HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-12-06, Page 4*Mir' Offt'.1,4r-ezee
Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Goetz 'Med Mise
Catherine Finkbeiner epent last
week -end with friende, in Sarnia.
Mrs. Otillie Kraft has returned
after spending a few weeks hi Lon -
Mrs. Addison Tiernan and son
Charles spent the week -end with re-
latives in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger were
Sunday visitor e in Kitchener.
A number of young people from
here went to Toronto last week to
see the ice-eapades.
Major and Mrs. Bean of London.
were visitors With Mr. and Mrs.
Reinard Willert last Sunday.
Mr and Mr e S. P. Currie and Mrs
Kenneth McCrae attended the Cav-
ers---McCrea nuptials in Meaford on
Monday. Mrs. Currie will remain
for several weeks recuperating foll-
owing her recent •opee,eien.
Ivan e.tUi. Archie Masse of Lontlen,
and Mrs. Taylor also of London, and
the bride's sister of Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs. Augustav ()ratite are
visiting his mother and family.
The .scholars and their teacher are,
preparing for their Christmas con-
cert to be held in the Blake school-
house on Thursday evening, D.ecem-
IVIr. and Mrs. A, Finlayson and
Gayle are again taking up residence
in their home in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride and
family are busy preparing to move
to their home in Exeter. A farewell
party was held at their home on
Tuesday evening.
A number attended the funeral of
the late Mrs, Win. Wagner in Zurich
on Sunday afternoon.
in contact with the savv, causing in-
juries to his thumb requiring stitches
Mrs. C. 5. Hudson, well known
Hensall resident, suffered painful in-
juries to her wrist when she fell on
the icy pavement while on. her way
to attend the bazaar held in St.
Paul's Anglican church,
1VIrs. Mary Traquair, well known
district resident, who resides a mile
east of Hensall, is a patient at the
Seaforth Hospital, suffering with a
fractured hip, the result of a fall she
suffered in her yard while returning
from the barn to the house.
Cecil Kipfer and Lloyd Brock
prominent Hensall boys returned
home with the Essex •Scottish Regi-
ment 'recently, after spending some
time overseas.
Mrs. -Wm. Davidson returned to
her home after a pleasant visit with
relatives in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Gram and
Betty Lou of Chicago, were visitors
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ges-
Gam. -
R. Brintnell and Wm. Dobbs, of 1word from England that a legacy
Exeter, and Douglas Triebner, Lon- of
$5,500 had been left to him by a
don returned from a hunting trip, great'
aunt, who passed away several
with a bear and &O cubs. The bear
months ago.
was shot by Dobbs and the cubs by
Brintnell and Triebner. • To Be County Representative
Taking No Chances Miss Connie Morris, Asheleld Twp.
Mr. Percy Harris, east Of Hensel). is to be Huron County's representat-
' h National 4-H Club confer-
Mr. and Mrs. Harrold Elliott have
returned to Windsor for the winter
months. They were accompanied by
the latter's mother, Mrs. Mosso?, of
Nursing Sister Hazel Usher has -re-
terned home from overeeas and is
el4ting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Ilaeeh, Brucefield.
Grieve—Elliott who is the owner of 1,000 .tue eee, iv. at.
At St. John's Church, Varna, Lil- which he is preparing for .the Christ-. mice• in Chicago, Dec. 2-6 when 33
Ban Elliott, second daughter of Mr. mas market, is taking no ..clianets Ontario boys and girls will jom 1,000
end Mrs. .11oeton Elliott, ,Stanley, with them. Every night he. eleeps in U.S. 4-H 'Club members. The Caned -
became the bride of Frandis Grieve, the colony house with a shotgun tan .delegates win the trip on their
only son of Mrs Grieve and the late handy, and will shoot . More than ,elnle work in agriculture or home ec-
James Grieve of .Seaforth. Rev. Mr. turkeys if need be. .. - onomics over a period of years. Con -
Holmes oficiated at the ceremony nie has Completed the following pro -
and Mrs. Edith Long of London pla-
yed the music. The bride -was attend-
ed by her sister-inlaw, Mrs. Alvin
Elliott, of Brantford, and the groom
was attended by Alvin Elliott, bro-
ther of the bride. During the signing
of the register, Fred Willis of Sea -
forth, brother-in-1E1w of the groom,
sang "Because". The guests were
ushered- by Roy Elliott. Immediately
Squadron Loader !LI in Ieeseen-
berry, son of Mr. enre d :iBrace
Boseenberry, el (an.: em hes.
been a warded the 7:e; inguished
Flying Cross, 'accoe,lier to a letter
received from Ottawa reeently. Squ-
adron Leader Bossenberry received
his discharge from the airfoice
September and is now at Grand Bend
Four other Western Ontario officers
also received the Distinguished Fly-
ing Croes. The citation issued by R.
