HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-12-13, Page 3WARNS ON A-BOMB Russia can start producing an atomic bomb in about three years, Dr. Irving Langmuir, noted physi- cist, warned Congress. Associate director of research for General Electric, he declared that once Russia starts making the bomb, her "tremendous resources and plamned scientific program may very likely enable her to turn them out faster than the U.S. can. VICE OF `SEE CESS AND MAYBE. NOT According to an archaeologist digging around in Iraq, civiliza- tion was born there 8,000 years ago. Keep rooting, professor, and maybe you'll find out what became of it. --°Ottawa Citizen PEACE AT ANY PRICE Post-war events have a way of inc:ining a lot of people to think that the old Arizona sheriff was right who said he was going to have peace round there if he had • to shoot up everybody in the camp. —Stratford Beacon Herald NOT SO EASY It seems that when you set a world afire and it burns for six years, you can't put it out all at on ce. —Vancouver Province We taken *ever NEVER AGAIN suspect scene prices have, the ave- the old oath—','We will take another drop." Kingston Whig -Standard •• HOPELESS Discretion is what conies to a man after he is too old for it to do film any good. —Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph 7,000 Canadians Wed Dutch Girls More than one in every 20 Cana- alian soldiers returning hone from Northwest Europe will take home with a Dutch, Belgian or French bride, Already more than 10,000 appli- cations for permission to marry Have been approved on the Con- tinent by Canadian Army author- ities and applications have increas- ed to a daily rate of 40 in spite of repatriation of more than half the original force. Most of the new Canadian wives are Dutch -7,000 of them. They become citizens only upon entry into Canada. With 30,000 wives and children awaiting movement to Canada from Britain, it is likely it will be some time before the European brides are shipped across the At- lantic, However, 'it is proposed to move some on. Duch freighters sailing direct to North America. Soldiers may also take their fi- ancees to Canada at their own expense but only after the Lanni - grafi n and External Affairs De- partments have approved. BRAZIL FAVORITE I3rig: Gen Eduardo Gomes, liberal - backed candidate of the National .Democratic Union, is expected to be the victor in Brazil's presidens tial election, which ends 15 years of dictatorship. Final results of the voting are not expected for several weeks. 4 Canadian Ayrshire* Go to New Zealand The Canadian Ayrshire Breed- ers' Association has announced the sale of four noted pure-bred Can- adian Ayrshire bulls to Giff and Fred Hutchings of Potorua, N.Z., a:.d said it was probably the most choicely bred lot of Ayrshires ever exported from Canada. The bulls purchase& were Burn- side Topsman from R. R. Ness and Sons, Howick, Que.; Avonsyde Lucky Gift from George Pearson and Sons, Waterdown, Ont.; Brae - held Barr Request from W, D. Black, Waterdown and Mynyates Swanny King from Col. W. E. Phillips, of Oriole, Ont. The bulls will be used as sires in New Zealand. Patin oil is used by both the soap ant steel industries; with the latter using it to make tin plate. Japs in Canada To Be Repatriated There are about 24,000 people of Japanese origin in Canada of whom 75 per cent are Canadian citizens, about 14,000 or 61 per cent of the total were born in Can- ada, It is the policy of the Govern- ment to repatriate to Japan all Japanese who in act or obvious in- tent were disloyal to this country during the war and also others who were indicated by a survey made early in 1945 that they want- ed to return to Japan. It is stated that the survey was an entirely voluntary one, that no coercion of any kind was used. Including children of those signing there were 10,347 or 43 per cent of the • total involved in the request for repatriation. CARS' CN1Cl{5 WE'VE 2-3 WEEK STARTED chicks, heavy breeds, available. You can catch the early 1946 broiler markets with these. Also dayolds available. Order your 1946 chicks soon. