HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-11-22, Page 4°v1%Yr 1, MITA ` ZURICH HE1 0 e s 4 • Huron Farmers' Co -Operative R. J. C00'I'ER, MANAGER � HENSALL, Phone X15. iteto•.600•r•9oloavaP••••+bode• eoe eseensoao,..• > NOTICE WE HAVE RECENTLY APPOINTED MR. JOHN INGRAM OF HENSALL, AS CO.OPERATIVE SKIPPER FOR HEN- SALL AND ZURICH DISTRICT. ANYONE INTERESTED IN SHIPPING CATTLE, CALVES OR SHEEP FROM ,HEN- SALL BY RAIL PLASE CALL HENSALL 53-43 AND AR- RANGE TO HAVE A TRUCK CALL FOR 1T A SHIPMENT OF BINDER TWINE HAS ARRIVED. 1 • • •i i 0 • BLAKE A uuniber of the neighbours and :friends and family living in this dis- trict of Mr. and Mrs Robert Mc- Bride of Kippen,; former residents df the Goshen Line, attended the golden wedding held at their home in honor of their wedding day on Saturday and also a dinner on Monday evening for their own family. A goodly number from this vicin- ity attended the auction sale of Mr. Samuel Ropp near Hensall on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore spent a week -end in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. B. Faber and fam- ily of Kippen visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Finlay. St. Joseph and Beaver Town or more candidates qualifying dor office than are necessary to be elect- ed an election will be held Monday, Deeember 3rd. This will be a public meeting and it is hoped there will be a splendid attendance of interest- ed citizens and ratepayers who are interested in the affairs of the village Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans of Wat- erloo were visitors 'at the home of her parernts, Mr. and Mr.s R. Y. MacLaren. Miss Florence sSchwalrn of London visited with her mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm, M. and Mrs. Basil Edwards have moved into their home on Queen .St. Mrs. Ann Berry, Toronto, is enjoy- ing a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Bolton and other friends., Mrs. • George Hess spent a few days in Detroit. Miss June !Saundercock of London was a visitor with her mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Miss Helen McNaughton of Tor- onto was a visitor with her parents here. Mr. A. L. Case has returned after a week's holidays. Boxes for Overseas The time is here to ship boxes to the •Hensali boys overseas. This •wor- thy project being attended to by by the local Women's Institute in conjunction with the Wartime Com- mittee. As formerly, donations of sugar for the provision of candy will be gratefully accepted. Anyone de- siring to provide cookies or any other gifts for the boxes may contact Mrs. Beer, Mrs. J. Paterson, Miss Gladys Luker or any of the Institute memb- ers. McKenzie—Brodhagen First Lutheran Parsonage, Logan, was the scene 'of a charming wedding when Gladys Idella Kathleen Brod hagen, daughter of Mr. and firs. Miss Jacqueline Parker left for Henry Brodhagen; of Mitchell, be - London where she has taken a posit- came the bride, of Kenneth Peter ion with the R. Simpson 'Co. McKenzie of Kippen. Given in mar - Mrs. H. Elsden, who visited her ridge by her father, the charming sister in Toronto has returned to be with her daughter, Mrs. 1j. C. Holm- es at the rectory. LAC. Fred Weston returned to Centralia after spending a week's furlough at his home here. Mrs. 0. W. Ryhnas has moved in- to her home on Clan Gregor Square. Mrs. Lloyd Makins who underwent a foot operation in •Clinton hospital, is recuperating at her home. Harry Darrow has returned from Clinton Hospital, much improved in health. Mrs. R. H. Middleton of Hensall, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. R W. Woods, for a few days. Mrs. Randall Pepper and daughter of Warren, Ont., were guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stepp ensan. Miss (Lorna Westlake of Hespler, was .avisitor with her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. W. Westlake. White and yellow mums adorned the altar. The bride's father gave her in marriage. Her long gown was of white net over satin and she wore a hero length veil of delicate illusion caught in a little white feather head- dress and carried red roses. Attend- ants were her sisters, Norah and Madeline, in long white gowns, the foormer having a rose veil, the latter with blue. They carried yellow roses. Maxime Durand, was his brother's best man and Robert Taylor, broth- er of the bride, was the usher. The reception was held at the Catholic Culture Centre, where Mrs. Taylor received the guests, wearing a flowered jersey gown with brown accessories. The honeymoon was spent in Detroit and elsewhere. The bride traveled in a brown tailored suit with muskrat topcoat and brown accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Durand will reside in this dis- trict. