HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-12-13, Page 1- 11LIe(1,10 . • "AB Betty Arme Beauty Shop 'THE HOME OP THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied 'with the very latest a methods and .Equipment. And besides all this its our years of -Sotperience in all Hair Direesing. GIVE US A CALL Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. G-4,Se.:itte„ Zurich EMMANUEL •MVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Hoclierulorst, Paster Mrs. M. Gesell. Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. :11 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m.--Divino Services. • — 7.7 f:',"7.,".."."7.7, P•71': 444,,,,,,utz,14. trr, ra.h.4........m,wtv..eetnr4r.rervkwmare,.......v.--ot4.4.ws.r.r.w...4*rorro.m4.gceomm.444esor4.rtos,4,4.pit'rhorom•r,o.t..444vwoafeo44, -77; *•." . •,. ; • ; • . ,,,•.,IvaTa,411,, Are You Suffering From Fiefti4*.ctot7 a so; Have your Eyes Examined with e Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O.; OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH --- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ST. PETER'S lEvangelical Lutheran ChurCh ZURICH -- ONT. ••••;_rela Rev. E. W. lielmrich, Pastor a.m.—Divine Serrvieeo. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 Divine Worship. rayorybody Welcome to all Services V's Beauty Shoppe MAKE YOUR AlrePOINTMENTS NOW ---Only 12 days till Mo "Sery.i„qtek?ur Tel. Christmas. tto". 1112 Exeter CHICKS ' ' 1 •••••• 4414' JUPi • I.: `eel LIONS Monster Xrna,s, Fowl Ingo FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21st. 8.30 p.m. Sharp - GOVERNMENT APPROVED Produced by Monkton Poultry Farms Orders solicited for all breeds.• $)11:00 per 100 'Chicks with book or- ders. $1.00 per 100 deduction •on all or- ders before March, let to be deliv- •ered any date. Apply to: KENNETH ETUE, R.R. 2, Zurich, • Phone 98 r 13 ,COMFORTABLE GLAS*E3 REASONABLE PrICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. GPTOMETRIST Nit EXETER The Newest Approved EVfutethod oE .Eyesight Testing Used.. Open. every, Week Day Except Woiroseday., Ducks Geese• CORSAGES sugsgauvati*401.0 Banker's Family Arrives J We welcome Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sewell; their daughter Marjorie and son Collis, who have moved their household effects from Orillia into e home'owned by Mrs. F. C. Kalb - *soh, and we hope they will enjoy being in our villatge as citizens. We ere very, grateful to the Kalbfleisch Pan -lily to make it possible that the Sewell family could establish them- eelves here where duty calls Mr. as our Bank Manager, and we 12 Gaines 50c., Wish them all the very best. Women's Institute 10c per Game "; r The. Womens Institute have packed ; d sent 13 boxes overseas to our Lots of Bingo. Lots of Fowi' oys wile are unable to be with their • • „arailies in our vicinity and a bit .of Proceeds for Community ubrisemas cheer goes farther than Wads can tell when one has been in eera,nge lands fighting wars for years andi thinks •of the comforts the loved .ones have at home. But we are ,Welfare Work MAY CUT BUTTER RATION Ottawa.—Prices Board officials said the possibility of cutting .te,. ,, -srateful that wars have ceased and ion butter ratAon early 14.0--- .