Zurich Herald, 1945-11-15, Page 4VItte': . OIlTAWCI!
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• • Huron Farmers' Co -Operative w HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER s
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Of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements
and Household Effects, On Lot 27,
Concession 4, Hay Township. 1 }Q
anile west and 1 1-2 mile north of
Hensall; or 4 1-2 miles east and 1
1-2 miles north of Zurich, on
Commencing at 1.0 o'clock p.ni.
Horses -1 Percheron grey filly ris-
ing 3 years old; 1 Chestnut filly 2
other places before returneing
Miss Marie Wein and friend, of
London, ' spent the week -end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wein
The Metropolitan church choir of
London, will put on a musical pro=
gram in the Evangelical church on
November 23rd under the direction
of T. C. Chattoe of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Durand of
years old. Drysdale gave a dinner and recept-
Cattle---Roan cow rising 4 years ion .at their home, entertaining 130
old due Noveinber 1.9th; Roan heifer gueste in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
fresh; roan cow 4 years old with calf !Phillip Durand, whose marriage took
at foot; red heifer with calf at foot; place in London on Saturday.
bride is the former Marie Helene
Taylor of London. Music and danc-
ing were enjoyed during the evening
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Ales. John Charrette of the Blue
Water south left on Sunday for Win -
red cow 6 years old bred, still milk-
ing; brindle cow 5 year: old, bred
and still milking; brindle cow 6 years
roId due in February; cow Gurnsey
and Swiss, 5 years old, bred and still
milking; 4 Durham heifers rising 2
years old; 1 heifer and 1 steer rising: dsor where she will remain far a few Mr. and Mrs. Wright. of Nilestown,
1 year old.
Mr. and Airs. Geo. Gierhardt of De -
Hay -20 tons of choice mixed hay. Messrs. Archie and Ivan Masse of trait, Mrs. J. W. Horner• and Mrs. E.
Implements -1941 model B. Allis London, spent Sunday with their G. Krueger of Zurich Were •re ngs vis-
tractor on rubber with C parents in St. Joseph, iters with Mr. and Mrs'. A. Ings.
Pistons; Allis Chalmers tractor scuf- Mrs. Josiah Sararas returned to ! Miss E. Logan ieof Hensall in Coll-
with hydrolie lift; Allis Chalet- her home on Saturday last after pany with Miss 12icklevttie of ingwood Collegiate, were visitors
with Mrs. M. G. )3eatt7. and Miss E.
Mossop, .
elle a>;anley Board• of Health 712 t,
in the Hall i1%onday dist.
The farmers are enjoying the fine
days to help them silo filling, bean
harvesting and the root crop.
kir. and Mrs. Jack Smith of Var-
na moved recently to their new home
at Porter's Hill.
who recently purchased the property
on Main St. known as the Brandon
property, have carpenters at work,
and we understand intend opening
the store shortly.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scotelrnrer and
M. and Mrs. Robt, Green are holi-
daying in Chicago.
The members and their carves of
LOL. held a fowl supper in the Town
Hall Friday evening last. After a
sumptuous dinner the crowd assem-
bled in the mein hall where a pro-
gram and dance were held,
Mr. Geo. Little and pane- orhunt-
ers are away up north on a deer hunt
Mrs. J. W. Jowett who spent the
summer at the Park, has moved over
to her home on Main . St. for the
winter .Months.
Mr. Glenn Brandon was one of the
lucky ones to hag several wild geese
'It is a long time since such quantities
of wild gees were seen here.
. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 'Westlake
were recent visitors to St. Thomas.
Many Fowl Shot
Roast goose grazed the tables of
some families recently. Ken. Them -
don bagged five geese out of a hock
of about 175 wild geeee which had
alighted on Bert Greer's farm, later
in the day his brother Glenn, 'brought
down some more, while: Melvin Dav-
idson shot two. Gorfieid Westlake shot
a large artic owl off the pier which'
had a wing spread of about six feet
Several of the same siecies had been
seen in the district.
