HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-01-31, Page 6IN THE SHADE OF THE PALMS Relaxing on the palm -fringed shores of Diliclo Isle in Biscayne Bay at Miami Beach, Winston Churchill will record the lush, tropical colors with his brush and canvas. f THE INSIDE ON HOCKEY11 By ED. FITKIN v Watch the Bruins" is the cry thatinsiders are now voicing around the N.H.L. corridors. . You here it everywhere you go. , and .here's why: The Kitchener Kids—Duutart, Bauer and Schmidt —are finally hitting scoring stride: • , and—Frankie Brimsek is be ginning to look and play like the Br:msek who was hockey's great- est goalie before he joined the Un'tecl States Coast Guards . "If Brimmy recaptures his old form. look out," one hockey coach told us the other day. "That guy can take a team along with hini." * * * Montreal writers like to call the Lach-Blake-Richard line the "Punch Line". . . but in the last three games before this was writ- ten the Punch Line failed to pick up a single point. . . Most bobby- soxers swear allegiance to Sinatra hut in Toronto there must be quite n number who do their swooning ' over Ted (Teeder) Kennedy, .the jluniberstone-Port Colborne con- tribution to pro hockey. . . Ken- riedy, recuperating from a recent tendon gash that has sidelined hint for the season, walked into the Gardens' press room last Sat'y nite and was greeted by two young ladies with a large and well -packed hamper. . . gift of the girls of S Clenment's School in Toronto. , 'Another recipient of a basket of fruit last week was SyI Apps, Tor- onto's' injured captain, who spent his 31st birthday in Wellesley, hos- "paal on Jan. 18. * * * Hockey scouts for the N.H.L. teams are uprooting their thinning hair in no uncertain mariner these days over the lack of good pros- pects in junior ranks this year . . and also the dearth of major leag- ue talent now operating in—minor pro loops. . . "This is the worst yea,: I've ever seen," Carson Cooper, scout for Detroit Red Wings, told us recently. * * * " Frank Selke, publicity director Of Maple Leaf Gardens, is the proud possessor of four hockey 'sticks that are really collector's items. , . He has the lucky wea- pons with which Dit Clapper, ,Charlie Conacher and Herbie Cain scored their 200th: N.H.L. goals— and also the stick Ace Bailey was using when he was so critically in- jured by Eddie Shore.. . That was MME. CIIANG'S RIVAL Ten Ying-Chao, wife of Chou En- Lai, chief Communist party negotia- tor in China and China's No, 2 Com- munist in her own right, is a poli- tidxl rival of Madame Chiang Kai- Shek. She is the only woman at- tending the political consultation conference where for the first time members of parties other that: the Kuomintang can have voice without fear of reprisal, the last hockey stick Bailey used in pro competition, * * * Turk Broda, former Leaf net - minder, is slated to return from overseas this week -end. ' . , Vic Grigg„ another Leaf chattel who was quite a defenseman with Guelph's pre-war junior teams, re- cently returned from Europe and may start practising with the Leafs next week, . . Insiders say the plight of New Ycrk Rangers Indy not remedy itself for some time unless the Gotham club can put across some player deals, . . Tile tip is that aRngers have no out- standing pucksters coining up , ane' they certainly can't get by an- other season With the oldsters now performing x' * * All that talk emanating from Mcs'treal last season about Mau- rice Richard being a Second More= sounds a little hollow now that Ree-shor is playing in any- thing but "great" fashion ... Most unproved player in the N.H.L. is Billy Taylor, who has recaptured his old puck -manipulating magic and is currently, sparking the Tor- noto club's last minute bid for a play-off berth . Edgar Laprade will probably Win the