Zurich Herald, 1945-10-25, Page 4Don't Put Your Coat on Yet The Job's Not Finished The Ninth Victory I an Is a Challenge to every Canadian to Help Finish the Job Huron C.unty ZIJRICH HOMED AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, at the resid- ence of Miss Laorrint, it Zumich, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th. At 1.90 o'clock, p.m. Kitchen rang, wash tub, electric, washing machine, 14eaf table, ldtch en table, extension dining1100111 table, 6 dining room chairs, couch, 2 all tables, cellar table, 2 stands, 2 dres- sers, wooden bed, cabinet eleetric radio, toilet set, pictures and picture frames, a quantity of large •crocks, waffle iron, dressing table, parlor rug 9x12 -ft; a quantity of mats, 3 rocking chairs, sideboard, truna, kit- chen cabinet, quantity of sealers, flour box, lantern, lamps, carpenter tools, tool chest, tea kettle, mirrors, buck saw, 2 ton of No. 4 furnace coal, 1 ton Alberta, coal, 11/2 ton of coke and other articles too numer- ous to mention. ALSO at the same time and place the following articles the property of Mrs. Ed. Deters, Sr., Zurmh: 2 living Troom tables,, large walnut sofa, music or magazine stand, din- ing room •extension table and six chairs, oak china cabinet (like new) ; tapestry rug, large bureau, large kitchen .eupboaed, kitchen sink (wo- oden), large eausarge grinder, 2 -bur- ner hot plate, 2-buaner coal oil stove (like new), pictures, picture frames, 2 rockere, 2 feather bolsters, etc. .caee of bad weather, sale will be held In 'the church shed. TERMS—CASH Arthur Weber, Auetioneer. Lee Hoffman, Clerk, Mim.• Jane Lamont, Proprietress. UCTION SALE vr.nr. MYSTERY OF •THE VANISH. 1NG tAnY Of Farm Stock, Implements and Automobiles, on Lot 9, Cousessien 1, Hay Township, 114 anile eat, Itand 2;1/e miles south of Zurich, on WEDNESDA.Y, OCTOBER 31st. Commencing at 1.00 'o'elock Horses -1 black Percheron Gelding 7 years told. Cattle—Part Jersey and Durham cow due in Deeernber; Durham heif- er rising 2 years in calf; Herford heifer rising 2 years old in calf; 2 yearling ,Holstein heifers, Durham yearling .heifer. Pigs -18 Yorkshire brood sows in pig with second litters, 4 brood sows due at time of sale; 7 sows in pig, 1 boar, balance of pigs .are: 30 sto- ckers weighing about '75 -lbs. each; 40 stockers weighing 50 lbs. each. Hens—About 100 hens. Hay—A quantity of mixed hay. Implements — Allis ,Chalmeri tractor model B, practically as good as new; tractor scuffler 2 -row; trac- tor plow, 2 furrow Otaeo nearly new on rubber 2 single walking plows; 2 -wheel trailer with stock Tack; 1 buck Racke in International truck 26 model; 2 electric fences, good set of double harness, 16 -ft. fiat hay rack new, a quantity of 16 -inch woodsoft elm and hard maple, 1939 'battery Philco Radio in goo il working order, 1937 Plymouth auto with good tires, 1930 model A. coach in good running oeder. Every article will 'be sold to the highest bidder. TERMS—CASH Aethur Weber; Auctioneer. Must Buy More sr: q6,4j ;„ onds It's the I st 3% Victory Loan For at least a Year A yo)g beautiful widow smiled good night to her escort, then van - Weed, utter/y. Deapite Fears of patient, exhaustive investigation, poi - 110•00011110111•004000/010••••••04 • • Si e for Huron County National War Finance Committee mrs. J. Francis in Tavistock. Miss Euloine Kuntz was a waitress for the Ryan-MeCann wedding dinner at the Brenner House, Grand Bend, on 'Saturday. George Wolfe of Camp Borden, spent the week -end at his home here. Nancy Tiernan entertainer a num- ber of her friends to a birthday party. Tuesday evening. The play put on by the Grand Bend Young People under the aus- lpices of the Bethany Sisters S. S. Class, was attended by a full house. STANLEY TOWNSHIP A number of friends and neigh- "bours gathered at the home of 3.,tr. and 'Mrs. Keith Westlake of the Bron- son line, north on Friday evening, Oct. 12, as a surprise for them. tliey have sold theie _amen .and are moving to Zurich. The evening was spent in games and TallSiC. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Westlake were nserted with an electric iron, and I Robert, a book. The address was' read by Mrs. Will Scotchmer and the .presentatio-ns made by Miss Anna, Scotchmer and Miss Doris Penhale. The address was as follows: Dear Ke'ith, Margaret and Robert—It was with feeling of regret and disappoint- ment that we learned that you had dedided to depart cf,rom 'our midst and sever the tie which has bound us .to- gether so happily. as neighbours and Mends during the past. For a few years it has been our privilege to 'know you 'in genial friendship and social and • neighbourly intercourse. 'You have both contributed abundant - The Golden Jubilee of the Evalege toward making life pleasant in the elical church, Dashwood, will be held circle 'in vehich you belonged, mak- on Sunday, Oct. 28th. Vie guest ;big special -mention of your faithful- epeaker will be Rev. Jacob Henry ness in our Red Cross Wo.rk. slight Ehlers., Field Secy., of Pennsylvania ...remembrance of the pleasant years, Council of Churches of Harrisburg,' made agreeable through your acqu- Pa. Services will be held at te a.m.; aintance, we wish you to accept these and at '7.30 pan. At 3 p.m. there will gifts nor for their intrinsic value, but be a reminscence service. Special for the friendship which they repre- -music will be supplied by former ; sent. May you find happiness and members and local talent. prosperity In your future field of Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble of Sarnia labour and be reminded in future are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. years. of this leave-taking night, hop - Gates, in,g that we at some time may again Mr. and Mrs. 1Clayton 'Pfile spent ; welcome you to our midst. Signed on the week -end in Mt. Clemens and De- behalf of the Bronson Line. Mr. Wes- troit. 