HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-11-15, Page 54. BUSINESS CARDS WANTED KIA.S11 FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. TWo-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Cradle ten 47r1.5, coiled. Jack Wil- FOR QUICK SALE liam P.T. 4-6-'41 Baby Buggy, pram style in good condition. For particulars apply to Herald Office. mooment.mstsCsionumasmainisteltouprohlamimaplisiMiliallitin WANTED Carpenters, Labourers for large building proje•ct. Also helpers in Planing Mill and Office Boy.—F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Zurich, Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column,. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex • 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct stny Auction Sale, regardless u to size or article to sell. 1 solidt year business, and it not esthete& will make no charges for Services Ron - Seised. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 VETERINARIA.N Die W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc vETERINA.RY SURGEON Otiee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Dross Store Phone -96. Zurich BUTCHERS ZurichB' Popular Wiri4AT MARK T Let Us supply you With the Choice of Fresh and Celle, very ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages,1 get" always on hand. Kept ! PUBLIC MEETING fresh in Electric Refrigeration J sFhaa Air....ehweioi.de, teicTilsg_oaonfd Sp patrons of Huron special interest to Ilighest Cash Prices for Town Hall, ICioailLtHde., will be held in thepe Wool Hides Eknsi Skim on Friday, November 23rd 'at 2. p.m. B1 . _a_ nblut & Sola for tpurpose organization of the Company on al Mrs. Charles Weber, Mr. and IVI he of considering re -1 TS. ...,....„...„..,,,......„*„. Loan Unit basis in place of Share Capital, as at present, 'Vs Everybody 'Welcome PRODUCE John Armstrong, Bertram Klopp, President. Secretary LOST Between Will Schragg'e north of Zurich and Sarepta a box containing men's and childrens' underwear. Fin- der kindly contact Mr. S. M. Peachey LOCAL NEWS .Miss Elda Reichert, Mrs. Henry Adkins and Howard spent a rew days with friends at Detroit. Miss Ilene Miller and Mlss IVIasse of London visited for a few days at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Klopp and Mrs. Earl Yungblut spent the week- end with relatives at Detroit. Mg, and Mrs. Wm. Haugh and daughters; Mr. and Mrs. Uri= Pfile of the 14th con., visited hi London on Friday. Mrs. Mary Miller has returned home after a visit with some of her children at Goderich. Mrs. L. Warnock has returned to her home after spen.ding some time at the home of their daughter near Exeter. M. and Mrs. Theodore Rader of the Goshen Line south and Mre. Wm. S. Johnston of town spent a day at London last week. Miss Patricia O'Dwyer, uurse-in- training at St. Josephie Hospital, London, spent a few clays at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer. Mr. Bruce Rose of the U.S.A. New Gineau, STRAYED On Lot 20, Con. 3, Hay Townehip, two 2 -year-old steers, one all red, 1 red with white. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ex- penses.—Sydney McArthur, Hensall. NOTICE TO FARMERS OF HAY TOWNSHIP AND DISTRICT , A public IVIeeting will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Wednes- day, November 21st in the interest of Hog Registration and Voting. At 8 o'clock, p.m. 1VIessrs. Charles Coultis, Bert Laub, and Bain Stewart, the Agricultural Representative of Huron, will be present to address the gathering. All Farmers and others interested are urged to attend, NOTICE SILO 1.1 AND Rubbers FOR :COLD AND WET WEATHER LET US SUPPLY YOU 'WITH YOUR NEEDS, WE CARRY A GOOD SELECTION OF DRESS SHOES, WORK BOOTS and 'RUBBER'S for the Entire FAMILY, BUY FROM OUR EARLY SEASON .SUPPLY GOOD SHOE STYLES! GOOD .SHOE VALUES! GOOD !MOE SERVICE - LOWEST CASH PRICES - Navy and late from where he spent the past two years, is visiting with relatives and friends in this district. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mrs Flossie Brown were in London on Friday. The former calling on theie daughter Mae, who is on the Tech- nology staff in. Victoria Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. August Ducharme, and family of Seaforth; and Pte. Cyril Ducharme of Barryfield, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme. Ales. J. A. Addison of 'Clinton, was l i a Tuesday visitor in toven. the Helen; iShapton aged 15, daughter I : Fritz, also called on a few other f ends. ... - gilestStoesppllin, issuffSeerriiOnugsl sfromrill a irin aLondoncc accident of Mrs. W. B. Coxon and Mrs. 