HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-01-24, Page 5WANTED VASH FOR FOX HORSES --Dead animals removed. TWohour ser- vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r15, collect. Tack Wil- liams. P.T. 4-6-'41 LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fur Huron and Middlesex Ai IN A POSITION TO CON - Sect any Auction Sale, regardlees as to size or article to sell. I solicit your businese, and if not satisfied will *Ikeno chergee for Services' Bau- lk/red. ARTHUR WERFS--Dashwood Phone 57 r /2 11, -,DIA., a VETER1NAR1A.N OrW. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON . OCe with Residence, Main Sereet, Opposite Drug Store Zurich • Column, NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society will be held in Town Hall, Zurich •. On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1046, at 2 o'clock, p.m. Businesa—Receiving Financial Re, nort, Election of Officers, etc. Win. Decker, President. E. F. Klopp, Secy.-Treas. FARM FOR SALE 100 -acre Farm for sale or rent, Close to Zurich. Apply co Herald Office, Zurich. For Sale BUTCHERS Zuriclis' Popular 1VItt A_T MARRED Let Us supply you with the !cry Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash PriCes for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yung,blut & Son PRODUCE, Silverwood DAIRIES Mrs. E. Turkheim spent Jut Via - day at Kitelnener with friends. The many friends of Mrs. IL Rei- chert are pleased to hear that she is much improved in health. Pte. Charles Ray of London, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hay. Messrs. Ward Fritz and Charles Thiel made a businese trip t� Tor onto the, beginning of the week, Mr. Valley Becker of Dashwood, Was a business visitor in town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and da - tighter Mary Lou were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber, Crediton. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Rader or Dash- wood were visitors with the former's sister, Mrs. Clara Decker one day last week. Miss Doreen Ducharme and Mr. C. Russell of London were week -end visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David- Du- charme. Rev. E. Heimrich took charge of the Sunday services at Sunbury and is also visiting ot4er Ld en,r • ches in that community, and will call at Sault Ste Marie, where was form- ely stationed before corning to Zurich The 'annual meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society will be held in the town hall net Wednesday after- noon, all members are urged to be at this meeting. Some real cold weather visited these parts over the week -end a real old time storm showed up Friday evening. Tuesday was very cold al-• A Scotch Shorthorn Bull 1 -year old for sale. —John Brown, ph, 88-4 WANTED Young Lady for office work. ApplY Bank of Montreal, Zurich. WANTED TENDERS WANTED for school wood to be delivered to Blake school. 10 single cords body wood beech and maple, 16 -inches long. Tenders to be in by January 19th., 1946. Ervin Gingerich, Sec.-Treas. R. R. 2, Zurich. • AND Rubbers FOR COLD AND WET•WEATHER LET US SUPPLY YOU WT111 YOUR NEEDS. WE CARRY A GOOD SELECTION OF DRESS SHOES, WORK BOOTS and RUBBERS !or the Entire FAMILY. Buy FROM OUR EARLY SEASON SUPPLY GOOD SHOE STYLES! GOOD SHOE VALUES! ' GOOD $HOE SERVICE - LOWEST CASH PRICES - NOTICE. Ron. Major D. A. Cowan, Chap - FARMERS GROWING CONTRACTS 1946 Barley .90c. bushel. Full particulars, W. E. Reid'.s Elevator, Phone Dash- wood 87W, Dashwood, Ontario. STRAYED Unto xny premises, Hay Township, about Januash 1st, a yellow Collie Dog. Owner can have same by pay- ing expenses.—Bruce Koehler. Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry rlave your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 ZURICH 106 Creamery FOR SALE A quantity of 'dry wood for im- mediate sale. Apply to Emery Bed- ard, Phone 2-98 Zurich. Farm For Sale lain at Wolsely Barracks, London, will be the guest speaker at the un- veiling of the Honor Roll in the Emmanuel Evangelical ch-urch on Sunday, January 27th, at 2.30 p.m. The public is cordially invited. ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE • FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING . TRUNKS AND SUITCASES CHICKS i , • : • • • • • • • Huron x -111 a,ruiers' Co- Operative • • HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER • **ever v*************•••• .. e e-, • - — • w. in"r OF HENSALL, AS CO-OPERATIVE SHIPPeat — SALL AND ZURICH DISTRICT. ANYONE INTERESTED IN SHIPPING CATTLE, CALVES OR SHEEP FR.9M SALL BY RAIL PLASE CALL HENSALL 83-43 AND AR- RANGE TO HAVE A TRUCK CALL. FOR IT. A SHIPMENT OF BINDER TWINE HAS ARRIVE!). GOVERNMENT APPROVED Produced by Monkton Poultry Farms Orders solicited for all breeds. 