HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-09-13, Page 8liK.ihUCH, ONTAtY U ZURICH HF'RALD All lines of Dry Goods are still very scarce and will remain in short supply for many more months, according to best information available from our wholesalers and from Wartime Prices and Trade Board. We list a few New Arrivals. If interested do not delay! 2 dozen only Ladies' Print House dresses at $1.49 10 only Fine Crepe Dresses, plain black, navy and brown at each 8.75 2 dozen only figured Rayon Dresses at each2.98 New Mats of braided felt 18x36 -in. at each1.85 A. few Kingswood Blankets 70x80 at each .... 5.5l All wool Blankets from 10.50 to 17.50 pr. 15 pieces Flannelette, per yd. from 17c to 35c Men's Flannelette Pyjamas at pair 2.25 Men's Heavy Flannel work Shirts, each 2.25 Gascho Bros. o� TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH • INSURAlYCE Have you adequate protection against Loss or Damage by Fire? Labor and Material Costs have increased consider- ably. Talk your insurance problems over with me! Insurance License No. A 714 eal + tat Do you want to sell or exchange your house or your farm? List the same with me. No obligation unless sale is completed. Real Estate License No. 1354 Telephones: Office 65; House 175. ncirew Fe h .ess, Zech Insurance and Real Estate - Zurich HARDWARE – SEEDS You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. 'You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls–Exceptional Values at Lower Prices... and FURNITURE Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering • OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, F urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsrnith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. 1 .1 STADE itSg, WE'D"' ZU13iCH — ONT. QUALITY PRICE — SERVICE ITEMS UI LOCAL WREST ' 1 Mr, Ralph Krueger attended th youth Convention held at '13r'hitb, over the week -end. Miss Shirley Krueger of London, was a 'week -end visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. E. Magnee of De troit were recent visitors at the ham• of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade. Mr. Billie Smith who was in there cent accident with a runaway team i,' d e , e' - COMFORTABLE GLASSES At on his parents farm is progressing unite favourably. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler an Miss Martha Heideman .attended th wedding of Miss Dorothy ;Standing a former teacher of Z. P. S., held at Paisley on Saturday. Mx. Robert Etue, who very recent- ly returned home from Holland, is enjoying a few days at the home of his uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. W. B. •Coxon. Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien, and daughter, Miss Olive, Mr. and Mrt. Leroy O'Brien and sons were recent week -end visitors at Port Huron and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Corel.ess of inton were week -end visitors at th ,some of their daughter, Mr. and Mft;. jKen. Breakey. Born—At the Farwell Nursing, Horne, Zurich, on Monday, Septem- ber 10th to Mr. and •Mrs. i.i^noid Desjardine, a son. } LOST — In Zurich a pure leather 'Wallet, containing a sum of money. Revard Offered. Finder return to Mrs. Wm. Hay. Mr. and 1Vlrs. Moses Erb of • the Bronson line, and Mr.•and Mrs.Chris Schultz and children of Seaforth had an enjoyable trip visiting friends in New York State for a few days. Misses Jean Krueger, Arvis Haber- er and Daureen Schilbe have return- ed home after enjoying :several weeks on duty at Oakwood Inn, near •.Grand Bend. The girls are off .to Exeter High School as students. The many friends of Mrs. Wm. L. Siebert are sorry to hear of her. accident on Thursday evening of last week, just before retiring for the evening when she slipped and fell fractured her left wrist. She is pro -1 pressing very favourably. Rev. H. Seibold and wife, and Mrs Aaron Weber of :Sebarin,gville spent Sunday visiting with relatives and friends in this . vicinity. The former supplying the sermons in the i vang- elical church in the absence of Rev. C. B, Heckendorn who attended a religious convention •in Milwaukee, REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, ..Q.�. CPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heekendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oeach, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 1.0 a.m.—Divine Worship. 