HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-10-18, Page 1ICH •.,,T;tia4*^, ER Al 0 'established .1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1819 45 Chester L. Smith, Publiasha $150 a Year in' Advance) Real the Adse for your Autumn purchases Betty Anne , •' eauuty Shop THE HOME OF THE : ETTER OIL PERMANENTS Whe Better Oil Permanents applied "with the very latest mf methods and l>;quipment. .And besides all this ix our years of .Experience in all Hair Drawing. GIVE US A CALL I Thene 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCIrd.O. Zurich ST. PETER'S 'Evangelical Luthersun Church ZURICH -- ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor, 10 a.m.---Divine Services. ii1.16 a.m.--Sunday School. 7.3O Divine Worship. tlitvorybody Welcome tov'LA Seevicse EMMANUEL (EVANGELICAL CHURCH' :C. B. Heckengorsa, ?aster :Mrs. M. Oasch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES ..^ .O a.m.—Divine Worship. '11 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m.—Divine Servicee. BINGO TOWN HALL - ZURICH FRIDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 19th. ISIPON(SORED BY THE ZURICH LIONS CLUB Proceeds for Local Red Cross EVERYBODY WELCOME RADIO FORUM MEETINGS October 23—Wingham, Town Hall. Oct. 24—Clinton, Dept. of Agric- ulture. Oct. 25 --Exeter, Town Hall. 8.30 pan. Mr. Wesley Neelands, Secretary, Ontario Forums Mr. A. C. Savage, Secretary, Ontario Co-operative Union. NATIONAL FILM BOARD PICTURES Admission Free E'VERYB'ODY WELCOME HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hay met in the Township Hall, Zur— ich., on Monday, October let, at 1.30 Are You Sufferilng From Heasersesai at so; Have your Eyes Examined with the .Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, !;"'' 0,, 'OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO DERICH +--- ONT. 'Good Glasses at Reasonable Prlcea p.m. The following motions were, then passed: That Thos, Laing' be appointed as. inspector on all municipal Drains east of :concession road .between Con. 8 and 9, and Simon Hoffman be ap- pointed as inspector of all 'Muniei+pal drains west of con. road between Con. 8 and 9, of Hay Township. That' .Stanley Council be no'trfied to meet Hay Council west of Drys- dale on Tuesday Oct. 9, at 9.00 a.m. That the reeve and clerk and man- agers of the Zurich and Dashwood Centrals attend the convention of the Canadian Independent Telephone As- sociation in Toronto on October 24, and 25th. That By -Law be drawnClepk and pointing the Hay Twp. Treasurer to make out the tax not- ices for 1945, and that the taxes be paid at the Bank of Montreal Zurich, Exeter and .Hensel" for 1945. That accounts for Twp. roads, Relief, Hay Telephone System, and Hay Twp. General accounts be paid as per voucher. Twp. Roads --Wm. Watson $18.80; S. Hoffman $•5; Wm. J. Gould $3; Chas Aldworth 9.60; Amos Gaecho 8.50; Alph. Masse 36.45; Leon Bed- ard 3.60; Sid McArthur b.40; Lav- ender Garage 1177.16; Thos. Welsh 43.95; Hay Twp. Drains 339.00; P. Deichert Jr. 17.90; 'Cor. Daibus 1.20; B. J. Gould 1.40; J. Ortwein 13.40; Stewart Blackwell $6; J Masse 70.55 Allan Johnston 3.60; Drysdale Hardy ware 1.60; Edwin Miller 12.25; F. C. Kalbfleisch .& Son 26.9&4. General Accts.. 1H. W. Brokenshire $90; Mrs. J. P. Rau 45.12; Wm. F. Jennison .p0; Hay Munic. Tei. Sy- stem$6000 M E Hey 49.31; J. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Gingerich and family ;of Baden and Mr. and Mrs. Jacoli'"'Gingerich and daughter of the 'Goshen line were resent visitors at the Tome of Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich. Purchases Property Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Druar of the 15th con., Hay have purchased a fine property at .Bi'ucefield were they intend to make their home in future, as they have sold their farm to their neighbour, Mr. Alex. Meidinger. Special Service A special service for Young People will be held,at St. Peter's Lutheran church on Sunday,•October 21st at 7.30 p.m. The Rev. Wm. Schultz•of Brodhagen will be the guest speaker. Other features will be a candlelight service to commemorate the 50th. annivers,ry of the organization of the Luther ,league of America of which the Luther League of Canada is a part and the singing of a young people'stchoir. A like service held acme mines ago proved to be very popular tsnd the church was filled to capacity.a Everyone is cordially in- vited. 