rookie -of -the year award this year . . , although George' Gee, the rangy Chihawk speedster from Sudbury, is making a brisk bid for recognition , And that's it for this week, chum. Imznurie Horse To Co To B W.I. A six year old bay stallion— Cameleon de Cap Rouge 2841—has been selected by the horse division of the Quebec Department of Agri- culture, with collaboration of Do- minion authorities, to be sent to Antigua, I3ritisli \Vest Indies. Horses of that color are said to be immune from attacks of a cer- tain tropical' .fly which selects its victims among animals of dark color. Antigua island is 350 square miles with a population of 38,000. A. brief announcement form the Agriculture Department added: "Let us hope that Canelon de Cap Rouge will give satisfaction to breeders and will also contri- bute to introduce the breed on the neighboring islands so as to create an advantageous market of horses from Quebec province." TIRES Heavy Treaded Retreads Tires Are Released — — No Permit Required $ 7.10 440-450/21, 450/20 $ 7.60 475-500/10, 455-500/20 $' 4.60 525/13, .100/16, 550/17 :610.65 600/10 $1.2.7 625-6550/1.6, 600-650/20 $14.80 Truck next: 8 p1;'. 650/20 $25.00 32x6-500 /20 10pIy $30.66 24x7-150/20 12 ply Other sizes, as well ns odd and obsolete, are available at equally low prices. Every tire guaranteed as per government regulations. Order Now While the Supply Lasts Biliriie Tire Sales 279 Queen E. Toronto Ontario ta_.ea1ftmi,.waNwLa,sbaI _ 1 VOICEas THE SAKE YOUR TIN,[E . It is fairly easy to become well off financially. Instead of buying on credit something you want, save enough honey .to pay cash for it, and then you 'probably won't want it,—Kitchener Record, FOR EMERGENCY Every youth should learn to cook simple things. He 'play get married some day and want breakfast before he goes to work. —Quebec' Chronicle -Telegraph. REAL TEST OF AGE The right tailor ,and the ' right barber. can take 20 years off a man's age. But you can't fool a steep flight of stairs. — Stratford B eacon-Herald. . IT WAS "DUCKY" Over in London a Mrs. Chick sold her house to' a Mrs. Crane,. through an agent named Gosling. We trust that the buyer was"no goose, and not a bird of a place she can crow about. —Ottawa Citizen HOPELESS In. his school essay on "Parents" a ., wrote: "We get our par- ents "w'hen they are so old that it is impossible to change their hab- its."—The Open Road. Normal Apple Crop • Unlikely This Year Apple trees in' Eastern 'Ontario which suffered damage last Spring because of the peculiar • weather conditions should not be expected to pro7ide a normal crop this sea.- son, ea-son, according to D. S. Blair, of the horticulture division of the Cen- tral Experimental Farm in Ottawa. In a speech at the annual con- vention of the Ontario Fruit Grow- ers' Association, Mr. Blair said no one could forecast how the darn - aged trees would survive this Win- ter. 'Those orchards that were badly • defoliated, in ni.y opinion, should rept be pruned as they will need every leaf they can unfold to bring then•.back into shape. A normal fer- tilizer. tad spray program should: be .followed and where feasible I would recommend commercial fertilizer and non -caustic spray materials„' he said. Growers who stuck to the spray- ing of trees throughout the season; despite the trying condiions, were able to keep the leaves of `their': trees reasonably free of scab and no,loss of foliage was experienced, Mr. Blair explained, Mount Eisenhower Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King has announced that Castle Mountain , a 9,400 -foot peak in the Rockies, has been renamed Mt,• Eisenhower in honor of the leader of the Allied forces in Europe. rHEAD COLDS 'ACHES PAINS go FAST BUCRLEY'S C1NNAMATED CAPSULES This gtYebofoONE but FOUR proven pain -relieving cold -dis- pelling ingredients. Here's how they work- 2—Relieves Pain and Feverish• ness fast. 2—Gives Longer Lasting Relief. 