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Corriveau of the Parr Line; Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris Masse of Dashwood were Sunday visitors in St. Joseph with their par- ents. Mr. Wm. Wessing of London,spent a few days with his family on the Blue Water north. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sopha of Detroit spent the week -end with their parents on the Blue Water north. The Misses Juliette and Antionette Masse of London spent Sunday un - dee the parental roof in St. Joseph. We understand that some more cot- tages are being erected in the south- ern portion of Beavertown. This has become a necessity in order to meet the demand of summer patronage; thus speaking well of C. 0. Smith and Sons' summer resort. The New Survey We believe that in the not too distance future the New Survey site and Beavertown will be annexed as becoming one of the nicest sites on the boarders of Lake Huron; it be- ing well situated with a few nods off the Blue. Water Highway and being noted for one of the best in the Pwo- •since. Summing up 'all the good, points there is no reason to believe any different. The new cottage en the new site is nearing completion. But owing to the advanced season, there will likely not be any more started this fall. Receive Sad News O•n Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon A. Cantin of St. Joseph, received the sad news from San Francisco, Cal., that their son Charles had fell on the boat and was accid- ently killed. Young Charles who had enlisted in the U.S. Navy had return- ed. from Japan with a troop boat, from that point was due for furlough The body will be sent hone and in- terment will be in the parish ,Cem- etery at St. iPeter's. Further details are not as yet available at time of writing. And in this just and noble ,cause. much sympathy is extended to the !Cantin Family of St. Joseph. BAYFIE.LD County celebrated their golden wed- school sections will each name a air - ding at their attractive home, Maple ector, and the Secy named. of Grove Farm, on No. 8 Highway,' Miss Isabel MaeBeth, daughterGoderich Township. A family dinner Mrs. Malcolm MaeBeth, of Milverton, party was served at the Park' House, and former principal of the Merlin Goderich. They were at home to their! Continuation school, is going to Nas- many friends in the evening. Both sae. She is one of three Canadian the bride and groom of 50 years are'teachers chosen for the Bahamas, the members of families who pioneered other two being Miss Dorothy Mac- on the Maitland concession of •God- I Kenzie, Kincaadine, and Miss Irene ' erich Twp. The were married in the Morris, of Kincardine Township• Anglican Church at 'Clinton on Nov- ember 5, 1895. Organist Resigns At a meeting •of the official board of the James !St. United church, Exe- ter, the resignation of Mrs. Pearl Murdoch was accepted to take place after iChristmas. A resolution was passed expressing appreciation of her service. •A Iconnnittee was appointed to secure another organist, and also a new lighting system. DRYSDALE Ir. and Mrs. Mervin Manley, of Stratford, spent the week --end with the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Durand—Taylor In an attractive ceremony at St. Patrick's church Saturday last. Marie Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Taylor. Childers street, London, became the bride of Philip Durand, son of lir. and Mrs. Louis Durand, of Drysdale, RPV. 1'. D. Lae/less offi- eated. Lorne 1)eromme was soloist. GRAND BEND Officer In Accident Traffic Officer Frank Taylor,. of Clinton, was in a motor :accident a mile south of Hensall on No. 4 High- way. He had stopped to warn a mot- orist who was travelling without lights on a trailer when his car was run into in the rear by one driven by I ine council ,at its October meeting, Wm. Webber, R.R. 3, Exeter. The , instructed the town solicitor to take police car was ,damaged to the ex- i steps necessary to the submission to tent of about $45 while tee front of I the voters of the municipality the Webber's car was damaged to several question, "Are you in favor of 'the times that much. establishment of a Govt. store for Receives Word of Son's Grave the sale of liquor under the Liquor Mrs. Frank Triebner, of ,Stephen, ion Control e?"Deer ifs in c nnecte t - Township, has received from the De- ; holding p National Defence at ranged. 