HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-01-03, Page 1Established 1900 ONTARI * THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3 1946 5 , r,11 Q y) CI, Betty Anne Beauty Shop i THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of I Experience in all Hair Dressing. 'GIVE US A CALL! , Phone 68 for your Appointments. MRS. EDW, •GASCHO, Zurich EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C B. HECKENDORN, Pastor Mrs. M. OESCH, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES .10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School. • 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. You are Welcome at all Services ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO P••••01.111121•••••1• 1 REV. E. W. HEIMR1CH, PASTOR 10 ame---Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School, 7.30 p.m. ---Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to alg Services iCOMMRTABLIE SFS; At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of - Eyesight Testing Used.. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. 11 (1111''l „fr• tr, CAela. al Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO.DERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices Welcome Home Banquet Welsonie Home Banquet. and Pres- entation tendered to 7 and men of .Hay Township who serve:I in the armed forces, held. at Zurich, Dec- ember 27th, 1945. A. fitting welcome home for the ladies and men of Hay Township, was initiated by dr?. Hay Township Council, in recognition of their ser- vices rendered to their country dur- ing the past six years. The Council enlisted the services of the following bodies and organizal.ione in planning and carrying out the welcome home. 1. The resident Clergy of Hay Township; 2 the Red Cross; 3, the War Services .Organization; 4 the Women's Instititte; 5 the Police Trustees of Zurich and Dashwood; 6. the Zurich Lions Club; 7 the Hay seated in an adjoining room. Rev., 'Tr. A. Lucier led in the invocation, after which the Reeve, Win. Haugh gave the following address of wel. Come, "Honoured Guests and fellow cit- izens, it affords me a great deal 01. pleasure on behalf of the Township. of Hay to officially welcome all of you service women and men and other guests representing all the. various organizations in this Towne ship. In planning this event we thought it would 'be fitting to call all of you together in this joyous and peaceful Christmas season. It is with deep regret that we are unable to have all the men and women here at this banquet tonight, due to the fact iaiat some still on duty on foreign fields, or in some needed capacity in Canada. Our sympathy goes. out to the bereaved homes that have given a son who has paid the supreme sac- rifice, that We might enjoy freedom. "We are also reminded that there are some who would like to he with us but are lying on some sick bed and are unable to attend. "In the history of mankind there are certain days that stand out in relief. No all of us 1945.will never be forgotten. It .was with joy that we celebrated VE day and V,I day. This was our Victorious year. The year when the tyrants of the world were crushed. "For the last six years you were called upon to do more than a man's duty for your country, now in re- turning we hope that every opportun- ity will present itself whereby you shall be able to again fit yourself into some worthy civilian occupation. "Again on behalf of the Township' of Hay, we welcome you back to our Township. Mr. Leroy O'Brien acted as song leader assisted by Mrs. H. G. Hess at the piano. Group singing was enjoy- ed .by all present. Mr. Haugh then Twp. . • announced that the remainder of the These bodies Were givA: spaltrcLemeriesare.etould. be held at the Town - duties to perform, such as gift com- mittee, banquet committtee, program and reception committee. Approximately 100 invitations were sent out and of thee 57 replied that they would be abld to attend. The banquet was held at the Do- minion Hotel, Zurich. As honoured guests arrived they were greeted and asked to register. They were then seated in one large room, while representatives of the various or- ganizations mentioned above were IrrR Iffarta fttarat Aline 4. Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER. OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY O NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood Ontario -4. -'04.41•44-4++++++44-1-44.4,1-•+++++4.4•4•44 +74.++++++++++++.4.•++++++++.1.++ ” iit#1110110 MIK f t !irri RAD 11101111Am mffimi nommin10 f MAO )11-111-0I z ITS 4•.; Grocery Store fomkeyal111. At this time of Year we can give no greater or more impressive mess- age to our Many Customers than by Extending a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR nno Och PRODUCE WANTED. 'it WI mug HIM Oil 11' 411.grYiL;'::.1 Phone 165 .71 4!'4. ship Hall. Toast master, Mr. lsral Campbell called for a toast to the King. and the entire assembly replied by singing the -National Anthem. The honoured guests then chose one of their number to lead thein to theTownship Hall. They marched a- round the 'block and were then ush- ered through -a filled hall to seats 're- served for them at the front of the auditorium. Mr. Haugh then announc- ed the song "O'Canada" to be follow- ed by a short :Minstrel show given by the pupils of the Continuation School under the guidance of their teacher, Mr. V. Dinnin. This was followed by Mr. Haugh calling to the piatform the Clergymen, Rev. T. Lutc, Fr. E. H. 