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Zurich Herald, 1945-09-13, Page 5
MUM, ONTARIO ZURICH HERALT) PIGS FOR SALE 1Q Sows due within 'a few weeks. teid's •P ultry Farm, Dashwood. FOR SALE A. 1930 Model Chev. Sedan, good l;bber and in good condition. Apply ito Earl Girgerich. FOR QUICK SALE New Hampshire Leghorn pullets, Inow laying. Chas, S. 'Bedard,._.. CAR COKE COMING Car of Algoma Nut Coke coming. Leave your order at once. —,Stade & Weide WANTED CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 4'7r15, collect. Jack Wil- liams. P.T. 4-6-'41 dralmemessamatorammansalo,gym„ .� CEPS ED AUCTINEER For }-luvstn and Middlesex ll Al IN A. POSITION TO CON - duct any it action Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit ffeur bueinese, and if not -satisfied will make no clt.arges for Services Ren- %ared. ARTRTT•R WEBER --Dashwood Phone 57 17 12 VETERINARIAN Di. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON OstVl.ee with Residence, Main S`rest, Opposite Drug Store Phone -96, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT M BKET Let Us supply you with the wery Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides ail Skins viuightut & Son PRODUCE Farm Produce Wr 7 Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically cien- i ically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. eroy O'Brien Phone 101. Res, 94, Zurich Zech Clumsy Your Horne Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered creat We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg ,and Poultry department in tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. INSURANCE WesternFarmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Cc. F WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY t7ANADIA.N MU'l% 43AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND TN ONTARIO .Amount of Tn,:t; ante at Risk on December '31st, 1944: $45,465,635. „Total Cash in Rank and Bonds. 0e15,13& E. Fm KLOPP -ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- g Rods and all kinds of Fire L1. AL NEWS • Mr, Leonard Erb of the Parr Line is wearing a big smile, His wife presented him with another fine baby boy. Congratulations! Word was received herb on Tues- day morning of the passing of Rev. George F. Brown at his home in Tav- istock, The funeral is being held at the Evangelical church, 'Tavistock, on Friday afternoon, at two o'clock, We have been advised tat a snow apple tree is in full bloom on the farm of Mr. Leonard Merner, 14th eon., also that ,perch fish were caught in the ditch which had been dredged recently, and furthermore a large dead wild -cat was discovered. This is indeed a year of 'irreg;alarities. Mr. and Mrs. Exias Charrette and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duch- arme and Miss Doreen Ducharme all of Detroit; Mr. Wilfred Ducharme of Windsor and Pte. Cyril Ducharme of Barry; Mr. and , Mrs, George Du- charme and children of the 'Goshen Line, were week -end visitors at the home of their parents, Wiz. and Mrs David Ducharme. NOTICE Custom work, one-way-discing, also tractor bean pulling, done on short notice.—Herb Block, Zurich FOR QUICK SALE . A horsehyde leather coat in good condition.—Harvey Clausius. PIGS FOR. SALE A limited number of small pigs for sale. -Reuben Gingorich, Phone 94-•22 FOR SALE A young hog, also young pigs and sows.—A. A. Oestreicker. FOR SALE 1931 Model A Ford coach, recently overhauled, good rubber. —Phone 97 r 4 Zurich. FOR SALE One Hundred dozen ears of Gold- en Bantam sweet corn. 25c. a dozen —Oscar Klopp, phone 149. FARMS FOR SALE Two 75 acre pasture lots in Hay Twp. Buy now and make sure of future pasture. -- W. C. ° Pearce, Exeter. SPRING. and SUMMER FOOTWEAR For Work, Sport and Dress ,,�{,}P�p(n�— ypv,p, _ rry� We��ral�rfq DATARS spy Ipp� il-Fl.` D. J. D A G A C 9 S RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES WHEN BUYING SYNTHETIC RUBBER TIRES CHOOSE THE TIRE THAT IS PREFERRED BY TIRE -WISE MOTORISTS COAST-TO-COAST FOR ... MILEAGE DEPENDABILITY TROUBLE-FREE PERFORMANCE NOW, AS ALWAYS, THE FINEST TiRE MADE VEA R DEALER KLOPP'S ONE STOP SERVICE Zurich ., Phone 78 • Again we find ourselves badly `.crowded for space in our :columns, 'and some very interesting items must be carried over for next week. Mr, Kenneth Koehler of near•Hunts- ville, Mr. Edwin and Harold Koeh- ler; Misses Ada and Helmer Koehler from Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Addison Koehler of Detroit; and Mrs. Clara McLeod of Guelph, 'attended the funeral of the late Peter Koehler on Tuesday. Limens Meet The Zurich Lions Club held its first supper meeting of the Fall sea- son on Wednesday eve, in the attiae- tive dining room of the Dominion House there was a good attendance, and much enthusiasm -shown, as the recent frolic proved such .a big suc- cess, it is very encouraging for the Lions to go ahead and do things. Not alone was there a most splendid patronage at the recent frolic, but the order and behaviour was excell- ent. The guest speaker for the eve ening was very interesting as well as consistent and practical, he being Mr. Albert Sparks, of Windsor, and a Lion of that place. Mr. Sparks, who is one of the unfortuna=e mem- ;`� Jif IiCt� i i bers of our sightless fraternity, is .a very interesting speaker, and makes a strong appeal for the help of the Institute for the Blind. The usual good "Lions Sing -Song" was enjoyed by all present. Presentation AND ADDRESS The home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weber, Bronson line, Hay, was the scene of a very pleasing event last Friday evening when about twenty- five neighbourk and friends met to take part in an address and present- ation given in honor of Mr. and Mrs Weber, bridal couple, Mr. Alvin Walper who took charge of the affair called on Mrs. Urban Ducharme to read the address in which Mr, Clayton •Ortwein presented the couple with a fine gift. .Mr. Weber replied in afew well chosen words thanking their friends for their thoughtful kindness, All joined in singing "For They are Jolly Good Fellows." The remainder of the evening was spent in various amusements, follow- ed by lunch. A vote of thanks was moved by Mr. Reino:ld Miller thunk- vs When you are looking for Odd things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we:always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and • Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced esch PRODUCE WANTED. li1�il (I 1i1ffif1i•i rich Phone 165 ID Illllll(uIMIIII I .1$1111:1 illi NIiI ��§�,O��Ii. riohF 0g DO Mt A 1/00111ar ing 114r. and Mrs. Weber for their hospitality, after *which all .orned In sin the National Anthem. .Following is the address: Dear Dorothy and Kenneth: We, 'as a group of friends and neighbours have egathered in your home this evening;• to give you the best wishes, ^of all for the test, in the future. WFi' h pe that life will stretch before yoi in the :golden beauty down the"years and that the skies of comfort and contentment will shed their pleasant rays on you as you journey throughout life. We feel that you have reached a mile- stone in your life and a new home at your touch has been called into being, and has taken its place among it WUhI I Hopy Thursday, September 6th 413 the myriad homes of earth, ;and we feel that we cannot let' this occasion andpass our sincere without healthywishesyour future happiness and prosperity. And so Mr. and Mrs. Weber, we wish you to accept this gift and value it highly not for its intrinsic money value, but for the spirit in which it was given to show you how much we appreciate you and your activities among us, and so in conclusion, may God shower his richest blessing. on you young people, and your new home, so that you may continue to be our neighbours for many years to come. Signed on behalf of your Neigh- bours and Friends. Dead and Bahia! Hil al REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTO. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) ..r .t.c.....-...,n....,n-......a -J.2.11120.1.123176=461(.14.. .01.115010 Ki ONE STOP SERVICE MAR T ON GAS A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch our trained Attendants Grease Cars. Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor. Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Reat Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up -To - Date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in Connection. "GIVE 1.0.." ARD TO GEV' !� O�>rlR, '°p© Ing 01d©� 34IMStt' �d;,�Y Zl OD � I SAY.' 51i 4tNOrV! YO1J89.•SOPPP30� OSt49 TO�Bid �„ PlST l'OIS OS "SLIP PASA COVPLIE Op SiiiitTS 'ROTHE k�7 5 .f®ILl GOT SOME 1, .11 ,o „iyIEV Etit t ltdA THE P iCt, I'LL PAY ANYTI4INOov. Let's not deceive ourselves by the belief that the danger is over—just because the war is won. And let's remember that inflation is always followed by deflation with its misery of bankrupt businesses, mortgage foreclosures and unemployment. It's your lob and your savings that are at stake. The danger of inflation, with its block shadow—:a*eacon.—will remain as long as goods are scarce and insufficient to meet a•_•hanas. that may be 6 months, 12 months, 18 months. Only time will tell. A:, i uickry as controls are unnecessary, they are dropped. • After nearly 6 years of war, industry cannot switch o•,er to normal production of civilian goods by a snap of th's fingers. Reconversion ta'es time. The whole system of raw materials,) abor oral production has fo be re.; eared. In the 'noontime, price ceilings, raamning and other contr. „ a^e she safeguard for every one of us. It's everybody's responsibility fo h.a+o make ahem work. SM Keep on watching your buying. Don't rash to buy .scarce goods, Keep on saving your money. Put it into Victory bonds aendWar Savings certificates. Keep on supporting wage and prate controls, send resioning. Keep on fighting inflation and its Ib.ack shadow .. , deflation. .•; WE f 1 A � `j' = jE F rsam 0c. �ti>s®0 THE BUBBLE V9 ��d� 1920 � �y• DURST PRICES ,z ��y`�® �4', ,PRICE D se' �a4 UNEMPLOYMENT 4. _04 .40 .fp FOLLOWED 10 o° ���a¢�° 19111 1912 $a Tr£IrS. 011,'.u?. VE IT : 4 GAIN This advertisement is issued by the Govarnmost of Canada to emphasize the important* of prnvoonnti' q further in :r•. sic in the .:oar oi liv ary no•v uta ere: s •,n .rvd .memploymenl later, orecumitevirourrmereiitmaraturetattvarimmiarramatafitovitmoreaammatratawannorterstruonoutturameatuumranamatiamiateitrimmteiatattemerarrnernwararuturruregrommerruettirmorruerastmmiiiittrammtmatatriarusettiarraumeneoutuuiramornim