'Thursday, Novenubeer 22nd, 194 Dies At Clinton The death in his 82nd year, • of Col. Hugh Barry Combe, V.D., May- orClin- in !1.929-30-31 and one of Clin- ton's oldest and most highly respect- ed residents, is deeply regretted. He was widely known in milistcry circles having entered the service at the age o 1�6' years and having organized and taken overseas the 161st Huron Bat- talion, C.E.F., in the last war. He also was prominent in public and bus- iness affairs, having been one of the organizers of the Clinton Knitting Co., one of the town's largest ind- ustries, forty years ago. To Vote on Liquor Question Climaxing lengthy discussions over a period of several months, Kincaid - bride looked attractive, with Miss Doris Brodhagen, sister of the .bride, as bridesmaid. Mrs. Harold k.Cudmore sister of the groom, was matron of honor. The groom's attendants were Joe McKenzie, 'brother of the groom and ,Roy •Brodhagen, brother of the bride. DISTRICT NEWS ZURICH, HERALD Estableshed 1.900., ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY," AFTERNOON FROM THE,. Herald Printing Office.. (Member of Canadian Weekly...New'�•- paper Association.) SUBSCRIPTION RATES--eI.50 a. year, strictly in advance. $2.00 may be charged. No paper' discontinued. until all arrears are pain up, unless. at option of publisher. The. data or which every Subscription is paid Asa donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES In Memoriam., one verse:5Qe.• 25e, for each additional verse. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales --$2.00': fon • one• In- sertion if not over four inches . lea. length. Miscellaneous articles of not, more than four lines. For Sale, ,To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one in— sertion 25c 2 ins. 40e; 3 ins, 511c. Contract advertising made knewsin on application. Address all Communications: -toe artment of atrona e Ottawa a letter with several photo- graphs of the grave of their son, Parcels for Overseas The Exeter Wartime Committee recently packed and shipped 83 par- cels of Christmas cheer to those in the service overseas from the • dis- trict. Trooper Edward C. •Triebner, sent by Miss Denise V. Ooteghem, of Assen- ede, Belgium. The Canadian military cemetery to which the letter refers that Edward's body has been remov- ed is evidently that which is being established at Odegem, some 10 miles east of Bruges.—Exeter 'Times -Ad- vocate. Married 61 Years Mr. and airs. J. M. Govenlock Seaforth .celebrated the 61st anxdver- sary of their wedding at their home both are in excellent health and very active every day. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright of Exe- ter, wish to announce the engage- ment of their dauhgter, Marion Eli- zabeth, to Harold Addison Clarke, only son of 1VIr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke of Winchelsea, the wedding to take place on Dec. 15, in the James Street United Church, Exeter at 2 p.m. To Open Dental Office Major Arthur W. Irwin formerly of Wingham has received his dis- charge from the Royal Dental Corps after serving over five years, He will re -open his dental office in the Hydro building, Wingham. Much Used Clothing The total amount of used clothing packed in Exeter for shipment over- seas amounted to !14,024 pounds. The collection and packing was sponsored by the Exeter Lions Club and .the Red Cross; the various Red Cross un- its doing a splendid work. Had Riotous Halowe'en Lucknow had a rather riotous Hal- lowe'en, as a result of which about a dozen youths of the village and district were summoned to police court. Large Owl Shot An owl with 64 -inch wing spread was bagged by Orville Shewfelt •a1; his Kincardine Twp, home after h. e found it marauding a Hock of chick- ens. The bird was the largest shot in the district for some time, and had been the object of repeated ,at- tempts on the part of Mr. Shewfelt with the gun. Lions to Improve Park At a recent meeting of !Goderitch Lions Club, the members approved a committee recommendation that Vic- toria Park should be improved for a children's playground, and, as an initial step, the ground levettect, top •,ail added and seeded down, at an estimated cost of $1,000. The late- ness of the season may prohibit the a ork being started this fall, Spon oring New :Rink MVlitehell LionsClub has decided to sponsor the erection of a new skate ing sink and community centre bail- ding as soon as the project can be undertake/le With this in view they intend to visit various centres with huil:lirl;;.; such as they contemplate. The old arena was purchased a few years ago by the Lions When, it was in clanger of. demolition. It has since served its purpose but is not suitable for the needs of the community as it is not possible to adrgtately repair it. A community building is also a nocessity in the town. Had Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. ,Geon e Lalthw•aite widely k;n;c►w.ii a�asKtVitts of TIllrof Red Cross Annual At the annual meeting of the Grand Bend Unit of the Red Cross .Society held recently, its members heard very encouraging reports of the year's woork. Total receipts for the year amounted to $1,955.83. During the years since its organiza- tion in the fall of 1939 this unit has raised .a total of $8,226. This year the unit completed and sent to the Exeter Branch a large amount