HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-09-13, Page 4"�c►fRRr'4R 181 ZIACH NOTICE Vit. HAVE RECENTLY APPOINTED MR. JOHN I ]G,RLAM 2 '3P HENSALL, AS CO-OPERATIVE SHIPPER FO;Et, •HEN. • SALL AND ZURICH DISTRICT. ANYONE INTERESTED • eiN SHIPPING CATTLE, CALVES OR SHEEP F1tOMVI HEN- • -SALL BY RAIL PLASE CALL HENSALL 8343 AND AR- • • RANGE TO HAVE A TRUCK CALL FOR. IT. A SHIPMENT OF BINDER TWINE HAS ARRIVE.l7,. 1 Huron�1armer sCo-Operative s HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER., MANAGER 4bti00•0000*p404,•••••••••• o.o .,o•So004:oo041)*::ooct,o.v+4$4 i' • • • *.I • 4 'e • Massey- Iarris .Advise ORDER. YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR T -94E E I HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATOR.. ON MY ALI.OT- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at 400 to 450 SIZE 850 to 900 SIZE :$70,75 $55:50 $82.75 ° (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS,) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp R. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arnie, for Canadian Faran. AUCTION SALE Of Dwelling Property and House- hold Effects in the Village of Zurich On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd at 1.30 o'clock p.m, the following REAL ESTATE—Two-storey brick house with kitchen, wired for Hydro, plenty of soft and hard water, large barn suitable for garage, small gar- `. den, house has furnace and bath room. Terms of Real Estate —,1O% on day of Sale and balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reserved bid. Household Effects -- Dining room table and 6 chairs a,lrge China cabin- et, parlor suit, Pell piano with stool, music cabinet, parlor table, oak mis- sion table, leather couch, arm chair, rocker, hall mirror, blinds and cur- tain, for whole house, living room rug 10x10 -ft; parlor rug 9x12 -ft; small rug 6x4 -ft; rug 7x9 -ft; These rugs are all practically new; lixioleum for kitchen 9x12 -ft; kitchen table with 2 •leafs; small table; 6 kitchen chairs, sink, 2 step ladders, large ladder, cook stove nearly dew, gyro- line'stove 3 burner with oven, kitch- en table, small parlor table, rug 6x10 -ft; hall rug, bed room. suit; white bed .room suit; bed, dresser and stand, rug 7x9 -ft; toilet set; • alarm clock, carpenter tools, garden tools, pots, pails, pans, sealers, cro- cks, tea kettles, kitchen utensils, cel tar table, Hydro lamp, lawn mower, and numerous other articles. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Arthur Edighoffer, Clerk. Mrs. Dora Edighoffer, Executrix of late C. Eilber Estate. In case of rain Sale will be held in church shed. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, at Dashwood, Oa SATURDAY, .SEPEMBER 15th. At 1.30 o'clock, p.m. Two-piece parlor suite, parlor table, rocking chair, rug els':x9-ft; book case, library table, dining room table, 6 dining room chairs, sideboard, up- holstered rocker, stretcher, oatinan, 3 -niece bedroom suite, springs and mattress, feather tick, toilet set, iron bed, springs and mattress, dresser, unmade, bed, springs and mattress, feather tick, home made carpet; 2 od+:k chairs, bolster pillow, wooden bed, springs and mattress, quilt chest kitchen clock, kitchen cupboard, kitchen table, small table, kitchen stove, iron board, wash boiler, 6 kit- chen electric plate, electric iron, cooking utensils, 2 6 -gallon chocks, spring balance, quantity of empty - sealers, 3 -gal. crock, quantity of fruit, fire extinguisher, cosy home Quebec heater, pictures, dishes, 6 -in. stove pipes, curtains, hat rack, wash machine, carpenter tools, 7 step lad- der.