HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-01-10, Page 3'i ET PLANE TO SPEED PASSENGERS AT 300 -MILE CLIP An order for 100 jet propulsion twin -engine commercial passenger planes like that sketched above has been announced by American Airlines as having been placed with Consolidated Vultee Corp, Total expenditure will approximate $18,000,000. Designers claim that, with jet propulsion as a complement to propellers, the ship will carry 40 pasengers at a cruising speed of 300 rn.p.h. Another unusual feature of the model will be entrance doors at the front instead of at the side, VOICE 13P THE PRESS "Extra Sweet", Too Out in Vancouver the stork is so active that in one hospital they're putting the new arrivals in apple boxes. Every girl baby, we suppose, goes in a crate marked "Delicious", and the boys are labeled "Jonathan," —Ottawa Citizen. Two Classes It is deplorable that so many public office -holders fall into one o, these classes; (1) Those who won't do• anything, and (2) those who will do anything. —Kitchener Record, Comparative Skills The ratan who pokes fun at a woman trying to drive through a 12 -foot garage door usually sobers up when he tries. to thread a needle. —Montreal Star. And Soon Goering has reaffirmed his faith in Nazism and says he would fol- low Hitler again if he had the chance. From all indications, he will get it. —The New Yorker. New Alarm. Network Helps Catch Crooks A new kind of burglar alarm—a wartime invention—which auto- matically calls up Scotland Yard, She Criminal Investigation De- partment, is being fitted in many London banks, jewelers and busi- ness premises as a further step towards combating Britain's big- gest crime wave in years. Already the device—a granio• phone -telephone system, which automatically relays' the name, address,•and telephone number of the premises being burgled to the police—has resulted in some of iLondon's smaller crooks being rounded up, it was stated today. Now American officials in Lon- don, it is understood, are consider- ing having G-men sent from Washington to help in tracking down several hundred United States deserters, Many of Lon- don''t robberies have been made by men in uniform armed with mili- tary weapons. Special precautions are being taken at embarkation ports to pre- sent troops bringing souvenir weapons into the country. Volunteers are now corning for- ward to reinforce the Metropoli- tan Police as special constables, and those specials who would nor- mally be released after completing war service are being asked to stay on. Civilians are responding well to the police appeal to dial 909— Scotland Yard's emergency num- ber—to report suspicious actions, and has resulted in more crooks than usual being arrested. Alberta. Lemons ig as Grapefruit Alberta's climate is not suitable for lemons, but with a home-made climate, a few' seeds, and some special care, W. L. MacGregor has produced. nine large leucons. His wife, who shares in the achievement, displayed the fruit 'which resemble lemons in shape but are almost as large as grapefruit. The 'largest is one pound three ounces and the smallest only two ounces less. ISSUE 2--1946 World Problems f the New Year Many Political Issues Must Be Solved in 1946. As the New Year opens, world government and control of atomic power overshadow all problems. Concisely the world -government issue is this: Is the United Nations Organization to be a genuine world organization or simply an - (tiler League of •Nations dominated h)• power politics? Ac the present moment the world is being run exclusively by the Big Three—Great Britain, the United States and .Russia. Displaced Persons The grave social problem of the displaced persons still stands sub- stantially unrelieved. Close to 1,- 000,000 political refugees are scat- tered here and there about Europe while the Allies seek some way of guaranteeing then freedom and a decent way of life. • Middle East The ohief issue in the Middle Oast, traditional storm centre of international affairs, hinges upon what appears to be a Russian ef- fort to gain political dominance over the area between the Indian Ocean and the Aegean Sea. Spain The problem of the Allies in Spain is essentially this: How soon can Generalissimo Franco be oust - cd from power, and the country restored to a democratic basis? An early Anglo -American -French parley on the wisdom of breaking diplomatic relations with the Franco regime