HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-11-01, Page 6SIDE GLANCES Ey Gal Arajtll! i THIS CURIOUS WORLD Ely William Ferguson f' ORST `v DOT DOT, DoT, DASH, DAsEt, GASH, DOT; DOT, DOT/ a • COPR. 1944 BY NEA SERVICE, 1NC. T. M. REG. V. 8. PAT, OFF, "Considering the way they have released women from war work, maybe their mothers will start taking care of them soon and wa can again use the old tree as just a pure loafing place, as God intended!e' d!8 U. S. OFFICIAL 1 HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1,6 Pictured U. S. official. 11 Robs. 12 Beetle. 14 Tarnish. 15 Belief. 17 Limbs. 19 Spring harvest in India. 20 Indo-Chinese language. 22 Symbol for erbium. 24 Large cask. 25 Large antelopes. 27 Foundations, garlands. 3 Male. 29 Yes (Sp.). 30 Dined. 4 Cloth measure. 5 Royal Society (abbr.). 6 From. ' 7 Symbol for aluminum 8 Large tub. 9 Passage (anat.). 10 Upper house of Congress. 5 11 Straggler (Scot.). 5 9�r OF INDI��NirREE LEAFLETS FORMING EAC! -1 LEAP, AND TWO OP THES KEEP* Up OQNSTANT W/C. - 1/1/.6,G• ev,/s s, AS THOUGH THEY' WERE LA.SW//1/� • si/v 1iz . l PIC 411, IS A SouTH ANVERICAN FLEECE ^ RROOIJOI N C, ANIMAL, BORN OF A LLAMA E'ATi�E� . 1� aAcA 44OTh�•E2Q 411/101,40 4101 1947 BY NEA SERVICE. INC. T M REG U. S. PAT. OFP. 1�1�► !/1 /'//// /// ©M©E000 ©©IM 122©IIIM1 'MEM 111001118SIORINIMplaMil 121021©.�' ©I 141110 INCINORINGEN IIIIIIRARC7 ©©QWIRMINILER1 RIOMIMI MEM' CINFAMIZA E1 MINIM tree (pl.), 46 Maple. 47 Sodium car - 31 Guides. bonate (p1.). 35,Cubie meters: 50 CensureAGreek tter, 38 He is director 51 Tenant. of the U. S. 53 Swamp. Office of ----- 55 Bamboolike Information. grasses. 39 Male fowl. 56 Portion. 41 Born. 43 Grandparental VERTICAL 45 Central 1 Star name. American 2 Hawaiian C GEN CLAIRE GIENNALLT m I3 Type of puzzle 14 Perched. 16 Vital metal. 18 Deductions. 21 Kind of willow. 23 Scolder. 26 Employ. 28 Weight of India. 31 Flavor. 32 Barterer. 33 Fish eggs. 34 Subdues. 35 Rises in vapor 36 Incase (var.). 37 Appears. 38 Has been. 40 Drunkard. 42 Before. 44 Narrow road. 46 Winged. 48 Female saint (abbr.), 50 Feminine undergarment . (abbr.). 2 Short for Edgar. 4 Exclamation. Looking Ahead As Smith and Jones were wait - ,ug at the bus stop, a passer-by Eopped and asked Jones the time. Jones did not reply. After the stranger had passed on, Smith asked: "Why didn't you . answer him?" "Well it's this way," Jones re- plied. '"If I'd told him the time, he might have got chatting, then we might have had a drink to- gether, and in the end I might have asked him home to supper, "There he might have met my daughter—and she's a very pretty girl --and they might have fallen In love. Finally they might have got married." "And let me tell you, I don't 'want a fellow for my son-in-law who can't afford to buy a watch." THE SPORTING THING i) gI NF6b•�82h$Ai 9 O "''.J 1;753 , I WIC i n I I , "Got any now dirt, bub?" FUNNY 13USJNESS 'fes H?' Do WE SPEAK OF THE 44OTHER. TONGUE AND THE FATHERLAND SAYS PHO R. GG,\IL.LIM, ARIzcNA 72774//• , I �% By Hershberger 1"l %.. 4 0 • R•I'trirattMc' T. M "He goes all out when he gets seasick, sir!" Th7f7-7,—N J.E.FF—It Must WE GOTTA TAKE IT EASY ON THE STEAK, NoW THAT THERE'S A MEATSHoRTAGE! CROSSTOWN By 'R Gland Cans "Sure our Secret weapon works! Watch what happens to Wilson's barn!" Be the Reaction That Gives Jeff the Kick By BLID l~ ISHER IN�ECAUSE IT GIVES AiL Di ,ESTIoN,AND I'M NUTS ABouT BICARB NA.,TEI OF SODA! r FINE MANNERS Yo0 HAVE! IF I HAD REACHED. FIRST1 WOULD HAVE TAKEN THE SMALLER PIECE! WELL, YOU GOT IT, DIDN'T YpU? WHAT'S THE MATTER? DON'T You ENJOY THE MEALS COOK? NOPE, I DON'T) THEN WHY Do You EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT? S �a i (a; 14.4 di REG'L.AR FELLERS—She Didn't By GENE BYRNES- -------_ WHEN 1 GET A FEW MORE BRANCHES TIED ON ME t'LL BE SO CAMOUFLAGED THAT MY OWN MOM WON`€ KNOW ME. NOW 1'LL TRY IT OUT ON MOM AN'SEE HOW Goon IT 15! MY GOODNESS, WHATT;. k LOVELY PICKLEBERRY PLANT.' I GUESS HUBBY BROUGHT IT WHILE 1 WA5 OUT.' II rIsfite �..�rese vett POP—I-kw Else Could It Be? By 3. MILLAR WATT' Ar2EN IT `✓Gti GLAD YOUIRE A C F THE? 2 OF COUR-PE I AM -BUT TIM A L1 TTLE OuRI0us A(O 5E1 NG MAR'e ICD TO ,A GRA NDMOTH EI?