HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-12-06, Page 1• Established .190.0 rp r..w::.r.,• a sIT A IO, TI THURSDAY MORNUIG etty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS- -The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very lateat can methods and - quipment. An.d besides all this as our years of _ snerience in all Hair Deeeaing. GIVE US A CAU.] • Phone 68 four your Apneintr ente MRS. EDW. GASCtitJ,, Znrich Pe EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL C UI,''CH �.m C. B. Hschanderas, Tauten • Mrs. M. Chemin Orgamiet SUNDAY SERVICES ,.1,IS:.a.m: Divine Worship. 1:11 a.m. Church wool $180 rviceo. ST. PETER'S t evangelical Lutheran Church: ZURICH — E. W. Heiannaich, Pastor slll aa.m.-Daviaae Servie 31.16 a.m.—eSnnday Sch• 7.30 Divine Worship. C'gEweryboily Welcome so Saralce° Are You Suffering From Hese+? • so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasse.$ at Reasonable Prices V's Beauty Shoppe VERA C. DECKER We wish to imform our Patrons and Customers that ou•1" Beauty Shop is now sspert for Burin. 'nSERVICE, IS OUR MOTTO" AB Lines of Beauty Culture. Telephones: Exeter 112. Zurich 197 COMFORTABLE gassEs DOROTHY G. REEDER REASONABLE '.ICES E. Zurbrigg R.O. OPTOMETRIST of EXETER 'The Newest Approved ! eel teff . ,'eyesight Testing Used. `fin even Week Day Except Wedresedege CHICKS co - 4 DC177Vd.y,E 6 45 . IN MEMORIAM Wurm — Catherine Wurm -- In loving and cherished anemory of our dear little Mother who passed away nineteen years ago, December 10th,' 192.6. The rolling stream of life rolls on,' But- still the vacant chair, Recalls the love, the voice, the smile Of one who 'once sat there. Beyond the sunset she has gone, Still memory lingers on. —Loving Children,. CARD OF THANKS The 'bereft Family of the late Mrs. Annie Wagner wish to extend their sincere thanks to their friends and neighbours in their .recent bereave- ment. Also Rev. E. Heimrich and the church Choir for their kindness. GOVERNMENT APPROVED Produced by Monkton Poultry Farms .Orders solicited for all breeds. $11.00 per 100 Chieks with bookor- ders. $1 er- $1.00 per 100 deduction on all or- ders before March 1st to be della- ' ered :any date. Apply to. , _ KENNETH ETUE, R.R. 2, Zurich, Phone 98 r 13 CORSAGES "MY SOUL DANCED" Gilda Gray's Own Story The "shimmy queen's" Own flam- ing story of how she turned the world to worshipping at her dancing feet starts in the American Weekly with this Sunday's (Dec. 9) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. In Her Own Words, she reveals the intim- ate secret of her life. Get Sunday's Detroit Times. FOR DANCES. DECORATING FOR WEDDINGS AR.TIFICAL WREATHS FOR CEM- • ETRY. CUT FLOWE'RIS AND POTTED PLANTS FOR CHRISTMAS BAILEYS' FLORISTS -- EXETER 4lr•i +++4-13 44.1 .H° i4e4..gSS+4 s e3 fielen++•F+•i+++++++++++++++ lT ! inn innUral ` a itt Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. 4 (MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 �S3va i FRrc,> Ontario WRITES INTERESTING LETTER 1-11 Trn �� ch 1 aSe A CHESTER L. SMiTH-i, PUBLISHER $1,50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. - Women's Institute The .,Zurich Women.: Institute met in the town hall Monday evening. The meeting opened with the Institute Ode followed by the Lord's Prayer. We then enjoyed community singing. Mrs., Laird Thiel ,favoured us with a comple of guitar solos. Mrs. Merino Oesch gave us a paper on the Life of Dr. Fliger which was enjoyed by all. ,Five of the ladies gave us a short play entitled "Town Gossip." We were then favoured by a couple of numbers by a quartette of four lad- ies, 'Miss Pauline Uttley as pianist. The meeting closed with a social half hour;+ while the committee served a delicious lunch. Farm Forum , e Unique Farm Forum met at the `home of Henry Schilbe with 23 prekent. The topic being "Are Farm People healthy." The discussion went as ollows: We are not nutritionally well ; fed as one man said "we would vetoer eat what we like and die yo g than live." School lunches car be improved by hot drinks and senting a properly, balanced lunch or by providing hot lunches at the sch(Jl. Some of diseases due to soil and water sources are goitre and cola. The main health needs in our co" nunity are dental care and a deist, medical: care and a doctor, als adult education on health. The nex . meeting will be 'aheld' at ; Mr. Be '• Klopp's. The topic` being "What ale it health insurance. With Mrs. Delbe n'Geiger .as convener. .. ZUH Lr a NS ..; CLUB Mrs. William Schrag who resides a short distance north of Zurich sent the following interesting letter to the Canadian Countryman "It seems that all we hear about these days is Strikes! .Strikeel and more Strikes! "More. spay for 'less. work!" I often wonder what' all these strikers think (I doubt if they think much,., •or - deeply) when 'then�. vote to strike for their demands. Do they honestly believe their action.' justified? Do they really think they` are getting less than their share of the income of the nation as a whole? Do they forsee the result of their demands, if .met, upon the economic life of the country? Or are they de- termined to get all they can at the present moment, regardless? "Apparently the only large group in the country not in a striking mood is the farm population. The farmer seems to be satisfied. He is enjoying a position of economic parity — a position in which his returns for a 112 -hour day (plus the hours contri- buted by his wife and children) aTe equal to the returns of the industrial laborer for his 8 -hour day. eteletei-e+++444-terrielefelelee404446W eeteFe++ +; +++++++•9P+++++^,l..l + 2 +. A9 lilllllk li)111 AMIL`.. L ili au �, no op. gl irfla foga. -alp otf{": ;. eer When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit eux Stare, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some limes are at times hard to get, et cats. keet to pnrehe ae our supplies from the kading 'supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fraits i saes on; Canned Goods, and manly other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced -. � Oesch PRODUCE WANTED. .iijn11111)41.1 4,j11'?