3—Gives the lift you may need. 4—is grand for Grippe. Geta tin today GOVERNOR NOW DRILLING ON PROPERTY NUMBER 2 — .ADJOINING ELDER AND HABITANT BUY THROUGH YOUR OWN BROKER GOVERNOR GOLD ]MINES LIML TIED (No Personal i Lability), 331 BAY STREET — -- TORONTO • AGIi1'rS WA "Vj1D YOUR OPPORTUNITY Make your spare time pa,' you consistent earnings, The 13abee- Ten.dd Corporation wants married aneti with safes ability to not as local agents in all communities tbrotlgltout Canada. This is an ex- clusive and patented necessity, Write for information, giving tu'l] partieularsauout yourself today. 347 Pay Street, Toronto, Ontario, ,IlA1:1' CHICKS MONKTON POULTRY FARM • CHICKS You buy baby chicles for one reason. To receive dividends on your investment, you must be certain where your money is in• vested. We offer you baby chicks froth a Poultry Farm with every breeder.puilorum tested and gov- ernment banded, Take advantage of our early order discount. Write for our 1940 price list and catalogue, MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, MONKTON, ONT. LAKEVIEW. CHICKS FOR 1946 from A Real Breeding Plant of 5009 Layers. Book your chicks from 'a Real Breeding Parm of 50,00 Layers and be assured of success, Breeds: Large Type White Leghorns, Sussex x Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn, N. Hamp. x Leghorn, Sussex x New Hamp. B. Rock x N. Hamp, Special low prices on. cockerels, and Rock x New Hamp. chicks on a few dates. Send for Price List, and Catalogue,, Lakeview Poultry Farm. Wein Bros„ Exeter, Ont. APPROVED-;SAf{ {ED ROCIC cock erels;J,'1L izilfatj'• K d March, $5.00 per';-$iftrred - MacKillican Poultry Farfilf riobse Creek, Ont. CARADOC CHICKBLOOD-TESTED and guaranteed. . Produced from years of specialized farm breed- ing and testing. As hatched $13.95. Pure breds and hybrids. Pullets and- Cockerel prices on applica- tion, W. J, McAlister, Strathroy, Ont. 25 FREE CHICKS qui: BABY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. A11 .Breeders blood -tested. Prices from 3c to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. COCICERELS OFF TO A ' GOOD start, ready for market when de- mand and prices strong.. Imme- diate' delivery. Order your 1946 chicks now. Variety breeds and crosses available. Bray Hatchery 130John N. Hamilton, Ont, NEWMAN'S BRED -TO -LAY 'CHICKS White Leghorns, Barred Rocks and Barred Rock, White Leghorn Crossbreeds; double tested. An Ontario. Breeding Station .over Fifteen years. Elmview Poultry. Farm, William 3. Newman, Nor- ham, Ontario. "THE .BEST I EVER HAD” SAY dozens of Top Notch chick raisers, No doubt about it, Top Notch Ap- proved chicks have done a real job of living, growing and devel- oping into good layers and good meat birds for a lot of poultry raisers big and little.. Our 1945 Top Notch chicksdid the best job for our customers of any chicks we have ever produced. We feel sure our 1946 chicks will be even better, as they have another year of good breeding and bloodtesting behind them. Before you choose your chicks for 1946 send for ca- talogue and early delivery price - list. We have chicks for imme- diate delivery. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for imme- diate delivery, Top Notch Chick- eries, Guelph, Ontario. THE ONLY PURINA EMBRYO -FED Barred. Rock and Crossbred. Ap- proved chicks being produced in Chatham are blood -tested by the tube method for both the regular and X strains of pullorum. Order now .from Frank -rice Hatchery, 11 Jahnke St., Chatham Ont. EARLY CHICKS LAY EARLY eggs when prices are highest. Year after year egg prices in the Fall are at their peak, And the only chick that will lay these profitable fall eggs Is the early hatched chick. So take a tip — order chicks now and clip your coupons next fall. Big chicles lay big eggs, Big eggs bring top pri- ces. So make sure your chicks are the big, husky, livable growable kind backed by years of testing and breeding. Tweddle chicks have given satisfaction for . 