01.00 per 100 Chicks with book or- ders. $1,00 per 100 deduction on all or- ders before March 1st to be deliv- ered any date. Apply to: KENNETH ETUE, R.R. 2, Zurich, Good Ice Again The very cold weather has made it possible to have a good sheet of ice on the local rink, and the skaters are enjoying it to the full. Some very snappy hockey has been played recently, on Friday evening a team from Exeter were over, and after crossing sticks and doing the best, the locals were on top but only by 2-1 score, which indicates the good brand of hockey being played. $50,000 FOR HIGH SCHOOL Consisting of 100 acres good clay loam, 12 acre sugar bush, good build- ings, near school and on Collegiate free bus line, Hydro, 4W miles from Hensall, 7 miles to St. Coluban, good terms, 35 acres plowing done. For particulars phone 13-83, Zurich. Your Horne Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus for delivered crearr a premium We are equipped to oiv pasture land, has some poplar. Apply tient accurate service. Eggl to .Chas. A. Robinson, R.R. 3, Mit- chell, Ont. SPA Poultry department in tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. --- INSURANCE FOR SALE FARM -150 acres farm on conces- sion three, Tuckersmith, 2 1-2 miles from Remelt., one mile from' school, on the farm is a bank barn and silo, 115 acres of bush and plenty of water. Apply to Henry Volland, Goderich, Ontario. • ee • • * • • • 4. • . • • • • es, SYSION1111.1.1111..11111111.11.1.1"11.1111.1111111.1.111SIDUISIENIMICIMarlalaIMMOISISELISOIMUM110.9.111111"1111111111. 1 Phone 98 r 13 TO OUR U.S.A. SUBSCRIBERS At this time of year a goodly num- ber of our U.S.A. subscribers renew their subscription to the Herald and those who mail it in would you kindly send it by Post Office Money Order. In purchasing this Order you will get your premium on your money and we will get full amount value at the local post office. Bank Cheques, Ex- press Money Orders all come under the excise tax, and the exchange tariff and cost you the full amount of the remittance you are making, you get no premium and we have to pay all these taxes. The subscription to the U.S.A. is $1.75 per year, Please remember this! Kitchener — A proposer $50,000 Rocki,vay Mennonite school may be started this spring, the committee in tests were enjoyed a social hour and t. luncheon was partaken off. As the charge reported. The school, p ed to be •a one -storey building, will serve as a high school and Bible school and ultimately will develop into a junior college. . A 14 -acre site near Rockway has already been pur- chased. ladies left for home they wish bride-to-be the very best wishes for a happy future life. FARM FOR SALE Grass land, Lot 25, .Concession 8, Ray Township, 100 'acres. 'Good ARE ON HOLIDAYS Southampton, Eng., — 'Britain said goodbye for three months to her as Winston Church- .F.nR SALF 50 acres rich clay loam with full set of buildings in good repair, 2 miles s -west of Dashwood. Hydro at gate. Immediate possession. — Wm. Pearce, Exeter. leader Dead and gisabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) ,ONE CENT a Word (mininum 25c.) is all that it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by several thousand readers, many of who will be in- terested in what you are advertising or are offering for Sale. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105. THE ZURICH HERALD wartiflle hill and INfIrs. Churchhill, haPPY anti. FOR Six1.1 WANTED --- Carpenters, Labourers for large building project. Also helpers in Planing Mill and Office Boy.—F. C. Kalbfieisch & Son, Zurich. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ca. OF WOODSTOCK CBE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $275,133. E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire 'insurance Job Printin IF MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE- MEMBER TO CALL. AT THE I-IERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOW AND WORK - smiling, sailed for'New York • 12,000 Canadian servicemen aboard the liner, Queen Elizabeth. The Charchills are holidaying in Florida. • Had Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher enter- tained about ten little girls on Sun- day afternoon in honor of their eld- est daughter -Joyce's seventh birth- day. The little tots had a delightful afternoon of fun, Joyce receiving many beautiful gifts, and she appre- ciated every one. The table was cen- tred with a delicious birthday cake bearing seven candles. The supper was very attractive and geed. The time passed only too rapidly for them to say good night, and wishing Joyce many more nice days like this one. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office (Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association.) SUBSCRIPTION RATES -1.50 a year, strictly in advance, $2.00 may be charged. No paper discontinued until all arrears - are pain up unless at option of publisher. The nate of which every .Subscription is paid is donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES In Memoriam, one vorse 50e. 25( for each additional verse. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales --$2,00 for one in sertion if not over four inches it length. Miscellaneous articles of not more than four tines. For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Foetid, Etc., one in- sertion 25e; 2 its. 40e; 3 ins. 50c. Contract advertising made known ti Address all ConntunicatieriS to: YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED /5 -acre pasture with some -bush. . . water pumped by windmill o concrete tank. Hillsgreen area. Bar- gain for quick sale.—Win. Pearce, Auto Accident When Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stur geon of Port Stanle.y, accompanied by the latter's' mother, Mrs. Sol. l(ipfer, formerly of Zurich,- were re- turning home on the eve of January 5th from St. Thomas, another auto piled into them- causing considerable damage, as the Sturgeon car seems to be a total wreck. Mrs. Kipfer re- ceived a fractured colar bone and both legs are fractured and Mrs. Sturgeon received painful bruises, while her husband had a tinctured collar bone. Mrs. Kipfer was ad- mitted to St. Thomas Hospital Where she is getting along as well as can be expected. After medical treat- ment •Mr. and Mrs. Sturgeon were able to return to their home. Theis. many, friends in , this vicinity wish them a speedy recovery, Had Miscellaneous Shower NOTICE MOVING PICTURES In the TOWN HALL - ZURICH On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30th. . At 2.30 and 8,30 ,p.m. Pictures sponsored by National Film Board in interest of warble Fly in the evening. Afternoon pictures for children mostly. Wm. Davidson, President. C. Oestreicker, Secy. WANTED Will take in dressmaking of all kinds. Call Menne Martin, Stanley Township.—Miss Emma Martin. on applies 01 . HERALD OFFICE, ZURICH, • A very pleasant evening was spent iu the town hall, Zurich, on Saturday evening, when a miscellaneous sho- wer was held in honor of Miss Dor- een Ducharme. bride elect,. of Lon- don, and daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharree of town. Mrs. Harry Rose who was in tharge for the ev- ening program, also read an address. The gifts received were all beautiful and useful. Doreen showing her apl preciation and thanked every one dividually of those who were present for the thoughtfulness of the gift. A sing song was then held, with 'HarryeHess being pianist. After con. • • . STARDUST STAR A literary tradition lies behind Christopher Ellis, Montreal radio per- sonality who writes his own connu- cntauy about things Canadian, mettle broadcast of Stardust Serenade, San - days at 7.30 p.m. over the • CBC. Trans -Canadian network. Actor, ; book reviewer, radio announcer and narrator. Ple is son of distinguished English bookmen. ' nats tiOta Abokie is-ra're Shadows tell the story here. •Learn to observe shadows and create shadow effects. They lead to more interesting pictures. S HADOWS are important in a plc- ture--in fact, just as important at times as the brightly .lighted areas, Observe shadows—use them judiciously—and your pictures will be more effective. Every artist knows that a strong shadow can be used to make a sub- ject stand away from a background. The shadow gives an effect of depth or "third dimension," even though the picture is actually on a fiat sheet of canvas or paper. Shadows, when used properly, also give an effect of roundness or "modeling" to a subject. By placing a light at the proper angle, often a rather flat subject can be made to seem well-rounded. If the subjects in some of your pictures seem flat and lacking in "third dimension," maybe you just haven't been pine - lug your pboto lights in the best positions. There's a special use, too, for shadows cast on a background. Sometimes they can be made to bring out the idea, or "story" of a Picture. For example, in the stain- ette shot above, the shadow shows the action,/ clearlY than the subjects themselves. To obtain a sharp, clean - cut shadow on a background, use a photo bulb without a reflector, Two photo bulbs side by side, without re- flectors, will give a double shadow. Many novel effects can be worked ont, However, you must remember filet a reflector multiplies the light from a photo bulb. Therefore, when you mit the reflector, exposure must be increased. Short "time" ex- posures will usually be needed with inexpensive cameras. Try one to two seconds, with a bex camera and high speed film, when a small No. 1 photo bulb is used five or six feet from the subject. Of cows°, have the .camera on a firm support. Tho closer the photo bulb is to the camera, the "flatter" the light- ing. As the bulb is moved around toward the side of the. subject, the lighting becomes more contresty and shadows are broader. When. us- ing "side lighting," make sure that direct light doesn't shine into the camera lens. Experiment with shadows. It's in - It will lead, yqu tc. bettor pictures. 273 .Tohn van Guilder -4•44.441. -4 4 41 4