HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-01-10, Page 4e- 4-1„, 914T -A eee
In What Are YOU Trusting?
OR IS IT CHRIST wire said "I am the way, the truth, and the
Life; no man cometh unto the father, but by Me." Jno. 14:6.
"Believe in the Loyd Jesus Christ and thou shalt Gbe ts saveA6: d.
Old-fashioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at
various times.
Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor
auditor's statements were read, The
retiring trustee, Robt. Blair, was re-
elected for another term of three
years, the board now consists of Jno
Parker, Lloyd Scotehmer and .Robert
Blair. Leslie Elliott is secretary -
Euchre and Dance
The euchre and dance held in the
Town Hall, Bayfield on New Year's
Eve., sponsored by L.O.L. 2 . , BaY-
field, was well patronized.. The event
was one of the most successful both
financially and was patronized by
everyone to celebrate the first peace-
time New Year since 1938.
Elect Officers
The annual meeting of the Wom-
en's Auxiliary of Trinity Anglican ae
church was held at the rectory.
following officers were elected for '46
Bion. President, Mrs. R. C. Holmes;
President, Mrs. Emerson Heard; vice
president, Mrs. Geo. King; secretary
Mrs. R. Larson; treasurer, Miss Lucy
Woods; Dorcas secy., Mrs. F. W.
I Baker,
Thursday, January 10th, 1946
Mrs. N. E. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans of Wat-
erloo were holiday visitors with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. George Walker re-
turned home from spending the holi-
days with their children in '.C'oronto.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence re -1
turned home after apleasant holi-
day with relatives in Detroit,
.Mr and Mrs. Robert Drysdale
have moved to their newly erected
dwelling on Main St. and are getting
nicely settled.
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell and
Mr. Clifford Weido of St. Cath-
arines spent the holiday season with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Weido and son, Glen.
Mies Mary Hagan of London spent
the holidays with her sister, Miss
Dolly and brother Frank.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Switzer have
moved to their new home m Clinton.
Mr. John Baker is agars: operating
his clipping mill for the winter
Mr. J. G. Forrest of the Parr line
south is confined to Clinton hospital
with a splintered bone of the arme.
His many friends wish him a speedy
Mr. Alvin McBride is finishing up
the bean threshing in this vicinity.
for a second term; his was the only
name placed in nomination.
Late Wm. Broadfoot
William Broadfoot, 76, for many
year a well known farmer in the
Brucefield district, diect December
24th at his home, Stratford'. He mov-
ed to Stratford when he retired from
the farm 15 years ago, and had been
in ill health for the past > :vo years
following a stroke. A son or the late
James Broadfoot and the former
Maria Etherington, he hack spent all
of his active years as a farmer and
had won a large circle of rriends in
the Brucefield community. Mr. Bro-
adfoot was a member of Knox Pres-
byterian church, Stratferd. He was
married 46 years ago on Dec. 20, to
Agnes Reid, who survives with one
son, Earl, of Stratford, and four
The Stanley Township Council as
well as most of the Townshool Area
Board have been returned to office
by acclamation for 1946. The
Council consists of, Reeve, Joh E.
ll El
Alvin McBride, Clarence a - , rid Mi.Sz C. MacKenzie fora few
Houston. The chief feature of the 1 M. a
Miss Elva Dewar has left for
Toronto, having spent the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David
Dewar. and
Mrs. Sherlock Keys, Varna,
Mrs. Colin Campbell, Bronson Iine,
Pepper;vCouncillors, mer Webster, visited their mother and aunt, Mrs.
Cl Parke, Carl
;s tak'ng her I�laee oe the, teaebin& � Christmas the basement at the Exe-
stall' et Vietoria Schep'. • Miss Jean ter school again 'beearne flooded and
Yemen, of Ripley, Baal been. engaged
as teaeaer of teeede 1 in Central
School duties began -in January, she
takee the place of Miss Irene Bow-
man, resigned.
School Basement
During the recant thaw
Billie of Guelph and Pte, Jas. Camp-
bell who arrived from overseas on
the Queen Elizabeth, visited with IVI
and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren.
'Miss Maude Glenn of London was
a ,guest at the home of her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and ifirs. John
Mrs..Peacoek axd babe left by
plane from London to New York,
where she will meet her husband to
enjoy a few days with her parents.
Pte. G. C. Glenn of Hensall, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn, arriv-
ed in London Saturday cast, after
several year overseas service. Mem-
bers of the family met hint at the
Miss Mary Unsworth of Galt, and
Miss Norma Cook, of Western Med-
ical School, spent the holidays with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
N. E. Cook.
Sgt. and Mrs. H. J. Stokes of Lon-
don, Mr. and Mrs. • Wes Richardson
and family of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs
L. Willert and fancily of Zurich, sp-
ent holidays with Mrs. Wilson Carl-
ile and family.
Mr. and Mrs. F, G. Bonthron cel- ^
ebrated their 25th wedding anniver-
sary They were called on by neigh-
bours and friends.