{oe Zurich Phone 165 3iit '101171 1'►1t, 10.11(11111111i111i'Ai1li iflbill.1111: •`<$i S` ",Let us assume that all these. groups have a moral right to 'a 30 per cent wage increase and a 40 -hour week." Du they not concede to all the non -striking groups the same right? Let us be fair and square and increase the income of every person in. the country by 30 per cent and cut their working hours to 40 per week. Are we any better off'? Even a moron could see that we would be in a worse position. Our export trade would suffer if all prices were in- creased by 30 per cent. The non - farming population would most cer- tainly be half-starved if the farmer worked 40 hours per week instead of the 100 hours which he (and his family) spend on the farm work at present. "If industry were able, by more efficient management --- up-to-date machinery—increased output, etc., to offer to pay increase, it would be much better and fairer to reduce the price of all manufactured articles. thus benefitting the consumer. That world be helping every man, wog on and child in the country. dint is lowered in price, the demand for it is increased, export, are in- creased, and the entire industry ytiin- ulated. The Zurich. Lions Club enjoyed their supper meeting as guests at the Dominion House on Monday ev- ening, with a good attendance. Two servicemen Mr. Peters and Mr. Masse were guests, and the other invited guests were Mr T. Harr- Hoffman of Dashwood, who surely livened up the meeting with song; and Lion Hal Meir, barrister of Seaforth, ac- companied by his son, were present. Mr. Meir who is .an enthusiastic Lion gave a very inspiring address on "Industrial iOppoxtunities", he urg- td the Zurich Lions to make out a .complete list of all the industrial possibilities of Zurich and when com- pleted to send this list in to the Pro- vincial Government, who will give it due consideration. As at the pres- ent time there are many demands of supplying things to European coun- tries, and perhaps Zurich will get something out of it. A board fence is being erected around the newly filled in skating rink, 'as well as new dressing rooms erected. OBITUARY HESS, GODDESS of TIME 17 jewels 5331 CONVENIENT TERMS rt s,®inmiw t THE JEWELLER For positive identification the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL . Miller Creek Coala Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone i 0 - Hensall 4400044100444.4044004400014 0400 1.404404.0000000444 44 1 Late Annie Brenner The community was shocked on Friday, November 30th, when word was released that Mrs. Annie Bren- ner, beloved wife of the late Win. C. Wagner had passed away after a very brief illness which lasted only a day or so. She was up and around doing her daily work when she be- came 11) on Thursday, and needed medical attention, but complications set in so rapidly that she passed a- way before any assistance could be given. She was in her 72nd year. Mrs. Wagner, with her husband who died nearly two years ago, farmed north of Zurich, known as Wagner's Corner until about 30 years ago when they moved to Zurich, and shortly after purchased the place where they both passed away in, and we1e en- gaged in operating a store of con- fections, etc., and the departed with her jowl and jolly disposition, bad made many friends far and near, v h rill indeed rnai=;- her. Surviving' are two soatA, Leonard. of Znetcr, and Theodore of Guelph; a brother, Bohn Decline i f Zurich; three antes , Sinn Wm. Hess and Mrs. Louis Weber of Zurich; Mrs. W. H. Bender of Grand Bend, who is spending the winter in lrlorida. 'the funeral which was largely attended was held on Sunday afternoon, with a public service at 'at. Peter's Lutheran cemetery. In- terment followed in St. Poter';s cem- etery. Rev. Ill, Heinrich, the Pastor With prices; as a result of free competition, 1e ore'• -i. loc and 10W - OT, all workers would enjoy a con- tinuously rising: str'.lard of liV' O even though their money wages TO- mained at a stationery level. "Wouldn't that be a ho.npy situa- tion In conclusion, will say I are against the "closed fihop"----for free' trade, and believe that if all people practised true ('hris`ionic•v, the world 1�•, would enjoy a continually expanding 'bre for the imagination to conceive." officiating. prosperity nrosl•erity such as is repose Funeral Service Westlake - Brokenshire comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent Phone 158, Zurich Day and Night Service O•p•04a600064ea a®00600e**ie00+k 10444.44+4+++++++4•14.++++++ +++ +++.+++++++.1..14.++++++4'++ +++4-c••i••;.f..i.•i+•1 F•+•'r++4,•i444 P01uiek Sale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. 0. KALBFL L TSCH & SON ▪ - ZURICH Phone 69 * fi den++++•F+ 4.+++ ++•Nit ingni e .i..f<+++44. eees .:ene.3.e a++•0 O Y ? • .. We are Salesmen foil the Fra: ` us New WE ALWAYS CARRY A GOOD LINE OF DRY GOODS, HARD- WARE, PAINTS, CLOTHING FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. ONLY FRESH GROCERIES KEPT IN STOCK. The "laky Siore E. sCHWAt TZENTRUBER, PROP, MADE WITH THE ALL. SIZES IN STOCK F 4"t ELIGIBLE BUYERS