HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-12-13, Page 6The rubble -filled streets of Caen or the sandy, water -filled foxholes
of Holland were all in a day's work to advancing Canadian infan-
trymen, and are all shown in the army film "The True Glory"
which presents the story of the European war from D -Day to
VE -Day. They presented different problems but the Canucks
Nearly a billion people -90 mil-
lion in Europe and ten times that
number in China, India, and other
places in the world—face starva-
tion this winter.
That is the grim reality reported
by food experts of the United Na-
tions Relief and Rehabilitation
This picture, reported by spokes-
znen for Greece, is typical of the
grave world food situation:
The Pappas family lives in a
fairly large city near Athens. Mrs.
Pappas has a teen -aged son and
daughter. Her husband is a day -
laborer. Marketing is her day's big
gest chore. It varies a little. Some
days, Mrs. Pappas gets more, but
usually slie can buy about half a
pound of bread for each mouth a
Most of the time she can get
three ounces of dried peas or
beans for each person, maybe one
codfish for all to share, a tiny bit
of olive oil and a handful of raisins.
She can usually get potatoes too,
They are rationed.
It's a celebration when she gets
ar, can of Arniy meat stew. This
happens about once a month after
a shipment from UNRRA has ar-
rived at the market.
Mrs. Pappas is . too tired to
worry about the strange things
that are happening in her fancily.
Even in the shadow of a possible death sentence, the fallen No. 2
man of Nazi Germany remains an irrepressible clown while on
trial at Nuernberg. In top photo, he laughingly explains a point to
grim -faced Rudolf Hess as they sit in defendants' box. But (bot-
tom photo) Hess ahnost smiled and Von Ribbentrop looked over
with amusement when, on the same day, Goering clapped his hand
over his mouth in an "Oops, sorry" gesture after malting a remark
out of turn.
eit.3. ..3-3333,13,33, ;auiriT: •zAL.`131.3
tackled them cheerfully, intent only upon the destruction of the
• German enemy. Left, above, .a Canadian patrol .picks its way care-
fully through the ruins of Caen searching out German snipers. At
right, a Canadian .section armed with Piat and mortar waits the
signal to attack across the Dutch border into Germany.
She doesn't understand that the
diet of about 1400 calories a day
for each member is responsible.
It's the reason her husband only
goes to work about three times a
week in spite of her scolding. It's
the reason her son isn't growing
and only sits stupidly in the sun all
It's the reason her daughter re-
fuses to help clean up their tiny
little hovel and has a chronic,hack-
ing cough. It's the reason her
baby died last month when it was
only a fete weeks old. Hardly any
babies seem' to live over a couple
of weeks any more. Half the
population of one section of the
city died last month.
Food .supplies Vary
Food supplies in. Europe vary
within and between countries.
Greece and Italy are about av-
erage. Poland, Yugoslavia, Aus-
tria, Germany and Finland have
less. Austria is believed to be in
the worst shape. People in France
and Czechoslovakia get a little
more than the Greeks. Norway's
condition is not critical.
the "Radiant Roast" used
in the manufacture of
Maxwell House Coffee. It
captures all the flavor and
goodness because it roasts
every coffee bean evenly,
all through!
directly., from the .:farmers,
Little is ~mown about the food
supply in Russia except that it is
inadequate, but better than it was
in the war years.
Chinese mothers aren't worry-
ing .about getting enough rice,.
wheat or dried fish merely to stave
off hunger. Their families have
been hungry for the last 10 years.
This year they are worrying about
which ones in the family will be
dead by spring or if they will all
be dead. Same is true in India.
Average diet in these two countries
varies from 2,000 to less than 1,000
calories per day.
In most of Europe,• parts of the
Near East, and :.11 of the Far East
and in North Africa, countries
desperately need imports of food.
Most countries in South America
will be able to get along without
threat of starvation. England and
Australia need food but expect to
get along on rationing through the
winter: Sweden is just about able
to get along, and by pinching, can
share some with needy neighbors.
GREECE—Daily ration of bread
—about half a pound per person—
is brought home by little Greek
girl in a captured souvenir ,helmet.
Most people who live on farms
get at least enough food to main-
tain health. Persons in the small
urban communities are the most
hungry. They don't produce food
and can't draw from the stocks
sent to the big cities. They haven't
the money or goods to get food
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ITALY—Emaciated woman holds
underfed grandson whose mother
died of .a disease which took half
the village. He will be luclr,y to
last until spring.
CHINA — Weak from hunger,
these Chinese poke around in the
ruins of a village looking for scraps
of food, They fight to survive the
Sydney Cr. Dobson, Vice -President
and Royal Manager
Canada, o
f The
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appointment as Executive Vice -
President is announced.
Burnham X Mitchell, Toronto,
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hasbeen ltA sistantGenp al Manal -
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who sueceeds Mr. Dobson as Cell.
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