1. a.nn. Church School 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. Chas. Hay left for London on Sun- day, after a furlough at the hone of 14s parch'::, Mr. aid Mrs. Wm. Hay. Miss Greta Haberer of London, enjoyed the week -end at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferri. Haberer. Mr. Harold Stade who has been in the Canadian Navy in Canada and overseas for the past three and a half years, has received his perman- ent discharge. Harold is at present here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade. Miss Daureen Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway is attendng Continu- ation School in Zurich and is in rest- dense with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Meyers, ac- companied by their granddaughter, Miss Patsy .Stelck, motored toGuelph where the latter joined her parents; Mr. and 1VIrs. Mervyn Steles., Patsy returning to her home in Bradford, after spending the holidays with her grandparents in Zurich and Dash - Minn.. wood. 4 4 ••F 7 J�; 4 4 4 rdw Thursday-, Cc ptatelly r 1.34b, 1044' 4 " •tF'•4° 4° 444 41.908444.1104 a sus NEW ENAMELWARE • We are very fortunate in receiving a !shipment of New Enamelware; such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which f seern to be of very good quality, and some attractive Y color designs. To appreciate these articles one must fsee them. We invite your inspection. b MATTRESSES MATTRESSES Oar Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have. ' a fine range fa choose from, a fine stock of Spring FFlled' Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses: Priced Very Reasonably r BED ROOM FURNITURE 4 We have sem' very attractive and newly designed' Bed 4 Roorn Suites just in, which are of the newest pattern + and finishes... Be sure and see them if interested in t this line of furniture. t A Full Line of all the Home Requirements fEverything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, f 4 •i' 4 Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 4'4,4-4.+++++++4+++60•47+.04.4,64416.4.4++04.+6+444.+++4 +44.4.4441. Mn Gus Denomme of the Armed F'air¢es was .a week -end visitor with friends; here. The„ auction sale .af Mrs. Lydia Ehlers on Saturday afternoon :brou- ght out a large crowd. Johnston & Kalbfleisoh Hospital, London, has, returned to his home and is feeling;• hfihe. Mrs. (Gescho was with hiim ,whine; at the hospital. At the Zurich Public School this. teen young students have started Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman re- out on a new phase of their life with turned to their home in Seaforth, af- the beginning of school last week: ter spending a week with their son, They have the best wishes of that Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman. cummunity under the capable leaders Mr. Edwin Gaseho who had an op- ship of their teacher, Mrs. W. A., eration performed at St. Joseph's Siebert. YOU & Co. OU AND COMPANY—you and that family you work and plan for! A small boy you'd like to send to college --a little girl who's going to have "the very best her old Dad can give her!" It's the most im- portant thing in the world, isn't it -- planning for their future! And NOW is the time to make sure those plans come true by putting up a strong, steady fight against inflation! You and all of us must fight for that future by fighting to keep Can- ada's w;Y,lf.., t.z,1 Unless we can keep that dollar worth a full dollar, You (...: , • with the rest of Canada --will face inflation! That's why it's important NOW --more than ever ti --to 69 -ht for a dollar that's worth a dollar. Why NOW especially? Because now civilian goods are scarce, and ixit>ncy is x•icntiful. Now is the tinie to FIGHT to maintain price con- trols and price ceilings. We must support and urge the support of rationing. We must buy only what we need, and only at fair markets. If we do this, we can make plans for the future as„ part of a Nation that is economically sound. If we don't, we're going to find some day that our dollar will buy only a quarter's worth of goods. And that means that dollar is only worth a quarter. This is inflation! Up to now, Canada's controls have really worked. We've been able to prevent inflation. But we must fight now to keep those controls working, until the supply of civilian goods can come up to the demand! What happened after the last war .must not happen again! For the sake of our children, for our returned soldiers, for ourselves let's keep up the fight lit,ainst inflation. ;,,rblished by 'run 111t5‘71Ntr 1*41)TISaley (QNiTriflio) to reveal the d:entscrs of inflation. m... .. ...71pdtlNiMMtlP< .?f Make this Pledge Today! i pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: By observing rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or form. By respecting price controls and other anti.inllation measures, and re. (raining from careless and unneces. sary buying. 1 will not buy two where one will do, nor will' 1 buy a "new". where an "old" will do. By buying Savings Victory Bonds and War Stamps, supporting tax- a don ax-anon and abiding r by all such measures which will lowerthc cost of living and help keep prices ata ;normal level. THE 811E41/l noses