21 years and they are .starting ano- ther banner year. Our business has been built on repeat orders. VPC• still have some February chicks available. Order them to- day. Free catalogue, Also laying and ready to lay pullets for im- mediate delivery: Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. A. A. QUALITY BABY CHICKS The kind that pay dividends. All breeders blood tested Leghorns 12c., White Giants 15c„ Black Giants 15c., Australorps 16c., Barred Rocks 18c., Rhode Island Reds 13e, Schafer Hatchery, ICitell oiler, Ont, SUPERIOR CHICKS All popular breeds, Hybrids, day old and' started. Immediate or fat- , er delivery. Ali breeders blood - tested. 21 day livability guarantee. Catalogue, prices free, Superior Hatchery, hirtwood, Ontario. [GPM NEss O1'1'OI5TIJN7rll:is Make a $15 investment AND Have a Business of Your Own! Learn to make' Plastic Novelties: in the home, Big Profits . and easy to learn the Lux Wry. Stye supply you with the material, tools,' ,and dyes, Our book of de- signs and instructions makes it possible for you to cern and learn at the same time, The complete kit of equipment necessary will be mailed to any part of Canada On receipt of one dollar with order, Pay the balance plus ship- ping charges and join the Lux Family of Novelty Plastic Makers, LUX PLASTIC COMPANY l3ox No 94, DELOR.TMTER .STATION, MONTREAL, QUE. Di'E',IN6 AND CLE ANINC- HAVE YOUANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? White to us for Information. We ere glad to answer voter questions, Depart- . Ment EL. Parker's Dye Works Lhnited, 791 Yonge Street, To. Tonto, FOIL SALE MOS.°.OGRA:PII! SENSATIONAL, Now! For ears and trucks. In- creases power, reduces oil, Im- .proves general performance, 2000 mile guarantee -- $2.00 11foto- gr'aph Sales Contpaziy, 1120 H, St. Roots 200 bacxainputo 14, Califor- nia,, BEAUTIFUL SPRXNGER, SPAN- iels, 8 rnonthe, r'eg'istered, will make excellent pets and hunters. 11. H. Stroud, Dumbarton, Ont. COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, males, reds and blacks, registered stock. Mrs, Jack Nixon, Fergus, Ont. ALLTS CHALMERS "MONARCH" Model K85 Bulldozer. Rebuilt. Good condition, Apply Eugene Dueharme, Belle River, Ont.. Phone 41-12. INTERNATIONAL MODEL K5 Stake Dump Truck. Solid condi- tion. New motor. Tires new 34 x 7 front 8.25 x 10 ply Tear. Apply Kenneth Moore, Belie River, Ont, Phone 9-21, Now Is the time to buy a one-man light weight portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to fell or cross -cut timber pulp- wood or firewood. Two types mnanufactured. Both $400 f.o.b. Montreal. Precision Parts Ltd. 2023 Aylmer St„ Montreal, CHICK BROODERS Oil burning, fully automatic 52" hover. Immediate delivery. Deal- ers wanted. H ,J.;, Patr &,,Co., 69 Dundas St., Lonfloi'r,•:Ont. $50,000 — LICENSED HOTEL, 2 stores, movie theatre: gallonage 9,000: could be increased: $33,000 down regardless — includes 'pro- perty and all equipment. Apply in person only to owner Commercial Hotel. New Hamburg, Ont. ONE HEAVY DUTY AUTOMATIC shingle: mill, boiler, engine joint- er, packer. All in fair working condition, $850. Mrs, Baptiste Pa- risien, Bell's Rapids, Ont. M1LK COOLER AND AERATOR IN - expensive, entirely Automatic and cools as fast as you milk. Ap- proved by Dairies and Inspectors. For particulars write H. J. Parr and Company, 69 Dundas St., Lon- don, Ontario, Dealers use letter- head, SNOWPLOWS, LIMITED NUMBER; new truck plows,' hand hydraulic controls. For immediate delivery. S. C. Craig, 65 Second Avenue; Ottawa, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW; "USED bought, sold,,rebuilt belts. ;pt leys, brushes. Allen Eledtric Cont- Dany Lid. 2326 Dufferin St. Tor- onto, 5 LBS. FINE QUILT PCS. 99c. Colorful Assortment. Prettiest De- signs. Guaranteed Washable Cot- ton and Rayon Prints, 5" to 18". Ideal for Quilting. Remittance with Order, Delivery Extra. JAMISON & ROGERS 3524 Hutchison St., Apt, 43, Mont- real 18, Que. ONE. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN Bull (Mercedes; Ormsby James) 21 months old. Apply Box 20, Belle River. RACING HOMERS, HIGH CLASS breeding. Stassarts and Crosses. A few for sale. Wm, Snazel, Bracebridge, SNOW -KING ROTARY SNOW Plow, twin -fan blower. Will at- tach to any three ton truck. Good condition. Reasonable price. Room 304, 45 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. PAM'S FOB SALE 200 -ACRE FARM, WITH ALL OUT buildings, 3',4' miles east of Amul- ree, Apply J. Milton Schmidt, R. 11. 3, New Hamburg. SEVERAL DAIRY AND EQUIPPED tobacco fauns located in Middle- sex County. Apply Campbell's Real Estate, Mt. Brydges. leOR SALE 100 ACRES OF GOOD flue tobacco farm, 60 acres culti- vated, 25 acres good woods, the rest is pasture and meadows. Farm is all fenced, 1 acre orchard with well and a 24 by 34 building. Farm situated between West Lorne Rodney 218 miles dis- tance, Terms: $4500 down pay- ment, half cash. Inquire to own- er. Louis Fodor, R. R. 4, West Lorne, Ontario, HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE • Robertson method, information . onrequest regarding classes. 'nRobertson'sphVeen aiedtl3nnid.tAcad- 7+nron'tn HELP WANTED, .TWO SINGLE FARMHANDS PO.P, dairy farm and bush work. Wages $80. Graham Farms, • Georgetown, Ontario, SINGLE MAN WANTED FOR farm work, must be0good milker. Apply to manager for further in- formation. Bois de la Roche Farm, Sen.neville, Que, ME:DIOAL BAUMEEICA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor Instant]) 45c. bottle, 01tri wn agent. Den. man Drug Store, 'Ottawa STOMACH AND THREAD' WORKS often are the cause of ill health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is Your trouble, interesting particu- lars — Freel Write hfui.veney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. GOOD RESULTS — EVERY SUF- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or .Neuritis should try Dixon's Re- medy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Bigin, Ottawa, Postpaid 91.00, MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING! WHY SUFFER? do what countless numbersof happy users are doing for the effective relief of: C!hronie Ca- tarrhal conditions (as in Bron chit's, Asthma & Sinus Pains). Skin disorders such as Bolls and Pains esAsk Arthritic bra gistimnfo r Odorless and Tasteless ADAM'S GARLIC PEAR:I.Ii1S or write Richmond. Adam Co„ P, 0, 874, Vancouver, Can, $3 per 100 Pearles, enough for 5 weeks, MEDICAL WRY IT t 10VBR'Y SUFFERER 00' Rheumatic rains or Neuritis should try 5731xon's Remedy. Mun- t'o'e Drug Store, 385 Elgin Otta- wa, Postpald $I00 Oi'I'O11PIbN1'l'IL9 i'011 I.WOM1:N BE A HAIRDRESSER JUIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn I-1aIrdressitl'g Pleasant dig'nided profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest Sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue free. Write or Cull MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 Bioor St, W, Toronto Branches: .