C.A.F. authorities, reads as follows:
"The following officers have complet-
ed in various capacities numerous
operations against the enemy in the
courage of which they have invari-
ably displayed the utmost fortitude
courage and devotion to duty."
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
residence in the home recently pur-
cha.sed from Mrs. E. 1VIeyers.
Honor Baseball Team
Goderich Lions Club were hosts to
their juvenile baseball teana winners
of the W.O.A.A. ehampionship. Guy
Emmerson, chairman of the boys and
girls' cominittee, had charge of the
Dashwood Man Fined
Christian Anderson pleaded guilty
to supplying beer to minors and was
fined $10 and costs or 30 days in
jail. His home was declared a pub-
lic place, A charge of illegal possess-
ion of beer was withdrawn.
No Tax Returns
GoderiCh—Charged with failing to
make income tax returns in 1941-2-3
Harold McPhee and Len D. Watson;
were fined $25 and costs each after
their counsel, - W. A. Sutherland, en-
tered a plea of guilty. Kenneth Hun-
ter was counsel for the department.
Got. Windfall From 'England
Temas Walker of Exeter, had a
• leasant surprise when he received
Thursday December 611 1945
Clinton Mail Carrier Passes
IVforley Cecil Jordan, mail carrier
of B.R. 1, Clinton, died suddenly in
1 Wolves Invade J3arnyard
his 52nd year. He was a son of the
late Samuel Jordan and was born
near Harriston, corning to 'Clinton
over 30 years ago. For a number of
years he was engaged in the grocery
business along with his mail route.
In the eat 30 years it is said he nev-
er failed to serve his route. He is
survived by his wife a daughter and
a brother.
A newly born calf was the victim
of what le believed to be a pair of
wolves, which invaded Gordon Barg-
e's 'barnyard, in the Lucknow dist-
rict. As he was starting for the barn.
he sighted the pair who boldly stood.
their ground. He got the gun and
fired into one of the animals, but
it made off with its mate and before
he could reload they were out of
range, heading for the lake. The
calf was dead in the barnyard.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Denomme
of Dashwood were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Masse of the Blue Water south.
Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, Sr., of Beaver -
town is spending a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey
Jr. at Blake.
Mrs. A. Brisson of the 14th Con-
ceesion spent Sunday with Mrs. Jno.
Mr. Hector Laporte of the Blue
Water north ie having his buildings
wired for Hydro this week and they
will also modernize thole buildings
with the latest equipment.
On Sunday morning'. last in St.
Jeeeph Parish Church ,the marriage
of Leis Armond Masse end Arvina
• Jared.; of London, was solermieed by
Fetber 'Robert. Breal:fa-f. was serv-
ed at the home of the groom in St. 300 and 400 lbs.
Joeeph to the family and after spelt.: Miss Mae McNaughton of Toronto
dine a few hours with- the family,* spent the week -end. with her parents
Mr.• and Mrs. L. IVICNaughton.
Bert. Dinnin of Toronto was a
visitor with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs
. Allan Townsend, an employee of
Welsh's saw mill, had his hand. come
following the ceremony a reception
and dinner was held at "The Little
Inn", Bayfield. The guests were re-
ceived by the bride's mother, and by
Mrs. Grieve, mother of the groom.
For travelling the bride Changed to
a gold wool suit with brown access-
ories. Guests were ,present from
Richmond Hill, Oekville, Sudbury,
Brantford, Kitchener, Stratford,Lon-
don and Seaforth.
Has 93rd Birthday
Mrs. Catherine Baker of town cel-
ebrated her 93rd birthday quietly:at
her the home of her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff,
Sunday last. Mrs. Baker, a native of
Kitchener, has resided in Cranbrook,
Goderich, Exeter and Hensall, She
is very active and spends much time
braiding mats. She has a family of
two sons, Wm. of Goderict; Leo of
Windsor and a daughter, Mrs. Pfaff,
of Hensall, also 18 grand children
and 12 great grand children.
Mrs. Mary Simpson returned to her 1
home here, after spending several
months in the West.