of articles. The election of officers for the'. coming year resulted as follows: President, J. W. Holt; 1st vice pies., Mary Yeo; 2nd vice pres., Marjorie Desjardine; sec-treas., Helen Wal - per; social convenor, Mrs. M. Mason; press seey,, Mrs. Emery Desjardine. The Unit made plans at this meeting for their annual community sale to be held early in December. -IENSALL A nomination meeting will be held fn .Hensall Town 'Hall, Friday even- ing November 23rd from 7 to 8 •o'clock, for the purpose of nominat- ing candidates for office ter Reeve and Councillors, 3 public school trus- tees and one public utilities commis - loner for year 1946. In event of one nem, VE'T'ERAN Helen Jannras, SIMS i,:.hinci i.he fsk'ir line .at Cae,sino in the loyal Can- adian Army Medical Corp-, and in Troland l'o? the German surrender, is now tetablished at t;'1TC's `i"oxo nto :st;tdi, is whore ::he assists producer Reid •10en. ee• ie tl,c' Balks department. Mae ;fames was with an adverbM,.tg • irm before ging overse ; lit 10;42•.0, _. _ Father Dies Dr. J. G. Dunlop, Exeter, was in Wallaceburg attending the funeral of his father, James Dunlop, aged 77, a well known farmer of Dover Town- ship, who died at the family resid- ence. Deceased was a member of the United Church at Dover Centre. Sur- viving are two sons, Dr. Dunrop of Exeter and Donald at home, a dau- ghter, of Chatham and also a broth- er survive. The Late Miss Sterling There passed away at the home of her niece, Mrs. Minnie Smith in Eg- mondville, Miss Louisa Sterling, fol- lowing' a long illness. She eras born on the 4th con. of ,Goderich Twp., later moving to Colb•ourne Twp. and for many years was a tailoress in Buffalo. For a number of years she had made her home in Harriitton, and for the past two years lived in !Seaforth and Egmondville. iShe is survived by one brother, William `Stirling, of ,Goderich, and two sis- ters. The funeral was held from the Lodge Funeral Home, Goderich. Heads Federation At the annual meeting of the Mc- Killop Federation of Agriculture, held recently, Robert W. McMillan was elected president for the coming year, and Sam Scott vice president. The 1945 officers will carry on until the end of the year, when the various HERALD• OFFICE, ZURICH.. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seeforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) ,1101.11.1111 KLOPP S ONE s STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch our trained Attendants Grease Cars. Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor,. Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up -To - Date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in Connection. r Indians Celebrate Opening Banff -Windermere Road e `h Indians, gaily caparisoned, await the judges' pleasure. 2. Lieutenant Governor Nichol smokes the pipe ' peace—to the delight of the oldest members of the tribe (3). 4. Car-No-Sic-Blnteet and the Indian chief. ' VIRE Indian, though reticent and undemonstrative, Jt, is ever ready to show his appreciation of the fact that the pale face is a friend, a brother to him. More often than not, he takes advantage of his fetedays to show this appreciation and good -will in simple ceremonies which hpnor the white man by bestowing upon him the name of one of their own, and a seat in their family and council circles. The opening of the Banff -Windermere Motor High- way on ,lune 30th occasioned the gathering of a large member of Kootenay Indians from various reserves, at Ineermere, 13,C. Here they entertained and were entertained by a host of visitors to the district who, having attended the opening ceremonies were easily induced. by the'•ores of the country to stay for a kw days. Oiethis occasiion. the Kootenays honored Lieutenant Governor W, C. Nfd of of B.C.,who had officiated, with 11da• dant C'l,grornor 3rett ft Alberta, at the opezlillgrr by making him an honorary chief of their tribe. Robe.; t; Randolph Bruce, a leader in Windermere and Kootenae development was also asked to enter the circle, and after the smoking of the ceremonial pipe and listening to the liturgy in the Kootenay language, was'dressed me all the panoply of power, head-dress and beaded clothes, and accepted into the tribe as full chieftain, being giver+, the name of Car-No-Sic-Klmeet, which signifies "lied Sky",, after a famous council chief of the tribeewho hes long since passed away. Mr truce. expressed his pleasure in a largesse of tobacco and a gift of a one -hundred dollar bank note for the. celebration. This being over the sports were resumed disci prizee were awarded to the best-eost:litgecl Indien an foot, the best costumed squaw, the best caparisoned Indian •a horseback, and to others for neatness of tepees and the best travoisandl papoose in baby trap, and 10rtta demonstratedskill in athletic sports. I