‚44 King St, Elamilton & 74 Rieau Street, ()ttnwa. i"OrPOIt'rlritr`t'fES 11010 MEND' MODERN APPLIANCE SERVICING offers unlimited opportunity for the mechanically minded man. Learn to service and repair all types of appliances including re- frigeration, fast freeze, oil burn- ers, etc„ in a few months of your spare time with practical train- ing in oui' shops. Investigate the opportunities this million dollar industry has to offer. Enroll- ments strictly limited and will be considered in the order received. For further information write. Standard Engineering Institute, 645 West Eglington, Toronto 12, Ontari o. PERSONAL "ELIJAH. COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book free, Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11. N. Y. HANDWRITING. REVEALS A PER - son's true character. Your in- herent qualities are evident in your handwriting. 25c will bring complete analyzation listing your potentialities, likes, dislikes. Write a few lines in ink. John Crowe, 39 Hawthorne Street, Belmont, Mass. PHOTOGRAPHIC LEARN PHOTO COLORING, EN- larging, Profitable, Fascinating, Easy instructions. Paints for co- loring included. Write,for details. No obligation, Irvine, Box 974 Indianapolis, Ind, TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and inted6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can .get'. an the quality and service you desire by sen('ing your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto RICHLY FRAMED COLORED ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL VALUE $1.39 (With Easel Back 91.65) WHILE THE SU:'PLS' LASTS Enlargement 4 x 6" colored • by hand in finest studio style from any negative, on special, 7 x 9" blue line mount, framed in rich moulding White with Gold trim, New Natural or Gilt. 91.39 with easel back, 91,65. Get orders in early. Any size roll (6 or 8 exposures) developed and printed 25c. En- largements 4 x G" in easel mounts, 3 for 25c, framed on ivory tint mats 7 x 9" in Gold, Silver, Wal- nut or Black 'Ebony finished frames, 59c, each. If colored. 79c. PRUE BONUS OPFER ' A coupon good for one mounted enlargement 4 x 6" given free with each 25c. order received dur- ing January and February. Canada's largest studio does qua- lity work promptly — and at low- est cost. (Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders.) DEPT. hl STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12915, Inst Office A, Toronto MUSICAL INSTRURII;N'i'S FRED A. IIODDINGTO:N BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2.. PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & DUMP ANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 14 King West, Tornnto. Booklet of 'Information on re- quest. TOBACCO 5 -POUND SAMPLE PACKAGE Leaf Tobacco, Virginia burley and prior, receipts and flavoring, $3.75 postpaid, Ruthven Tobacco Exchange, Ruthven, Ont. WANTED STEAM ENGINE IN GOOD USE-. able condition. Send description. Jooation and best cash price to Box 74, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, r'ORTABLE . SAWMILL WANTED. Give full particulars, where it ran be seen, and lowest cash price, A. Baker, Grttvenhurst, On tario, WANT HOUSES TN VTLLAGLS, Towns or Highways, prefer with some land, $700 to $1700. Can handle some little higher, ' also ,have buyers for established busi- nesses. Send best net'price, details, etc, George Drummond, Broker, Owen Sound; Ont. • WANTED, FLOUR, FEED, FARM implement business or General Store in Ontario town or village, in good farming district. Send full particulars, Box 75, 73 Ade- laide W. 'Toronto, Ont. WANT LICENSED COUNTRY I -10 - tel with good property and gal- lonage. Send , particulars and price to Darwin, 63 Roehampton,' Avenue, Toronto, Ont, SMALL CEMENT MIXER WANTED, hand operated or gasoline paw- cred or one that can be operated with an electric motor on 110 volts, Bogdon and Gross Furni- ture Co„ Ltd., Walkerton, Ontario. Keep Tires Clean Just 'because tires happen to ' be off the ration list, don't abuse thein, They're 'still scarce Deep them clear of lubricants. Oil and grease. deteriorate anything nlacie of nat- ural rubber If oil or grease get% on a tire, it should be removed with soap and water, according to chemists. ISSUE 6-1948