HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-01-10, Page 1"40 Esta.blished:1900 • IL40.11.1sw•www...........••••••••••••••••/ Season's ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDNY. MORNING, JANUARY 10 19 46 reetiros to our L argammaomminesrapts•el.Trol* Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides allthis is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL! Phone' 68 for your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GA.SCHO, Zurich ,e,1 a miseamoo•••••••••••••raNi.......47,14.....•••;. EMMANUEL :EVANGELICAL CHURCH ksommo.rneASIA•12. C. B. HECKENDORN, Pastor Mrs. M. OESCH, Orgaraist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. You are Welcome at all Services ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday SchooL 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST ..at EXETER 'The Newest Approved Method of -Eyesight Testing Used.. Open every Week Day Except Virecluesclay. -!aria..,......---7.kloaatatemassteamatmsmamsesiarraramemmesram1-5.!ree,...,. Ni Come and Enjoy "BUSY AS A BEAVER" A Frolicsome Comedy play in 3 acts, presented at TOWN HALL, ZURICH On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16th, at 8 p.m.. By Y.P.U. of James St. United Church, Exeter Sponsored by ZURICH E. Y. F. —Come Early No Reserved Seats Adults 30c. Children 1 5c. qr+, ,•••;" eade , and 1 vsmiussammeasolio Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest ,Methods and Equipment at I A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good •Glasses at Reasonable Prices STAMP ISSUE TO BE CHANGED Ottawa — Canadian postage stamps prized throughout the philatelic world for their color, beauty and exacting..desigu„ are..aut for a change to a peacetime or reconstruction theme from the military motiv which predominated during the war. A new issue to replace the current set, has been predicted and information sources confirmed that Postmaster - General Bertrand will make announ- cement ,of a new set of status shortly Issue of the new stamps may be ac- companied by announcement of a re- duction in the domestic letter rate from four to three cents. The change ma.y not be announced until the bud- get is brougtht down in the House this spring. +++++++++++++++4+++++0++++ 4.'+4.+++++++++++++++++++++++ •4.i ,-"A' .7. • 0., 1 ( « Q.) ,. 1-,), trqaffirmer taa stal + Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance -:. -:- of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and t 1 .... .i. 4 4. 4. • -I* •;;1‘. 41, -.514++++.++++++++++++++++++++.1.14.4.+++++++++++.a.+++++++++++ Fuineral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. 1C;AY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No, 70 Dashwood — Ontario '1411111#110141.011. ff.) )11011 doing ."; ry • 0 When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Me ra. •esch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 sat Marifigl IW1 HO :90 7, no gni_ ▪ • 1:-.1 • Fre, PEGG1 LODER Pretty Peggi Loder, who began her busy radio career at the age of 12, plays the role fDonny Home's .ro. Mantic kid Sister M the li.Tonny Home Show," Fridays at 9.00 p.m. over the OBC network.. In Magistrate's Court Goderich — Fines with costs a- mounting to $95 were imposed on Melville Culbert, Godericli, by Magis- trate Cook in the weekly court here on Thursday, Jan. 3rd., after he -had pleaded. guilty to charges at assault on a police officer and of assault with bodily harm. He was bound over to keep the peace for two years on $500 bond. The acused was makntg a dis- turbance in the Hotel Bedford during which he struck Constable Colin Austerbetry in the face, when the latter was called in. He also staged an unprovoked attack on 'hay Dean, breaking, the latter's glasses, for whieh be later made restitution. Ter- ence -McGuire, Clinton, pleaded guil- ty to a charge or careless driving and was fined $13 and costs or :F4.GO.He was the driver of a car which turned over in a ditch on No. 8 highway, west of Holmesville on New Year's Day. Cornelius Neville, i or God - elicit, was fined 810 with ts a- mounting to $19.21 when he pleaded enilt.y to as,raulting, with bodily harm Frankl in Schmidt 15, of Go deri on the street . - • V- • 1- _ • -• ^ Annut11 Mietinp The 71,st AnnualMeeting of the Policyholders of THE HAY TOWN- SHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM PA NY Will be held in tile Town Hall, avid' ON MONDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1046 At 2 o'clock, p.ni. BUSINESS: 1—Receiving Reports of President, Secretary -Treasurer and Auditors. 2.—Consideration and Ratification of the General By -Laws of the Com - patty. 3—Election of Directors and Aud- itors. 4—The discussion of other matters in the interest of the Company. A GOOD ATTENDANCE IS REQUEISTED John Armstrong, President, Horberk K. Vilber, SecregYF 4 Women's Institute The Zurich Womens' Institute held ,dieir monthly meeting in the own hall, 'Monday evening. The Meeting opened with the Institute Ode, ..followed by the Lord's Prayer. We then had the roll call answered by a famous man. Ethel Gabel gave. a couple of interesting readings. Miss Helve Truemner and Mrs. K. Brakey rendered a couple of duets. 