HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-12-13, Page 8J=1, ONTARIO F,0t-V 0 eral of his brother, John Neeb at Mr. H. H. Neeb attended the fun - Merry 47,,lil frn,Qtrni as co .Mich, htmo oi tuAlline :oath, spent a few days in Win-. dior an1 Detroit. 4,11)Mil',,KI.!ffill • r, JR CI4 HrRA 1) **. r.r.errwrwrw.r•R...mosarmaai "ibb URAL difititEn .r 71T" •• ,S rS (21 CliriS tinelS Bright hOUrS ofjoy and cheer And then a. long unbroken chain hapAy etays A LL YEAR GASCHO BROS. AND STAFF While many Lines of Seasonable Goods are still in short supply, we have a larger assortment of Suitable Goods for Christmas Gifts, than last season Fine Chennille Spreads, Wool Blankets, Ladies and Children's Parkas, Kerchiefs, Gloves, Scarfs, also a full line of Wearing Apparel for men and boys... GROCERIES We are doing our best to supply you with every- thing possible in fresh Groceries at all times. Can- dies and sweets of all kinds are in very limited sup- ply, but we have a fair lot of new Navel Oranges, Calif. Grapes, Cranberries, Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts and Pecans. COME EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE ; n Creorg3 Ducharme 177gek, . ..... , LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) don . • • 44, 42, 3'7, 29 Ilte,ter per Chickens dressed 29-20 Wheat bushel 1.12 Oats, bushel 1.19t. . .. 170 •• .;i'. -,-- . i • - • • • .' , . . . • . . .1e, :. :. ....., ,.. ,......v...... : •..• .•.,. •-•' .•'.... . , . . , , ,. „ , . • , • -' ,1•4:1 On t.-", ,.:' ;:! • • Cli 11.1 'A; 01 . - . •• • ' .. •_ '- - - .'-.,..t.‘ '6;: tit, th.. 't.i.,:.;!.1 Ui..o...- :,-,,;• : .„....., '7„.:.„...,, , . .;.• .::.;7,...;,:•-.:',, ; . i • • • • • • • • - : - . , • Li -n.1.1\11'6% li. h liillibo-e' PI 'Cred- i bar Of oLi-r U.•8.A. .31.1i)i•Xtii/C1'.•5 lcue'.. iton w -1.'e in ttiNITTI Saturday, The for- !their subscripidon to the Herald aie.i P4.1. -e 4, •--4,4, •i,iitiarallee MO" t1:10:ii. '0,11U -izLii it in would you landiy I: I eting.' . . 4end it by Pot Office Money Order. . P The .01,..11Ailc. s of ,Hr Fire Int- in purchasing this Order you will get ulance Company met in the Ddmin- your premium on your money and ion Hotel on Saturday for regular we will !get full amount value at the business. ' • • local post office. Bank Cheques, Ex- press Money Orders all come under Mr. and IVIT•q. Albert Smith and his the excise tax, and the exchange sister, Mrs. Vanatta of Port uro 1 tariff and cost you the full amount had a pleasant visit, at the home ol;' ox the remittance you are making, their sister, Mr. and. Mr6. W11110,111 you get no premium and we have to O'Brien last week. , ' pay all these taxes. The subscription to the B.S.A. is $1.75 per year, Mr. and Mrs.: Wm. S,johnston Please, remember this! entertained relatives and fli.en s. • very delicious fowl -dinner one een- ing last week. Also a pleasant time was enjoyed. . . ' Can we realize it, 'on1St twelve days away from Christniasi but the blan- ket of the beautiful white snow is here already which Will make the weatherman seasonable. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gascho from. Emily City, Mich., visited with the former's brothers, Joseph and Chris - tan Gascho in Zurich, and on their return were accompanied by Mrs. Barbara P,eekler ' of Blake who _in- tends to remain with relatives ror the winter.. months. • . . . , Mrs. Harvey Clausins and son Wayne and Miss Dorothy Erb have returned home after a, very pleasant visit for a few weeks with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mm.,Yalli•e, Gerber at Meadsville, Penn;' also 'visiting with relatives and friends in Milferd Indiana. • . . • , Many Thanks for venison ' Many thanks to .Mr.:Ivan Yungblut who presented .the.,Editor and his Wife with delicious: . venison steak, Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) eratri A...," 1. I ,re 4,(•••0• •.•••, r e,•••• rro ," 1111W1M111111611 • • *11.00 Mrs. J. .:rnes: It was announced that Mr. and Mrs. gorge Johnston had donated an. electric. organ to the church in. memory of their son, Capt. 'Kelso Johnston, who died in .Holl - :and Aug, 30, 1945. This generous gift was accepted by the -church with :deep gratitude and sincere appreci- ation. EXPERIMENT IN UNSELFISH- • NESS—By Paul Gallico • Read how a billiant young actress on ler deathbed requested that her thee children be. brought up together by the two men she loved and mar- ried. This strange story of one of the kindest pacts ever entered into by humans, will be told in The Am- erican Weekly with next Sunday's (Dec. 16) issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times. COMMENT Mr. Editor. I hope I am not tak- ing advantage of your generosity when I am asking for a short space in your columns to merely express an exchange of opinion relating to one which they brought home from the against strikes. Is not the meaning northern country?. This being good of strikes, adjustment in some form and tender which m 1 made the palate ,or -other, arid who can be blamed enjoy every bit. We are very happy for trying to attain that point. For for the success and the splendid time right today, has not our present these hunters had together. \Government with the increase of these salaries, given us full encoura- :Messrs. Jacob Haberer, - Theo. and gement, and is not the example by Ed. Haberer and. Jas. Forrest were them a true push ahead to all labor- ers, including farmers for better re- turns for their labour and as well, for safe security for their old age. Are not many in professions to -day vvecp.@stvoset'se,solva. ces,see-e-sm,eraotzt.901 HARDWARE — SEEDS You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. htf,luire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional it "Vr.11cP, at Lov.-er Prices. .. and FURNITURE Lower Priced Stalls Automatic 1 Watering [ at Toronto the past week attending the annual Beekeepers 'Convention, where there was a large attendance and all axe very hopeful for a big crop of honey for 1946. 