HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-01-17, Page 3BATTERED WASP COMES HOME SAFELY Tugs guide the carrier USS Wasp to berth in New York harbor. Forward part of flight deck was battered by heavy seas. The ship brought 6,030 veterans home. / INS 1 E ON HOCKEY By ED. FITKIN Rumors persist that Lester Pat- rick and the Ranger management will come to the parting of the ways at the close of the current 'N.I-LL. campaign . . : despite the Silver Fox's 1 -' b cr l S dCl7ialS and his asser- tion that the "Patrick will quit" try was started by certain Cana- • dian hockey officials who would like to see hint out of the Ranger act -up ... Insiders say Patrick is referring to Tommy Gorman, in particular . . . The most startling upshot of the Patrick retirement story is the buzz that Mervyn (Red) Dutton will quit as presi- dent of the league to take over I'a'rick's job with the Rangers . Other stories are that Frank Bou- cher will be "bo•oted upstairs" and that Neil Colville evi11 succeed hint as coach ... There is also the tip that Patrick will become hockey's •ovcrlord,'ruling the puck game in much the same fashion as Ilappy Chandler presides over major league baseball. x, * * ' Doug Baldwin, now fully recu- perated from p o n an appendectomy that sidelined him shortly after he joined the Pittsburgh Hornets, worked out with the Leafs this week and is expected to replace !Ernie Dickens on the .Toronto de- fense . • . Baldwin was an out- standing star with Quebec Aces before turning pro and the hockey ,experts down Ke-bec way can't understand why Doug hasn't been al- sensation in the N.H.L. * * * It's beginning to look as if Edgar Laprade will win the Cal- der Trophy as the rookie of the year almost by acclamation ... He Dear Teacher: Please Excuse . Occasionally a teacher finds it difficult to forget his traditional conception of the undergraduate when dealing with the veteran -stu- dent. At Harvard University, former nth Air Force flier Wentworth Ernst, finding the commuting hard tut a wintry New England clay, Missed an appointment at the Uni- versity. Asked for a reason for his absence, he produced a note—from his wife, TRUMAN IN WAX In the wax model pictured above, President Truman joins the galaxy of noted men represented in Lon- don's world-famous Tussaud wax- works, Bernard Tussaud is seen adjusting the writ, sent to him by President Truman, 'especially to dress the effigy: is the pick of a poor and exceed- ingly small crop. * * w Such old-timers of the sportswrit- ing business as Mike Rodden, now sports editor of the ICingston Whig -Standard, are irked no end st the National Hockey League's record book because the book fails tc carry the records of great stars like Babe Dye and Frank Nighbor who, Rodden says, were "the best al hent all in my memory book." * * Bill Durnan's injury has placed Art Ross, the Bruin boss, an an ei:ceedingly hot seat. ar * * a Canadiens, who own Paul Bi- beault, are requesting his return as a replacement for Durran on the claim that they loaned Bibeault to the Bruins until such time as flank Brimsck, regular Boston net - minder, returned from active ser- vice, .. Boston claims, however, that Bibeault is supposed to be en the Bruin payroll for the season . so if Art Ross lets hint go and Brinlsek fails to stand up to post- war N.H.L. competition, Boston fans will be after Uncle Arthur's scalp, no matter. how thin the hair has become on top ... and if Ross eneeavors to hang onto Bibeault, he may touch off a civil war inside the N.H.L.... We shall see what 11 e shall see. (Editor's Note: Ed Fitkin, con- ductor of this column, can be heard each Sunday afternoon at 4:35 over C -H -U -M (1050) dis- pensing breezy, dramate and enter- taining stories on "The Inside on Sports." Mr., Fitkin —, address, Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto -- will be glad to answer questions about the players and the game). IT'S REMARKABLE how fully the flavor of Maxwell House Coffee is developed by the special Maxwell House "Radiant -Roast". It captures all the good- ness of every bean in the blend. CHECKED be a ✓iffy -or Money Hack For quick relief from itching caused by eczema. athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other, tchine condition's, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. 0, PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quick! calms todayofitching. D. oD.PREs RIPTION.