'Werd Was Serously Injured 1 ri- . , of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shapton, of f, d daughter Mar- whsitstAichngthoeorkfpaulalceer .wwihtihleunsllsoeadwinasg ttaus: ts Clarence Datas nips •from a wagon in the barn. She 15 ion, visited at the home of Mr. and jumped from the wagon to a part- a Mrs. -Roy Oliver in St. ' Marys on ly filled hay mow and slid to the floor Sunday' and were accompanied home In doing s•o she landed on eop of a 6 6 by 'Mts. Flossie Brown who visited at that place a few -daYa. sb pitalidcr ' 13Sei nsd. She r wascondlinstisohne datt o fitrhste hI : slaorthandled fork which pierced the critical but is now improving. ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES DISTRICT NEWS Store Sold To Ex -Serviceman G. Weber, who has operated a gen- eral store in Monkton for the past forty years, has disposed of his bus- iness to Robert Gaul, of Milverton, who has just recently received his discharge from the RCAF. The store was built in the fall of 1904 and was ready for occupation in Feb. '1905. It was known as the Webber and Bettger store, being run by Mr. We- ber and the late Mr. Bettger. Thursday, November ioni 44.tko-. Do You Know Christ as your Saviour OR WILL YOU MEET HIM AS YOUR JUDGE? "Christ Jesus came into this World to Save Sinners." I Tim.1115 BUT If you do not repent and accept Him as your Saviour some day He will be your Judge. "For the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment unto the Son. " John 5. 22. —"He that believeth on Him (Christ) should not perish but have everlasting life,—but he that believeth not is condemned already. " John 3: 16-18, TUNE IN: CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7,30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Old-fafshioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at various times. Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor Sseselesseesseessee 1 Bilverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry rlave your Eggs Graded our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 - ZURICH: ZOO Creamowy On FOR SALE Colony House almost new 15x20- fte Apply Clarence Hohner, R. R. No. 3, Bayfield. Farm For Sale • weeViiMataligssenor,Q1EgovpseVasINN '3eatecaZa.120tiValtgi.W.WW.V306e0etgniOM mplement tepairs a We have recently received a good supply of Repairs for Farm Equipment, such as Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, Plow Repairs for M -H. No. 7 and Verity Plows; Cultivator Points, Etc. YOUR POULTRY NEEDS Soon the Poulry and Chick season will be with us again, and many supplies which may then be hard to get will be required. Put in your supply now while the supply is here. PEAT MOSS, POUL- TRY LITTER, and CHICK STARTERS are some of theitems you will require. Let us supply you. ORDER YOUR COAL NOW! The Fuel Administrator advises all people to place their orders for next Winter's Fuel as early as they can, to avoid the big rush when it is actually needed Place your order now and don't be disappointed by ordering later. 100 acres good clay loam, some bush, bank barn, driveshed, henhouseesran-se house, hydro, convenient to scnool and village. 50 acres of good soil, good build- ings and nicely situated. -Wm. Pearce Realtor, Exeter, Ont. PIGS FOR SALE IVIesars. Ivan Yangblet, Jacob Rah - ere, Feed .11aberer, J. W. Merner are enjoying the northern country this week in order to locate and bring home a deer each if possible which will greatly help the meat ration sit- uation.' We wsh them much luck. ,Mr. Clayton F. Pfile of Dashwood, has been appointed Choir Director in .St. •Peter's Lutheran Chuech. Mr. Pfile comes highly eecommentied ai he had been choir director in the Dashwood _Lutheran Church f Or 19 years and established a .group of lovely singers in that church, svhch is a credit to any organization. Mr. Earl Flaxbard of town haes purchased a fine building Lot from Mr. Clarence Deters on Louise street and intends to erect a dwelling there- on. This would be a very advisable move to many fans ilies that will be interested in locating in a home the coming months and would help the housing problem to a great extent. Engagement • M. and Mrs. Everett Heist, of Exeter, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Eunice Doretta, to Mr. FrCank Duteet, of Saskatoon, Sask., the marriage to take place quietly November the 1.Ith. Dr. Archie MacKinnon of Guelph spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. M. MacKinnon. OPEN DEER SEASON Good news for .hunters is that there will be an open deer season in the counties of Huron, Bruce and Grey,, from November 19th to Nov. 24th, both days inclusive, making six full