Zurich Herald, 1946-01-17, Page 5ZURICH, ONTARIO BUSINESS CARDS WANTED IDASII FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r15, collect, Jack Wil- liams. P.T. 4-6-41 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON. Gut any Auction Sale, regardless M to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Rens **rod. ARTHUR WEBER—Daahwood Phone 5'7 r 12 VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, BV. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON °See with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone -96. Zurich Put Your Want, For Sale Lost. Found, Etc. Ads, in this Column, NOTICE The Annual M'eeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society will be held in BUTCHERS Zurielis' popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur - ad Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect, always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins 11, Ylltigbilit & Son PRODUCE Town Hall, Zurich On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30th, '1946, at 2 o'clock, pan. Business—ReceiVing Financial Res uort, Election of .Officers, etc. Wm..Decker, President. E. • F. Klopp, Secy.-Treas. FARM FOR SALE 100 -acre Farm for sale or rent. Close to Zurich. Apply. co Herald Office, Zurich. RICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS What did Mildved Pierce Do? Miss Lauena Bopp I attending Bible School at present for a few weeks in Kitchener. Miss Betty.Dietz has taken a pos- ition at the nonunion liouse, manag- • ed by Mr. Ross johneton. Miss Doreen Seine has taken a position as saleslady in the Variety Store operated by Mrs, Ed. Gascho. Don't tell what Mildred Pierce Did! Mrs. M. MacKinnon entertained re- latives and friends with a very tasty fowl dinner on Thursday' evening, an enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. and Mes. Ernest. Gemming of Rochester, N. Y., were week -end vis- itors at the home of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mn.a. Wellington John- ston. - Messrs. George Deichert and Jacob Haberer were at Crediton on Tues- day fulfilling their duties inthe cap- acity,. of auditors of The Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Mr. Arnold WI= of near De- troit is visiting his father, Mr. Louis Wurm, who is at the London Hos- Pital taking treatments. His many frierele wieh filen a speedy recovery. - Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme vis- ited the former's brother, Mr, Aug- ust Ducharme of Dublin at St. Jos- eph's Hospital,. London, where he had an operation- performed-. His many friends are pleased to hear that he is getting along nicely. For Sale A Scotch Shorthorn Bull 1 -year old for sale. —John Brown, ph. 88-4 WANTED Young Lady for office work. Apply Bank of Montreal, Zurich. WANTED TENDERS WANTED for school wood to be delivered to Blake school. 10 single cords body wood beech.and maple, 16 -inches long. Tenders to be in by January 19th., 1946. Ervin Gingerich, Sec.-Treas. R. R: 2, Zurich. • NOTICE FARMERS GROWING CONTRACTS 1946 Congratulations go to Misses Irene Turkheim, and Alpha Meyers of Zur- ich for being successful in obtaining their Registered Nurse degrees. Hav- ing been successful in passing their examinations which they wrote at the London' Medical School. Both girls took their training at the Strat- ford General Hospital and are of a very good standing. , S 11 0 S '.. AND Rubbers FOR COLD AND WET WEATHER LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR NEEDS, WE CARRY A GOOD SELECTION OF DRESS SHOES, IAMBI( BOOTS and RUBBERS for the Entire. FAMILY. BUY FROM • OUR EARLY SEASON SUPPLY GOOD SHOE STYLES! GOOD SHOE VALUES! GOOD SHOE SERVICE - LOWEST CASH PRICES - Barley .90c. bushel. Full particulars, We'd Beetheehood Meet W. E. Reid's Elevator, Phone Dash- The Men's Brotherhood of the wood 87W, Dashwood, Ontario.. Emmanuel Evangelical churce. met on STRAYED Unto ray premises, Hay Township, about Januash lst, a yellow Collie Dog. Owner can have same by pay- ing expenses.