�sSis' Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, bring out cores, heals quickly, no scar, 25c, 35c, 50e, 51.00. HOTEL Il EL HE ElKIMPU All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: 1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION Coughs are dangerous if neglected. tet Relief Usually... QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY tetra tope h��l °���o.. fi COUGH SYRUP AT ALL riRVGGISTS 254 LO -1 MADE laf ..HE �A ORI INA?0Rt OFYmo � D G S `Queens' Exchange Greetings At Sea The two "Queens" — the trans- Atlantic liners Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary—exchanged Christmas greetings . at sea Dee. 22 as they passed each other off the southwest English coast. The ships turned on all lights and passengers crowded the rails while the crews flashed signals, The Elizabeth carried 12,000 Cana- dian soldiers home, while the Mary docked at Southampton Dec. 28 with 1,150 passengers from the United States, The presence of fangs in the mouth of a snake is the only cer- tain means of deciding whether it is venomous or not. m fillers syfiuP COWS,COUGHs, BRorCINTls riecT TOPS G AGENTS WANTED 6 Grand River .. By Mabel Dunham Miss Dunham. of Kitchener has added another historical master- piece to Canadian Literature in her now book, "Grand River" which Is, as the name implies, a story of the settlement and developnnent of the rich Ontario section known as Grand Valley, 'Extensive research has made available 'to the readers a vast amount of intensely interesting in- cidental information, well written ane' containing a wealth of histori- cal facts, "Grand River" sparkles with engrossing human interest. Tales. and word pictures of indi- viduals from Dekanaw]da, the In- dian peace lover, Brebeuf the zea- lot, John Galt, the colonizer, Gra- ham Bell the inventor, to Sir Adana Beck of Hydro fame indicate the wealth of personal interest from which Miss Dunham has drawn. • The • authoress delights in excit- ing tales of a courageous, pioneer- , in.g people of diverse origins, united •in a sense of high purpose and a belief in human progress Her r eader appeal ranges far beyond the Grand Valley and her effort is a mine of accurate information for the student of Ontario history. Grand River..... By Mabel Dun- ham..-IVIcCielland and Stewart Limitdd ... Price $3.00 The sulphur of coal smoke will make red or blue flowers much paler, or even white. HARNESS isz COLLARS 6 Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only hy' SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto It Pays To Treat That Goose Well That's the One That Lays the Golden Eggs We have a multitude of laws bearing on relations between em- ployees, says Collier's. There are laws requiring employers to bar - gait. with labor unions chosen by employees to represent thein; laws concerning minimum wages; laws calling for recognition of labor unions,: and a horde of other laws. There is one type of law, how- ever, which we do not have, and which would not work if we had it. That is a law requiring any busi- nessman or business organization to etay in business against his or its will. •.. No law compels Chrysler, Ford, • General Motors, Graham -Paige, Hudson, Packard, 'Willys, et al., to produce automobiles—and the world's best automobiles, we might add, by way of handing out a dab of free advertising to a great in- dustry which has deserved well of the Republic. These and the other automotive concerns are in business because • up to now they can make money out of staying in business—money for their stockholders, their deal- ers, their employees. But they can quit business any time they feel like doing so. No law can make then stay in busi- ness a moment longer than they want to, any more than any law that ' could be framed under our TINE Heavy Treaded Retreads Tiree ..eleased — . — No Permit Required 7.10 440-450/21, 450/20 $ 7.60 475-500/111, 475-500/20 19 9.60 "25/18, 550/16, 550/17 $10.65 000/10 $12.75 625-650/10, 600-650/20 $1.4.50 Truck itOxn R ply, 650/20 $25.00 52x.6 -700/2o lOply $30.00 34x7-750/20 l2 ply• Other sixes, as welt as odd and obsolete, :are available at equally loon prlcec, Every tire guaranteed as per government regulations. Order Now While the Supply Lasts albite Tire S les . . 279 Queen E. Toronto Ontario YOUR OPPORTUNITY Make your spare time pay you consistent earnings. The Babee- Tenda Corporation wants married men with sales ability to act as local agents in all communities throughout Canada. This is an ex- clusive and patented necessity. Write for information, giving full Particulars about yourself today. • SIT Bay- Street, Toronto, Ontario. 1)ARY CUIL'Iiti BABY CI-IICK BUYERS ORDER YOUR GOVERNMENT AP - proved chicks now and obtain an early order discount. Each breed- er is Government banded. and blood -tested. Write for our 1946 price list and catalogue. Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ontario CARADOC CHICK BLOOD -TESTED and guaranteed. Produced from years of specialized farm breed- ing and testing. As hatched 913.99. Pure breds and hybrids. Pullets and Cockerel prices on applica- tion. W. J, McAlister, Strathroy, Ont. 25 FREE CHICKS OTJR BABY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested. Prices from Se to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. 