•Mr. 'Victor Black of Toronto, who
attended the Kippen Servicemen's
Banquet t1a.W$ week end guest of i
Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair.
Mrs. Syney MacArthur of Hensall
was taken to Scott Memorial Hospit-
al, Seaforth, suffering with pneum- 1
onia. Dr. Goddard is the attending
Thirty-six men from Hensall, 'I
Chiselhurst, and Kippen, ;•geld a jack':
rabbit drive this week and baggedy�I
130 jacks. They took the route 114
west of Chisellrurst, starting from
Sproat's tile yard, took the 114
wide and five miles long.
Mrs. Olive Hurson and Mr. and
Mrs. Max Hudson and Laird of Lon-
don, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Casey Hudson 1
M Do and George of Goderich, were holi-'
f M Jeffs, slay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1
i:ey has been the victim o a stroke e A Busy Matt
two years ago is not improving so t u,
rapidly,. but we hope an occasional ,"ince Iii= hh' ,:in deprived of his
outing will help to rebuild him to
his former self..
Ke. and Mrs. Fred Sieenor, and Ili
and Mrs. Dominic Jeffrey all of .St.
Joseph, motored to Goderich a few
days ago visiting with the former's
son, Harold.
Here and there you hear tell of a
farmer who has pulled out his plow
from its winter shelter and can be
seen in the field plowing. It is rare,
but it has happened before that plow-
ing was done in all months of the
winter, and there are no reasons to
believe that it won't be done this
The Blake church held their regi-
lar communion service .. on Sunday
last. Rev. R. Hern in charge.
The W:M.:S. meets this Thursday
at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Roy
McBride and her group being , in
Scholars have returned to school
on Thursday last after their Christ-
mas holidays, at the annual meeting,
'Vlr. Clarence Parke was appointed a
Mr. Gus Clark of London attended
the welcome Home night held in
Zurich recently.
Miss Irene Baker and Miss Phillis'
McBride returned to their duties in.
Clinton after spending the holidays
at their homes here.
St. Joseph and Beaver `Town
largely attended nomination meeting` days
Monday last held in the Township; Major Grant Carr -Harris, Who
Hall, Varna, was the retirement from! turned from overseas abroad the
municipal office of councillor Fred i Queen Elizabeth, joined his family
Watson, ex -reeve of the Township in the village, Saturday last. His wife
and ex -warden of the County, His met him at London.
place at the Council board was taken i Trustees Re -Elected
by Carl Houston, who lives on the; The annual meeting of the Bay -
extreme west side of the township. field Public ,School Board was held at
Reeve John E. Pepper was returned , the school, the secretary's report and
Automobile headlights provided the illumination for this novel picture
of the house, taken with a time expasure on high speed film.
AILMOST everybody has taken
4 pictures of the house in the
daytime ---but how about w pictura
at night? All you need is a location
wh .e. ,z,.. camel.; se:ee. . dis-
turbed, and, of course, a camera
that can be set for a time exposure.
Naturally, the house must be
lighted in some manner—either by
automobile headlights, by street,
lights, by moonlight, or other
meane. The light ekes sn't have to
be extremely strong—if it is weak•
erg you, just expose for longer
time --but the illuminationshould
be fairly even an the side. of the
house that you picture.
The exposure will vary, according
to the distance of the car from the
hoose and the brightness of the
lights; so it is best to take several
u. increasing the exposure time
in each case.
Moonliglir shots are easier to take
than you nta.y imagine. On a clear
•ni' bt, with Lull noon, an avor.tge
ec.posuri+. is 100 minutes, with a box
camera and average speed film.. If
'•now on the house root and
on Il o ground, thio time '.an be cut
its '. �r. And, of course, if you use
high speed film less exposure is re-
r,•:r€,d Remetiiber that for all tirne
exposures, the camera must be
For just a portion oi: the hov.se, pleeed on a firm, solid support.
you can use a iii,tsh bulb, if your
sseemera has a fast lens and is lead-
ed with high speed film. For ex-
ample, if you have an f/4.5 lens, the
flash can be used 40 or 50 feet. from
the house, with just one medium-
sized flash bulb 1:a a good reflector.
Automobile headlights provide
fine illumination fore single -story 1ec�.tion,
house.. if the ear is parked earefuliy. 31.i John van Guilder.
Another interestin stunt is to
take a short time exposure of the
house Just at dusk, when there is
still some light in the sky but the
house lights show up brightly. Only
a few seconds' exposure will be
needed for such a shot, and it will
add interest to your snapshot col-
Mr. and Mrs. Len Sararaa area dau-
ghter Marjorie spent a week -end
Windsor visiting relatives.
Mrs. Wm. Wessing of St. Joseph,
is spending a week or so in London
with her husband and other friends.
Mr. Ivan Masse of London spent
Sunday in St. Joseph with his par-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ducharme and
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Laporte of the
Blue Water north were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme
of the Blue Water south. -
MVIr. and Mrs. Remmie Jeffrey of
Beavertown spent Sunday in St. Jos-
eph at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Do -
it was necessary to secure a pumping
outfit from Grand Bend to pump out
the water. The boiler pit was filled•
to a depth of several feet putting opt
the fire. Fortunately the electric nrot-
before darn age
A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances
on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best
Engineered Lubrication
Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using
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Attendants Grease Cars.
