the church .and was con -
GRAND BEND - ducted by her ;pastor, Rev. Atkinson.
Mrs. Carr was a faithful member ot
In Motor Car Accident the Brucefield church .and was al -
Four persons were injured when ways in attendance as long as health
two autos collided on No. 8 Highway permitted and taek :a'•keen :interest in
near �Seeback's Hill last Saturday Red Cross work..
,lt.oss Fridhatf, aged 37, of R.R. 4,
Mitchell, was admitted to Victoria
,Hisptal, London, fpllowing a hunting
accident, which necessitated the am-
,putation of the left leg at the knee.
The accident occurred one mile east
of Anderson while on a rabbitdrive.drive.
His condition is reported as good..
Purchases Huron Garage
Fred Newton has purchased from
Stewart Bros., the Huron Garage on
'Main Street, Exeter, and has already
taken possession. He is taking over
the agency for the Plymouth and
Chrysler cars and Fargo trucks and
expects to open for business shortly.
Cecil Stewart will continue to operate
the taxi business using the same
School Area Proposed
A meeting for the purpose of dis-
oiex evening and all reported a very cussing the question of a High School
good time.
Miss Minnie Reid has left for Lon-
don where she intends spending the
remainder of the winter.
Al Pearson of Toronto spent t he
week -end with friends here
Miss . Barbara Michie of the teach-
ing staff spent a week -end with her
(parents at Brussels
The auction sale 'held Saturday
last of the household effects and pro-
perty of Mss Robt Elgie was well at-
tended and good prices realized in
spite of the wintry weather Mr. Robt
McDougall of London purchased the
property.. .
J. W. Bonthron & Son recently
purchased the property of the Davis
Estate, now occupied by the Norm-
an Jones family. With intention to
remodell same for an up-to-date
funeral home.
Mr and Mrs. Knox of Macklin, Sas.
are enjoying a pleasant visit with
their relatives, Warden and Mrs. R.
E. IShaddick and family. obey are
also holidaying in Londesboro, Clin-
ton, Port Dover, etc
Douglas Sangster spent a few days
in Guelph and 'Toronto and attended
a large reunion and banquet for the
war prisoners which was held at the
Royal York.
Mrs. Robert Drysdale of town re-
ceived word of the sudden death of
Store, Varna.
It -has been reported that the Ward
homestead has been purchased by
one •of Varna's influental business
Mrs. ,James Wright, of Kippen, re-
ceived ward of the passing of her
sdstez, Mrs. Pilgrim, in Los Angles.
District for the Township of Hibbert
was held at Staffa. Rev. Joseph At-
kinson acted as chairman. G. L. Duff-
in, who is in charge of this work for
the Provincial Department of Edu-
cation, reviewed in detail the p
of the province in establishing such
a system.
Dies in Colborne
Robert McClure of Colborne Twp.
died at his home in his 80th year. He =-- •
was horn and had lived all his life plaster cast. While ga-, down of the mill'.. The., mill employe
hi the encs, which and inherited from - his hand in some of the pupils in ed around 45. men, and was produce
his parents, sammMatildafheBen-- thering up � ing �Ciure. Be was a member of the Stephen to bring them to the Ere-; ser � �4�0�� n d�s°l�. Government fo shipm nfe
miller United church. In 1910 he ter high school, the car hewas roads d iv- I overseas. married Miss Ella Henderson, of •Sea- ing went off the slippery
forth who survives with three child- thec It was
essary to Retires From. Milanese
eamof horses to
ren. get the car out A. T. Groper, re native and life.-
t d
Hints' Bruce Dry Move The horses made a q
An effort to have Bruce Co. bro-
ught under the provisions of the •Can-
ada Temperance Act now that its
validity had been upheld.by the Privy
Council was predictedby
Davey of Chesley, president
Womens' Christian Temperance Un-
ion in the county. She said that win-
ter road conditions prevented an im-
mediate convention to diseuss the
matter and that when spring comes
temperance workers will be out to
demand a vote on the question.
Has Hand in Cast
Dick Watson of Exeter is carrying
night; Mrs. L. J. Jennison of Grand
Bend received injuries which kept
her overnight in Stratford Hospital.
Honoured by Neighbours •
A very. enjoyable :Evening was .spent,
at the home of Mr.. :and :Mrs. John
Herbert Taylor, R.R.1, Dashwood, Armstrong, Bronson line, on Friday
George Weber of Woodham, and Lee last, when their aieighleoaars gathered
Jennison, Mrs. Jennison's husband, and presented them with a handsome
received minor injuries. The collision coffee table a magazine rack and a
which occurred about 9.30 p.in. in-
volved a car driven by Geo Kink-
ade of Stratford, with iVIr .: Weber
as passenger, and one driven by Mr.