The members of the LOL held their
annual fowl supper Friday night in
the hall, Varna.
ers 5 -ft. combine with pick-up, scour spending a few weeks in Detroit and
cleaner with necessary sieves, equip• I Windsor.
ped chain cylinder speed straw sprea- •Mrs. Albert Bourke of Delrptt is
derebean puller attachment for trace(
tor, T'leury tractor plow with narrow
bottom, speed jack with Timken roller
bearings; 91inch Vesset grinner with
baggar new; quanitity of belting,
Peter Hamilton spring tooth Cultiv-
ator with tractor hitch, Mann Cultiv-! on fore is r2citis. It is reported
ator, 6 -ft. double disc for tractor;'that she s rapidly improving and
Deering 11 -disc fertilizer drill; Deer-? will be back to her home in the not
ing binder 6 -ft. cut; Deering mower far distant future.
5 -ft. cut; McCormick Deering 3-drum.We believe the last of me bean
steel roller, Me:Cormiek walking plow crops in this Saneturday
was the
3 -section harrows, Crown twin plow, i ked up on Saturday last, and the
fanning mill with bagger; 2,000-1b.. job machine will soon be on the
scales, hog scales, rubber tire wagon,; to atfailuxe. the crop which es next
16 -ft. fiat rack, Dane hay loader; ( On the newly surveyed surf;, a
Frost Wood side delivery rake, 10--� staff of men have been engaged of
ft. dump rake, 32 -ft. extension lad-, late putting up a large cottage. It le -
der, gravel box, set of sleighs with believed that the coining spring wit(
fiat bottom platform, cutter, buggy, i bring a building boom on this site
grindstone, emery stone, stone boat, if material is available. It is afro
pig crate, ,2 -wheel trailer with stock i believed that a general store will be
rack has good tires, circular saw, erected for the convenience of the
wheelbarrow, root pulper, 30 -gal. I resorters and do this for the summer
feed cooker, whippletrees, neckyok- i months, and if it all hatches out ac-
es. Low Down John Deer manure cording to present' plans, it wilt gre-
sp eader, Iarge hay fork new, grain
atly improve the locality and also
begs, chain and trip rope, block and I boost - the prices of the surrounding
tackle, quantity of large rope, twine
sacks, large 1 -inch . rope 130 -feet
new, set britchen harness, set back -
band heavy harness, 3rd horse har-
apencling• a new days in ,St. Joseph,
with her mother and other relatives.
Miss Cecile Masse of St. . oseph,
was rushed to Clinton Hospital, on
Friday last where she was operated
Right now we–are at a loss to
make and prophesy about the weath-
ne• single harness, horse collars,
for bumble bees made their ap-
blankets, 2 logging chains, forks, early ae again as they did in the
al'ovels, spades, set sling ropes, small i early parts of the summer, is an in -
cutting box, a quantity of elm tum- I dication of warm weather ahead. But
ber, 2 electric fencers, stakes with in November it is vaure and one
'insulators, barb wire, fence stretcher must be careful on his pdistins as
grass seeder, hand ban picker, colony rn former years those tiny stingers
house 10x1.2 -ft; brooder stove 500 had long hence made their abode for
chick capacity, chick feeders, foun- the winter.
tains, hog troughs, 2 shelters, water BLAKE
trough, butcher table, a quantity of
onion crates, hand man jack, large
nail box, etc.
Household Effects ----.Extension table
with 6 leaf:, heater for coal or wood,
Daley churn, butter bowl, galvanized
bath tub, chemical toilet with pipes, day and doing considerable damage
to the machine. Campbell is away to
Toledo, Ohio, getting repairs for
the same.
Mrs. Leon Jeffrey is spending a
few days with her daughter in Kit-
Mrs. Sarre Hey spent afew days
with her daughter Airs, Archie Mus-
tard at Brucefteld.
