HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-01-24, Page 8ilw►esCiri, ONTARIO CP COP CP CP CO CD Pre -Inventory Special Clearing Prices on many lines of Winter Goods, Ladies Dresses, Dress Goods, Men's Overcoats, Ready to Wear Suits, Men's and Boys' Windbreakers, Sweater Coats, Etc. Many of these are now in 'short Supply from our Wholesale, but we guarantee extra value in all Available Goods. Q7f 4D CP 60 Gascho Bros. ZURICH W'N - COME EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE! TELEPHONE 59 INSUR,A CE ZURICH HERALD Amommolgiornoopmemirr regroality, 3aneery 241r11, '0.1;;0 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. W. 13, Coxon, Mrs Chas, Thiel were recent visitors in London. Mrs, T. Raveney, (nee Beatrice Thiel) and daughter are visiting re- latives in the Village. Mr.. Laird Thiel has returned home from. London, where he received his discharge from the Army. Miss Alpha Meyers, R.N., is visit- ing at the home of her sister, Mr and Mrs. Mervyn Stelek at Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Percy •Weido of Waterloo visted at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Weido. • Mrs. Clayton Smith and sons, Gor- 'don and Stanley of the Blue water Highway spent a day in London last week Miss Lizzie Volland would like to advise her customers that she is not in a position to do any clay creaning. this week on account of illness. The Deters and Haberer families attended the funeral of their relative Mr: I. Dedels at Kitchener last Fri- day. 1VLr. and Mrs. James McAllister of the Parr Line, were recent visitors with relatives and friends in Strat- ford. :Miss Blanche Grenier has returned to her duties in Detroit after visiting with her parents, for a few days last week. BORN --At the Farwell Nursing Home on Jnuary 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ducharme of Dashwood a daughter. Mother and baby are fine. Mrs. Stuart Stover hag returned to Chatham where she joined her husband after spending some time under the parental roof, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer. . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick and sun of the Blue Water Highway were •entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meyers on Friday to a de - 1 licious dinner and a pleasant even - 111111111111110111 Have you adequate protection against Loss or Damage by Fire? Labor and Material Costs have increased consider- ably. Talk your insurance problems over with me! Insurance License No. A 714 Real testate Do you want to sell or exchange your house or your farm? List the same with me. No obligation unless sale is completed. Real Estate License No. 1354 Telephones: Office 65; House 175. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich 11111111111.1Millb Insurance and Real Estate - Zurich awltlsib/aill/600Y/M4110008645ls - HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lifetime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls -Exceptional Values at Lower Prices... OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Waterinry s t€+ t STADE & WEIDO! 2RiC p - ONT. QUALM' - PRICE » SERVICE ICE Ing. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew•li. hers were the recipients of a delicious crate of grapes and Oranges presented and sent to them direct from the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hess who live in Pontiac, Mich., but are enjoy.- ing njoy-ing the winter months in St. Peters- burg, Florida. They. are of the best of quality and taste ripened by the real Heavenly sunshine., NIGHTMARE VOYAGh WITH MURDER Peter Levins, writing 'in The Am- erican Weeklj' with this Sunday's (January 27) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, gives a vivid account of a weird sea voyage, with jealous passions flaming into bloodshed, mur- der mixed with mysterious sickness, and superstitious seamen driven to panic by voodooistic maniac in the gallery. BIG INCREASE IN CONSUMERS During the year 1945 rural hydro service was supplied to 217 new con- sumers in the district operated by the Clinton office. Of this number 151 consumers were connectea on 'exist- ing line and 27.35 miles of new linn was constructed to serve the remain- ing 66. The Clinton office now