HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-10-11, Page 4se11114^44,,
zuRtat HERALT)
lufant Die
Lily Jean Forrest, eight months
.claughter of Mr. and Mrs, C.
Forrest, died on Sunday at the home
of her parents, three miles west of
Herisall. Th.e funeral was held from
the ,parents' home ..on Tuesday with
burial in Heneall Union Cemetery.
gelding Suffolk Punch year old.
Cattle -1 Holstein COW 4 years old
due December 7th; 1 Holstein 40w 8
years old due December 26th.; 1
Holstein cow 3 yna old due Jame -
ay 20th; Holstein, abw 5 yrs. old due
Jan. 212nd. Hol in cow 5 yrs, old
due Feb, 4th, Heletein 'Cow 5 yas, old
due Feb. 1.6th‘ Holstein cow 14 yrs.
old due Feb. :24th; Holstein heifer
due March, 23rd; Holstein cow 6 yrs.
old milking; Holstein cow 4 yrs, old
milking; Holstein' • 'bull 1 yr. old;
Holstein heifer 4 months ,old; Hole
stein heifer 2 monthold; Holstein.
steer 3 months.
All theee oattle have been tested
for T.. B. and Abortion and stood,
the taste 100%
HOGS—Yorkihire sow ' in pig; I
stocker ipigs 2.442 months old..
Hay -20 tons of.. mixed hay. •
Implements— MdCormick Deering
binder 7 -ft. cut practically new; Mc-
Cormick Deering mower 6 -ft. out
neer; McCormick Deering 13 -disc With
graSs seeder attachmentaew, Mc-
Corniick .Deering bay loader practic-
ally new; McCormick Deming -side
delivery rake; 4 -section .rowe: :Mc-
Cormick Deering spring tooth naltiv-
atter nearly new; self 'feeders; 11IdCor-
wick Deering bean scattier; McCor-
Mick Deering laborse scolfaer, Mc-
Cormick Deering walking *low, 14 -
plate disc; M -H. culter packer; MaH.
riding plow; grain ,grinder Internat-
ional; large turnipseeder.rhand
power horse clipper; low :dov.rn steel
wagon new; ,form low down -wagon;
16 -ft. flat hay rack; slading rack;
12004b. capacity scale; 240-1b. cap.
scale; Clinton fanning mill, large
hay fork; bob 'sleighs, 'cutter, bag
truck, gravel box, quantity of bags,
forks, shovels, spades, 2 logging
chains, neckyokes, ,doubletrees, large
vice; large cooker,t•21 sets of heavy
harness, single harness, 6 -horse col-
lars, and numerous other articles.
Household Effects — McCormick
Deering Separator 500 -Ib. capacity;
new; Daisy churn, Kitchen extension
table with 5 leafs, extension table 6
leafs; 6 dining room ,chairs, side-
board, glass cupboard, kitchen cab-
inet, dresser, i2 beds, springs and mat-
tress, cabinet phonograph, bureau,
gas lamp, 2 small lamps, box stove
new, large milk cans..
No reserve, as the proprietor has
sold his farm.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
R. F. IStade, Clerk.
Moses Gerber, lProprietor.
Clearing Auction Sale
Mr, Harold Jackson has been in-
etructed to sell by public auction on
Lot 8, Goshen Line, Stanley Town-
ship, 14% miles north of Zurich or
4 miles south of Hayfield Road, on
Tuesday, October 16th at 12.30 o'-
tiock the following;
Horses—Roan horse 5 years old.
Bay mare 5 years old.
Cattle—Darham cow with oalf at
foot, fresh; Durham cow due in Ap-
ril; 6 Durham steels 'one year old; 4
Durham heifers one year old; 8 Dur-
ham heifers rising 2 yrs. old; 2 Dur-
ham heifers rising 3 yrs. old.
Pigs -25 ehunk s from 50 'to 100'
lbs. 5 Isuckers, 1 sow due at time,
of sale.
Poultry -400 Rock pullets 61;6.1
mo-nhths old, -fall production. •
Implements—McCormick Deering
W 4 tractor, 1 yr. old, like new,
etarter and lights, power take -off,
rubber tires; Oliver 2 furrow plow,
:109 bottom, new; McCormick Deer-
ing 8 -ft, stiff tooth cultivator, new;
McCormick Deering Combine 4 ft.
like. new; 3 section drag harrows;
McCormick Deering 3 disc plow; set
of harrows; new rubber tired wagon'
16-600 tires; other rubber tired wag-
on; hay rack; new McCormick Deer -
Ing side rake; cream separator; grain
thrower and pipes; mower; electiic.
cooker; electric encer, new 111-H.
grinder; 50 ft 6 inch endless belt;
straw blower, snow fence, 40 yds.
hog fence, iron kettle and stand,
pump jack and pump, 100 reet 3 -4 -
inch pipe, 6 chicken shelters, colony
house 10x12 with hydro and stove.
Hay and ,Grain --1100 bushels of
800 bush. Mixed grain, nit ton
feedbeans, forks, shovels, whiffletrees
chains and a host of other articles.
No reserve as Proprietor is giving up
Bruce McClinchey, Proprietot,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
new Ures„ Waiting *ill, 82 -ft. ex-
tension ladder, 1200 -lb. scale, sling
ropes, large quntity �f twine seeks
and grain. bag,s, 4 chop boxes, scald-
ing barrel, steel drum, pr. bob sleighs
grain gririeler Beatty, 10 -in. plates;
number of belts, bag truck, forks;
shovels, hoes, silo fork, eveners,
neckyekes,, spade, 3 logging ohains,
grass seeder, fence stretcher, electrie
fencer, 2 new horse blankets, crow -
bare, 'steel sledge, cross -cut saw, buck
OA quantity of lumber, reaches,
cedar posts, some barb wire, 20 -rods
bla harness, 6 horse .collars, set single
harness, extra hames and tugs.
Of Farm Stock,
Implement and
•Household Effects, on Lot 20, North
Boundary, Hay Township, 2% miles
north of Zurich, or 6 miles west of
Kippen, on Thursday, October 25th,
Cornmencing 'at 1 o'clock p.m.
Horses—Matchen team of :bay
mares 8 and 9 years old; black mare
8 years old, gelding rising. 2 yrs. old.
Cattle—Roan cow fresh, rea heifer
fresh, Herford cow fresh, another
Herford cow fresh, Herford heifer
due at time 'of sale, red heifer due at
time of Sale, red heifer due in Nov-
ember, white Durham cow due in
Novenebeenwhite...:Derhain cow due in
December, white 'faded- -roan, asisgr.
due in November, red cow due in.
February, roan cow due, M March sem
••- • Hall
steers rising 3 yrs. old; -5 heifersand
steers rising a yrs; 2 heifers rising
1' year old; 7 spring calves, 6' -small
Other Live Stock — 10 Leicester
ewes, 1 pure bred Leicester ram, 2
Yorkshire sows, 8 stocker pigs 2
months old, 130 Barred Rock pullets.
Grain and Hay — 1209 bushels of
mixed grain and oats, 40 tone of
mixed hay.
Implements — 1929 Ford half -ton
:thick, 1 W 9 McCormick Deering
tractor 19411 model on rubber; Wat-
erloo grain machine. 28x42 on rub-
ber; bean machine if not previously
sold, ,125 -ft. drive belt nearly new,
M -H. 7 -ft. cut binder, McCormick
Deering mower 5 -ft. cut, 154iee fer-
tilizer drill practically. new; McCor-
mick Deering tractor double disc new,
set spring tooth harrows new, Mc-
Cormick 3 -furrow tractor plow new;
New Ideal Manure .Spreader, 2 4 -
section harrows, draw bars for 3 sec-
tion, 4 section and 5 section; 2 walk-
ing plows., McCormick Deering- side
delivery rake, culter packer 11-H.,
McCormick Deering been scuffler and
puller combined practically new; Mc-
Cormick Deeeing, Vessit Grain grin-
der new, 1 -horse McCormick Deer-
ing scuffler new, McCormick 13 -tooth
cultivator, in -throw disc for norees;
M -H. low down steel wagon' low
down farm wagon, 16 -ft. flathay
rack with 1 -man loader ue-mbined,
stock rack, 'Maxwell bay loader, rub-
scr tired buggy, cutter, fanning mill,
2,000 -Ib. cap. scales, large -hay fork,
sling ropes, new 32 -ft. extension lad-
der, sleighs, pr. bunks, gravel box.
(smithy of cedar poete. sane lumber,
grain bags, twin' ks, logging
chain, whiffle trees, evenerse neck-
e e steel sledge, vice, crowbars,
Jael- and wrenches, electric fencer,
good set of single harness, set heavy
sereee with britchen, .3 -horse har-
sea, 5 horse collars, horse blankets,
colony stove 500 chick cap; chick
hoppers and feeders, also a quantity
of .Household effects, including large
Quebec heater, Renfrew cream -sep-
arator 600-1b. cap. new; Maxwell
gaeerne washing machine new; ,gorel
cart Jewel ceok.stoae, new =mita
ug 9x1,2 -ft, and numerous other
•ee. No reserve, as the propel-
eas sold his farm.
kalier Weber, Edward Elliott, 'Auc-
E, Weida, .Clerk.
Wala McBride, Proprietoe,
Of Ps nu Stock, Implements and
aiemahold Fffecte, on Lot 27, Con
11, a le Township, .1 1 miles north
of Zurich, on
As 1 o'clode, p.m. the following: ,
HORSES -1 Bay Percheron team
rtidyeere all 1 l3ay Percheron
i• a 4 (' 1 'kn'• Pereaeree
rreee 3 a .v old; 1 Sorrel mare
leri'eilt Pune!) 2 years old; 1 ,Sorrel
Arthur Weber, Auttioater,
Earl E. Weide, Clerk
Henry Brown, Proprietor.
Of Farm Stock, Implements; and
household effeets, on Lot 22, North
Bouudary, Stephen Township, U-
ntie east of DasliWood, on
At 1, o'clock p.m. sharp
Horses — 11 bay Clyde horse 11
years old; 1 bay Clyde horse 10
year old; 1 bay Clyde horse 6 years
Cattle -- Roan cow due 111 Nov;
Household Effects — 2 wooden red heifer due in Nov; red cow due
tubs, 2 galv. tubs, 30 -gal. barrel full en January; black cow due in Jan;
of good cider vinegar; 2 oak eiderlRoan cow due in Jan; roan cow due
barrels, Daisy churn, Renfrew cream 'rch• roan heifer due in Jan;
Separator, butter bowl, ceuar cup-
board, 10 -gal. crock, 1 -gallon crocks,
iron pots, .spiders, roasting pan,
gallon ice cream freezer, wardrobe
large, flour ean, lard ean, tea kettle.,
stove pipes and elbows, storm WM-
•dows, .doors, screen doors, onion
crates, onion sieve, pote, pails, pans,
trussels, broom, bed springs, mattress,
piliows,,feather bed, spinning wheel,
clothes horse, bird ,cage, 2 dressers, 2
bedsteads, linoleums, home made car-
pet strips, rockers, 2 sideboards, 2
good range stoves, radio stand, Phflco
battery radio, 22. rifle new, 10 'gage
single barrel gun, lamps, sink, table,
wood box, 4 kitehen ,chairs, exten-
sion table with 5 leafs, 6 diningroorn
chairs, 2 iron kettles, stand, quantity
of dishes, brooder stove with hover
4300 chick size, gas iron, and numer-
• ous other articles. No reserve as the
proprietor has sold his farm.
OFf Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Effects, at Lot 24, Con-
cession 12, Stanley Township; 1%
mules south-east of Bayfield. End
of Bronson line, on
At 1. o'clock p.m. sharp
Horses -1 bay horse, a grey mare.
Cattle — roan cow in calf, still
milking; 1 red cow in calf still milk-
ing; 1 Herford .ow still milking, 1
red ema to freshen IVta.y 1st, 1 heif-
er rising a years, 1 heifer rising 3
years old; 1 steer rising 1 year old,
1 heifer rising 1 year old; 2 spring
of geese. ,
Implements, Etc.—Mower 6 -ft.
cut; Fordson tractor in good working
condition; Oliver tractor plow; Walk-
ing plow; 3 lehOrse scufflers, one
new; double disc for tractor; ].-horse
disc, 10 -ft. steel rake, 3 -section har-
rows, Renfrew cream separator with
power attachments, steel farm wag-
on, bean scuffler, new coal brooder
stove, colony house, 30 -gallon barrel,
quantity. of bags, bag truck, manure
box, Portland cutter, gas pump,
wheelbarrow, stone boat, 2 2 -wheel
trailers, 1200 -Ib. scales; 12 tons of
clover hay, 2 incubators, set double
harness., chimes, shovels, forks, mail
box, sap pan and spies, electric
fencer, seythe, etc.
Household Effects—Steel bedstead,
with springs; wooden bed, coil spr-
ings, Raymond sewing machine, en-
ameled kitchen stove like new, ward-
robe, and other articles too numer-
ous to mention. •
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
Fred Watson, Clerk.
Keith Westlake, Proprietor.
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
household effects on Lot 15 and 16,
Con. 15, Hay, 2% miles west, and
11,1 mile south of Zurich, on
At 1. o'clock p.m. sharp
Horses — Black Peecheron horse;
black Percheron mare; black Perch-
eron mare.
Cattle — Cow part Holstein fresh;
Jersey cow eligible for registration,
fresh, white farrow cow, roan cow
fresh; roan heifer in calf; moan steer
rising 2 yrs; roan heifer rising 2
years; part Jersey heifer rising 2'
years; baby beef; Herford heifer;
spring calf, 4 steers spring calves;
veil calf.
Other Live Stock — Yorkshire
•ow bred; 6 York pigs 2% months
old; 7 Leicester ewes; 3 spring lambs;
6 dozen Leghorn yearling hens.
Grain — 500 bushels of mixed
grain; a quantity of oats.
Implements -- Deering binder 6 -
ft. cut in good condition; Deering
mower 6 -ft.' mit; 'Deering 11 -disc
fertilizer drill; 141.-H. 13 -tooth spring
tooth cultivator new; 12 -ft. M. -H.
rake, M, -H. hay loader, M. -H. 2 -drum
steel roller; M.-}1. bean scuffier with
auller combined; 141.-H. 1 -horse scuf-
ler new, 2 3 -section harrows, beam •
L'or 5 -section harrows, buggy, cutter,
rouble tractor disc, .Cockshutt walk-
ing plow new, •Cockehutt riding plow,
Allis-Chebner Model C. tractor on
teel nearly new; Oliver 2 -furrow
low, cutter, root pulper, wheelbar-
'ow, low down wagon, extra 1s,
16 -ft. flat hay reek with 11-maa
'oader, wagon box, stock rack, 4-
sheel trailer with stock rack and 4
roan heifer due in Feb; 'white cow
in calf atill milking; white heifer
fresh; white heifer supposed to be in
calf; red heifer in calf; black cow
still milking hi calf; red cow due in
Jlau; dark roan bull 2 yrs. old, bred
by Roy F. Pepper, Seaforth, regist-
ered; 8 baby beef steers; 2 baby
beef steers; 2 baby beef heifers; 2
s -mall calves. All ,cattle are tested
for Bongs Disease within one month
of sale, and all heifer calves vacinated
HOGS — Pure bred . Registered
Yorkshire sow, both sire and dam of
the sow are qualified in Advanced Re-
gistry, sow is in pig; 13 pure bred
Yorkshire sows due to farrow 3, 5,
and lth of December, all are daugh-
ters of the above sow and sired by
a boar, also qualified in Advanced
Registry; York sow with litter at
foot; 11stocker pigs 2 months old;
5 stocker pigs weighing about 150
lbs. each.
Hens — 120 New Harnpshire erose
with Leghorn pullets.
Grain --- 175 bushels of fall wheat
100 bush. Galore barley suitable for
seed; Ajax oats 500 bushels; 59
bushels of Erben oats; 500 bushels
of mixed grain; quarter ton of oil
Hay -40 tons of mixed baY•
Implements — International H.
tractor one year old, 2 -furrow Inter-
national plow new, both if not prev-
iously sold; International binder 7 -
ft. cut purchased in 1940; M. -H.
mower 6 -ft. cut; McCormick 11 -hoe
fertilizer drill practically new; stiff -
tooth International 'cultivator; Inter-
national manure spreader bought in
1939; Inter. side delivery rake bt.
in 1940; Cockshutt 4 -row bean and
beat scuffler, 3 -drum steel roller;
walking plow; Oliver bean scuffler
and puller combined eut-throw disc;
M. -II. hay loader, 10 -ft. steel hay
rake; cutter, cream separator Ren-
frew, Wagon, quantity of planks;
16 -ft. flat hay rack, also 1 -man load -
ex electric fencer, bob sleighs, fan-
ning mill, .1200-1b, cap. scales; wheel
barrow; Coleman lantern, extension
ladder, small ladders, colony house
8x12 -ft; 1 -horse scuffler; bag truck,
block and tackle, logging chains,
eveners, neckyokes, forks, shovels,
spades, hoes, grass seeder, cross -cut
saw, work bench, niangels, feed hop-
pers, steel pig thoughs, oil iburning
brooder stove; 4 -section drag harr-
ows, fire extinguisher, set heavy brit-
chen harness braes mounted; set of
heavy plow harness, single harness,
5 horse collars, 2 horse blankets,
grain bags, twine ,bags, 1 bed room
suite, and numerous other articles.
No reserve, as the proprietor has
okursitay, V4i6r. • ,
sold his farm,
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
Addison Tieenan Clerk.
Mr, Leonard Birk, Miss Verna Birk,
• Proprietors..
• Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
In the Village of Varna, on
At 1,30 p.m.
Horses — Dapple grey Percherote
wagon horse, 8 years old; Black Pere
cheron mare 13 years •old.
Cattle — Red Durham cow 9 yrs..
old to freshen in june; grey .Durhans
cow 7 years old to freshen in Aprils,.
black cow G yrs. old to freshen in a;
month; 3 calves; 8 Leicester ewes.
Implements — Deering binder 6 -ft,
cut good condition; Deering xsiowen
5 -ft, cut; Deering 13 -disc drills, One.
ver bean puller and ,scuffler; Massey;
Harris side rake; Deering duniparakee:
spring tooth eultivator; eouterthrow
disc, 3 -section • harrows have nese
teeth, walking plow, gang plow, sat
sloop sleighs with bunks, wagon, 51.%1
foot flat rack nearly new, gravel box,
light wagon, horse •scuffler. rubes
tired buggy, d'emocrat, set backbend,
harness, new bridles', eollars, Rena
frew cream separator, churn, sank
pan, buckets and spRei, necka
yokes, forks, shovels, double tree,,
lumber, bags, chains and' numerous
other articles.
The farm consists of 53' acres, ad-
joining. the Village of Varna..
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer:
Alfred Ings, Proprietor.
farmers Can Buy Vktory Bonds On Convenient Deferred Payment's;
Through Any Bonk
9- just sign a sot t form letter which Victory Joan Salesmen.
carry (batiks have copies) .ordering the tank to bay Victory
Bonds for you. Pay 5% when ordering and the.balance et
any titre during the next 12 months, The interest the bonds
ears pays the intetest on the bank loan,
T IKE thousands of other Canadians, farmers will
14 welcome the9th Victory Loan as another oppor-
tunity to save money to provide for future plans.
Victory Loans have provided an excellent means of
helping the war effort, at the same time contributing
to our own personal welfare.
Canada needs more money now . . . to make loans
to foreign countries so that they can establish credits
which will enable them to buy food and other things
which they require.
This food will come from Canadian farms; these
goods from Canadian factories. When we help to
create markets for our farm produce abroad . . . and
when we help to keep Canadian factories busy. . .
we help to maintain good prices for the things that
Canadian farms produce.
Victory Bonds also -provide a reserve fund of work
lag capital for our owu use . . so handy to have so
niany times. Any hank will buy Victory Bonds at
any time, or loan money on Victory Bonds if we need
. and for our future pans, we'll have the money
required for things we want to do
Get ready to buy more Victory Bonds this Fall.
Buy double this time the same rate of savings as
in previous loans will. pay for twice as many bonds
over the 12 month periott