Expert Repairing
use the KING AN ALYSER. to TUNE UP your Motor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up -To -
Date Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Cox
Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in Connection.
n?laiic Jeffrey, The orp1e ` r. TIucls- • ! 2�
Of t k
L.A.C. Murray Wolfe who has re-
turned from overseas spent a few
days in Fort Erie last week.
Mr. and MTs. Harry Harris of Sar
nia spent a' week -end with - relatives
Mr. and Mrs. E. Will returned to
their home in Pembroke after spen-
ding the past week with her parents
Rev. and Mrs. T. Luft.
Mrs. Currie who has been recrup-
eratine with her parents in Meaford,,
has returned hone with her family
and is improving nicely.
Mrs. Hartman Elsie is very ill at
her home here with slight hopes`, o.t
a recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft and Mr
and Mrs. Wm. Stade attended the
funeral of the late Miss Anila Pitt,
of Hyde Park near London, who waL
accidently killed at a railroad cross-
ing recently.
Late Fanny Proctor
Miss Fanny i'reoter pas4ed away
on Tuesday in Clinton, having suffer-
ed a stroke a week ago. She was be
her 90th year. She was born ' in
Hullett Twp., being the daughter o'
the late John Preeter and was the
last surviving member of a feeefly of
eight. She liseet on the l•iti,. th-es-
ces pion of Stephen Township near
Dashwood end lived near Ins er'soli
for thirty ye:.rs, later residing with
brother in Kis 'honer, and after hi -
death she tnedc her home webh he.
niece, :4lrs. Henry Hoffman of Dash-
wood for the past five years. • hr
was e mombe,' of the Lutheran chnrrh
of Dashwood, The body is resting
at the T. H-irry Hoffman
home in ?'!::sht; oed from 1,,1'C10 11"
funraral will 'tyke place an Friday
.S.anuary I tt71 at 2 p,m, - Intermen'
to :follow in the Bronson Line Litth-'
eran Cemetery, Rev. T. Lnft wit
officiate. The following will be the
pallbearers: "Phos. .Hopero£t, Lotti.
Rader, Louis Kraft, Chas. Steinhaes
mit, 1teuben Goetz, Phillip Fassold.
Miss Mary th dsworth of Galt:
Wes a guest at the home of Mr. awl
one tlllie ability as a builder and
i135fer, Mr John Elder has employed
his leisure time in a useful way. He ,
makes a hobby of manufacturing axe
and all kinds of wooden handles and
saw sharpening. During the past,
year lie has disposed of 163 wooden
handles and sharpened 53 saws. Mr.
Elder uses only the last block of
each small hickory tree, and one man
man has supplied hint with enough
good material to make 248 axe hair -1
dies. He always has a supply of ready
made handles on hand, and even
some handles for handsaws.
To Teach
The Goderich Public School Board!
has given Miss Hartwell leave of ab-
vence until next June on account
of illness, and Mre. L. H. 'l'urnee
Clubbing List.
ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper
London Free Press, 1 yr. $8.50'
London Free Press, 6 Mons. 5.30
for one Year:
Toronto Globe and Mail
Toronto Daily Star
Toronto Weekly Star
Stratford Beacon Herald
Kitchener Daily
p Rcorti
Mc'L.ean's .Magazine $2.25
Canadian Magazine $2,4:0)
Catelaine Magazine . $2.25
Farmers' Advocate $2.00
Can. Poultry Review ,
Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25
Family Herald, 3 years 3'• 00'
McCall's Magazine 8e'
Reader's Digest $4.1'5'
And a great many amore that we cannot enumerate here.
We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .hs
Canada and the United States, and can save you money
on the most of them.
Renew_all your Papers and Magazines at our
Office and save Trouble and Money
Can. Homes and Gardens
President Niii'm:tu .J. t)aiives of Nat;ior
i tjecl fOrnicr servicem� J `Breweries Ltd., receoves a testimonial to the management :from. mors
thou five lint d -gin wAlio now form more than a third of the employees of' Black Horse, Dont`
Fronteriaci arid Boswell bxev, �rres atr
• ^ei; in Mr' r �r.tlier =measly units. The ocasion was a welcome home reception at th+a
conipaii!1* eft . ,aatl'c ttl oil , jec. :;t.5. An illuminated scroll, presented !hy returning veterans , tend several
ittirtrl:l'c?d a.,o yrsi ona 't}te w.rvrces now employed by the company, is being handed to Mr. Dawes by Pat -
()l xien his amputtlttc i casualt n
+itte • 3lrss �Itigoo
,.e;t � �:.• � ' :from World War 1•, with the approval of James l'eterkan,,: C1lande p'retde
y, t 131nidt b ivi, ,f Wilson, etc.The scroll made refer- once to the "justice,,. understands
sincerity and eot'd.iality" which h• At.Yrtarked the Company's relations with etnployee.•r..