-, clotheshorse, whi!i'l ;reel, dou- bletree,, quantity lumber, ladder, . cross cut saw, paint, garden tools, shovels, chop barrels, 2 chains, fence stretcher, garden marker, wooden barky fork, wheelbarrow, 2 pitch fork,, fishing poles, crow bars, mod- el T. car, tent, sewing machine, and numerous other articles. Ne reserve, as the Proprietor has sold his property. TERMS -CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.. Reinhold Miller, Clerk, Henry Schrader, Proprietor. 2500YEAR COURSE OF THE GREEN SPECTER Out of the wood: came a Millar of green lire in the shape of a woman rend reached out with huge arms to enfold a horrified bicyclist. Ellio% O'r,f7onno&I, the "Ghost Man", saw tle s appartion, and writes about it lei The American. Weekly with this Sunday's (Sept. 16) iesue of The + 'netireit Cunday Times with tht Sun..4 dray's Detrort Tiniee, BLAKE Sellolars and teachers are back to school again after a pleasant sw'n- ,er's holidays, IMtclr;V p! 41kIners are sowing fall wheat anxi sfinishing threshing in the vioinity. The V.M.S.::meets for the Sept- ember • iseeting at the chureh on Thus rsday evening at 8:30 p.m, HENSALL .Mins. W. Luker, Miss Gladys Luk{ ex, .Mrs. Meidinger, Mr. and Mrs. R. Haler spent Sunday with relatives an Auburn. Mr. Peter Moir, welt known Hen - salt resident, is suffering from a stroke, Harvest Home Thanksgiving serv- ices will be held in St. Pawl's A,70- loan church on 'Sunday Sept; l6th, at 11 a.m. and 7 pim. the morning speaker will be Rev. J.L.H. Hender- son of Blyth and .for the evening, Rev. L. C. Harrison of Lueon.!Spec- ial music by the theiir. DASHWOOD (Items crowded gout) Mr. and iVlrs• Bert Carr :and .fam- ily of Sarnia visited with tier par- ents, Mr. and 3Irs. Dan Weber. Donald Restoineyer returned 'to Debert, N.S. after .spending 'lois fur- lough at r flout. here. Miss Ponothr Meek of Detroit and Miss Jean Woods and Onedia. 1 e,.Ste- sn. :r, I ,'_`i of rajiadon, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ifiinyer. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin '\lerne Sind Joyce spent last -week with 'irds • in Kitchener. Mr. jack Roselike of Detroit spent the week -end with friends here. iVln•s Reschke, Bob and Donnie ret,ernei1 with him after spending their: holi- days here. ^e Miss (Iris Nihlock of Lond'oi,',- sp- ent the week -:end 'writih Mrs. Nefs. Troopers George Wolfe and Ken. McFadden of Woodstock spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes,'Wolf Mr. Percy Kleinstiver and friend XVIr. 114. IIIoyaue of Mew., Mrs..Flo Smith and friend of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Scott and 'son Owen and Lorne Kleinstiver sof Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, Herman Zimmer of Windsor; Mr. 'Theo Willert of Carlo, Mich.., and Mr. Wm. Willert of :Cen- tralia were week -end visitors with Mrs. E. Kleinstiver. ]YIn and Mrs. +Koessel and family, of Lansing, .I'tich., were holiday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Kunts and Mr. and .Mrs. C. P;file. Mr, and Mrs. Beavis and daughter of Toronto, spent the holiday here, also visiting her mother, Mrs. Hayter who is in London Hospital. We are glad to report that Mrs. Hayter is improving nicely following her oper- ation. LAC. Keith Weber of the RCAF. who has been overseas for two years has returned home. Visitors with M. L. 1VIcIsaec were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erdman; PVT., '(Victor Erdman, Mrs. Donna Moore and Mr. W. Mclsaac alt of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin .Kellerman and Mona of Chatham'are spending the week hese, Mrs. W. Mcltisaac and sons Frank James, Ronald