is a possibility. Japan In setting up a four -power con- trol council to administer Japan, the Allies are facing the same chal- lenge that confronts them in Ger- many, to wit: Can differing nation- alities, differing concepts, a n d often differing ideals be meshed into a unified and efficient admin- istrative machine? It must be ad- mitted that the effort thus far has not been very successful in Ger- many. Colonies The trouble in Indonesia provides a fair example of the colonial prob- lem in all parts of the post-war world. In essence, the issue is this: Will the great powers attempt in cling to old rights and privileges or will they act in accordance with the principles of freedom, justice and the self-determination of na- tions? BOMBS STILL BURST The villages. of Cliffe, Eng,, feel that peace has passed them by as great explosions come frons near -by marshes where old bombs, mines and ammunition are being deton- ated, CHECKED'. in a ✓iffy -ter Money Back For quick relief from ittllingcaused byeczetn5 athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and otlieritchito conditions nee pure, cooling, medicated, liquid A; PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and gainless, Soothes, comforts and quickly calms ntense itching. Don't setter. Ask your druggist oda for 0.0. O„ iPiiESCRiP1r101I, France Faces Wheat Shortage France will face a grave wheat shortage before the end of the win- ter—a fact that may precipitate a governmental crisis, since bread is the staple food of France, says Newsweek. Early estimates placed the wheat erip at GO per cent of the 1938 figure. Actually, the 1945 harvest reached only 42 per cent. Moreover, Argentina probably will be unable to deliver wheat as con- tracted for by former Food Minis- ter Christian Pineau. Desperate attempts will be made to obtain wheat from the U.S. and Canada. Disability pension is based upon the degree of physical disability actually caused by the injury or disease. BART CHICKS BABY CHICK BUYERS ORDER YOUR GOVERNMENT AP - proved chicks now and obtain an early order discount. Each breed- er is Government banded and blood -tested. Write for our 1946 price list and catalogue, Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ontario 25 FREE CHICKS OUi: BABY CRICKS ARE THE Progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested. Prices from 3c to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights, Ont. 'WE'VE A GOOD SUPPLY OP started chicks, 2-3 week olds, va- rious breeds and crosses, Includ- ing heavy breeds. (Bargains in pullets). Also dayolds. Immediate or later delivery. Order now. Bray. Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ontario, INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY, 2nd, Decrease mortality with Top Notch chicks. When you start with husky, healthy Top Notch chicks, selenee is your safeguard. Breeders are Government Culled and pullorum tested. All this pro- tects you from receiving an infer- ior grade of chicks. The demand for 1946 chicks is likely to be greater than the supply. Book your order early and take early delivery. Free catalogue and prlcellst. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Top Notch Cilickeries, Guelph, Ontario. TBE ONLY PURINA EMBRYO -FED Barred Rock and Crossbred, Ap- proved chicks being produced In Chatham are blood -tested by the tube method for both the regular and X strains of pullorum, Order now from Frank L -rice Hatchery, 11 Jahnke St„ Chatham, Ont. THE DEMAND FOR TWEDDLE 1949 chicks is greater than ever. Book your order immediately and be sure of receiving the breed of chicks you desire when you want them. Start with healthy chicks and your future profits are as- sured. Twaddle chicks are healthy chicks — sturdy Approved chicks from carefully pre -selected pull- orum tested breeders, With Twed- die chicks your mortality rate is reduced to a minimum while your productivity is •noticeably in- creased, You desire a sizeable share of the Increasing market in eggs and poultry meat. Get in with Tweddle chicks and start early chicks. Free catalogue and pricelist. Also laying and ready to hay pullets for immediate deliv- ery, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. SCHAFE.R't, HATCHERY We can supply you with Ontario breeding, station Legliorns at 11c„ White Giants 15c,, Slack Giants 15c„ Rhode Island Beds 1.2e, Barred hooks 11e„ Australorpes 15c.; also sexed chicks, 50 Charon St„ Kitchener, Ont. OR1DIR. YOUR 1846 RI91) ROCK hybrid chick now, 1,41xed, pullets or Cockerels. Oniy pullorum blood -tested contest winning stocks used, Circular. Anglia Urqu- hart, Greenfield, Ont. SUPERIOR CHICKS :til popular brencis, Hybrids, day old ;incl started. Immediate or lat- t r delivery. All breeders blood - tested, P1 day livability guarantee, (',.tali, rue, prices free. Superior :4ntolit:' , Liuiva,,na, Ontario, V 1 N(4 AND READY TO LAY Millets for immediate delivery In 'Barred Rocks, New flnmpahires, white ?.eghorn,s, crossbreds, Also clay niti chicles for immediate de- livery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergue, Ontario, Hitler's Last Wills Political and Private Adolf Hitler's last political testa- ment, ?appareuty prepared as Berlin tottered before the Russian on- slaught, was revealed last week as a masterpiece of propaganda in which he built hitnelf up as a martyr and bequeathed to the Ger- Man people the Nazi creed of fierce loyalty to the Stiate and hat- red of the Jew:, 3is final admonition was: "Above all, I enjoin the govern- ment of the nation and the people to uphold the racial laws to the limit and resist mercilessly the poisoner of all stations, interna- tional Jewry,» The testament, dated April 29, 194s,. was discovered by British and American intellingence agents. It disclosed that Hitler expelled Reichsniarshal Hermana Goring and Gestapo Chief Heinrich Him - miler front the Nazi ranks for at- tempting to seize control of the State, and "negotiating with the enemy without rfiy knowledge," Urging Geimans to keep alive the Nazi doctrine, Hlter said "the seed has been sown that will grow one day in the history of Germany to the, glorious rebirth of the Na- tional Socialist Movement," the document added. Throughout the testament, Hit- ler built himself up as a martyr who wished to "join in death" the troops who had fallen on the battlefield. In his personal will, also dated ,April 29, Hitler told of plans for suicide after marrying Miss .Braun, his mistress. Hitler left his personal possess- , tions "in so far as they are worth" to the Nazi Party, and said that paintings he had collected should be placed in a gallery "in my home town of Linz on the Dan- ube-" Conscientious Cow According to one British auth- ority, out of a ton of grass. a good dairy cow puts 1,456 pounds on ons side, for milk production and keep 784 pounds for herself. A. oow'of poor stock uses 986 pounds for milk production and takes 1,254 pounds for own maintenance, (The British long ton is 2,240 pounds). IflISI1VESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR two smart aggresive Canadians. One Who knows egg and poultry grading and one who has know- ledge of operating a cold storage locker plant where slaughtering and curing of meats would be part of the service. Both must have sales and organizing ability and be prepared to become a shareholder in the organization with at least 58,500 capital each. Apply Northern Farm Products Limited, 3 Pine Street, North, Timmins, Ontario. MAICE1 LBIG PROFITS IN YOUR own business. Fifteen dollars Is the total cost of this earn while you learn plan of making Plastic Novelties in your own home. Send one dollar with your order, and we will forward you a complete hand Kit of Tools, Plastics, Dyes, and Book of Instructions and De- signs. Pay the balauoe plus ship- ping charges on receipt of Kit. Lux Plastic Company, Box 94, Delormlef Station, Montreal, Que. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment . H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 longe Street, To- ronto... • FUR SALE CHICK BROODERS Oil burning, fully automatic 62" hover. Immediate delivery, Deal- ers wanted. H. J. Parr & Co., 69 Dundas St., Lmedon,,Ont. 650,000 — LICENSED HOTEL, 2 stores, movie theatre: gallonage 9,000: could be increased: $33,000 down regardless — includes pro- perty and all equipment. Apply in person only to owner Commercial Hotel. New Hamburg, Ont. TRAPPERS' ALL-PURPOSE LURE 51,00 bottle. Fox, Mink, Coyote, Skunk, sets 26c. each, Fox Lure formula 26c. Make your sets freeze -proof. Details 253 Minors Trapping System, McDonalds Cor- ners, Ontario. ONE HEAVY DUTY AUTOMATIC shingle mill, boiler, engine joint- er, packer. All in fair working condition, 5860. Mrs. Baptiste Pa- rislen, Dell's Rapids, Ont, MILK COOLER AND AERATOR IN- expensive; entirely Automatic and cools as fast as you mills, Ap- proved by Dairies and Inspectors. For, particulars write H. J. Parr and Company, 09 Dundas St„ Lon- don. Ontario, Dealers use letter- head. PLASTICS, PLEXIGLAS IIT, EASY to make jewellery, lamps, home furnishings, etc,, for own use, gifts or resale from this beautiful plastic. Plexiglas, jewellery fend- ing cement,•instruciions included. 