serve, 1,934 consumers in the various town- ships, their lines go south and west as far as St Joseph, and within a few miles north of Zurich. The total line in service at the present time totals 361 miles. HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hay held its innaugura.l meeting for 1946 in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, Jan. 14th at 11 a.in. The reeve, Wm. 1:1. Haugh then officially opened the me- eting by asking the Clerk to read the Declaration of office and that each official sign it. The ,Reeve then wel- comed the Council and called upon each member to co-operate during the, year, and to make fair decisions for the benefit of the Township. Each member was called upon to reply and each one expressed his desire to work for the advancement of the 'Twp. The meeting was then adjourned for dinner which was given by the Reeve to the new council as part of the in natural ceremony. At two p.m. the Council resumed its sitting and the following business was transacted: The following communications were presented: J. Cantin, re: rental. of land in St. Joseph, Letters "from Samuel Thompson, re. Forrest Drain Earl V. Radbourne re County asses. sor; T. R. Paterson, re Bender Drain That the Engineer's report on the proposed Tuckey Drain be provision- ally adopted and that the Clerk be authorized to have a sufficient num- ber of copies printed and delivered or sent by registered mail to all as- sessed persons, and that Coart of Revision on the above Dram by-law be held at the Township Hall, Zurich on March 4th next at 3.00 p.m. 'l'hat the + ngineer's Report on the proposed .Forrest Drain . be provis- ionally adopted and that the Clerk be authorized to have a sur icient number of copies .printed and deliv- ered or sent by reg. mail to all as sessed persons, and that Court of Revieion on the above Drain 'by-law be held at the Twp. Hall, Zurich,, on March 4th, at 2.30 p.m. That the annual' meeting o:f the; LOCAL MARKETS {Corrected every Wednesday) Butter per Ib. 38' Eggs 31, 29 22 Turkeys,, dressed 381A 28 28 30-20 1.12 50c 73 70 2.60, 2'.75 . 30.00. 33.00 Geese, dressed Ducks,. dressed Chickens, dressed Wheat. bushel Oats, bushel 13a1Ley, bush. Buckwheat, bush Flour, cwt. Shorts and bran, toe IMiddlings, ton ..... . NttinCt. No, person is to be 'allowed to ride on Zurich Valage Fire Truck except the Zurich Vi:ll:age Volunteer -Fire- men who have been appointed by the Zurich Police Trustee Board. -Signed: Zurich Police Trustees. NOTICE 'The annual meeting of the Zurich Iced Cross Society will be field in THE, TOWN HALL, ZURICH On THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th At 8 o'clock, p.m. All interested parties in this great work of the local Red Cross are urg- ed to be present at this meeting. Rev. E. Heimrich, President. CARD OF THANKS The family .of the late Henry Price of Waterloo and whose remains were brought to Zurich for burial, wish to greatly thank all those who gave assistance and extended of their sympathy in this sad hour Hay Municipal Telephone System be held on Monday, Feb. 4th next at 1.30 p.m. before the regular Town- ship meeting. That nine copies of. the Municipal World be subscribed to for the me- mbers of the Council, Road Supt., Clerk, Assessor and weed Inspector. That Municipal by-law No. 2 for borrowing money for current expen- ditures be passed. ,That a grant of $5.00 be donated to the Sick Ch11- dren's Hospital. That the request of Joseph Cantin to rent roadway in St. Joseph be refused: 'That by-law be prepared appoint- ing the various patrolmen for the roads in the Township. That by-law be drawn up appoint-• ing the following officials for Hay Twp. for 1946; Clerk Treas., H. W. Brokenshire; caretaker, Fanny Ben- der; member of Board of Health, Josiah Geiger; Sanitary inspectors, eastern division, Sid McArthur; Zur- ich and vicinity, Milton Desch; Dash- wood and vicinity, C. F. Pfile; Scho- ol Att. officers, easterly division, Geo Armstrong, westerly E. B. Horner; Weed Inspector, Wesley Coleman; Assessor, Wni. H. Edighoffer; Po- und keepers, J F. Ingram, Oscar Greb, Hy. Clausius, S. Hoffman, D. Swartzentruber, Ed. J. Wolper, Roy Merrier, Alex Crearar, F Turnbull, Stock Valuer, Bert Klopp; Fence Viewers, E. Munn, A. Pfaff, Lloyd Hendrick, That by-law be drawn up fixing the rates of pay to be paid to labor- ers doing work on Hay Twp. roads for 1946. 