— -' (quite a number of our boys have re - from its present approximate level -' Iturned and continue coming home to seven ounces per, person per week '.. le.eend a happy Christmas. The boxes about six ounces, was under C011 tibeing packed under the convenorshiP sideration due to a fall off in weste . ,,jee Mrs. Thos. Meyers. butter production. e In County Court. p ,,, w. m. s. MEET MUST PAY FOR. PIGS .': eers. P. O. Machetzki, at present In Huron County criminal court on, furlough from. South American and general sessions at ;Goderich, on lission fields which includes British Monday last with Judge H. D. Lag "uiana, and the Argentine, gave a judgment' was given in very interesting address of their mis- presiding,favour of Andrew Mitchell, elreYeo eion work in that country in the Wed - of Wingharn, 'against Garfield Fini., , St. Peter's Lutheran church on Wed- Turnberry Twp., for $849.00, al nesday evening. Also illustratedp ic- whicii Finlay is .a,,,,, ., ?, 7,!,91.nla--; ,.11::,.. Ire shown which were educat- , L.:toile]. Mrs. Macheteki is a very Hu. value of 71 pigs for the theft. of 1 ory term. ••-• Fteel einteeesting,o hear:, , In Magistrate's Court' Tails being her second4-visit, to this GIVE GIFTS OF A LIFE- TIME Bulova, Rolex, Elea Waltham Watches. Signet and Stone Set " Rings, Lockets and Pearls FOR DANCES. DECORATING FOR WEDDINGS ARTIFICAL WREA'DHS FOR CEM- ETHY. CUT FLOWERS AND POTTED PLANTS FOR. CHRISTMAS BAILEYS' FLORISTS — EXETER MOOR 4.+++4.4-4.4444+04++.5.4.++4.4tH,4*.t. 4.444.4.444.44-1.÷+++++++++++44 t• 4. Arco Private Car of Sick and -1; affmaa unerat Vow bulance Service for the Conveyance Injured. Licensed Embahner and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. 4 3 DAY GR. NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood — Ontario, • 414++++++++44+41.4i444+++++++4,44 44+•44+41044+++++++4.4 Glamourous Pins, Earrings and Bracelets Silverware, Chinaware and Beautiful Dresser Sets. AG. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification oil the World's Finest Arithracitt ask for BLUE COAL -- 1 Miller Creek Coalo Roe Farms Milling Co, Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel' 010.010040111110110000010110111011111010400.0.00.1110000000.1000040 Mayor Freed of Assault Morgan Agnew, Mayor of Clinton, Who operates a poolroom there, was the defendant in a charge of common assault, preferred by Clifford Coopet 19 year old Clinton youth, to which he pleaded: not guilty. Evidence showed that Agnew had sent a police man to a hosiery plant where Cooper worked, to bring the youth to the poolroom to answer a telephone mes- sage. When Cooper arrived the May or accused him of soaping the wind- ows on Hallowe'en the night before. The accused said the boy had called him a liar with some qualifying ad- jectives and he slapped him in the 'face. The court ruled that there had been provocation. The assault was excusable, and dismissed tne charge. 4, t. • :111111101011.1.1000411lilli•-• ti;:-.1!1)1.11111111,1114-1.1111111A011111011).11i0;110.0100010.14.1.',:,•.,:'411±.... When ZrRienis °eery Store you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a goad stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, alihou0zxo..vme lines are at times hard to get, yei. nurenze our supplies in0111. the Icar.fr4cr houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grnse Canned Goods, and many other lines ye -e offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Menno Oesch - ra0ch PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 Miigi41•;; •)-;;;X.. HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hay met in the Township Hall, Zurich, on Monday, December. 3aA, at 1.80 p.m. The following motions were then passed: That Mr. Daniel Oswald be ap- pointed Inepector of MunicipaleDrains for the Hay West portion in place of Mr. Simon Hoffman who resigned That. Henry Lawrence's tender for the Alexander Drain be accepted and that he be engaged to. construct- the Alexander Drain according to the Engineer's Report. Marked cheque for 10% of amount to be given and contract signed. This contract to be completed by June 30t1e, 1946. - That T. R. Patterson, Ertgineeron the Bender Drain be consulted re- garding the tiled portion of the said Drain regarding tile or open ditch. That T. R. Patterson be instructed to present a report on portion of the