Zurich Herald, 1946-01-03, Page 4CAtrirNts-S'S.
In What Are YOU Trusting?
15 IT --
OR 15 IT CHRIST who said "I aan the way, the truth, :and the
Life; no man cometh unto the father, but by Me." Jno. 14:6.
"Believe in the Lord Jesus ‘Chnist and thou shalt
bs 16:a 31.
Old-fashioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at
various times.
'Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKTLW, Windsor
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Misses Shirley and Doris Jeffrey
of Detroit spent the holidayns with
their parents in Beavertown.
Miss Doris Cantin from Detroit, is
spending a few weeks in St. Joseph
with her parents.
Mrs. Leon Jeffrey Sr., of this burg
is spending some time with her sister
Mrs. Ayotte of Zurich.
The Missrs. Blaise and Pierre Du-
charme and Mr. Bobbie Bonde aI.l of
Windsor, spent the Christmas and
New Year holidays with the former's
Mr. Jaynes Masse motored to Clin-
ton on Saturday last to spend some
time with Mrs. Masse who is a pat-
ient in the Clinton Hospital for the
past three weeks.
Mr. Wm. Jennison of the Blue
Water south, left on Wednesday last
for Winnipeg to attend the funeral
of his brother-in-law, Mr. Cale, and
1VIr. and Mrs. 'Georgie Walker
spent the holidays with their child-
ren in Toronto.
Miss Norma Cook of London was
'a holiday visitor with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook.
Helen and Mae McNaughton of
Toronto• were holiday visitors with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Miss Barbara Mitehie, local public
school teacher, spent the holidays
with her parents at Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs A11len Davidson of
Sarnia were visitors with the form-
er's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, R.
Wren Doreen Pennington of Ot-
tawa, was a 'Christmas guest with
Mrs. A, Richardson.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl McEwen of
Sarnia visited with Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. McEwen, over the holidays.
Mr. Joseph Hagan who has been
confined to his room for some time
with a heart attack, was removed to
St. Joseph's hospital, London, by am-
bulance, on Saturday last.
Miss Goldie Cross who has been a
patient in St. Joseph's hospital, Lon-
don; -with anattaek of bronchial pne-
the holidays with her daughter in
Mr. S. P. Currie spent Christmas
with his family .in Meafora.
Misses Shirley and Marion Smith
are spending the holidays in Tor-
onto. •
Mr. and Mrs. 'Graham Arthur of
Exeter spent Christmas with Mee and
•Mrs. Thos. Hoperoflt.
Miss Antionette Ziler of London,
is spending the :holidays with her
Miss Dorothy Wein of Victoria
Hospital, London, is spending a few
days at her 'home here.
Miss Marie Wein of London, is
spending Christmas :holidays wth her
parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Wein.
Dashwood Telephone Operator
sends 'Christmas Greetings to Husb-
and in Rotterdam, Holland. — Mrs.
Kenneth McCrea had the pleasure of
talking to her husbanl Bdr. IVfgCrea
will remain in that city with his sister at Rotterdam, (Holland, on .Saturday.
for a few weeks. The reception was perfectly 'clear
Nell here goes the first issue of .and he expects to be home within the
the Herald for the year 194'6, and to nest month. This being his third
it and all its readers we extend our Christmas overseas Boli. McCrea has
best wishes that the coining year will served in France, Belgium and Holl -
brine; about prosperity and health; 3 and and at present is stationed at 17.3
peace of mind and conscience, 10371 transit Camp as a Clerk.
and happiness for all, and to those! s
especially that have been separated STANLEY TOWNSHIP
from the loved ones, fighting on the!
bloody lands of war. May their re Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Seamon and
.. turn..h Isar,.. halPon a
.n.f.. nn.,n.n
1,t+ i/.. .u, d:...:,:.......,..G T 1+.a],„„„ Ja,sxv Jru�GbGS"au
may this corning year inspire with, ing the holidays with relatives in the
the minds of our leaders that meas -1 Kip -pen district.
ures be taken of a Christian spirit! Mr. John Doig of Detroit was the
to settle differences; that many times j guest of his mother and sister Janet
txist for lucre sake and greed. I for the holidays.