'Goddard Chicle Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. CHICKS, EITHER DAYOLD OIL started (2-3 weeks) immediate or later in the month delivery. Ask for 'lots' available and order soon, whether you want them now or later. Bargains in pullets. Bray Hatchery 130 John N Hamil- ton, Ont. WISE POULTRY FARMERS choose Top Notch clucks because their record bears investigation. Years of Poultry breeding exper- ience are placed at your service in every shipment of Top Notch chicks you receive. When you in- vest in chicks do it wisely. Invest in a name you can trust -- name that stands for good chicks, that name is Top Notch, Prove It yourself, Send for early prlceltst and free catalogue. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for sale. Top Notch Chiciceries, Guelph, Ontario. THE ONLY PURINA EMi3RSO-FPD I3arrecl Rork and Crossbred. AP - proved chicks being produced in Chatham are blood -tested by the tube method for both the regular and X strains of pullorum. Order now from Frank Trice Hatchery, 11 Jahnke St,, Chnthnm, Ont, "(4001) T3A13Y CHICKS TI:I71 FI12ST essential in efficient production". The success of the whole poultry' Industl•y depends on good stock — good baby chicles, So much of - fort and attention Is put into 'the raising of chicks and so satisfy- ing, is the raising of a good bunch of ,!ricks that anything less than the best to shirt With ,fust cioes not make sense. Twedrlle tHatcll- erie:, have been hatching Food chicles for 21 years. Wo hive 13 pure breeds, .12 hybrid crosses to ,•hoose from. Send for Early 'Roul;ing nricelist and free cata- logne. Early chicks will slake y nu more honey and you will also save' money on Tweddle chicks by tracing early delivery. Also laying and ready to lay Pul- lets for immediate delivery. I.weddle Chick H tteberies Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario, ISSUE 3•-1.946 RAM' CHICKS ORDER YOUR 1940 •RISD ROCK hybrid .chicks now. Mixed, pallets or Cockerels, Only puli.orutn blood -tested contest winning stock used. Circular. Angus Urqu- hart, Greenfield, Ont. SUPERIOR ,CHICKS All popular breeds, Hybrids, day old and started. Immediate or lat- er delivery, All breeders blood- tested. 21 day livability guarantee. Catalogue, prices free. Superior Hatcherv, Linwood, Ontario. IlusiNass OI'i'ORTUNiTIES, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TOR two smart aggresive Canadians. One who knows egg and poultry grading and one who has know- ledge of operating a cold storage locker plant where slaughtering and ,curing of meats would be part of the service. Both must have sales and organizing ability and be prepared to become a shareholder in the organization with at least $3,500 capital each. Apply Northern Farm Products Limited, 8 Pine Street, North, Timmins, Ontario. MAKE BIG PROFITS IN YOUR own business. Fifteen dollars is the total cost of this earn while you learn plan of making Plastic Novelties in your own home. Send one dollar with your order, and we will forward you a complete hand Kit of Tools, Plastics, Dyes, and Book of Instructions and De- signs. Pay the balance plus ship- ping charges on receipt of ` Kit. Lux Plastic Company, Box 94, Delormier Station, Montreal, Que. DYiOING AND CLF:ANIN( HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing.• or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment II, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. PO II RALID CHICK BROODERS Oil burning, fully automatic 52" hover. Immediate delivery. Deal- ers wanted. H. J. Parr S. Co., 60 Dundas St., London, Ont, 950,000 -- LICENSED HOTEL, 2 stores, movie theatre; gallonage 9,000: could be increased: 825,000 down regardless includes pro- perty and all equipment. Apply In person only to owner Commercial Hotel. New T3arnburt, Ont. ONE IlleAVY DUTY AUTOMATIC shingle hill, bolier, engine joint- er, packol'. AU in fail' working condition, 9550. Mrs, Baptiste I'a- rislen, Bell's Rapids, Ont. aILK COOLER AND AERATOR IN - expensive, entirely Automatic and cools 115 fast as you milk, Ap- proved be, Dairies and Inspectors. For particulars write H. 7. Parr and Company,. 69 :Dundas St., Lon- don, Ontario., Dealers use letter- head. TOBACCO. FARM, BRANT COUNTY, 150 acres, complete equipment, in- cluding 6 kilns, greenhouse, !torsos and implements. One of the !fest — 935,000, half cash. Box 72, 73 Adelaide W, Toronto, Ont, present Constitution could compel any of their employees to stay 0'n the job when be or she wanted tb take another job, It is entirely possible for labor organizations to make remaining in Lusines's unprofitable or unbearable for any business concern. One businessman—Andrew ), i1iggins of New Orleans—Claimed recently that this was happening to !tiro and announced that he in- tended to shut down $10,000,000 worth of his unionized plants. At this wiring, it is not known where Higgins, his plants and the unions involved go from there. It is earn- estly to be hoped, however, that this quit -business idea will not spread to many large business con- ccrne. If it should, the conse- quences to our economic system would be disastrous. Management and labor alike should strive to keep it roil spreading. It was always the height of idiocy to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. It is far