'Mrs. P. J. .O'Dwyer and Mrs. J. Turkheim favoured us with a piano duet. Rev. E. Heinrich' was the guest speaker of the evening. The meeting was clo- sed with the National Anthem, when a.social half hour was ,spent by' all Lanch was served by the committee. LIONS, CLUB NEWS At the regular meeting of the Zurich Lions Club on Monday even- ing the guests included the -Hay Ter!krishin Council, the Zurich Police Trustee Board, and Messrs. Fred W. Savage. and Mr. Ed. Chamberlain of Seaforth. • Mr. Savage was the guest speaker„ giving a thorough analysis of our optical vision and ,how defective sight is corrected with lenses, and how they are made. It wash bit too deep for most of the LiOnff who usually do things in a more "Lionlike" way, But it was a good education to all, and Mr. Savae, who is an ordinary optician, has Made a life study of this 'fine, and has wonderful knowledge for a layman. ! HYMENEAL Tinney—Reed ,.T1)44,KWaitx. Parish -Church was -the ACIA " pretily 'wedding when Violet May Reed, twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Edwin Reed of 99 Parklands Road, Hossacks, Sussex England, became the bride of Pte. Horner L. Tinney, youngest son of Mr. and the late Mrs. Mathew H. Tinney of Hay, Ont. The bride was given in marriage by her father was in a white satin gown and wove a wrist watch, the gift of the groom. The !bride's gift to the bridegroom took :the form of a gold signet ring. Mi Evelyn Reed, twin sister of the bride and Mrs. Dorothy Wild, a fri- e-rdnttended the bride. Able seaman Hildreth, acted as gro- wl -IS • -Man. The Rector, the Rev. W. E. Davis -Winstone, officiated, and Mr. JohmHatchard, at the organ accomp- anied the singing of hymns. Follow- ingithe reception which was given at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tinney left for their honey moon which was spent at Chichester. Many lovely wedding presents were received, also telegrams of good wishes were read by the groomsman. among them was one received from Canada. • le • Walper—Taylor A 14ery, pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr: and Mrs. 'Harry Taylor, Brumfield, when their second danghter, Melba Irene, was unitod in marriags to Harry William Walper eldest son of Mrs. Walper and the- le Jacob Walper, Dashwood. Rev. WY. N. Atkinson officiated. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Lloyd Stibbins, Ailsa Chaig, Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a fioor-length gown of white sheer crepe, V -neckline, trimmed with silver sequins, shirred waist with full' skirt. Her linger -tip tulle veil caught by a cornet of white roses, and she criltied a bouquet of pink and white niUms, baby breath and fern. Her only ornament was a string of pe' arls, the gift of the groom. The bride was attended by Miss Hilda Walper, London, sister or the groom, wearing a floor -length gown or white sheer over taffeta with cornet of shirred tulle edged in pink, and sho- ulder -length veil. She carried a bo- uquet of golden chrysantheums and fern. Delbert Taylor, brother of the bride, was best man. The groom's gift to the best man was a billfold. The bride presented the bridesmaid with a gold necklace. Follawmg t he ceremony, a buffet supper was serv- ed to the immediate families. Amidst showers of confetti and best wishes, the couple iel!tt. for a short honeymoon the bride travelling e. a blue creP &Nis, bine coati with black accesso,r- t CHESTER I... SMITH, PUBLISHER $1..50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S, in Advance. -de Ids ;7;7717 ; 5 - A NEW ASSORTMENT OF eautiful Wall and Table MIRRORS Very Useful as Well as Dec. orative $2.00 to $15.00 A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. 0107.YOU:t, tA • For positive ic..n.tifization the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal, Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hens 55 44, 660600666 06 vtie 4! 660 006 neral Ser estlake 5, Brokenshire Comfortable Hospitd Bed for Rent Day and Night Service a aosaasaiaaseawavocesaiovevaeaeaee Phone 158, Zurich 4. 4. 60 4. 1 05504.4.4.11554. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. For .,4•,-r-4 4. tLie ale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. KAL Phone 0 1.11.0••••,*....N.,,,,,taiceemai*wemee FLEISCEI & SON • ZURICH 401•1•MPOIA.14.11.1t.••••••., 4. 55 • e .001MSZSOMENZEMNIIRTSZEUSHIRIEWAVE.12200E,FTIM, We are Grateful for the Business with which you, have favored tis this season and in tbs past, and we anticipate with pleastm the opportunity of serving you WISHING YOU ALL A MOST HEARTY and a Happy and Prosperous FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND THE IA ORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 mitemeammagragamazamaamanzawavargamaimmareasametamatemmaar- 4 4 41 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4