3 WELL ME HOME COMMITTEE Mrs. e , ,A pubic meeting was held in the 1I Belief- rs. J. pl at 25; Zurich ' ' wik Hall on Tuesday, Oct.' Relief Mrs. Su let $2'5 ; Albert Heideman p; H. Bassow 5.90. 16th at •hieh time plans were form- ulated to Welcome Homethe persons from Hs Townohip who rendered service'°'i the Armed Forces. The vario us ,h dies represnted were: The Hay Tot ship Council; Dashwood and Uri h Police Village; Clergymen ,Red Cro s War Service, Zurich Lions -i � e and Feder �u,...e,,, tire. Telephone System — T. H. Hoff- man 5.33.�8i2'; Stromberg. Carlson Co: 22:68; Bell Tele.'Co. 1083.1h; H W. Brokenshire $5; Receiver Gen. of• Can. '528 05; H. G. Hess 235.65; El- lis Howard 18.124; North. Elec. 'Co. 4064.06; do ;32124. Pkat. the meeting be adjourned to i'a et again on MonCTa;scar' ....'nth.-.a't: 1.30 pan Mf' H. Vi!. Brokenslvf e, Clerk. COMFORTABLE GLASSESWilliam Hat>gl�t'Reeve. At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER • The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day•Except Wednesday. *+++++• +++++•f+•E•• ++++++* +++++++*+++++++• +•F•+•2 +++. +++ G. Aarrg i$ Gilman funeral)oint Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance + + of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and + .46 Funeral Director. MEMBER !hF 'l'RE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. 2 DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHON11'.E No. �® 4, l Dashwood -- Ontario 4. *+++3•++++++++•S-•B++++++4++•I++1 :••k••3 i•3•+ +++++++1•++• •!••4••i••F•'r+, 011NitiH111i11! Til ilifil�lirll. ,111111Illl fluf'''f ''h'i'll 81111 111.111j1)101i'll<Il10ili :! iPtlif.' ; I ` ZCRIeI4'S Grocery Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges,'Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced M no ' each Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 N11111.7-1191 •,1'ai1lOti1llllli111i1ii11i(Jl,lll 1Iii;I(iI)1l.itt,MIl(liil1] . LIONS CLUB NEWS The first major objective in the building of a skating arena by the Zurich Lions was attained, naively the site and purchasing of same which is close to Mac. Klopp''s 'Garage ion the east side. Parcels of land were donated to the Club for the arena by L. Willert and Ward Fritz, while some was purchased from Ward Fritz. and also the Martin Wurm Estate. The presentation of the 'deed for said property' to the Club by H. G. Hess, Chairman of the Civic Impro- vement Committee, - was anticipated for Monday night's meeting, but it was not completed for the occasion. Sealed tenders were then opened for the drawing of the filling in on the site which calls for 2000 yards, was then discussed and later voted on by ballot, with the result that the Thiel Transport and Maurice Masse re- ceived the contract and this work will begin shortly. The Club members were also de- lighted to have as their guests Mr. E. M. Dagg of Lucan, a former bank manager in Zurich, and Mr. G. G. Sewell, the new bank manager in Zurich, coming here from Orillia. Mr. Dagg introduced Mr. Sewell to the Club, and in doing so, he expressed the hope that Mr. Sewell will have as pleasant a stay in Zurich as he had himself while living here. In a few well chosen words, Mr. Sewell, in response, expressed, a deep desire to get acquainted with this commun- ity as soon as possible and also ex- pects the hope by Ma, Dagg during the course of introduction will be- come a reality. Mr. Dagg who need- ed no introduction was then called upon by the president, Lion P. J. O'Dwyer, to speak to the Club, of which his. topic was "Banking h was very interesting and enjoyed by everyone present. In honor of the two guests, the Club rose and sang "For they are