better —indeed, in a profit system it ,s Lsential—to treat alt such wonder- working geese reasonably well, to keep thein fairly happy and com- fortably fed, and thus to pre- serve their egg -producing powers and willingness. The time seems ripe for a lot of us to dust that an- cient thruth off in our memories and act accordingly. PIZ � ACDONALDs boli SALE PINK AFRICAN VIOLETS Young plants ready to bloom, special 91.00 each. Write for list of other plant novelties. Burrell Gardens, St. Thomas, Ont. MODEL C CASE TRACTOR (CAB), Lights, Power takeoff, Price $950. Apply C. J. Walker, R. R. No. 1, Cromorty, Ont. SNOWPLOWS, LIMITED NUMBER; new truck plows, hand hydraulic controls, For Immediate delivery. S. C. Craig, 65 Second Avenue, Ottawa, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes. Alien Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St. Tor- onto F.trtaxs FOR SALE 150 AC, FARM, LOT 28, CON 10 Proton, County Grey. Sacrifice. Andrew Mitchell, R. 2, Dundalk, Ontario, 20;0 -ACRE FARM, WITH ALL OUT buildings, 31,£• miles east of Amul- ree. Apply J. Milton Schmidt, R. R. 3, New Hamburg. iIAIRDRiISSING LEARN 1•IAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, 2'orontn, RELP WANTED WANTED — MAN OR STRONG boy for general work on modern dairy farm. AAply- stating wages. Strathcona Farnls, Huntsville, Ont. Assistant Superintendent WANTED IMMi3DIATELY — Assistant Superintendent for 55 - bed hospital, Apply to Chairrnan of the Board, Chamber Memo- rial Hospital, Smiths Falls, One BLACKSMITH AND HANDYMAN for !rage farm, immediately. Write Box 489, Brantford, Ont., and state particulars, MEDICAL BAU1lliidhlA FOOT BALM DI;- stroys offensive odor instantly. 45c, bottle, Ottawa agent. Deu• man Drug Store, Ottawa. STOAI.ICH ANI) THR1+1AD WORMS often are the cause of i11 health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune: Why not find out If this is your trouble, interesting particu- lars --- Free! Write Muh'eney's Itenledies, Specialists. Toronto 3. DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis • should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- 1 o's 1)rul: Store, 885 Elgin, Otta- wa. Pristpaid 91.00, INGROWN TOESNAILS Nail Fix relieves pain instantly and removes ingrown nail In a few. applications, $1.00 a bottle, WART FIX Ugly Warts melt away painlessly With this guaranteed remedy. 35o. a bottle, CORN FIX Eases pain at once, and removes stubborn Corals 111 a few minutes, 35c. a bottle. Sent postpaid by A. C. Thomson. Chemist, ]'rept, A., 363 St. Marone Ave., Toronto. :Established 1905. PR0vroN REMEDY 17VERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Re- medy. Munea's Drug Storo, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid MOO, OPPORTUNITIES FOR WON EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free, Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa, GIRL 16-17 MUSICALLY INCLINED will be given free tuition, sing- ing and piano 111 exchange for light household duties from 1 to 5 daily. Sleep out. Madan! Fantecht Tavanti, 81 Broor W, Toronto. MI, 3447. PERSONAL LEARN RADIO AND REFRIGER- ation by our new method of In- struction in your spare time at low cost. Dynamic Schools P. 0. • Box 1859 Denver, Colo. "ELIJAH COMING BEI, ORE Christ." Wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11. N. Y. ANNOUNCING WINNER OF Kiwanis Club Of Sudbury's $10,000 Model Horne. Mrs. Roy Basso, 21 Dernorest Avenue, Gatchell, Ont. Ticket No. 33192 B. D. Pno'rOGRAI'IiIO TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed, 6 On 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this ,year. but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sensing your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto RICHLY FRAMED. COLORED ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL VALUE $1.39 (with Easel Back $1.65) WHIL11 TUhI Si;:'rt7' LASTS Enlargement 4 x 6" colored be* hand in finest studio style from any negative, on special 7 x 9" blue lino mount, framed In rich moulding White with Gold trim, New Natural or Gilt. $1.39 with easel back, $1.6.55, (let orders in early. Any size roll (6 or 8 exposures) developed and printed 25c. En- largements 4 x 6" in easel mounts, 3 for 25c.: framed on ivory tint mats 7 x 9" in Gold, Silver, 'Wal- nut or Tilade Ebony finished frames, 59c. each. If colored, 79c. 186461 RONIUS 01011 ER A coupon good for one mounted enlargement 4 x 6" gi1'en free with each 25c. order received dur- ing Jztnucry and February, Canada's largest studio does qua- lity work nronptly — and at low- est cost. (Print Name and Arial'oes l'lninly on Orders,) DEPT, 10 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE llox 12011, Post ()Mee A, Toronto a•1; $ , IC ' i1 . AI, INS '['Itl'NESTS FREED A. T1(DDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 C"hulrrr, Tu nrtto 2. PATIO; TS I'`.i0TIib3RSTONAi'GH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors :Established 1890, 14 Icing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest.