HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-01-03, Page 5ZURICH, O4TA*lo BUSINESS CARDS WANTED ICIAISH FORF X HORSES—Dead animals removed, Two-hour ser- . Tice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r15, collect. P Jack 4 -Wil- liams. 4 - liams. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 ,Alt IN A POSITION TO CON - tract any Auction Sale, regardless 4 to size or article to well. I solicit TOW business, and if not eatisfted will mat) no chargew for Services Ren- tared. ARTHUR WEBER---Daea wood Phone 57 r 12 VETERINA.RIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B,V. Sae VETERINARY SURGEON Mite with Residence, Main S`•reet, Opposite Drug Store Fiore -0 Zurich BUTC1YERS ZurichS' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the vary Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed red Meat's, Iiolognas, Sausages, ]Cep: alw ys on hand. fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins $. yuu ghlut & Som PRODUCE Put Your , Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column: Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry rlave your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 ZURICH FOR SALE A. Henhouse 152(18 -ft. L. Prang. LOST An identification bracelet with in- itials BKT, designed with maple leaf in yellow gold, lost in Evangelical church or between church and mill. Gift. Reward offered. Finder leave at Herald Office. Meeting of The Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, God erich, commencing Tuesday, Janu- ary 15th, at .2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputat- ions and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than 12.00 o'clock, noon, Saturday, January 112th. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, 'Goderich, Ontario. VOR SALE A Girl's Jr. Bicycle for sire. ply to Harry G. Hess. Ap- FOR SALE A quantity of dry wood for im- mediate sale. Apply to Emery Bed- ard, Phone 2-98 :Zurich. Farm For Sale Consisting of 100 acres good clay .loam, 12 acre sugar bush, good build- ings, near school and on Collegiate free bus line, Hydro, 41/2 miles from Hensall, 7 miles to St. Coluban, good terms, 35 acres plowing. done. For particulars phone 13-88, Zurich. Zmich CrEgrilletY Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus premium for delivered creahr We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg 0.nd Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. INSURANCE FOR QUICK SALE Green and ivory enamelled kitchen stove; also 2 -burner coal oil stove with oven. Both in good condition— Ed. Datars, Jr. Western Farriers' WWI WeatheT insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK OCK 1HE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL 0OMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $275,133. A Z RICH HERALD Mr. Ray Oesch of Toronto, spent a few days with relatives in town. Mrs, Mary Ann Truemner treated several of her relatives and friends to a •delicious fowl dinner last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess and family spent a day at London last week. Miss Romayne Geiger of Exeter, was a visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger. Miss Mae Smith of London, was a week -end visitor at the home of her parents, M•r. and Mrs. C.' L. Smith. Miss Meda Surerus of the Toronto teaching staff enjoyed her holidays at the home of her mother, Mrs: G. Surerus, Bronson line. Miss Alice Lawrence of Hamilton, is spending .some time at the home of her parents, • Mr, and Mrs. Henry Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hope and daughter Faith of Streetsville visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and I1Iss. Thos. Meyers over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brakie spent Christmas holidays at the home of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, *Careless at Clinton. Miss Florence Iiaberer or London enjoyed the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Hab- erer. Mr. Clayton Smith and sons visited the former's father, Mr. Daniel Smith, Clinton and who is in fits 94th year and is feeling fairly well. Mr. and Mrs. Elam Shantz and children of New Hamburg have m v - ed their effects on the farm in Hay Township, owned by Sam Ropp of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel attend- ed the funeral of the latter's niece, who was recently killed when the car in which she was `a. passenger, collid- ed with the train at Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalbfleisch entertained relatives and friends to a delicious dinner. "Games were en- joyed bye the guests as the hours sped away only too quickly. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and dau- ghter Mary Lou had a lovely Christ- mas holiday at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber at ,Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and Children visited"' with friends in Zur- ich the latter spending their vacation at the home of Mrs; E. G. Yirueger, 14th con. Miss Norma Steinback has return- ed to her duties in the V's Beauty parlor at Exeter,' afteii a lovely Chr- istmas holiday at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mxs. Ted. Stein - back and other relatives. Mrs Clara Decker, Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Thiel and family; Mr. and' Mrs. Tett Steinbach and larnly, partook.. the New Year turkey dinner at the home of the for°mer's daughter, Miss Vera Decker at Exeter. A good time was enjoyed by all. The Candle .Light services which were held in St. Peter's Lutheran church for Christmas and New Year services in charge of the pastor, Rev. E. Heinrich were well attended. The many candles burning with the bea- utiful arrangements along with the decorated Christrnas tree and lights were very impressive. FOR QUICK SALE 1 dining table; 1 roll top desk; 1 250 -egg incubator;. .i. .fanning,mili; 1 double driving harness; 1 Clyde gelding.—Jos. Druar, Phone 85r7 E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- kg Rods and all kinds of Fire trzeuranCt' Job Prin'ing FOR SALE FARM -150 acres farm on conces- sion three, Tuckersmith, 2 1-2 miles from Hensall, one mile from school, on the farm is a bank barn and silo, 15 acres of ,bush and plenty of water. Apply to Henry Volland, Goderich, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE Grass land, Lot 25, Concession 8, Hay Township, 100 acres. Good pasture land, has some poplar. Apply to Chas. A. R9binson, R.R. 3, Mit- chell, Ont. • IF' YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, O R OTHER ORDINARY 'WORK, R E- 'NiFAVIBPPt TO CALL AT T1 -IF iEsRALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES mo ALWAYS LOW ANT) WORK - WANTED • Carpenters, Labourers for large building project. Also helpers in Planing Mill and Office Boy.—F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Zurich. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office TO OUR MANY PATRONS AND FRIENDS WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY ..TO EXTEND (Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association.) SUBSCRIPTION RATES—x1,50 a year, strictly in advance. $2.00 ma,^ be charged. No paper discontinued Until all arrears are pain up unless at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is pard is donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES In Memoriam, one verse 50c. 25c for each additional verse. Card of Thanks 50e. ' Auction Sales ----$2.09 for one in sortion if not over four inctaes it length. Miscellaneous articles of not mors: than lines. For To Rent four Sale, Wanted, Lost, 1~outd, Etc., one in. sortion 25c; 2 ins. 40c: 3 ins. 50c. Contract advertisipg made known on application. S THANKING YOU! ED. J. DATAFS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES C 11'2J v+'` 'see"m S GOVERNMENT APPROVED Produced by Morekton Poultry Farms Orders solicited for all breeds. $1.00 per 100 Chicks with book or- '' ders. $L00 per 100 deduction on all or- ders before March 1st to be deliv- ered any date. Apply to: KENNETH' ETUE, R.R. 2, Zurich, Phone 98 r 13 Stolen Car Returned Arnold Makins of Bayfield, tele- phoned police at Goderich that his automobile had been stolen. Auth- orities secured a description of the car and notified police in the other towns to be on the lookout for this car. About two hours later Makins again phoned Traffic Officer Culp at Goderich, who by this time had the ponce on the lookout to tell him the stolen car had been returned. MORE SNOW—COLDER Ottawa — Dr. R. E. DeLury, Can- ada's No. 1 solar specialist, gave the sun spot situation a quick once-over and came up with some chilling news. He said his charts indicate this weath- er for the future: The remainder of this winter will be colder with more snow than last winter, and each win- ter from now until 19:48 or 1949 , -will grow progressively more severe. _ —_ Next summer will be cooler and wet- for almost 40 years, Mr.,. (Dr) .Same ter than last summer and each sum -1 years " uel A. Murray,40 died at het home on mer through to 1948 of 1949 will ; ' NURSE 'PROMOTED Ionday last, following a lingering produce a little less heat and a little While spenating the holiday sea,on more rain. For that sad state of af- at the home of her parents. Mr and illness. She was formerly Miss Lydia fail', s id -Dr. gigantic , blame the sunt Mrs. Thomas Bell, at Elimville, word Steins, daughter of the late Mr. and :pots. Those 4igantie solar eruptions I Mrs. John Steins, Cranbrcok, and wasreceived by :Be.