1 man 40c. hr; man and team 70e hr; pian and 3 horses 70c hr; patrolmen 45c hr; tractor on. grader $1 hr; team and mower 5,1 hr; tractor pulling brush $1.50 hr. That by-law be drawn up fixing the remuneration to be paid to the Vat'-, sous officials "for the year 1946: Clerk-Treas. $550;• Assessor $175, plus postage; selection of Jura re, Reeve $3; Assessor $3; Clerk $h; Board of Health $2 per meeting; Weed Inspector 50c per' hr, mileage included; Fence Viewers and Stock Valuators $2 per trip plus 10c per mileage one way; Clerk Twp. road books $150; For placing and remov- ing cards for quarantine 50c, in rural section 45c Dashwood and Zurich. Disinfecting a dwelling 500. Inspecting Zurich 5,2; Dashwood 1.50 Blake $1; Dairy barns and tourist spots $1.50; mileage 10c. per mile one way where called for; School at- tendance officers according to Act. That the following accounts be passed: General accounts, K. R. Westlake $15; Treas. Usborne Twp. 793.60; H. W. Brokenshire 112.05; Municipal •World 6.69; R. J. Lovell Co. 16.62; Hospital for Sick Children $5; Bank of Montreal 12.50; W. H. Edighoff- er 5.90; Frank Donnelly $:18; A. F. Hess $100; Hay Municipal Tele. Sy. $i12. Twp. Roads -- A. Ma_:se 76.05; Hugh McEwen $2; Melvin Smith .80 Stade & Weido 27.50; Klopp's gar-, age 61.98; Walter Staten 4.50; Jas Masse 42.10; L. Masse $66; Wm. Parke 2.25; Paul Du.charme 3.35; F, C. Kalbfleisch & Son 18.15; Zirn- mer's Garage 8.08; Maurice Masse $80. Telephone System -•- Northern. El- ectric 5224.8:8; Automatic Electric 6:1..93; .Strofnberg Carlson 5.38; H. W. Prokenshire $30. Direct Relief J. Suplat 525; A. He- ideman rent18; Emma Bassow 8.90. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain on Monday, Feb. 4, at 1.30 pan. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, W. H. Hau ih, Reeve, VO U F1 4. 4. erd re and Furniture ti TO' Iii 1111 ,iti We are very fortunate in receiving a Shipment of New Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which T. seem to be of very good quality, and some attractive I color • designs.. To appreciate these articles one must 4. 4 see thein. We invite your inspection. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES 4> f. Our Stock of Mattresses is very. good, and you have - 4- a fine range to choose from, a fine stock of Spring IFilled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses +, Priced Very Reasonably t 4- We: have some very attractive"and newly designed Bed Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see them if interested in this line of furniture. i. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements 4. 4 Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware C Johnston ifc Kalbfleisch NEW ENAMELWARE. BED ROOM FURNITURE Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 4 dr.'0.ik4444�,44 e&4,4 ,t+44+,4 +.4. 44044 fir Massey -Harris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1945i 1 HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS, ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at 400 to 450 SIZE @- 850 to 900 SIZE @ $70.75 $59.50 $82.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS. -BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. Your best investment ea- f®r increased r:}xm duction A. DURO PUMPING SYSTEM Running water under pressure speeds farm production --`this .need for running water in your home and farm building is greater than aver today. Your investment in a NEW DURO PUMP • you will never regret- saves Time and Labour everywhere used. New Duro Pumps are available in greater quantities today, but shortages of Materials and Labour will not allow the Duro Factory to produce enough to meet the demand. All Duro Dealers are on a quota basis and permit to purchase must be approved by W.P.T.B. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS For Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry. • Visit your Emco Dealer for available styles. Stade & Weido -- Zurich (ow' UTY CMCJ BRAsssnan ` MASS Mrr .C®.,.;,.LIMfEP A' Service. From any bva ch i(ndon .,Ftatiialton Toronto Sudbury .Winnipeg,. Vancouver