Miss Mary Ann Johnston was tak-
en by surprise last Wednesday even-
ing when around eighteen nreghbors
gathered at her home and gave her
a birthday party and some lovely
Several from the Town Line west
were in London Raturday to attend
the Durand -Taylor wedding.
Mrs, Rudy Oesch celebrated her
birthday Sunday with members of
her family being prese»t.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger and
Miss Mary Johnston attended the fun-
eral of the late Ezra Bender at
Dashwood on Thursday.
Miss Irene Baker has returned
team lCippen to het home.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Heard et Bay-
liold called on friends here Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. D. Stecklc: and fam-
;1v were vi-'itors with Mr. and Mrs. S.
Many have their beans threshed
and report a very good yield. Mr.
Campbell McKinley who has been do-
ing bean threshing had th.e misfor-
tune of his machine falling over
Mr. Leon Jeffrey's bank on Satur-
IH leum 9x10-hf-ft; McCormick De-
eting cream separator 500-1b. prac-
tically new, screen doors„ copper ket-
tie, Beatty electric washer with wrin-
ger and numerous other articles.
Real Estate -150 acres in two
parcel lots more or less, 7 acres of
boa on south half of Lot 27 on the
50 acres, and on the 100 'acres Lot
2.5, 113 acres of bush more or less, 12
acres of fall wheat, plant;* of water,
olio soft water inside, has frame
house with kitchen attached, also
woodshed, cellar, hank barn, new
henhouse, large driving shed, pig
- stable, farm is well craned and well
Terns of Real Estate -10 p.c. on
day of sale and balance in 30 days.
Will be sold subject to a reserved
Term of Chattles Cash.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
E. E. Weido, Clerk.
Samuel Ropp, Proprietor.
Mrs. H, Dark and two daughters
of Wird: or spent the week -end with
the former'e r eeer+te, "1 Mr. and Mee
Chas. Steinhagen.
el Ceto e ..enlcyer ,r,',l
:Donald spent Sunday in London.
'v Ir. rtud "1'tr;. Itar^ry Cook of Win-
deor and Mee. ;Streote of London.
were Sunday vieitnre with their par -
tole, Mr. and Mr;. D. Pic.'nran.
't. ,rad Mr.. T.,orne Tiernan left
i'landay for Niagara p''atis and
A. reception -eve held in the Town
Pail for the no,,lyweds, Mr, and :lies
C'f'uiekshank of Clinton, formerly Miss
T'mma Sturgeon, daughter of Mr. and
'Mrs. Wnr. Sturgeon. They' presented
the couple •with a lamp and satin +Aid
:x' down quilt.
Geo. I'tldighoffor & Son of Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Gottee have moved
from the Moffatt farm near Varna
to Hay.
The many friends of Mr. Alex..
McConnell of Varna are pleased to
know he has been able to return to
his home from Clinton Hospital feel-
ing better.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elliott of
Varna announce the engagement of
their second daughter Lillian Maud;
to Francis C. Grieve, son of Mrs. and
the late James Grieve, of Seaforth..
The marriage to take place the lat-
ter part of November.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M, Snowden of
the Blue Water Highway wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their yo-
ungest daughter Mary 0., to John
A. Keys, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P.
Keys, Varna. The wedding to take
place quietly the middle of Novem-
Death of John Sharp •
There .passed away in a Calgary
hospital on Oct. 22nd, John Sharp
after an illness o;t five wee:cs.. His
health had not beenthe best Tor some
months and when another trouble de-
veloped he entered the hospital in
September for treatment, but without
avail. Born on the Babylon Line,
Stanley Township, Oct. 17, 1871, he
was the youngest son of the late
Wm. Sharp and Frances Adamson.
Sharp On Oct. 13, 1.897, he married
Margaret Victoria Hartley, daughter.
of Rev. A. ,Hartley, then of Algoma.
He resided in Stanley for some years
then moved to Western Canada,
homesteading in Saskatchewan, and
also - following carpentering trade.