=sig E. Bell of wax the wane in 11 -year cycles and' remotion from lieutenant to cap- gra' iii her Anti: year: was married e 1}' Dr. S Murray in Sept. 2 ad to are approaching the peak of one of I taro in the U.S. army. Capt. Bell eased ,s survived by her husband, 2 those periods. ' received her early nursing training, t sons and 2 dau; liters, one brother! in London, later going ` and two sisters. The funeral was held . then serving in England in a military • • • Is WE HAVE RECENTLY APPOINTED MR. JOHN ENGRAM * OF HENSALL, AS CO-OPERATIVE SHIPPER FOR HEN- SALL AND ZURICH DISTRICT. ANYONE INTERESTED IN SHIPPING CATTLE, CALVES OR SHEEP FROM ,HEN- T • • RANGE TO HAVE A TRUCK CALL FOR IT, • • • • Huron Farm er;' Co- Operative • • HENSALL, Phone 115. R I. COOPER, MANAGER • s egseraw♦aseeetueseese sewer raoseeses eQCs ;a. • Thursday, 3'anuary 3rd, 1940 ******11,111,i tv b�****9 �la.4•W6&1r 444,46 f,Y4'4 ,4,4.1,4.4,4 ry 4,44 NOTICE SALL BY RAIL PLASS CALL HENSALL 83-43 AND AR- A SHIPMENT OF BINDER TWINE HAS ARRIVED,. gad andkeid 1. 4I P, REMOVED PROMP `L'Y Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO Of CANADA LTD (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) �f 3U CGIN REF.G%..•StiiI o ".wwP3L'xi'u3L". fi7E°" .,. ^>..`:.� ? R"a"ps' eters` �' 0 J SONE CENT a Word (mininum 25c.) is all that it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by several thousand readers, many of who will be in- terested in what you are advertising or are offering for Sale. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105. THE ZURICH HERALD Mrs. Clara Decker, Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Thiel and family; 1Ur. and Mrs. Ted. Steinbach and family and Mr. Bruce Klopp motored to London on Saturday to meet the train of Vet- erans who recently returned from overseas. Mr. Allan Fraser, formerly of Zurich was among the Vets. and a hearty welcome was given him by relatives and friends. How thrilling it is to have our boys home again.- Ludky Ticket Congratulatigps to Mr. Milton Oesch who was the fortunate one to draw the lucky ticket which had been sold for the Lions Raffle. This time Milton received a X2,11 -ib. turkey, yum, yam. Folks wonder what is his secrets when buying tickets. PIease Id us know, Milt. Had Birthday Party At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Erb; Parr Line, on Friday even- ing, in honor of Mrs. Chris Erb's birthday, who was quite taken by surprise. The evening was spent in games. The presentation was then made by her little granddaughter, Joan Gingerich. After which a 'dainty lunch was served. The table was cen- tred by the candle light cake. FIRE AT EXETER What might have been an even more fatal fire accident took place in the home of Dr. and Mrs. 11. H. Cowen, Exeter last Thursday, morn- ing, when at about five o'clock cries of a pet dog and cat were heard and an alarnn was given immediately- mad the family of Dr. and Mrs. Cowen and •three children were rescued from the flaming house which had started in the basement and had eaten its way up into the main house doing a great deal of damage. The Exe- ter • fire brigade responded very iiamca out but quickly, and put the out, the damages caused by smoke and the extinr;'uishing of the fire is of in his closing edition states to :tie year.. ago value,considerable and it will take reader.4 of that reputable ]raper: "1, she has resided even :4i11,e. 11 Brae- in O broken:,cbmoll nm The •„tee* a lot of hard work to get things ant; lay down my pen as editor of the ron was a rale,• of r fr V.i backaici towhere they were, Wingham Advance -Times with this ed Chu: rh. ;Sn. i ivin, are ay.) .ons, appeared lo have been dead Cor sage way near all Communications aications ta: all friends of the issue.' I have sold my interest in tllis and ,a d aw hter and two l+rottie' . era] hours. A suo�i.a{ ,:• •, 'h :'ng that Address Co join the many ,. , 1 also - Dias s De' tin, v"ee t d earl ' ', '? bodesoot C"oven family in our expressioia of .Y 11 i B. nlnt"o I HERALD OF'F1a, zuracit. ct,,;,„ .::th . FORMER CLERK PASSES Daniel Frederick McGregor, prom- inent Egmondville resident and Tw+.r. Ci'erk :of Tuckersmith Twp. for 351 nears, passed away. on Dec. :25th in the ,Seaforth Hospital, after two months' illness, he has been in fail- ing health for two years and a year ago retired from his position, he was in his 74th year and was born in Stanley Township but had hued ne- arly all his life in Tuckersmith. His wife the former Margaret Gertrude VanEgmond, predeceased in June 1944. He was a member of Egmond- ville church, and possessed with a fine singing voice and assisted in the local choirs and programs for many years. Farmed in Tuckersmith before retiring to Egmondville. Surviving toNewYork at the hone of her sister, Mrs. Jno.s hospital. ' Ilennewise, Brodhagen, with Rev. C. Completes 34 Years Service l� . Gilbert, of Scafo:rth, eonductii}g° R. G. Thompson, the efficient .and `the service, interment was made in highly esteemed Clerk of Gcadericlr i Egmondville cemetery. Township, at Saturday night', 1945 ! wind-up council meeting, completed Opens New •Radio Shop 34 years as a municipal