54,31' plus postage. C. O. D. Shar- on Products Co. P. O. ?lox 25$4, Place O'Armes, Montreal. Que. STAMP COLLECTORS WRITE FOR free price llst of new and old issues, mint and used, Mount royal Stamp Co., 1473 1\10(1111 College Ave„ \tontreitl, Que. TOBACCO 0'.:\12111. nrl N' COUNTY, 150 acres, complete etluipment, in - eluding 6 genus, greenhouse, horses and implements. Ono of the best -- 885,000, half cash. Box 72, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, Ont. 1. mi.) OTJTF:iT SPECIAL 514.95, Cleaned and freshly enamelled metal bed, re-finiahca spring end brand new felt mattress, 514.96. Tee -silvered springs, all sizes $4,06. Re -conditioned drop -side and pull-out couch with new cretonne covered mattress with valance, 314.95. Buy with confidence from Wholesale Furniture, 10 Market St„ Toronto, Out, IRT SCIENCE FS DOING Artificial Eye The U.S, Navy has perfected an artificial eye that moves, and even shows expression. This new plastic model does everything but see, It apt:Cara so natural that a pretty girl could have her good eye for reading and use her false eye for flirtations, The new eye should bit the civil- ian market some time in 1945, and at a price which the lower income groups can afford. The Naval Dental Corps at Bethseda, Md., has manufactured more than 500 of these eyes during the past year. Dentists were assigned to the job because of their• 'xperience in mold- ing plastics, to tissues. Comm, Lamar W. Harris, speak- ing to the Greater New York dental meeting, explained that the rievy's new eye grips al' the muscles be- hind the eyeball. The old-fashioned • glass eye was mostly a shell, with almost no gripping power. "The muscles attaching the eye- ball are cut and gathered so that they fit aroung the edge of the plastic ball," Harris explained. Harris said that it was a simple operation and that the navy is passing on its information to civil- ian dentists. The wearer can remove his plas- tic eye for cleaning and it won't break. Harris even bounced one • against a wall, HAVE Y V HM/16. "I know he is the man for me, mother, Every .time he takes me in his arms 1 can hear his Heart pounding." "Better he careful, daughter, When your father was courting nae I was fooled, for. a year by his dollar 'watch." The man who pokes fun at a woman t•rying to drive through a 12-fot garage door usually sobers up when he tries to thread a needle. "Did you say that any incompe- tent man could run a hotel?" 'Not at all. I said that any inn experienced man could." What a nice place This world would be If I loved others Like I love me, Dad: "No, son, I wouldn't think of buying you that bugle. You'd make too much noise with it." Son: "No, 1 wouldn't, Dad. I'd only practice on it when you're asleep," DEMOTED Fifteen one -tinge shiny Japanese army horse-drawn gun 'carriages took on a new atmosphere recently. In suitable rites attended by American Military Government and Korean officials, they were recom- missioned as garbage wagons. For Your Information The best safety device is located just above the ears. —Galt Reporter. Quick relief from the sniffy, sneezy, stuffy distress of head colds ie what you want. So try Va-tro-nol—a few drops up each nostril —to reduce congestion, soothe irritation! And Va-tro-nog also helps prevent many colds from developing if used in time. Try it! Follow directions in folder. For Folks lila sniffly Spree! nouble•Dtity Hese ereps Welts Fast Ri31itWPteratreutle Is! FOR SALE Now is the time to buy a one-man light weight portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to fell or cross -cut timber pulp- wood or firewood. Two types ma- nufactured, Both 5400 f.o.b. Montreal. Precision Parts Ltd., 2023 Aylmer St., Montreal, ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St, Tor- , onto. FA.RHIS FOR SALE 150 AC. I"JtRM, LOT 28, CON 10 Proton, County Grey, Sacrifice, Andrew Mitchell, R. 2, Dundalk, Ontario, FARM FOR SALE, 200 ACRES, brick house, barn stables. Apply 11fr. Robbins, R. a No. 1, Mono Mills, Ont. HAIR DRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, 1EELl' WANTED WANTED