daye at which they will be able to hunt deer. Deer have been reported very plentiful in these areas. CELEBRATED BIRTHDAY A very happy event took place on Saturday last, November 3rd, when about seventy guests, mostly relaiivs es gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Durand of the 1.4th Concession, Hay Township to honor and celebrate the 76th birthday of Mrs. Durand's father, Mr.. John Ducharme who resides near Drysdale. .A. very sumptuous dinner was en- joyed, including the traditional birthday, cake which is always a big factor especially in these times of rations and many shortages. A Most enjoyable time was spent and Mr. Du.charme, in his genial way exprsa ed himself that if it is the wish of Providence they hope to have a sim- ilitr celebration ten yestre hence. A- Inong those who attended were his sister 1VIrs. John .Charrette of. the -Blue 'Water Highway; his children:2 sons, Father I. Ducharme Parish Priest of St. Rose Church, Windsor, and who took a very in.orainent pelt. in the event; Soverign Ducharme 0 Windsor; four daughters, Mrs. Ad. olph Sopha, Mrs. Wen. Denomme, Mrs. Morris Durand of Hay Town ship and IW•rs. Lawrence Regier of near Blake, with their husbandand families, also Mrs, •Soverign Dul charms of Windsor, and the varione grandchildren. The happy gathering: canie to a close by wishing Mr. Dti- charm many more years of good health and all the happiness of life. Young pigs about six weeks old for sale. Phone Hensall 07r25—Wai- ter Eckel. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. STRAYED ---- Highest Cash Prices paid plus From pasture farm, Lot 6, . son. 6, , Hay Twp. a 2 -yr. -old all red steer,' a premium for delivered crearr !stub horns. Finder notify Orville Tay - i lor, phone 831123 Hensall, coiled. IN-Ve are equipped to give effi- dent accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in Charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. ----- INSUR AN CE FOR QUICK SALE heating stoves, also a number of good 6 -inch pipes and elbows. Apply at Herald Office. Co/ ED eti 1 1 ese, ss'Isessesassesseeeeseste-Aaeseace 0641G1*Iii fi.t:NfgZgZPVtafgOreMgiVeegMi 1...,11.1.11111•••••••••••,•V WANTED Wood cut on halfs. Apply to Alex Sparks, R.R. No. 1, Bayfield. Western Farmers' utual Weather insurance OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank aiid Bonds. $276,133. • E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH FARMS FOR SALE 50 acres, South Half Lot 27; 100 acres Lot 28, Con., 4,Hay Township. Never failing water supply. Phone 163, Zurich. • ARM FOR SALE On the Blue Water Highway, one mile south of St. Joseph, consisting of 94 acres, more or less and facing a now surveyed summer resort. .This property is in good state of cultivat- ion with 7 acres, of second growth bush, and well drained, has two barns one on cement wall, good farmhouse of frame with foundation and cellar, with three r00111S on upper floor, also three rooms on bottom floor, large kitchen and garage. There is plenty Of water at back end of farm, with a sood house well and cistern. About 20 acres of fall plowing with 10 aeres of fall wheat.—Apply to Fred Doeharme, R.R.2, Box 63, Zurich. HAVE BECOME ORGANIZED Toronto—Beewing compantee, op erasing, in Ontario, have formed the Ontsrio Brewers Association with Maid Office in Toronto. As in other indastries, the brewing busmees re- cognizes the need f es, co-operatiove action in meeting post-war problems. Studies will be made of manufacts urine. Methods, rehabilitation pSans 'Agent, also Dealer in Lightre ir a Rods and all kinds of Fire naireetss job Prin1ifl IP YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE' B ER TO CALL AT THE. ,And other matters that affect tbe in- HERAL1D OFFICE WHERE PRICES dustry collectively. A strong com- ARE ALWAYS LOW AND WORK.' mittee of directors have been set up. seeersv., 4 ) es:s 'Ye°21:'1 P.i.:436, • t' Sank are continually making small !oculs to meet thes emergencies which can upset the best-pianned budges. Three out of every five bank loans are for less than $500. Many of these are used to take care of such expenses as doctor or hospital bills, temporary embarrassment at tax -time, a sudden journey, the winter's coal hill. educational needs of the family often are financed bygastinna.111 bank loans. These small loons eRable individuals to consolidate debts, and to pay back from income. Small loons furbish just one more example of the serviee available to you at yoto bank. is Sponsored by your IrVis Advertis ment rm,00.eoerkene...00eeee*ereee•xeee.eeee,e.ee&eo.eeoe-..eeee..eee.eeee.eeee.eeeeeeeeeeeeeee-eeeee-..eeeeeee.eeeA