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N, Hamilton, Ontario. HOW TO INCREASE POULTRY profits. First start the Tweddle way! Tweddle Government A.p- proved chicks in your poultry Douses means an end to high mortality worries and a marked increase in production. Second: prepare now for the large Euro- pean market in eggs and poultry meat by stocking the right kind of birds. Tweddle Wood -tested breeders of known livability and productivity produce only the finest chicks whether they are pure breds or hybrids. The Twed- dle system of inspection and se- lection -.assures you of live ship - anent of the finest, huskiest chicks money can buy, Write to- day for 1946 early pricelst also free catalogue. Also for imme- diate delivery pullets 18 weeks • up to laying. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. - BABY CHICK BUYERS ORDER YOUR GOVERNMENT AP - proved' chicks now and obtain an early order discount. Each breed- er is Government banded, and blood -tested. Write for our 1946 price t Farms, catalogue, trio HOW TO INCREASE YOUR Poultry tetgedopNoth Government Approv-chicks. 'When you ship- ment of Top Notch chicks you receive our assurance of high A11 aTopvNotchid low chicks arert bred from carefully pre -selected blood - tested breeding stock. Top,Notch Chickeries can supply you with all the better known breeds and excellent erose breeds. Prepare now for Europe's heavy demands for eggs and poultry meat. In- vest your poultry buying dollars in Top Notch Chicks and reap big dividends. Write at once for our interesting free catalogue containing all our breeds and prices. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate deli- very. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR. BABY CH.TCIS ARE THpro go y"- -Poirsultetfori F. glstered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested. Prices front 3c to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. WE HAVE FOR IMMEDIATE shipment 18 week old ready to lay and laying pullets in White Leghorns, Barred Rocks and New Hanipshires. Also day old chicks for immediate delivery. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. SUPERIOR CHICKS Fall chicks, Winter chicks, Spring chicks, all popular breeds, Hy- brids, day old and started. Im- mediate or later delivery. All breeders bloodtested. 21 day liv- ability guarantee. Catalogue, prices free. Superior Hatchery, Linwood, Ontario. WE CAN SHIP IMMEDIATELY laying and ready to lay pullets in White Leghorns, Barred Rocks and New Hampshires. We also have for immediate delivery day old chicks. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. THE ONLY PURINA EMBRYO -FED Barred Rock and Hybrid approv- ed chicks produced in Chatham are blood -tested by the tubo me- thod for both the regular and X strains of puliorum. Pullets $26.00 per hundred, Mixed $15.00 and Cockerels $7.00. Order now from Prank Price Hatchery, 11 Jahn- ke St, Chatham, Ontario, lUSINESa OPPORTUNITIES HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN a $10,000 Home, built to your own 'specifications, wherever you wish? If you prefer we will give you 910,000 in Victory Bonds. Op- portunity to win $10,000 monthly draw. A11 proceeds for underpri- vileged children and playgrounds. Draw date — December 31st, 1045. Don't delay. Receipts mailed promptly. Send $1.00 for one ticket, 6 for $5.00, right now to Kiwanis Club of Sudbury, Box 53 Sudbury, Ont,.. WE HAVE PROSPECTIVE PUB. ehasers for properties near Windsor, Toronto and Niagara Falls, Write, giving u$ full par- ticulars. Guaranty Trust Com- pany of Canada, Windsor — To- ronto — Niagara &+alis. WIN BRANT) NEW 1942 DE LUXEPlymou h Sedan. fi other prizes in Victory Ponds, Army and Navy Veterans Unit 257. Drawing Dee, 21, 1945, Subscription $1.00 -- 5 for $5.00. P. O. Box 21, Port Wil- liam. Agents Wanted. • HOME FOR $I.00 $6,500.00 — 5 -ROOM HOUSE, FINI- sited now, to be drawn soon. Fund membership $1.00; 6 for $5.00, Rouyn -Noranda Kinsmen Club, Box 988, Noranda Quebec. AN 08,000 CHRTSTMAS PI1TS01SN'T' for $1.00, On T)ecember "4th, the lucky ticket will be drawn for Kinsmen Model Borne, near ratite Ririe Reaeh, at Leamington. Beau- tiful brink home, sold to the winner for $1.00. Send remittance to Doha Reid Fund Treasurer, 'slept, 105 .L,eaminlxto i. Ontario. Mail early anti avoid the Xmas rues& in the trails. ISSUE 50-1945 LET'S CIE THEM A SKIRL Troops arriving at the Golden Gafe get a Highland warrior's greeting from bagpipers of the Canadian Legion. Information about GI arrivals is given to relatives by a busy staff of telephone operators working around the clock. GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO OPEN a store in South Porcupine the best mining town in Northern Ontario. We had a Departmeazt Store of men's, ladies' and chil- dren's wear and general dry now have retired, sold this stock and remodelling building, w111 rent both departments or as se- parate stores. Apply, Sky Stores .Limited, South Porcupine, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE POU ANYPHING NEEDS dyeing or„cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge ' Street, To- ronto. DETECTIVES COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC, LEGAL investigations; anywhere in Onta- rio. Persons located. Free; con- sultation. Telephone Kingsdale 9225 Active Investigation Bu- reau, 68 Farnham Avenue, To- ronto, Ont. !Nils SALI0 - FOR SALE APPLE ORCHARD 600 producing trees in good con- dition, house, storage and fulls equipment in southwestern On- tario. Apply Box No. 2, Glencoe, Ont. QUILT SAMPLES High grade suitings, make ever- lasting quilts, 30 pieces about 6 x 18, $1.50 plus 20c. postage, re- mit with order. A Rice; 361 Sams cline. Toronto. Ontario. LARGE EARLY AFRICAN TOU- louse Ganders. Well bred. $7.00. Immediate sale. Mrs. J. Durrant, Pordwich, Ontario. ELEVEN PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD. F. B. Guy, R. R. 2, Wardeville, Phone Bothwell161, CHOICE REGISTERED LINCOLN rams and ewes, all ages. Angus McLean, 112, ICerwood, Ontario. PAIR FOXHOUNDS, WALKER and bloodhound, 9 months, $25 each. Fred Taylor, Bradalbane, •P.E.I. QRDSON TRAC:TOIa Niflni - -soma repairs-iZULIJ'O 'W1II deliver any place free of charge, 1666 Danforth Avenue, Toronto. COCKER SPANIEL MALE PUP - pies, registered, champion blood lines. Ideal Christmas gift. Wil - Dun Kennels, Bronte, Ontario. AT STUD -IRISH SETTER-MAHO- H.nElmc ofty Kim lRed ArdeAce 1re(Reg'd ) Don Shaw Phm.B. t"annington, Ontario. HONEY FOR SALE DELICIOUS NEW CROP HONEY for immediate shipment at $9.00 per case of 12 four pound cans. your nearest ration office will exchange 24 preserve or sugar coupons for a special 'voucher good 48 pounds of honey. Mail this to us with your cheque and we will ship at once, Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Qnt, FIVE TUBE, SIX VOLT BATTERY model amplifier, mike, stand, 12 inch speaker. New. Electronic Appliance, 1166 Portage Ave. Winnipeg. Now is the time to buy a one -span light weight portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to fell or cross -cut. timber pulp- wood or firewood. Two types ma- nufactured, Both $400 f.o.b. Montreal. Precision Parts Ltd., 2023 Aylmer St., Montreal, FOR SALE LIMITED NUMBER 6 H. P. Ernpire Gamlen Tractors available for immediate delivery. This machine is made in Canada, Orders being accepted now for Spring delivery, Write for price and particulars, Garden Tractor and Equipment Co„ Limited, 1160 Albert Road Windsor, Ontario. HAY PRESS, STATIONARY. ANN Arbor. Arthur Alyea, Curries, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts pul- leys, brushes. Alien Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St Tor- onto. commis AND PEKINGESE OF of world-famous bloodlines. Mrs. P, A. Margeson, Cedarcrest Ken- nels, Kentville, Nova. Scotia, FERRETS: BROWN AND WHITE, Good hunters on rats and rabbits, 912.00 pair.Earl Mennen; R.R. 1, Paris, Ontario, FARMS P011 SALE TRACTOR FARM, 250 ACRES, clay loam, 75 acres plowed, 10 acres bush and natural pasture- land, remainder good meadow, two sets of building's. Hydro, te- lephone, water in buildings. 12 miles from Ottawa on main road, open all year. Close to sebools, churches, stores and bus line to Ottawa. Will sell nil or part. Norman Rownrds, Cumberland. Ontario, Mitt SAL19, 129 -ACR I FARM, clay loam, 4, miles east of Leam- ington! 10 acres bush, creek bor- dering on corner of fent, plenty of water, good trapping and hunt- ing, 2 houses, fair buildlnga, on milk route, school an corner of farm, church acres the road. will sell stock, impietnenttt and feed. Colin Settor'ington, R, IT, 1, Leamington, Ontario, FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT, 103 ACRES, 50. timber at Aberfoyle, 7, Roomed . house,•. Good Barn. Spring Creek. J. Winder, Clappison's Corners, Ont,' MARKET GARDENING AND FLOR- al business for sale. Established over 50 year's. Approximately 9 acres of land, ,good buildings, modern dwelling, ill health rea- son for selling. Apply L. Gould St, Mary's, Ontario, HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, i1ELI' WANTED IVIARIIIED MAN POR DAIRY Ii aria, 30 miles from Toronto Se- parate