'Robert, Rev. C. B. Heckendorn, Rev. E. Heimrich, Fr. A. 3. Lucier, Mr. 0. Klopp. and Mr. A. J. Kalb- fleiach. Mr. Kalbfleisch was asked to act as chairman for the remainder of the evening. The Clergymen were called in turn to give a short address, and the chair- man also gave a fitting addreee, the youtext being as follows: "Mr.'Reeve, Clergymen, Ladies and gentlemen of the armed services and citizen: "It i indeed a great pleasure to be here on this occasion to celebrate with you. We are glad that hostilit- ies have come to an end,and that you are priveleged to be with us, and particularly at this festive season of the year, which undoubtedly enhanc- es the purpose of this present gath- ering. "We are all happy that so many of the armed forces who served at home or abroad are able to be here after passing through so many years of distressing warfare; but intermingled with this pleasure is a hidden grief. We feel sad indeed that five have perished on the field of battle, and another after serving for four years, and 'after reaching his native land, due to the effects of war, passed on. Our deepest sympathy is extended to those who are bereaved. Minute of 'silence— Immediately following the minute of silence the following verses from Longfellow were quoted by the chair- man. Rest, Comrades, rest and sleep, The thomehts of men shall 'be As sentinels to keep Your met from danger free. Your silent tents of green We deck with fragrant flowers; Y.ours' has the suffering been, The memory alta'ft be 0 1t111,--,,. CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER $1.50 a Year in Advance 81.'75 in U.S., in Advance. ,ers and. Friends • • • le • ; • '.441a4ve Oar Fire Brigade Called ,On Wednesday of last week our fire brigade was called to the home of Mr. Thoe. Love at Grand Bend to help extinguiih'the fire in their home. Centralia Air Port and Dashwood brigadee''also responded quickly and saved the lower story and the near by buildiegs. After this there was one minute of silence honour of those who had paid. the, supreme sacrifice, in the conilicteuet ended. - Mr. 0..Klopp was then asked to give tiler -presentation address as fol- lows: , "Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentle- men: I feel honoured in having been chosen to say a few words to you before Ithe presentation. These gifts are indent to be not only -mementos of thi,occasion, but ties, and more particecarly, tokens of our appreciat- ion foeithe services •rendered to our countra and the Ernpire. I believe that i eonununity has tried to do more '.6.an this community in trying to kee,,i in touch with the boys while they eeere away from home.. That was baCause we were interested in them nd wanted to assure them that the fqks beak home had not for- gotten'them. Tonight we are Tumour- ing-thpm to .show that we still are interested in them and..thanreful to them. "It '14, impossible for us to present tl..ielose 'fill-haco th...k.n..ve .1rer:d__Lni..7.,:inry77.1n IA gifts hat'would even in a small de- gree ,xpress- our appreciation to foree4e. or that- would in any sense the cause of victory. But we do want to do what we are able to do. We hope you will believe us when we tell you that our sincere thanks accompany our gifts. ..2. "We ask you to accept these signet rings and when you wear them may you. think of- your thankful fel- low citizens.' Then groups of service women and men were called to the platform and then the Reeve, Mr. W. H. Haugh, with the assistance of Mr. H. W. Brokenshire, presented each person with a signet ring having the follow- ing suitable engraving within it: -39 Hay Twp. 45 -presented on behalf of the ratepayers of Hay Township in recognition of the services rendered by these young women and men. In closing, the chairman then quoted the words of one of Canada's greatest statesmen: "As for you who stand to -day on the threshold of life, with a long horizon open before you, for a long career of usefulness to your native land, if you will permit me, after a long life, I shall remind you that al- ready many problems rise before you. Lot me tell you for that the solution of these problems you have a safe guide, an unfailing light, if you re- member that faith is better than d.oubt, and love is better than hate. "Banish doubt and fear from your life. Let your souls. be ever open to the promptings of faith, and the gentle influence of brotherly love. Be adamant against the haughty, be gentle and kind to the weak, let your ain and purpose in good report and 01, in victory or defeat, be so to live, so to strive, so to serve, as to do your part to raise ever higher .the standard of life and of living." Mr. Harold Stade on behalf of the women and men then fittingly thank- ed the ratepayers for the recognition shown to the armed services. This part of the Welcome Home was concluded by singing the Nation- al Anthem. Immediately after this the hall was cleared and a dance was held for any one wishing to attend. Mr. T. Meyers acted asleader of this for the evening. ,r',ince those honoured on December 27th represented only about 5O% of the total number who were in the services, another reception 141 be held at a later date. tin TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH A• VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR WE GRATEFULLY THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE IN 1 9 4 5 HESS jeweller and Registered Optician. WISHING ALL OUR CUS- romERs AND FRIENDS e n's W. . DAVIDS N Pone 10 - HensaB 4' 0 000 00000000040 000 Se 0,00006 F -.,neral Service Olt MOS 4. 1 1 Westlake - Brokenshire 1 Comfortable Hospit,11 ed for Day g-erviCa Rent 1soz 94041)00161804190004104041.2M047.60411467026 OGG .1.0•MOM*M9 64011) 45 41. 45 eeeee i71• + 4 '€'444,444-44,444444+44.+,44444+44+4 4.+++++++++++++++++++ -r -f4., F r Quie Sal ,Rk 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. KALB_ Phone 69 - LEISC t. 111i (_V, SON ZURICH vra1n21111MEREMIMMEMUMMIEMSMIRGSMRZEMIZEMEMMEENtagal We are Grateful for the Business with which you have favored us this season and in the past, and we anticipate with pleasure the opportunity of serving you WISHING YOU ALL A MOST HEARTY and a Happy and Prosperous W r FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND r IITLAK ke4_ 4,r LILA Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97 AtillI090941010009neeleglannaninieReaSaMeeleineallegiantelefarslaternenereneefeleneara 4 A