ENGLISH SPEAKING, Canadian Protestant housekeeper for one male adult living in a modern home in an Ontario town of 35,000. Must be a good plain cook, not over 40 years, reason- ably attractive. Single women, widows or divorcees without children are eligible, Apply Box 73, 733 Adelaide Street West, To- ronto giving full particulars with- out false statements, 'S'PANTED . — REGISTERED AND Graduate Nurses for general duty — $85,00 month, full maintenance, Apply Superintendent, Chambers Memorial Hospital, Smiths Falls, Ontario. Assistant Superintendent WANTED IMMEDIATELY — AS- sistant Superintendent for 65 -bed hospital, Apply to Chairman of the Board, Chamber Memorial Hospital, Smiths Fails, Ontario. BLACKSMMMITII AND IiANDYMAN for large farm, immediately-. Write Box 489, Brantford, Ont., and state particulars, al f:DI CAL GAUMli;1sKA FOOT BALM DE - strays offensive odor instantly. 45c, bottle, Ottawa agent, Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa, .BREENATONE HEALTH SALTS positively does relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism. 'Painful, swol- len joints reduced no matter how long you have suffered. Months supply 31.00 postpaid. Indian Re- medies, Igoe 118, Vancouver, B. C. STOalACI) AND THREAD WORMb often are the Cause of 111 health In humans, ail ages, No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble ,interesting particu- lars -- Freef Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. 'WANTED — EVERY' SUFFEREIR of Rheumatic Pains of Neeritls to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug' Store, 235 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 51.00, INGROWN TOENAILS Nail Fix relieves pain instantly and removes ingrown nail in a few applicnfinns. 81.00 a bottle. WART FIN Ugly Warts melt away painlessly with thin guaranteed remedy. 35e. a bottle. CORN FIS Eases pain at niece ,and removes stubborn ('urns in a few minutes. 15e, a bottle, Sent Postpaid by A. C', Thonmson, Chemist, 363 St. (-Serena Ave„ Toronto, Established 1906, MEDICAL FRUIT JIJICES; THE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 3331 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. OPI't)R'I'LNI'I'IES FOR WolvileN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn HeIrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rldeen Street. flitawe GIRL 16-17 MUSICALLY INCIINED will be given free tuition, sing- ing and piano In exchange for light household duties from 1 to 6 daily. Sleep out. Madam Fantechio- Tavanti, 81 Bloor W., Toronto. MI, 2447. i'ERSONAL "ELIJAI-I COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book free, Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N. Y. PROTOGRAMMO TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25e FINEST ENLARGING SITIRVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get ail the quality and service you desire by senting your flims to VIIPORIAL PHOTO Sl:liV10E Station 1. Toronto BE FIRST TO HAVE ONE ENLARGEMENT IN GLASS AND PLASTIC CRYSTAL EASEL 690 Send your negative and get this newest -style glass enclosed en- largement 33;1 x 431," for your mantel or dressing' table — or to give a. friend, Supported in this crystal clear new plastic mount your picture shows to its hest ad- vantage. Packed to erasure safe delivery and postage paid for only 69 cents. Any size roll (6 or 8 exposures) developed and printed 23 cents, Enlargements 4 x 9" in easel mounts. 3 for 25e.: framed on ivo- ry tint mats, 7 x 0" in Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Ebony finished fraanes, 69e. each. If colored, 790. IrRTP howl's OFFER A coupon good for one maunled enlargement 4 x 6" given free with each 25c, order received dur- ing January and February. Canada's largest studio does qua- lity work promptly — and at low- est cost. (Print name and Address Plainly on Carders,) 'DEPT. Tar STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE fox 12411, Post Office A, Toronto POSI'T'ION WANTED li0i 1C,I�i1P1I'Idl2 WOUI,17 1'"?Ii:13 Po- sitron In modern country home where there are no other women in charge. Experienced and rap - able. Mrs, CT. Paterson, 11. 11. 1, Mt. I3rydges, Ontario, A1iISIUAI, thiSTR(r8ipars e FRED A. 13011)INGTON BUYS, sells, exchnnr;ee mtieleal Inert]. moots. 111 Cltureli, Toronto 2. PATENTS S tent rstEltetiertneltati(,ts Re ceeSiPAN9' E"atent • Solicitors, 10stabllshed 1890; 14 1King West, Toronto. Dookiet of information on re. onset..