Later he married Ella Stonertouse,
R.N. of London, Eng. Moving to 71k
Point, Alb., he continued to farm for
some time, then moved to Vermillion
where his second wife passed away.
After a year with members of his
family at •Peace River he returned to
Calgary, where he continued to re-
side until death. He leaves one dau-
ghter and three sons.
Dr. Carman Haugh of Toronto
was a recent visitor with his parents,
brother and family in Brucefield.
Building Burned
The slaughter house on S. Main
St., Seaforth owned by 'Christie's
Meat Market was destroyed by fire
the other afternoon. The nearby bu-
ildings were saved by the fire bri-
gade. The cause of the fire is not
known. The building will be rebuilt
Shower for Bride -Elect
Mrs. Ed. Hendrick was hostess at
a delightful kitchen shower recently
in honor of Miss Alma Smith of Cre-
diton, bride -elect. About 40 •guests
assembled. The color scheme through-
out the house was pink and white.
The guest of honor was shown to a
decorated chair. after whicrr Howard
Thursday, November 15th, 194$
Iendrici and .Sean Krueger brought
in a decorated wagon filled with
Morlock S:taith
Zion :evangelical Church, ,Crede
iton, attractively decorated with, cry•
san:theums and ferns, was tice scene,
of a quiet autumn wedding on Oct..
31st, at 2.30 p.m., when Alma Irene:
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
John Smith, Crediton became the
bride of Gordon. Chester, only sore
of Mr. and Mrs. John Morloolt, of
Crediton. Rev. M. E. Review:. ofii:'
Dead and fisabied nI { aIs
Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15
:b.!. .41-Ini'
Man 2= Z2=7 -Ale REWIMESt IRM
....-..,.nrt:a.ra„n,-..rcu.uo,u,.yn..n -- - -UMW, ,m117vn0
A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances
on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using
kinds of Greece. We invite you to watch our trained
Attendants Grease Cars.
Expert Repairing
We use the KING- AN ALYSER to TUNE UP year Motor;
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires.
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurieh'd Rifest and Most Up -Tb -
Date Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and !'Pep Up" your Car
Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in Connection.
There Sh
''`ES; there goes the whistle that
$ means jobs! But remember!
Factory whistles will keep blowing
.. smoke wilt keep pouring from
factory chimneys, only if you and all
of us do our part to keep 'Canada's
dollar sound. And unless we keep
the Canadian dollar worth a dollar,
we're headed for inflation, and its
inevitable ,result. depression!
'r''"•" •cam, � ,..... ,,, .. , ..
Canada's active ;fight against in
flation is a vital part of' all our •post-
warplanning. We Canadians must
tow—more than, ever now—fight to
keep Canada's dollar worth a frill
Why now especially? Because now
civilian goods are scarce, and yet
money is plentiful. This ispa danger-
ous condition.
Pohlisl3ed by TI4
Goes ! "
It means we must .maintain controls
and price ceilings; support rationing
and urge the support of rationing.
We must buy wisely and with the
greatest care: be on guard at all times,
checking, working, fighting to keep
Canada's dollar sound. If we do
this, we can keep prices from rising.
If we don't, some' day we'll be paying
a dollar for 30c 'worth of goods,
which means our dollar is only
worth 30c.
We know what happened after the
last war! We must fight against h
happening again. For our own sakes
—for the sake of the men who fought
overseas and to whom we owe a
future with a job, we must keep
Canada's dollar worth a full dollar.
We must keep up an active fight
against inti :tion!
11REWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO. to reveul the dangers of Inflation.
Make this Pledge Today!
1 pledge myself to do my part
in fighting inflation :
By observing rationing and avoiding
black markets in any shape or
By respecting price controls and othet
anti-inflation measures, and re-
fraining from careless and unneces-
nary buying. 1 will not buy two
where one will clo, nor will buy
a "new" where an "old" will do.
By buying Victory Bonds, supporting
taxation and abiding
by all such measures''
which will lower the
cost of living and
help keep prices at a
normal level.