house, Hydro, milk, gar- den, best wages, Personal inter- view preferred. Start January lst. Close to school and highway. Apply J, H, Cameron, Norval, Ont. - BOOKKEEPER WITH SAWMILL experience preferred, capable of handling complete set of books and payroll, accustomed to type-. writing and general office work fpr small Northern town, Per- manent position. Salary $30 to $40 per week to commence, de- pending on ability and experience. House may be provided. Apply to The, Oakville Basket Co. Ltd. Ori'iivnle. Ont. MARRIED MAN WANTED FOR general farm, to start soon, must be energetic, reliable and have good references. Permanent pros- pects to satisfactory party. Apply Box 69, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. NURSE -HOUSEMAID WANTED for comfortable household in To- ronto. Two children. 915.00 week - 1y. Write to Mrs. Clair Stewart, 46 Poplar Plains Crescent, To- ronto, giving reference, WAN212D — GRADUATE NURSES for eneral duty, Salary $85,00 per/month. Full maintenance. Six -:say week. Apply, giving full parti ulans to the Superintend- ent particulars Cottage Hospital, Pem- broka Ont. MEDICAL BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly. 45c. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUPFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mtinro's Drug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. GET READY FOR WINTER. Build up your resistance with Merrilis System Tonic Tablets.. Canadian favorite for forty years. From your druggist or postpaid $1.00, from Merrill Pro- ducts, 98 Silverbirch Ave, Toron- to. Ontario. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble ,interesting particu- lars Free! Write Muiveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. IT'S IMPORTANT — EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neu- ritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Groat Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem, illustrated catalogue free, Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St, W. Toronto Branohes: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. NEW HOBBY HANDICRAFT, With Wonderloom you can weave handbags, afghans, luncheon -sets easily. Complete with instruc- tions and three patterns, One Dollar. J. L. Rice Agencies, 480 Sohn:ann St.. Kingston, Ontario, Gilts, 16-17 MUSICALLY IN - rained will be given free tuition, singing' and piano in exchange for light household duties fon& 1 to 5 daily, Sleep out. Madam Fantechio-Tavanti, 81 !floor W., Toronto. MI, 3447, PIR010OGBBAPial O TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and ite 6 OR 3 I2XPOSTTRE ROLLS 25c REPRINdtS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can got all the quality and service you desire by senc'ing your films to Iltll'10t11A 1, PIYOTO SI11UVICE Station t, Toronto NO FILM 'REQUIRED WE SPECIALIZE IN MAKIN(; sepia enlargements direct from rny snap or photo, 5x7 50c, WO5e. Abbev Studio, 18 Rideau St, ttawa, Ontario. 1'ER`;ONAI, "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book free, Megiddo Mission,' Rochester 11, N. Y. t'ri aTO cat A 1' 1°I l PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 prints mounted on attractive, embossed' greeting cards, with envelopes for mailing for 69c, The most original greeting cards you can get—the kind your friends will keep — cards that men on active service at home and overseas like to get. . Order early, (2 Photographs on Calendars for 25c.) • STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto "Your quality in colouring and de- veloping is excellent," writes a cus- tomer at Peterborough, Ont"and your service is prompt. and guaran- teed. I am particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and Christmas cards. Your prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and I appreciate your prompt reliable service." Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 284 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 28e Size 4" x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts You can have enlargements colour- ed.by band for a small additional charge, Framed Enlargements 4" x 6", on ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9". Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 59c; if enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- vilest To Racecourse From Stable By Flying Horsebox The ,Jurop.ean demand like that of -the rest of the world is main- ly for essentials such as textiles and household goods, and British manufacturers are turning out these goods as fast a.i they can. At the same time industry is show- ing a remarkable versatility in meeting the widening demand for non-essential. luxury goods. says the United Kingdom Information Service. A flying horsebox is the latest product designed Cor a spe- cialized market — racegoers, In- tended for tate transport of race- horses, it has been developed by a United Kingdom airl,lare com- pany as one of the many uses for their new plane. A prototype wilt be shown this month and the plane will be in production by the new year. The flying horsebox opens up the prospects of the runners for next year's Derby or Grand Prix bong flown from their sta- bles to the course on the day of the race. This system of horse transport will probably strove very popular since horses do not suffer from air sickness. The idea is not a new one—mules and park horses were transported by air to Burma to assist the British Fourteenth Army in jungle war, "Churkeys" Australia's first churkevs — a cross between turkeys and chick- ens have just been hatched at Glenfield, New South Wales. It is said, however, that Russian sci- entists had already produced the cross. The chicks walk like turkeys but look more like ordinary chickens. It is expected that they will ma- ture snore quickly than turkeys but be a good deal smaller. WHY DO more people buy Maxwell House than any other brand of Coffee 3n the world? This saperllc blend contains extra. flavor Latin -.American Coffees, selected from the f nest the world produces,, f ROLL YOUR 0 WITH RADIO EXPERIMENTERS! CON- struct your own 2 tube all wave set. Kit of 30 parts. Tubes, Chas- sis. Ideal Christmas gift. Order early. Price: $9.95, Earphones: $8. Electronic. Appliance, 1166 Port- age, Winnipeg, Canada. TAXIDERMY DEER HEADS MOUNTED, DEER Hides tanned into glove leather, we also buy. Deer Hides. Sheep skins tanned for floor rugs. Bear Hides tanned and made Into rugs. Foxes and Furs dressed and made into scarfs. 26 Elin Street, Toron- to, Oliver Spanner Co. Ltd. TEACHERS ' VANTED CAISTOR: PROTESTANT TEACH- er wanted for S. S. No. 5, Calstor; state qualifications and salary. Apply t`, A. Springsted, Caistor ("entre. Ont. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEA - cher wanted for 8, S. No. 12, Stor- rington. Will pay $1,200 per year. Duties to commence January and. 1946. Apply to Wm. Lynn, Sun- bury, Ont, WANTED MENS FURNISHING BUSINESS or Hardware Business in good sized town. Have cash. Give full particulars in firat letter. Box 71, 78 Adeintde 'W. Toronto. 10" ATLAS LATHE OR E(,?ITAT, with accessories. Ilex 215, Tills- onburg, Ontario. WANT 1;I'SINESS, ANY KIND, cash buyers for Stores, Mills, Garages, Hotels, what stave you. George Drummond, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED, ONE COMPLETE heading saw or shingle mill, Ar - rand & Cornell, Kimberley, Ont, WANT HOUSE IN TOWN, VIL- lege or Highway, prefer with little land, 9700 to $1800. Several cash buyers. Give description, pet price. George Drummond, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED TO RENT ACREAGE farm or lot. Conveniences in house, Tlnntn 10, 1 Gould Street, Toronto, Ont. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all kinds of dressed poultry, Get our prices before you sell, Write, phone or wire JOHN C. COOPER 2304 BLOOR Sat, W., TORONTO PHONE Jt9. 9389 BUYER, MR, TED BOWLER WANTED: MEN AND WOMEN TO take orders for chiolc0. You oat make money in your spare time selling your friends and neigh- bours chicks for one of Canada'e otdeet established Government Approved Hatcheries. Send for full details. T3ox No. 51, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto, BETWEEN' NOW ANT) LATE Spring, White Birch Bolts, 27" long, 7" and up top, Must be fresh rut, free of doze and large limb knots. Also interested in Poplar and 'Basswood Bolts, 6" and up top, 48" long, If you can suply in cariots, write for our quotations, Keenan Woodenteare Limited, Owen Sound, Ontario. CIGARETTE TOBACCO get prompt relief and restful sleep with Buckley's Stainless White back ub. andrthroatsat bedtime with this faster penetrating rub creates a glowing warmth that breaks up croupy congestion, eases breath- ing, loosens the hard cough. Get a jar of Buckley's Stainless White Rub TODAY. It must brie relief FASTER or money back, thrtlec 3Oc r,nd ()4 i