HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-01-10, Page 2ECONOMIC CHIEF UORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured U. S. economic chief. 10 Insect, 11 Present time. 13 Extent. 14 Negative reply 15 Neglects. 17 Over (poet). 19 Table utensil. 21 Blot. 22 Doctrine. 23 Primly neat. 24 Compass point 25 Proceed. 27 Guineas (abbr.). 28 Respond, 31 Exclamation. 34 Tiny, 35 United States of America (abbr.). 36 Tin. 38 Canvas shelter 40 Cirrus (abbr.). 41 Symbol for sodium. 42 Part of "be." 44 Mineral rocks. 47 Pertaining to Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 ND 1 Ahw!Ar 4 tZ APSE to : I_I \IA VANE 9i 17 i z4 TTLECY ■.I�/ p." i i71: 25 i' Ss i 9is�°�W , ±M . ` 0 (p� . 117` !C 1 � • -- hr*.t...--e v, EPAL— D ER . I UTE=`E70G E.SP L..ET''" ON 7ER ',ST S taV. RETAN qiASS T E P E E I S L E LEOnr =LD;;ANT;WNI ?!yH i'RES!r,�LMP NA Arf MARES AN G L;''RE D AT E D+ .Ri- HOOSIER GREATER EARNEST SETARIA the poles. 51 Thick cord. 53 Impels. 55 Gained. 56 Abcede. 57 International language. 58 Groan. gement. 2 Exchange premium. 3 Abstract being 4 Therefore. 5 British (abbr.) 6 Affirmative. 60 Towing vessel. 7 Knocks. 62 Talent. 8 SufiEicient. 63 Educates. 9 Musical 64 Aquatic compositions. animals. 10 He is U. S. VERTICALinflation --=. 12 Distress. 1 Feminine 13 Exist. Pe 16 Size of shot. 18 Half an ern. 20 Mystic syllable. 22 Plaything. 25 Pick out. 26 He is from Qprolina, 29 Female sheep. 30 Fondle. 32 Employ. 33 Is able. 36 Looking glass. 37 Section of a race. 39 Small candles. 40 He was a Supreme — justice. 43 Encounter. 45 Egypt (abbr.). 46llalf (prefix). 48 `Possess. 49 Behold! 50 Emmet. 51 Right guard (abbr.). 52 Verbal. - 54 Male child. 56 Grow old. 59 Like. 61 We. 10 Y i 'I i. v%r011 Yr, 4 tZ l5 to : �4.K,YOUDUMI3 16 GUESS HE '7. UST DONT LIKE MEI 9i 17 i z4 ■.I�/ p." i i71: 25 i' az i 9is�°�W , ±M . ` 0 (p� . 117` !C 1 � • -- hr*.t...--e To prove how fast Aspirin is ready to go to work, just drop one in a glass of water. "CIock" its disintegrat- ing action with a stopwatch. Within two seconds, you'll see it start to disintegrate. It does the same in your stomach. That's why it stops head- aches so' quickly. Get Aspirin today! The "Bayer" cross on each tablet is }Lour guarantee that it's Aspirin. SP1 NOW Neva Lew Prices! Pocket box of 12s . . . onty 180 Economy bottle of 24 . . only 290 Family size of 100 . . . only 790 NEW C 'C I, FTE MIXERS 4 cu. ft. and 6 cu. ft. power 21/2 cu. ft. hand or belt Concrete Block Machinery Rock Crushers Enquiries Invited Wettlaufer-Welker Industries Ltd. 1290 Bay St. •Toronto» 5. Phone Midway 0917 umar ty He was a peculiarly unpleasant person, and when visiting the local cattle 'show made himself unpopu- lar by his loudly expressed claims to superior knowledge. He was es- pecially insulting to old Sam Potts. "Pah", he said, • sneeringly, "you know nothing about pigs, you don't. Why, my father raised the biggest pig ever raised in these 'ere parts". "Aye", retorted old Sam, quietly, "and the .noisiest". Innocent A private stationed at the Army Air Force Basic Training Center, N.J., was ordered to wash and clean an officer's inner sanctum. Quickly he went to work• Happily humming a song, he wiped the desk, • cleaned the chair; dusted the books. A half later the officer walked in. Everything was tip-top —except the floor. "Private," remarked the officer, "wasn't the floor