Bill Parke, jack and Ed. -Corbett,
Dave, George and Jim Sangster, Ho-
ward and Leonard Noakes, shot a
deer recently which dreskd between
they left for Windsor, • Detroit and
other points, on their return they'
evil reside on the groom's farm.
gleose in attendance from a distance
were, the A.lissee Julette and Antion-
ette Masse of London, the Messrs.
jects: three years of Garden Brigade
week; "'The Club Girl Stands on.
Guard:" "Clothes Closets Up-to-date'
and "Sleeping Garments."
Unconscious on Highway
, Evelyn Broderick of Exeter was
picked up in an unconscious con-
dition on No. 4 Highway just north
of Exeter. He was found to be suff-
ering from a fractured skive, a nasty
scalp wound- and concussion. It was
•thought that he mighthave been
struck leer a motorist. Later it was
eati and Disabled Aaimais
Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15
found that he had boarded tee trail -
DISTRICT NEWS er attached to a car going from Exe-
ter and when he attempted to alight
Moved to Exeterfrom the moving vehicle he was hur-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire nave mo- led to the cement .pavement, evident-
ved to Exeter from their farm near ly without the driver of the car not -
Woodham ,and have takeri up their icing what was happening.
ee. 111111111111110111111111111
Fez -
e. ---...--
'Friday,HMI mg ow 11111 111 RH 11 --ilmism ageneamminillti.wiriri, mowommimmok—
December 7th 1.30 pm.
, ..._
SPEAKERS -4. D. DitacLEOD, Toronto, Sec. -Treasurer, Ont-
ario Crop Improvement Association. ;.. .....
ALEX. M. STEWART, Ailsa Chang; Past President of
Ontario Crop Improvement Association.
It", 111 ;4,e; ,ImEnlged and coedaeted ley Cable that malted up the musical
eetthee for ".Ceriadian Cavnleade," Mmulays, at 8.00 pare, over the CSC
Trane-Cemed'an networe. A graduate of the Toronto Conservatory of
Music!, the young Mr. CablP arranged for and led danee orchestras before
erefeing hi.g 1.942 debut in broadcasting—a field in which he is now a leader,
ur.nay.i.mtvrxx.nrarm.--mnseaa..4nuturctooneF.c.v....malt 1...109.14
A R AT t•-!. G A
A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances
on • inferior Gas when you can buy the Best,
Engineered Lubrication.
At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubribatien; . using 7
kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch our trained:
Attendants Grease Cars.
Expert Repairing
We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear. Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms, Zurich's Finest' and Most Up -To-
. Date Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your. Car
Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in Coamection,
ftwomersonAam;m*....— nelbelitql=,0.4ik
will be yours—if you are willing
to fight for it today! Bricks may
build a house, but to build a home
you need more than bricks! You
need security—a job—a future! And
these depend on a Canadian dollar
that will always buy a full dollar's
worth of goods—a steady, sound
dollar that's not pulled down to
half its value by inflation! That's
why it's necessary NOW—more than
ever now—for all of us to fight and
work to keep that dollar worth a
Why is it so important NOW?
Because now is the time civilian goods
are scarce, and money is plentiful.
NOW is the time we must guard
against paying MORE than things
are worth — . or buyitig things we
don't really need, We must support
rationing, observe price ceilings, and
avoid black markets. If we do this,.
we can keep prices from shooting
sky high. If we don't, some day we'll
be paying a dollar for fifty cents'
worth of goods. This means your
dollars—those dollars you've saved
to buy your home—will only be worth
fifty cents! This is inflation!
And after inflation comes depres-
sion! We know what happened after
the last war! It mustn't be allowed to
happen again. That's why, for our
own sakes, and for the sake of the
returned men to whom we owe a job,
a future, a borne of their own—we
must make sure Canada's dollar re:
mains steady. We nWt keep up a
constant 'fight against our country's
enemy—inflation t
Make this Pledge Tod.ayi
1 pledge myself to do my part
in fighting inflation :
By observing rationing and avoiding
black markets in any shape or
By respecting price controls and other
anti-inflation measures, and re-
fraining from clueless and unneces-
sary buying. I will no buy two
where one will do, nor will I buy
a "new" where an "old" will do.
By buying Victory Bonds, supporting
taxation and abiding
by all such measures
which will lower the
cost of living and
help keep prices at a
normal level.
Published by THE BRIMING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO> to reveal the ttatl„ers of iodation. fnAtno