'Taylor, with Mr. and Mrs. Jennison
as passengers. The cars m=ere wreck-
ed. Prov. Constable Douglas investi-
Late Albert Pollock
Albert Pollock, well known farmer
her father, Mr Hugh MacVicar, of
A Gas known to every Motorist.. Why take chances
on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7
kinds of Grease. Attendants invite
tase Cars.
watch our trained
Egg Repairing Motor.
We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and .Moat Up-To-
Dahe Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up"
your Car
Ward Fritz "Used Car Lot in Connection.
Poplar Hill. He died of a heart at-
tack while riding on a sleigh with a
friend near his home. He was in his
69th year.
Mrs Alfred Taylor
Mrs. Alfred Taylor, a prominent
and lifelong resident of Hensall, died
at her home on Saturday in her 86th
year. The former Miss Isa Bell, she
was born in Tuckersmith and was an
active member of Carmel Presbyter-
ian church. She is survived' by,
husband. A public funeral service
was held at the family residence, on
Monday afternoon. Rev. P. Fergu-
son officiated and interment was made
in Hensall Union Cemetery
.Prominent Farmer Honoured
-Monday evening last, •a prominent
and very highly respected etyown s
Hensall resident, Andy ,
quite taken by surprise when a small
purse for Judy. A very interesting
quiz contest was nonelected by Mrs..
Roy •Scotchmer, and the remainder of
the evening was spent playing cards..
An address was read by Colin Cam-
pbell to which John and Dorothy
very ably replied.— `We are all glad
that you have decided -to reside in
our community. We feel honoured
that we have in you John, one who
oe the Greenway district, passed a- risked life and home 'for the sake of
way Wed. last at his home in his 611 freedom that today we enjoy, and
year. He suffered a stroke on Satu t it i with heartfelt gratitude that we
uicx slay an
his right hand was caught in a chain
and two knuckles were fractured.
To Close Flour Mills
Excellence Flour Mills, which have
been operating in .Seaforth for the
most part, on a 24 -hr. basis for the
past three years, closed down in-
definitely on January 31st, when He
Government contracts terminated.For
the past couple of weeks the man-
agement has been experiencing la-
bor troubles, and a number of em-
ployees have been on strike, but the
business sofiice stated that this was
not the direct result of the closing
day and did regain consciousness.
-native of McGillivray Twp. and a
member of the Greenway United
church in which he was choir leader
for 9 years. His wife, formerly Laura
h•iceelli ter, six sisters and four bro-
thers survive; including a brother,
Solomon Pollock of Grand Bend. The
remains were laid to rest from the
family residence on Friday afternoon
with public service at Greenway Un-
ited Church and interment In the
Grand Bend cemetery.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
;group hof friends gathered at has
home to convey to him the sincerest
feelings and highest regards of his
.great host of friends and well-wish-
ers After a pleasant game of cards,
Andy was made the recipient •of the
following lovely gifts: a mantle radio
:a renews lighter, a signet ring, a
gladstone bag, a Krohler lounging.
=ear s. sus
gather here tonight We wish' you all
every success in the enterprise you
have undertaken." Lunch was served
by the ladies.
Pte. Thos. Castle arrived home on
Saturday last, after three years spent
in Europe. He is welcomed home.
Mrs. Barry of Detroit and Mrs.
Wheeler of London were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson over
che week end, visiting their mother,
Mrs. Stephenson, Sr. -
Friends who attended the funeral
of the late A. E. Erwin were: Mr.
and Mrs. E. Sauder and W. Erwin
and F. Erwin, nephews and niece of
Mr. Erwin, and his brother, Mr. T.
H. Erwin and nephew Mr. Wagner,
of Flint The pallbearers et the fun-
eral were: Charles " Toms, Malcolm
Tome, Fred Watson, Harold Stinson,
Jack Castle and Lindsay Smith. In-
terment was made in Bayfield cem-
Mrs. 0. W. Rynas and Mrs. Wm.
L. Ferguson left for Toronto for a
short visit.
little Miss
Delbert Hawand
Dawns, returned to their home in
Preton Sta., after having vented her
mother, Mrs. Wm Heard, since Christ
meta. Her brother, Wm. T. Heard
took them as far as Mt. Forest by
Friends of Mrs. Lloyd Makius,who
underwent an operation in Clinton
Hospital, will be glad to learn that
she is making good progrerss
Mr and Mrs. Peter McGee and Jim
recently moved to their new home
an the Bayfield con. Road, the late
Jas. Walmsley cottage, which they
purchased from H. Walmsley.
Milton Talbot, who has made his
home on the, former Desjardine place
on the Blue Water Highwny for sea-
nral year's, moved his family to their
'4W i.ua;,e bear the 1.4.�slt^n 1.ine,
The Misses Edna and Eulene Be-
dard of London, spent Sunday with
their parents on the Blue Water
Mr. and Mrs. Avila Duch>:.rree and
Blaise of Windsor, Mrs. Tereus Stans-
berry of Detroit in company with
Sgt. H. C. Ducharme, recently re-
turned from overseas, were week -end
visitors to their parents on tine Bine
Water Highway. Sgt. Ducharanc is
enjoying a 30 day leave at present.