and Donald returned to their hone in Detroit, after spen- ding :a few weeks with Mrs. L. Mc - Isaac. PJC., Meryon A. Keller of De- troit visited with 1VIr. Charles Keller and daughter on Sunday. Mrs. -Betty Taylor of London and Jim who is employed with the 13e11 Telephone spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs Chas. Steinhagen. Henry Martene Passes Henry Martene, well known farmer of Stephen Township passed away at his residence on August 30th after . i lingering illness He was in -n, 69th year and was married to Elizabeth Seyyler formerly of Petersburg. He -was a member of Zion Lutheran Thursday, September 13th, i941`• church, Dashwood, lie Is survived by A private funeral service � ok lac his wife, four daughters, (Martha)• at the residence followed y 'public Mrs. Eben Welghand; ((Caroline) service in Zion Lutheran church. AZrs. Homer Russel; both of Hay Tp; terment in the Lutheran •B,ronson (Edna) Mrs. Allan Swan of Exeter; Line. The poli bearers were: Wes.. (Mildred) Mrs. Alvin Bearss of Pt. Wein, .Clinton Brown, B rt , More Colborne; three sons. Charlie of Ste- Art Amey, , phen Twp; Donald and Anthony at lock. The flower bearers: Howard home and one grandchild; two sisters Holtzman, Gerald Wein, Donald Kees Mrs. Melinda Southwich, Mt. Clem- tie, Howard Ford, Ross Haugh, Ray. ens and Mrs, Fred Dixon of London, Morlock. 00000000000emotweeft:c), 0000000 OS i le { era We have recently received a good supply of Repairs for Farm Equipment, such as Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, Plow Repairs for M -H. No. 7 and Verity Plows; Cultivator Points, Etc. YOUR POULTRY NEEDS Soon the Poulry and Chick season will be with us again, and many supplies which may then be hard to get will be required. Put in your supply now while the supply is here. PEAT MOSS, POUL- TRY LITTER, and CHICK STARTERS are some of the items you will require. Let us supply you. ORDER YOUR COAL NOW! The Fuel Administrator advises all people to place • their orders for next Winter's Fuel as early as they can, to avoid the big rush when it is actually needed Place your order now and don't be disappointed by • ordering later. • kt '-q6c, armra. vaso c meas ettome@d'vCFSm+,'c.'taeeee tp t?S'°.�i' eatzeG'ar :t1. aogas>s 3t 6'g'pa* As of midnight, SEPTEMBER 9, 1945, it is unlawful for ,.•;ny person to buy rationed me:•,ts and for anyone to sell rationed -meats except on surrender"of valid ration coupons or other ration documents. Sales between suppliers, however, are coupon free until midnight, Saturday, September 15. All,pxoducts sho, eebelow.are derived from beef, veal, lamb, mutton, pork or combinations of them: Any product or crag.,shown below has the couponwalue indicated, whether or not it contains dressing: DEET`—Ir redo or Cured Round Steak or Roast bone in Round Steak or Roast boneless Round Steak, Minced Sirloin Tip boneless Sirloin Tip, Cubed or Minute Steaks boneless Sirloin Butt :boneless Flank Steak boneless Strip Lola boneless Rib Roast, 7 Rib Bones (rolled whole) boneless Prime Rib Roast, 5 Rib Bones (rolled) boneless 1nee•5, ,p' PORK—Cured Back ,(slims> :boneless Rib Roast Rolled, 6th and 7th Rib Bones—Inside Roll bone- less Tenderloin VEAL—Fresh Cutlets or Fillet Roast boneless Strip Loin Steaks boneless Front Roll boneless Leg Roll boneless Loin Strip boneless Tenderloin LAM or MUTON -Fresh Frontquarter (rolled) ,boneless BEET'—Fresh or Cured Shank, Hindquarter boneless Rump Roast, Round or Square End bone in Sirloin Steak or Roast bone in Flank, Trimmed bone in Porterhouse Steak or Roast bone in T-bone Steak or Roast bone in Wing Steak or Roast