Wildfong Drein, as soon as possible since a clean-out was requested - by George Ingram. That T. R. Patteron be consulted regarding the Haberer Drain to see if tiles have been laid according to by -1 aw. That by-law No. 17, 1945 re Nom- ination and reti-e for Reeve and Cam:nova for ezie oe read third time. • 'That .aceneete , Reeds, RP - lief, Hay Telephone .Sye stem and Hay Twp. he pnsct as Pe' votteher These aecor ate •• -..rIn the Treasurer's annual financial statem- ent soon to be PvIllt•e(t. MMiOn that the meeting b.e church and her third visit would be much appreciated. The occasion be- ing the Thank Offering Service of the W. M. S. Annual Meeting William Davidson Heads Hay Town - Ship Federation of Agriculture The annual meeting of the memb- ers •of Hay Township Federation of Agriculture was held in the Zurich Town Hall, on Wednesday, Decem- ber 5th. with a very good attendance. The feature attraction of the even- ing was an address by R. H. Graham, Ontario Live Stock Department, Par - Bement Buildings, Taronto, who chose as his subject, "Take a Look at Yourself before you look at your livestock, and What the future holds in store for us." The election of officers for 1946 are as follows: Hon- orary President, Bert Klopp and Karl Haberer; Pre.sident, Wm, David- son; Vice -Pres., Wm. Dougall; Secy- Treas., Carl Oestreicher. Directors, Earl Campbell, Garnet Jacobe, D. Geiger, Arnold Merner, Karl Haberer Carl Oestreicher, Wm. Clark, Gus Roach, George Armstrong, Sam Hen- drick, H. ;Schilbe, Horace Pfaff, Ernie Chipchase, Allan Miller, Chas. Snell, Alex. Masse. 111111 )i11),11111i1 Funeral Service Westlake - Brokeuslure Ho,,pitai- Bed for Roll: ette ,'t. s Day nd Night Service a 1 Phone 58, Zurich esteSet teteeeteeWeeteteeeze.eegletie®Ceeee:.eeeeMeAreoevetS4000egiee0 • HYMENEAL Ferguson—Scbilbe St. Andrews United church, Kip:- Pen was the scene .of a very pretty wedding when Rev. A. Hinton unit- ed in marriage, Olive 'Carrie, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sehilbe, Kippen, to Norman John Ferguson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs WWat. Ferguson, Thames Road. The bride was given in marriage by her father and entered the church to the strains of wedding march played'. by Miss Jean Ivison. The bridesmaid) was Mrs. Gordon Hodgert Exeter; sister of the bride and Wilmer Fere gum, of Riginfield, brother of. bite, groom, was best man. The groonVs gift to the bride was a cabinet of Rodgers silver, to the bridesnatid a comeact. Following the ceremony a iieeetion vies heel at tee home of .the ;bride's paveets where s St11111)th 114' wee seryl a)..out NA. guests. Mr. Schilbe and Ferg- uson receiving, The Waitresses in the lovely dining r00111 were Marjoeie and SeleIl..e. of Zurich., Dore,ert Me- Clincheee of Varna, cousins of the bride. After a short honeymoon •to teendon, Detroit; and Toronto. Mr. jeweled to eoll neeie• Saturday: De, 'eta Ws. Fenueon will reside n Ex- mber 15th t 1.,30 tern. ! rtt : eter. Greets !were present from Zile - Haugh, Reeve, ' kb, `Medford, Eleinfield, Tharnee Rd. ett Pi. W. 'flrdkenshire. Clerk, / .• Exeter and Baylield. • 0T eee+ee --e-4.4.4-1.4-ee.4-1-eeeeeee-ree-4erreoe nick al 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIR& We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON .-ZURICH Phone 69 • ,•?4,410.4 THE Christm 4. earlignallgagnainbe IS PREVAMNT IN OUR STORE And We have Many Articles Suitable for Christ- mas Gifts Toiletries, Games, Cosmatics, Toys, Men's Wear, Etc. Also some nice. Peel lomps, Toasters, Electric •IT. P.11 For this Goielmas Ciive Useful Gifts We Have Many Things to Choose From FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Tirr, Eli; T4:7 If, P3 ArIT3inE Edmund SwarZzentruber, Prop. Phowo 11-97 -asaisaeresomas 1 1 .1 1 ., ,1 .1 .1