Mr. Alphonse Jeffrey of Beaver -
town left on Sunday last for Kit-
chener where be is employed in the.
tire factory.
Mr. Ivan Masse of London, spent
Sunday with his parents in St. Jos-
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Je,Vrey and
sons of St. Joseph left on Tuesday
last for Detroit, where they will
spend a few weeks with relatives and
Fishermen already are st.•olling
the lake and setting nets with the
-hope of gutting a taste of fish. But
Ott present there is no safety on the
lake for that.
chair and a l b eriptlon to
weekly magazines or papers. !Andy
in a few very well-chosen words, ea -
pressed his sincere thanks to all his
friends for such a pleasant surprise.
The large number of friends from
the surrounding communities feel de-
eply the fact, that due to the exist-
ing unfortunate circumstances, they
must for the present say "adeau" to
hint, but hope however that he will
remember that he will always have
a warm spot in their hearts and a
lasting welcome in their homes.
Mr and fdrs, William. Scotelitntr,
Bronson line, spent a few agys wit1
daa,isli 'r, .Mr,", Joseph Wild,
Anson Thornton of Gorrie lost one
of a young team of horses in an un-
usual manner. It became frightened
when the train came into the station,
where the team was standing, and,
dropped dead.
Mr. Harvey Pfaff, of Crediton,
who has been on active service for
five years and ten months has re-
sumed his old position with Hatter's
Dairy. His friends, welcome him
back home again.
To Take Affidavits
W. G. McNall of Blyth has receiv-
ed notice of his appointment as Com-
missioner to take affidavits In and
for the Province of Ontario.
Had Second Meeting
At a belated nomination meeting
at Fordwich, E. A. Schaefer, T. A.
Wilson and W. E. Patterson were
re-elected police trustees for the vil-
lage. At the statutory meeting in
December there were not enough ra-
tepayers to form a quorum and the
second meeting was necessary.
Observes 96th Birthday
Mrs. Dan Grummett of Harphurey
observed her 96th birthday on Sun-
day January 27th. She resides with
her sister, Miss Brown, on the high-
way, and has not been quite so well
this year, but is enjoying fair Health.
Part of Leg Amputated
Chimney Fire at Blyth Postoffice
A chimney fire at the !Blyth Post
office caused Mr. Packer and a feW
others who knew about it n few
hours of anxiety. The chimney ca-
ught fire about 2,.30 In the afternoon
just ae the heavy Christmas mail was
being c•se au d up. The W e of sever -
long resident of Clinton, has --retire&
after carrying on: business there for
nearly 61 years, but he and Mrs..
Cooper wilt continue to reside ser
Clinton. He Bas, sold: the; retail bus..-
iness operated by him: and his fam-
ily since 1885, to two: brothers; Leo -
ter and Thomas: Martin of Wallace -
burg and Thedfbr-d' respeetively. St-
arting with $500 stick of books, st-
ationers and fancy goods in a store),
and financed' at the titre by hie fath
er, the late Win. Cooper, was tha
beginning of this now flourishingene
terprize which involves. many time.
ands of dollars.
S struck. 2
wet • � • ►. �'�, �1. s, , ttefiptea
thieves �g5
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V ict0tyesaa9 r g
sin 2u bee -
4 S`
ds • ace,
lctot3' once of
ag negotiable
the h
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pn a home
tract' Al p•m' ae on thelL.r2
robbery wad sna
o ry .ids►,
bbe ..•� `'�,.4 and a t3
,, y. • , cult !sags the bt
s root' • ot goldre ncc ude 'Mrs,
1`trs' nC:
alae ring 1tor, tj a eeeo t't 4ous° 'p
o a3ct iii en out tor ed a ahoat
hear�tex ern'd elan
prS Seeh it to ic
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policy stated Wedneves`NtT po et
police t that thep scillas, asunearthed.
other 1o1s
ea bele , of value wlettere untouched.
nt rt has h
o xch buoliee that tha
Rt their a told pollee
ARE you tempting the - Victory Bond
thief? He has a rattling good business out
of the war. If Victory Bonds are anywhere
but in a steel vault they are not safe.
Call at the nearest B of M branch and
lodge you(Victory Bonds in our vault.
The cost is trifling ---1O per $100 per
annum—lninitnum. 25¢ a year. Your bonds
willbe kept safe, your interest coupons
T dit to an account
clipped and credited ed co t in your
name on which you may draw at will.
tueni ►rg with Canadians in every wank of life since 18i7
Zurich Branch: G; G. SEWELL, Manager.
Now open daily.
OOA oarpchirc r
Certif. War 5a
wC cares vin
mill e"hcr
too "Ill keep thei,.
ZIPPer $he n
Pet $Cert $1.0a,
Yt.e2T're to tke fa,..
e't °,srs