The Passing of 1945 'Married—At the home of Mr. and
Will long be remembered $y all to I Mrs. Harry Taylor, Brumfield, by
the guilty of war we will say bye,1 Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson, Melba Irene
bye to the Victors, God bless them! second eldest daughter of Mr. and
all. But to those for beyond who i Mrs. Harry Taylor, Brucefleld, to
have fell and are buried in yonder Harry William Walper, eldest son of
land. No more are spared, their' Mrs. Walper and the late Jacob Wal -
story to tell of being led away by! per of near Dashwood. • '
divine hand and to those that are Had Golden Wedding
left are left to weep and mourn. No i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Forsyth
more can life they enjoy, for never': two highly respected residents of the
again will they have the return of Kippen district, celebrated their gol-
that loving Soldier Boy. 1 den wedding anniversary on Christ-
( mas Day. The event was quietly mar-
DASHWO.OD I ked at their home. Mr. and Mrs. For -
Mr. Elgin Schatz of Toronto spent; syth were married on Christmas Day,
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ver -11895. They recall it being fine and
non Schatz. i warm, although it had been cold with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 5teinhagen i good sleighing. The wedding was a
are spending New Year.i with their large gathering at the hone ef the
tion at Che siey. I bride's parents and a bis; reception at
Mr. Joe Ziler is on the sick list, I night. They immediately went to
Svc. hone For. a speedy recovery. their new hone in Tu.ckersmith, just
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce of Wind- ra mile from No 2 school of which he
sol• and Mr. and Mrs, John Snyder , was the teacher for 20 years. Later
of Brantford spent Christmas holi- I they moved on the farm adjoining
days with their mother, Mrs. Bertha ! the school for 28 years. At the close
Hayter.of Mr. Forsyth's career as teacher,
The annual meeting of the Dash- 1 Mr. and Mrs, Forsyth farmed until
wood public school was held in the 1931 when they reeired to their pre-
school last Thursday morning with sent home at Kippen. Mr. Forsyth
1ti. R. Gates in the chair. Mr. Val -1 was the secretary -treasurer of the
entine Becker was elected trustee for! Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone
a three year term. ! System for seven years -until 1940.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffinan
spent New Years with friends in ; GRAND BEND
lurich. j The home of Deputy Reeve Thos.
The caretaking of the .school was Love, of •Stephen township, and an
again awarded to Mr. Fred Gent- i insurance agent and resident of
tnee at an increase in salary. Grand Bend, was destroyed by fire
Miss Dorothy Hayter is spending discovered in the house at 3 o'clock
the holiday-; with her sister in Wind i la:::t `; ednesday afiernoue, nee. Love
sore 1 was alone in the house when she not -
'Me. 1'Ier`•v TZoatPm^yer who lin' ! ; .,,a 11'," fi ec ti! '• h, t,Lr. ant i,pn,...Ln
been on crit eii 1. Ili t !L:.- ,s,,o,nc time; :hinnies, apparently from. the 14, a.vy
is not improving as fast as his fri- 1 fila in the stove. Mrs, Love called
t?nds would like to see ' the telephone operator at Da-say/nod
Miss hie Nihlock of London, i.,s,
who summoned • neighbours in the
spending a3 few de,y 'with airs, Ness; Gr•:nd Bend. area, The Grand Lend
Mr. and Mrs. Melton Wolper of fire d^partment with its oh -arnicas
l.ngersoil spent the holidays re'sh her! tank 1, es unable to control trie out-
parente, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. I bre le and the Dashwood, Zrf:'ich :Ind
Pte. Walter iters skim has ,been ov-1 Centra4.lia Airport brigades respond -
preens returned on the Qdeen Eliza -led. They, by using neighbour's wells
beth and is spending hie leave with and cisterns, were able to check the
his mother. ! hauler l.ut only after the house was
Mr. and Mrs. (l.ttn Regtemeyer andruined. Two adjoining homes of
Donnld spent New Years in London. j Oliver Turnbull and David Baird
Pte. George Wolfe of Camp Eor-' were saved by the firemen. Thr.' front
den, spent New Years at his home.,of the roof and walls of Mr. Love's
Chief Petty Officer Fred •Hoperoft home remained intact, but all fitni-
• who is on the Provider ship at Half- iture in the upper floor was lest.
fax, spent Christmas with his parents Contents of the lower floor were re -
Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Hoporoft. '. moved. FO. Mervin Love, Toronto
Mica Margaret Cunningham of lost his University books iri the blaze,.
Eit;.hr•nel' shut Christmas with her' Estimates ef the damages could not
ais'£r illy.; T. Morena, be given. at the time, 'here wan an
.. .., ;,i, Alleinstiver ir.., 8,1:V'idir41:7i insur'jnee coverage.
war, has been a store clerk at Papen-
Mrs. John Dinsdale
Mrs. John Dinsdale, Hensall resid-
ent, died at her home on Thursday
in her 90th year. Formerly Maria
Jane Butt, she was born in Usborne
and had been a resident of the village
for over 30 ears and a member of
'Jensen U
nited church. Mr. Dinsdale
pre -deceased her some 20 years.