—Bruce Koehler. Silverwood. FOR SALE 1 A quantity of dry wood for im- mediate sale. Apply to Emery Bed- ard, Phone 2-98 Zurich. Cash Marked t Poultry for Cream, Eggs Farm For Sale an DAIRIES rlave your Eggs Graded on Consisting of 100 acres good clay our loam, 12 acre sugar bush, good build- ings, near school and On. Collegiate AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER Wednesday evening, Jan. 9tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger The President, Mr. Milton Oesch pre- sided. After an interesting, discussion of suggestions for future programs, the election of officers took place.The following are the. new officers:,Presi- dent, Oscar Grob; Vice Pres. Edwin Gascho; Seeretary, Allan 'Gascho.; Assistant Secretary, Leonard Erb; Treasurer, Leonard Merner. The men practised their musical numbers for the unveiling of the Honor Roll and Welcome to returned men on Jan. 27th, at 2.30 pan. The Hon. Pap- tain D. A. Cowan, Padre at Woles- ley Barracks, London, Will be the guest speaker. ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING -TRUNKS AND SUITCASES CHICKS GOVERNMENT APPROVED Produced by Monkton Poultry Farms Orders solicited for all breeds. $11.00 per 100 Chicks with book or- ders. $1.00 per 100 deduction on all or- ders before March lst to be deliv- ered any date. Apply to: free bus line, Hydro, 41/2 miles from Hensall, 7 miles to St. Colubein, good LeRoy O'Brien, Manager terms, 35 acres plowing done. For Phone 101 ZURICH particulaes phone 13-88, Zurich. belch Creamety Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus IR premium for delivered crean- 1We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in tharge of M. T. Meyers. A. L. Meliett - Proprietor. INSURANCE FOR SALE • FARM -150 acres farm on conces- sion three, Tuckersmith, 2 1-2 miles from Hensall, one mile from school, on the farm is a bank barn and sile, 1.5 acres of ;bush and plenty. of water. Apply to Henry Volland, Goderich, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE Grass land, Lot 25, •Concession 8, Hay Township, 100 acres. Good pasture land, has Seine poplar. Apply to Chas. A. Robinson, R.R. 3, Mit- chell, Ont. 'Western Farmers' itislutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK PHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Cash in Dank and 130116.1 $275,133. E. F. KLOPP–ZURICH Agent, also f)ealer in Lightn, leg Rods and all kinds of Fire 1tIourance • Total * * • • • WE HAVE RECENTLY APPOINTED MR. JOHN INGRAM • OF HENSALL, AS COOPERATIVE SHIPPER FOR HEN. • • SALL AND ZURICH DISTRICT. ANYONE INTERESTED • IN SHIPPING CATTLE, CALVES OR SHEEP FROM HEN- * • SALL BY RAIL PLASE CALL HENSALL 83-43 AND AR. • • RANGE TO HAVE A TRUCK CALL FOR IT. * • t> A SHIPMENT OF BINDER TWINE HAS ARRIVED. • Huron Farmers' Co- Operative • • HENSALL, Phone 115. R. 3. COOPER, MANAGER • . 04•44,..***(4**-- * -1,4• . • • eeeeee**10#4,4**Selest.....o... 4...e9aateee see • eae. eeceeoltee e NOTICE 0.111•411•101000.1....0•111...** • 4• 4. 4. 4. 4,• 4.4.9 4.• azti„.9=111Sennar=rannalkinSISMillir=0=4PIMMVAMML**=.,==rAdgrainragaMSWer*M*TOOMON KENNETH ETUE, R.R. 2, Zurich, Phone 98 r 13 TO OUR U.S.A. SUBSCRIBERS At this time of year a goodly num- ber of our U.S.A. subscribers renew their subscription to the Herald and those who mail it in would you kindly send it by Post Office Money Order. In purchasing this Order you will get your premium on your money and we will get full amount value at the local post office. Bank Cheques, Ex- press Money Orders all come under the excise tax, and the exchange tariff and cost you the full amount of the remittance you are making, you get no premium and we have to pay all these taxes. The subscription to the U.S.A. is $1..75 per year, Please, remember this! Thank You! • Dead and Olisahlq grinnis REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exetel 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Or CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) OBITUARY . The Zurich Creamery wishes to DIES AT KITCHENE,R ,.. Word was received here on Tuee, take this opportunity of thaneing tal who contributed to the building fund for the Sick Children's Hospital, Tor- onto. The amount of $10b.utt was1 at his residence, 37 Cedar St., Kit - received from patrons ancr reiends. cherier. He was the son of the late and a receipt for this amount has' Jacob Dedels and Clara Fischer, Wtt.3 been received by the Creamery. On born in 'Waterloo County, Feb. IS. behalf of the Hospital, we thank you 1895. He was employed as a tire buil- all very sincerely for the generou.; der at the Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd support in this worthy cause which 'Was a member of St. iMatthei i's we are sure is much appreciated.