washed?" "No," replied the private. "No WHAT?" exclaimed the ir- ritated officer. "No niop," said the private meekly. If it Comes to That A man was going round the country selling bacon -slicers. He came to a little town in Lancashire and went into a grocer's where he could see they hadn't a bacon -slic- er. He put his sample on the coun- ter and showed the grocer how it worked. "Don't you think that's marvel- ous?" he asked. "Aye." "Don't you think every up-to- date grocer should have one?" "Aye." "Now, just take another look at this," he said, and sliced off a lot more. "Isn't that lovely?" "Aye, it is an' all." "You agree this is a tine -saving machine and a marvelous invest- ment?" "Aye, it's marvelous." "You realize what e lot more business you'd do if you bought one for your shop?" "Aye, I do an' all." "Well, why don't you buy it?" "Well," said the grocer, "why doesn't tha ask me?" Seems Like Yesterday 6RANDI&, Will ANVAti A ME' ANs ER VAT r DINGlr i? ' Ai1GLEO ''CONTRAPTIUIJ T 1 7514. Y' ITS ,4N INSTIZUNI5NT 0' '14I EVIL.. JY QPSY by 6LAW S PARKS or COURSE x DON'T MIND IF YOU KEEP A DIARY, MOPSY This Curious World By16 illg�si x Ferguson 7/ th ES ML4( OD USED BY FLIERS OVER THE PACIFIC IN DETERMINING SURFACE WIND PIRSCrION 15 BY .OBSERVING THE COURSE OF.SMO,k ' FROM aa?N/NG ✓.40,41/V.sS,E' .040 ! COPR. 1944 BY NE9 SERVICE, INC. T. M, RtQ. V. S, PAT, OFF. JOHN IdRETSCHMER, C7`; alms /1/e.G'a.e- a, CAUGHT 7Wo 441ce s/4 ruLrA/v4'ouscY IN A MOUSETRAP! 4 t AMP ION IS A sw0/Z0 $ HANl3.P.�1 •e ftAGt141"„--•a ANSWER: It's a flower. NEXT: Your eyes at 20 and at 50. CROSST•;WN By Roland Coe f0 pt,9 "Aw, ma! How much longer are you going to keep treating me like a baby?" MUTT AND JEFF — Maybe The Pooch Is A Dog By Nature—But A Mule By Instinct By Bud Fisher OH,wHATANICE 2. ODG 1 LIKE DOGS! I ` Pooct lE, AIN'T YOU GOT A /i HOMES 6 'ia 1 r.,�,'](�y(�r/�N / 'f °t•. YJ�' •)" N+•�-- Y i 'I i. TI'LL TAKE'HIMHOME WITH ME, COME ON, M 1 COME OM HERE Y• PoocHlE! eoME `{. I �, I I 4 COME ON, FELLER! COME , HOME W17H ME! COME shy L •. fjt2 COMEtoN, + 32.0V! $ .yl N tit 1"` 11 ' Lia' ......„1.., ` ' ,,`�1 1,:� \ •x /�_.+D.�` ��l y11 � 14. E / ),,F,?,� .-,.-r-•.1 11. j�,y'+/ t � -.tet to : �4.K,YOUDUMI3 DDG,IC� YOU—YWHAMTHEMATTER, DON`r WANNA ' 'ri 1 60, STAY GUESS HE '7. UST DONT LIKE MEI 0 , ! T I•iERE! __ ".1 azo -aa ,E)(, _•,,,I � 4 ` +•'dj`�['t ::0 I 1 fy b �• .4 d(r,.ya.� , 3, ryyy'��� 1 `<Md.tl 'K#.dip Il-..- a� CCC` ° jam,\\ Y, ``• V'•�� • N. ".�"a .;{t 'MnY• + ! �, ( 'kF • "� i 9is�°�W , ±M . ` 0 (p� . 117` !C 1 � • -- hr*.t...--e 2000,041.106641101101001,00.04 REG'L.AR FELLERS—Bovey Ballyhoo PINHEAD, ROUND UP • e 'S MEXICAN t LE.5S .. AN PUD YOU GO AN' .oRRY I XOLEY'S GREAT DANE! 1 JUST FOUND iNIS•LOAO OF YHE AftE! OMAIY, OLE BONE5IN We. KIN AO Til' DUMP— CONSIi• P,R. HA R ARE. THEY OURSELV ( ` OKE' ANY G000l tN B'J5IVE55 NOW, JEST AS SOON AS IGET THIS AOVERTI5IN' COPY WROTE, WE'LL BE, OPEN FOR, TI -1` BOOM! By GENE BYRNES DUFF» 6Rnc? %HIGH G ,AoeDoc,•Poop sige scs _ ,I$ • ri et NCSYHI ' iu p RlaseoaNt (Tod..(u..All rteht. nUnrd, 8- 1-4.4 "BYR es POP—"Plumb" Forgot WE ARE SORRY TO AN NOUNCE TI -TAT PI IVA"TE POP - -WHO WAS TO HAVE GIVEN HIS i~ 'A /\OL)5 t hAP'EIZS 0'N ATI 0W - —oF THE PLUMBED'- ,T... "1 Itt.Vll-L..AGE ,_ ; „ .. ¢ , 0, ..„ lay •• - tr NSI to : • By J. MILLAR WATT -HAS FORGOTTEN TO TURN UP ,,; '•HoleYced. EL1'rhe 1'3.11 ByndIY.nte foe