Surviving are four daughters, Mrs.
Ila Wood, Mrs. Ida 'Callis, Cal. Mrs,
H. Vermilyea, Cal., IMrs. Aida Sim-
mons, Hensall; a sister, Mrs. H. Tay-
lor, Exeter. Public services were held
at the residence. on 'Saturday at 2
p.m., conducted by Rev. R. Brook.
Interment was made in Hensall Un-
ion Cemetery.
Wm. C. Stone Passes
Wm. C. Stone, prominent Hensall
resident died at Westminster Hos-
pital, London, where he had been
taken the previous Sunday following
a sudden illness which occurred,
whsle he was spending a Christmas
holiday with relatives in London. He
was born in London. England. A
veteran of World War I, he had for
many years been active in• the Exeter
Hensall Branch of the Canadian Le-
gion. A badge signifying his Iife
membership in the branch was to•
of he a was able to" come to the home have been presented to him the pre -
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. vious night. For years he worked
Cross, for the holidays. on the section staff of the C.N.R., at
Fairbairn—Botham Hensall. He was very helpful in am -
Attired hi a lovely white satin casements and attended St. Paul's
Anglican church. Surviving are tour
daughters and a son: Mrs. J. Dent,
Bradford; Mrs. J. Fanner, Stratford;
Mrs. C. Cooper, Mrs. J. Fulton and
William Stone of London
The United Sunday School kChrist-
mad tree and entertainment was pos-
ostponed for a week until last week.
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Dowson were
holiday guests with M. and Mrs.
Len Talbot on the Blue Water High-
way south.
Mrs. John Parker has left for Wo-
odstock, to visit her mother, Mrs.
Sandy Brown who is ill.
gown, Miss Muriel Botham, eldest
daughter of 1VIr. and Mrs. J. Botham
of Napier Road, New Ferry, England
was married at St. Mark's Church,
New Ferry, to Pte. William E. Fair-
bairn, eldest son , of Mr. Wm. Fair-
bairn •of Hensall. The Rev. Boultibee
officiated. Pte. Fairbairn. - is a motor
mechanic in the Canadian Army and
has been away from home for five
years, while Miss Botham, during the
'7lursday, January 3rd, 19B
Miss June Brandon, teacher sit'
Hensel], was a holiday visitor at heli
home here,
Mrs. Fred McEwen left last week
to spend the winter with Mrs. James
Ford in Clinton.
Pte. Ellen MacKay, ,CWAC, Lon-
don, spent a five-day I save at bens
home here over ,Christmas.
E. A. Featherstone, London, was
Miss Margaret Ferguson, student a holiday guest with his wife at thein
at the University of Toronto, spent
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. L. Ferguson.
Mr.:and. Mrs. John Armstrong and
daughter have moved to the farm on
the Bronson Line, Stanley Township
which they purchased from Keith
John and JackieSturgeon, John
McLeod and John Toms returned on
Monday last from Port Dover, where
they spent some time in the fishing
home here.
Miss Elva Dewar, Toronto, was a
holiday visitor with her parents, Mr..
and Mrs. D. Dewar.
3. H. Bates, principal of Bayfiels1
public school, is spending the hol'le
days at his Dome in Brussels.
A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances
on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7
kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch our trained
Attendants Grease Cars.
Expert Repairing
We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up -Tb -
Date Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Ups,• your Car
Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in Connection.
GET Dig's ON THE inL
for SIRP'.ICE1V1"1N
Twenty -page booklet you'll read
with profit. Specially written for
Servicemen, it will help you in
your `eivvy street' plans.
It is yours for the asking at any
B of M oflinc:
-N OM1'
Getting back to `eivvy street' is no cinch ... we know it presents
many problems.
But the road back will be made far easier if you make use of the many
aids specially designed to help you ... government re-establishment
benefits, rehabilitation committees and other veterans' organizations.
Among those who want to help you most is your local B of M branch
manager. He knows the veteran's problems and he is in a unique position
to give you sound counsel on money matters and on a number of other
angles in getting back into civilian life.
Get off on the right foot in your civilian plans ... and your rehabilitation
problemis half -licked.
Follow the example of thousands of Servicemen from coast to coast
... Call on your neighbourhood 13 of M manager. Ile will be ready and
glad to chat things over with you ... you will appreciate his friendly,
helpful approach to your particular plans and problems.
working avitli Canadians in every walk of life since 1817
Zurich Branch: G. G. SEWELL, Manager
INgest s -Sts snugly in yon' pocket
5 .s5
'?8Y ANK"