—A. Lutheran church. His marriage to the L. Mellott, Zurich Creamery. former Victoria Datars, who survives him took place in Zurich, June 3, HAD -YEAR OF HEADACHES 19212. Surviving are one (laughter, Marion at home; four brotn I` rs, El- Ottawa—Canadian industry will mer, Biriningham, Ala; Herbert,Dids- chalk down 1945 as the year of re- bury, Alta; Stanley, Kitchener, and conversion headaches. Those 'head - Harvey, Elora; and one sister, Vera aches are by no means over but of Kitchener, The remains are rest- there is at least hope in the minds of ing at the Schreiter Sandrock :Puna- both employer and employees that al Home until Friday when a private the 'sharpest impact has passed. Ad - funeral will take Oleo at the flter- mittedly there is a difficult winter a - al Home followed by a public serv- head. Industryas a whole went ice at the church at 2.30 p.m. through most of 1945 geared to ie - Mr. John. Dinsmore of Saskatchew- tensive war prodnction, able to givc, 1 an is visiting with his brother Thom- only limited attention to the prob- I as Dinsmore ami other relatives at lems that would be inevitabh When present. the war ended. lc A'1 ,ONE CENT a Word (mininurn 25c.) is all that it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by several thousand readers, many of who will be in- terested in what you are advertising or are offering for Sale. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105. THE ZURICH HERALD WANTED ._— Carpealers, Labourers for large building project. Also helpers in Planing Mill and Office Boy. ----F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Zurich. ,t Job Prin. m IF YOU REOUIRE, ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONER?, 0 R OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE- MEMBER TO eALL AT THE ;HERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOW AND WORK. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office (Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association.) SUBSciurrION RATES -111.50 a year, strictly in advance. $2.00 may be charged, Nu paper discontinued until all arrears are pain up unless at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES In 'Memoriam, one verse 50c. 25, for each additional verse. Card a, Thanks 50c, Auction Sales—$2,00 for one in sertion if not over four inches it length. Miscellaneous articles of not more ur than folines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one in- sertion 25e; 2 ins. 40c; 3 ins. 50c. Contract advertising made known on application. AddreSs all Communications HERALD OFFICE., ZURICH. Mrs. Chaleti McDonnell Residents of Hensall and commun- ity were saddened to learn of the passing of a *beloved resident of I-Ten- se:II in the person of Mrs. Charles A. MeDonell, who passed away Sat. January ii2th at the home of her 'daughter (.VIildred), Mrs. E. IP. Ta- man, of Listowel, where she had gone to visit at Christmas, she was taken with a heart condition which later developed into a severe stroke which .she suffered earlier in the week, and which resulted in her death. She was in her 76th year, :formerly t a. Mary mane Dutton, she was born at Forest daughter of the late Dr. 