jolly good feil•ows." Lion A. 3. Kalbieisch, chairman of Victory Loan Committee for Zurich and Hay West, spoke a few words on. behalf of the coming Victory Loan and pleaded for a good response as the queto is the largest yet given to this district $128000.00. Airs. 3. Turkheinl acted as pia'ni'st far the evening. llniliill(lilllllil{)1l1: a an a L•gricu • tire. _and that a gift and bouquet be tendered to all those who have already return- ed and to • the remainder as they re- turn. Various committees were then set up: 1 --Each school board is to furnish a list of names of all who served in the armed forces. This list to be approved by the Hay Township Ooun.cil. i2•—Gift !Committee: Mr. Wm. Dougall, Mr. A. J. 'Kalbfleiaeh, Mrs. T. Meyers, Mr. V Dinnin, Mr. M. Merner. 3—Banquet Connnittee: Made up of the Zurich Police Trus- tees, Red Cross and Womens Instit- ute. 4 --Reception and Programme Committee; made up of representat- ives from each organization raention- ed in the fore part of this account. HYMENEAL FuIVue Bifocals Kryploks YES, ANY TYPE OF STYLE OF BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY DUPLICATED PLUS A. SAVING EITHER FROM YOUR PRESCRIPTION OR FROM A BROKEN PART OF YOUR LENSE A G. HESS ESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification el the World's Finest Anthrax ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek CoaI4J Roe Farms Milling Coe Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 Hensel' Rader—Fischer A very pretty wedding was solem- nized on Thursday, October 1.1tli at 11.30 'a.m. in Zion Lutheran Parson- age, Dashwood, when Leona •Idella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fischer became the bride of Lorne Henry, .son • of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Rader, Zurich. Rev. T. Luft officiated The bride was lovely in a floor length gown of White net over satin with a bodice of flowered net and long sleeves pointed over her hands. Her full length heirloom embroiuered net veil was held in .place with a sweet- heart halo and orange blossoms. She carried a bouguet of mixed carnat- ions and Baby's Breath. Her only ornament was a string of pearls. Mrs, Charles 'Theil, sister of the bride acted as maid of honor wear- ing a full length gown of Heavenly blue silk jersey with matching 'finger tip veil, and a corsage of pink Am- erican Beauty Roses, Little Dianne Thiel, niece of the bride, was a dainty flower girl dressed in a floor length gown of pink satin trimmed with blue ribbons. .She wore a crown of blue rosettes and carried a basket of blue Lobelia and white Alyssum. Mr. Charles Thiel acted as grooms- man. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The' bride's mother received in black crepe, the groom's mother in green crepe, both wearing a corsage of white baby mums and red roses. Af- ter the reception, dinner wits served to the immediate relatives. The dining room was decorated with .pink and white streamers. The four storey wedding cake with a bell hanging from a "canopy centred the bride's table. The bridal couple left by motor on a honeymoon trip to North Bay, Pembroke, Toroth, etc. The bride travelling in a gold t;Iepe dress with •bt'gwn ttecessorie5L ' s0eerre+r0041e®04109e41400•40oo411410000wMoe111111000110 ',wee 0 1 1 Funeral Service Testlake - Brokeniire__ .+T?li.xi•W.M^-..."WnM ,Hr.+..mn •M1Y.�W':.. yl14Ek'i rile`, {-dor° $te'it • Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich LP44m'14d^+6+phi..+'Q..:..t..F..p.E.g..q..•F..i..;..F.Y..('!t'.}..E.4.}q..g..i'.}..%'i..i+.x..iC.;...g..g.+•F..L.^p ._ 4.1 For Sale Quiek 1 + t 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - ZURICH $ 3144++++++++•+•F•t^b+•i++.i.g..i-+4..S•.n,.i.4.4, 6,+4.+4.4..„_1,. J. We are Salesmen for the Famous New WE ALWAYS CARRY A GOOD LINE OF DRY GOODS, HARD- WARE, PAINTS, CLOTHING FOR ALL ME11VIBERS OF THE FAMILY. ONLY FRESH GROCERIES KEPT IN STOCK. The flake Store ALL SIZES IN STOCK FOR E1r1CIBLE BUYERS MADE WITH THE NEW RUBBER . SCIi,WAI$.TZZl3"1CItU$'a,117, PROP.