1VIr. Jacob. enjoying many privileges for their Haberer was re-elected president •of labour and so it should be with all classes including laborers. For after they have been good and faithful servants to their employers and to their country no favours should be denied them. Being a farmer myself well admit that we 'are not receiv- ing ample returns for our long hours of drudgery: But there are more than one reason for That. You will agree with ue that farmers have failed to properly organize and by so doing they have been at the mercy of business and trade. and therefor many times have met with disappoint- ment where turning th-eir products on the market, aneagain, I do not quite agree with you that if the far- mer cut down their hours'the coun- try would go half starved. What a- bout the war years, when thousands of our young farmers went in the defence -of their -country, it cannot be said with certainty that there was a shortage of food. In summing it all up, I cannot come to any -other con- clusion; that you and 1 as farmers, are in direct line with laborers, even those in closedshops. rit reursaey, December 15the 1945 '4P 4.444$1.0+4441444 10444,444.++4.4.4..P4.,0 'I vit. 1°111'11 • . • ', • 13 7 T zN.r",77 C- • 4 ' tAlpn2ont o2 Now Enarrnliwnvo, cuen as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which to Lye of very good quality, and some attractive color designs. To appreciate these articles one must sze therm We invite your inspection. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have a fine range to choose from. a fine stock of Spring Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE We have some very attractive and newly designed Bea Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see them if interested in this line of furniture. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements • Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware Johnston & Kalbileisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 + • ++.14+++++++ 4++ 4.--11•••*•&4.4140.44 4.4..1- + 4.0•44.4 the Co-operative department of the Association. This was the 66th an- nual meeting. Winter 15 Here • Begining with Monday winter has come in slowly but surely, Tuesday morning there was about nine inches and several inches have fallen since and there is over a foot on the level to -day, Wednesday with still more coining down. A year ago all the concessions and sideroads werp blo- eked, only the main roads were open, in Toronto there was two feet of snow with all traffic at a standstill a year ago. However, we cannot have a winter without snow. PROTEST ISSUING OF LICENSE Several deputations from Stephen and Dashwood and one from Exeter motored to Kitchener to appear be- fore the Liquor .Authorities Control Board to protest the issuing of an authority to. Alvin J. Kellerman for the sale of beer at the Commercial Dashwood, .rerriaintliraboaaarrar•orrarmorrnmx OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS humbmg, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ZURICH QUALITY PRICE oisoosokosastososoosoisoost000mosksiosmsossisorssosivsele00 ONT. SERVICE LOWER AUTO INSURANCE Cheaper insurance covering public liability, property damage and collis- ion on privately owned autos used for pleasure purposes was .promised in a decision of the Canadian Under- writers' Assn. The reduction becomes effective Jan. 1, 1946 and provides approximately 20 p.c. lesser cost than for similar insurance on autos of partnership, etc. Auto rates for cars used for business purposes will be lightly higher. . Miss Helen McAllister Pases The death occurred • of a well- known Hensel] resident, Miss Helen McAllister in her 80th year. Miss Mc- Allister was a native of this district and a valued member of CarmeI Rres- bytehian church. ,Surviving are two sisters, Miss Ma ire. at borne and. Mrs. Blanche McAllister of the Porr Line. Pr:vaio Tuner.- was held from the residenee, rriday lost at 2 p.m., condue.,:q1 by Rev. P. Ferguson. Interment was made in the Hillsgreen Cemetery. Gift of Electric Organ A congregational rally was held in 64 the Goderich Baptist church on the eve. of Oct. 24th. A worship period was conducted by the pastor, Bev. J. James, assisted by Mr. *Wm. John- ston. Mr. James Campbell gave an ad- dress on the Work of the Baptist Brotherhood, and vo-eat 80104 Were rendered by Mrs. Pobt. Marshall and Massey -Harris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1945,I 1 HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT. TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at 400 to 450 SIZE @ 850 to 900 SIZE @ $70.75 $59.50 $82.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klapp R. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. gmearror...........orremornaruromaguarortsla. --Paddy TENOR ATHLETE Ken McAdam had the choice of a sports or a. singing career when he returned from service with the B.C. A.F. A former McMaster University' football and hockey star, Ken cast the die in favor of his tenor voice and now counted one of the drawing cards on the Montreal •'program, "Light up and Listen," Thursdays at 9.30 p.m. over the Dominion network . ::- VW lip....- '-,"' ' '" • - lt: -.7 ,... 0.4 x -o,,••• •••,... . - , a -g .,- - 1 . 0.4 i i.":' • ' • ' .:,-;.-. ' • Increase Your MILK PRODUCTION ...• Constant running water on the farm will save you TIM Z and LABOUR. In the barn at the twist of the wrist your stock 'can be watered -- no laborious pumping or carrying water. Fresh, clean running water in the house is a delight for every- one. In the Kitchen —Bathroom and Laundry— so essential to the family's good health. NEW DURO PUMPS are available in greater quantities today, but shortages of Materials and Labour will not allow the Duro Factory to produce enough to meet the demand. All Duro Dealers ars on a quota basis and perrhit to purchase must be approved by' W.P.T.B. • EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS For Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry, Visit your Limed Dealer for available styles. • Stade & Weida -Lu iic e-rr 0 EA. •