'Tames Hut- ton,one of the first women to grad - mete in medicine in Ontario, she re- ceived her degree from Trinity Coll - .:go, Toronto at the age of Z0, and foe seine time was associated with her father in the practice 'medic- ine at Forest. Following her marriage o Charles A. MeDonell • about 50 sears ago, they took up residence in Hansa, where she took an active part in community afftirs ante was a eiember of the United Chutel, pront- .inent in church work, was a life me- mber, past president and Won, proei- dent of the W.M.S. and was particu larly interested in the Sunday School qiu7viving are two daughters, Mrs. Geo. V. leanghten, Toronto; Mrs. E. GRAND BEND i Mrs. Earl Finnin is in ''Victoria Hospital for an eye -operation, but is improving. , Mrs. Sarah Hamilton has returned h SNAPS1-1 "CANDID" BABY PICTURES from a visit with her daughter in ; W. d or - During the nice weather good pro- gress' was made on Mrs. Meyer's new I . home. . The grading of the new street in 1 the park has been completed and is I ready for clausyg. le. and Mrs. Eric Mcproy vteited for a few days with friends in Lon- don. Cpl. John 13. Turnbull, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Turnbull has re- turned home from overeeae on the Queen Elizabeth, after eerving for 3 years overseas. . Dr. Robt. B. Turnbull spent the , world's ideal subject for "oflguard holidays with his parents „and wes pictures, because he is altogether home to welcome his brother, Cpl. lacking in camera conio scusness. John B. Turnbull before returning to ; Once he learns that you won't let his work in 'Winnipeg. . 1 him t,haw the centers off the in - W. I. Meet terosting black gadget, or pull the The regular W. I. meeting v..'ne shiny pieee of glass out of the front, held at Mrs. H. Pfile's. MN. Emery he dismisses the matter and pro- Disjardine gave a talk on the Janu- coeds to more Important things. ary Motto, "Prepare to make the Thereafter, you can shoot away to .Listowel, a daughter, Doe - coming year the best, berteuess of your heart's content. ethv, died in November. one .sestel i . noble work and sweeter zess....- Mrs. You don't need a high-speed mini - London and a brother in ForestHeri Arnold Disjardine " On Things to ature camera to take "candid" pic- husband predeceased her in 10401 tome in the post-war world." The tures et this sort, A. speedy lens is "Ile funeral was largely 'attended on t ext meeting will be held at Mr. helpful, because then you an nse Monday in Hensall United church, Ed. Gill's jr., on tha 1.st Thursday in , higher shutter 'speeds and eateb the T with Rev. R. A Brook officietinge February. he Institute are 8pooeor.1 youngster when he is trying his skill \ No camera -consciousness in this young maestro! Any parent will treasure an album of expressive snaps such as this one. HAVE you ever thought of taking a series of "candid" or "off - guard" pictures of the baby in his lighter or more active moments, and. saving them in a special album entitled "We Knew Him 'When . Any parent who OW118, a camera ea,u build up a splendid collection of sn pictures ch as this, and, if your baby is like most babies, the same pose or expression will never pop up twice. A small baby is probably the smash his rattle to pieces and see what makes it work. But a box eam- ern will do the work pretty well you are careful to watch for momen- tary pauses in the. action. Even the most industrious baby comes to a brief halt now and then. During the Winter Months, most of your "off -guard" baby pictures will be taken indoors, and many of theta at night. Amateur photo bulbs sup- ply enough light for the night snap- shots, and your film dealer will have booklets or leaflets showing how to arrange them. With lights arrangedproperly, properly, the night snaps are almost as simple as those outdoors in sun- shine. In shooting the off-gnard hoby pte- tures, watch for expressive gestures and fleeting expressions, and trait yourself to catch them instantly. Snap tears as well as smiles, for they will help you remember your baby' as he is now. And, whenover you put a picture in your special al, bum, write under it the day and. year when it was taken. That will. help make the boa day.by-day biography which grove value 55 the years roll by. rat john van Gender 'ardor ing a carnival to be held on the t somersaults or endeavoring burial followed lietseall Cemetery. Grand Rend rink in the near futurs.1 — • to