1lake thanked them all for the gifts Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry etoffman and kind words. Lunch was nen ser - were Sunday visitors with Mr. and ved and a social hour spent. • BLAKE .t\liis Mary Ann Johnston has been visited with relatives from northern. Ontario for a few days. The Blake church Will observe their regular communion service on the coming Sunday, October 2.8.th, at 2.30 p.m. -• GRAND BEND Mrs. Harmon 'Gill is .spending two weeks -teeth her daughters in Windsor Mr. and Mrs. Jack 1Patterson, :of St. Thomas visited with fiends in and around the Bend. The cottage of the late Mr. Mc- Martin, of London, on the narteeside of the river bank was sold by ten- der and was purchased by Mr. =Gra- ham for $3,150. Coulpe Hourszell M. and airs. Thos. Lave of this - place were- pleasantly surpriSed on the .occaeion of their 40th. wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Love lived on their farm on the 21sa eon. of Stephen until seven years ago when they moved to Grand Bend. They have five children: Ross of iShipka, Hugh of Exeter; Lloyd of Parkhill; Mrs. Douglas Gill (Edith) of .Grand Bend and Mervyn Love, B.A., who has received his discharge from the RCA,F. and is attending university in Toronto. They also have nine grandchildren. The family were all present but Mervyn who 'had been home on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Love were presented with a giftand flo.wers. DASHWOOD WIEMINM.MMOWNIMINs•mmiemeMM,Movemmonspelemaamosemamemammo........mermosommremsememalo.ammansost KLAPP'S ONE - STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best Engineered Lubrication At Kiopp's you get Guatanteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We inv:Ae yoZt to watch our trained Attendants Grease Cars. Expert Repairing! We use the KING AN ALY57.R to TUNE UP your Motor. Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Cleen and Tely Reet Rome. Yeerieh's Fiwat and Motet; Up -To - Date Garage alai Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up"your Car HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE Weed Frit?. LI:eel Gee! Lot in Connection. eaaaaaeaeae400.0.bateaaaateeeeeeeeseeeekeeteoe.eacaaeee.e, a • • Thuraday', gtemsesione.siamaibe 504 194$ ice have Tailed to solve the raysteo of her fate. The story this crate ishing lady" is detailed in The Am. erican Weekly with this Sunday's; (Oct. 29) issue of The Detroit Sune. day Tiraes, 0•111•0669600.01410900•10•61•011100010, Implem.ent RepaiTS We have recently received a good supply of Repairs for Farm Equipment, such as Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, Plow Repairs for M.H. No.. 7 and Verity Plows; Cultivator Points, Etc. YOUR POULTRY NEEDS Soon the Poulry and Chick season will be with us again, and many supplies which may then be hard to get will be required. Put in your supply xiow while the supply is here. PEAT MOSS, POUL- TRY UTTER, and CHICK STARTERS are some of the items you will require. Let us supply you. ORDER YOUR C•AL NOW! The Fuel Administrator aebeieee all people to place 1 their orders for next Winter's Fuel as early as they Ip_ can, to avoid the big rush when it is actually needed Place your order now and don't be disappointed by ordering later. • L. Schilbe & Son Alvin & Neil IGingerich, Proprietors. ameemeee•Xesseaveveraessetteesseeesseeee Ervin Gingerich, e . VA^ !!'e• ' orettiOeeeeireeatreal:WleeKta • ''''''''G';', ,,,,*!-•,,,,, 4 ...• ;-'',,,..." ?,,l'''' A.' ,............• :-...a....,,,%:"•,....; „.• ... -. `."'.!•!•§!!!!!if:!.. • t•445''' •..aeer. • '''''.,•.ee,eeet 11. H. Hannam is President and Managing: Director of the Canadian Federation of Agri- culture. In a message addressed to farmers„ Mr. Hannam says: "The farmer who is wise will look ahead ane plan carefully. "And in these years when prices and returns. are more satisfactory than they have been, when labor is scarce, when farm machinery is. restricted, when building materials are not readily available, a good course to follow would. be that of putting a substantial share of the. year's earnings into sound securities such as. Victory Bonds. These reserves will not only' provide a measure of insurance against dif- ficulties in less favorable years, but at such time - when supplies arefavorable and costs will probably be lower, their purchasing power will be greater and return froin them correspond- ingly increased. "We believe this is good planning from the - farmer's standpoint. At the same time, it is. the very best of planning from the standpoint of the Nation." FARMERS CH BUY VICTORY BONDS, on convenient deferred payments- THROUCH ANY BANK . . just sign a short form letter which, Victory Loan Salesmen carry (banks have copies) ordering the bank to buy Victory Bonds for you. Pay 5% when ordering; and the balance at any time during the next 12 months. The interest the bonds earn pays the interest on the bank loan.. Ai* 9-56 issmeampiroarssgsw4Mgcasirat NATioNAL WAR FINANCE COMM/Tr'