official in An expert in radio and radar, H. that township. Mr. Thompson, in .1: Wakfer, Hamilton, has opened a 19.t2, was appointed tax collector, a i new business in Clinton under the position which he occupied with abil- name of Clinton Radio and Applianc- ity for eleven years. Following the es, for modern radio and refrigera, sudden death of the former clerk, , tion service. The shop is located in Adam Cantelon, he became Township • the White Rose Garage, Huron St. Clerk September 1, 1923. Mr, Wakfer has , been engaged in $ars Wolf, Earns $25, radio and refrigeration service work Richard Buchanan, Colborne TWp. i for 15 years, including several years farmer, earned himself an easy $25 whiz Can. Westinghouse, and other fi 11 b tweets ranking firms. He was a radar in- whtls hunting r u•e e c :tractor i are two sons. Reg. ate home, recame n England for three years returned from overseas, and James Dunlop and Leebura. Spotting a pair of large grey wolves near astraw- I and was stationed at No. 5 Radio of Camp ];Orden and a daughter, stack, Buchanan took aim and bre- School, Clinton, front April est until Mona, at home, also a brother John ught down one with a -single shot. This discharge the end of Sept. The victim proved to be a 63 -pound! Father and Son Banquet female, and Buchanan said it wool R. A. B. Irwin, of James St. her mate that escaped. The $25 bo- , United church, Exeter, was guest unty is paid jointly by the county 'speaker at a father and son banquet and province, and counter otfielals are ; held in the schoolroom of the Evan - said to be satisfied that the animal ;.gelic.al church, Crediton. 98 men at - was an authenti': wolf. I tended the dinner which was served Plan to Re -build Soon ; by the Ladies' Aid of the church. The work of rebuilding the burned I Rev. M. E. Reuber was in charge of portion of the Boshart furniture fac- the program and Lawrence Wein of tory at Seaforth, will get under way ;Exeter, director of singing. Chas. early in the new year, it is planned. 'Hoffman sang a solo. It will be necessary to have this work . Bridal Couple Honored completed before the machinery can 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Willert, of Cen- be placed in position in either the ' tr;tlia. a recent bridal couple., were new or old sections of the factory. , honored at a presentation held for A meeting of the employees was re -them at their home in Centralia, when e'riti' ael'l, and a proposal that the;c:.�• ii, 1'.. .:lat.)ves ani friend's men assist the proprietors in their eft presented them with a misc llaneoue orts to get the plant operating. renin shower. The address was r: ad by. was accepted. A few men have bean Mrs. Fred Kerr, of Crediton, =tithes at work for some time now in the presentation was made by Mrs. Lloyd lad. ettient of the new section. re- Fraser of Exeter. They we'rt? the re- in Edmonton, Alta. The funeral took ,place from his late residence, Egmondville on Thursday afternoon to the Egmondville United church, Rev. A. W. S-ardiner officiating. In- terment was in Egmondville cemetery DISTRICT NEWS • Exeter Car Stolen A 1941 light green Mercury coach license 15W1 stolen from Exeter is being sought by provincial and city police, -The stolen car owned by San- dy Elliott, Exeter was taken on 'Christmas Eve. about 7.30. Holmesville Woman Hit Miss Susan Atcheson, of Holmes - 0, while i'aiking along Hieh t ry, No. 8, was knocked down by a truce( owned by Kalbfleisch Planing Mils+ of Zurich; Miss Atcheson was taken to Clinton Hospital. Police investig- ated and no charges were laid. Announcement Mrs, Joseph Hood of Itlppet;. conditioning some of the machine:: cipicnts of many lovely gifts. aided- • wishes to announce the engagement which , uffered water damages. ing cheques, etc. Dies at Seaforth Body Found Frozen of her. daughter, Anna Mae, to I,. A' I Her head an ' face co e : d wide stationed C. J. Freeman of the R.C.A.F., nor The sudden death of Mrs. John at Centralia Airport. The Barron, of Seaforth, on Dec. '?+1th orae fresh ..now and fro,.::t, Mrs. marriage to take place the early pert came as a shock to her many friends Anus Melte .:'all a of Kieserdine, at January. • and neighfours. The deceaeed eves the was found in a field near he home Business Change former Elizabeth Craighead. and was I i�:a the tt,wn • out. ki to .'•;or ly bee W. W. Armstrong, Editor of the born in Barrie on Dec, 1892. She fort, noon. Sunday last. Polka quicke Win •hem Advance -Times has di: pos- was married in McKillilr Ctvp. t r ly investigated the death, v ' 'ch they. S eel of leis interests to that paper and John it:triro�.l and after• his death 20 seal wasut};1. ,r5 `•hi;;:715• .,u5pa ion tire moved to forth where where euinstauc e.' Police found 1'ooclsta.« 11}('!" ,.J i .: x.r .... • .. _... 1 t. y,.; ..r? "' i} r .fit •' a t ? .. _ ?i e, 11 ' ? e ,.l 1acSa":d +i ,r. �,+isle