bone in Rib Roast, 7 Rib Bones, Whole bone in Prime Rib Roast, 5 Rib Bones bone in Rib Roast, 6th and 7th Rib Bones bone in Rolled Rib Roast, 6th and 7th Rib Bones, Outside Roll boneless Plate Brisket (rolled) boneless Brisket Point (rolled) boneless BEEF—Fresh or Carred Short Ribs, Braising bone iv Plate Brisket bone in Brisket Point bone in Round Bone Shoulder Roast bone in Blade Roast bone in Chuck Roast bone in Shank, Frontquarter, NVisote bone in Shank Knuckle End bone b VEAL—Fresh Shank, Hind bone in PORK—Smoked Back Bacon (sliced) Side Bacon (sliced) ((rind on or rindless) CO KED MEAT Any uncooked Group B item (bone in or boneless), when cooked Pork Butt boneless Pork Ham boneless .PORK—Fresh Batt, Whole, Pieces or Chops (rindless) bone in Butt, Whole, Pieces or Chops (rindless) boneless Ham, Whole, Centre Slices bone in Ham, Whole, Pieces or Slices bone in or boneless Picnic, Hockless boneless Back, Whole, Pieces or Slices boneless Side Pork, Whole, Pieces or Slices boneless Trimm in gs, Extra Lean (skinless) Tenderloin PORK—Cured Cottage Roll or Butt, Whole or Pieces boneless Picnic, Hockless boneless Ham, Whole, Pieces or Slices bone in or boneless Ham, Centre Slices bone in Back, Whole or Pieces boneless Skinless Roll boneless Ham Butt Roll boneless PORK, -Smoked Picnic, Hockless or Hock on boneless a Rolled Shoulder boneless Short or Cross Rib Roast bone in Blade Roast, Blade and Back - strap out bone in Chuck Roast honeless Neck boneless Shank, Centre Cut bone in Shank Meat Stewing Meat boneless Hamburger VEAL—Fresh Shank, Hinck boneless Rump, Knuckle Bone out bone in Sirloin Butt Roast bone in Sirloin. Butt Steak bone in Leg; Sirloin Butt End bone in Loin, Full Cut, Flank off, Kidney and Suet out bone in Loin, Short Cut, Flank off, Kidney and Suet out bone in Leg, Long Cut bone in Leg, Short Cut bone in Leg, Shank End bone in Loin, Full Cut, Flank on, Kidney and Suet out bone in Flank bone in• Blade Chop or Roast bone in Breast bone in Shank, Front bone rz Neck bane in Forequarter, Whole, 7 Rib Bones bone in Rack, Whole bone in Rack, Shoulderesff, Knuckle Bone out Bonn I►}Iit•, air PORK—Fresh Lacone bone in Hock • bo tze in Jowl. PORK—Cured Hock bone its Mess Pork bone Ira Short Cut Back line iaz Jowl FANCY mu?. Heart Tongue 114 Loin Chop or Roast, Tenderloin End bone in Loin Chop or Roast, Rib End bone in Round Bone Shoulder Chop or Roast bone in Shank, Front boneless Neck boneless Veal Loaf or Patties Stewing Veal LAME or MUTTON—Fresh Sirloin or Chump Chop bone in Loin, Whole, Flank off, Kidney and Suet out bone in Loin Roast or Chop, Tenderloin End bone in Patties PORK—Fresh Picnic, Hockless bone in Butt (rind on), Whole, Pieces or Chop bone in SAUSAGE—Fresh or Cured Pork Sausage Commercial Sausage LAMB or MUTTON—Fresh Leg, Full Cut, Whole or Half bone in Leg, Short Cut bone in Loin, Whole, Flank on, Kidney and Suet out bone in Loin Rib Roast or Chop bone in Flank bone in Frontquarter, Whole or Half bone in Cottage Roll or Butt, Whole or Pieces boneless Skinless Roll boneless Ham, Centre Slices bone in Ham, Whole (skin on or skin- less), Pieces or Slices bone in or boneless Back, Whole or Pieces boneless Side Bacon (rind or on rindless), Whole or Pieces COOKED MEAT Any uncooked Group C item (bone in or boneless), when cooked. Butt (rind on), Whole or Pieces boneless Ham, Trimmed, Whole, Butt End or Shank End bone in Loin, Trimmed (rindless), Whole, Pieces or Chop bone in Side Pork, Whole or Pieces bone in PORK—Cured . Picnic, Hockless bone in Ham, Trimmed, Whole, Butt End or Shank End bone in Side Pork, ,Whole or Pieces bone in Shoulder Roll (skin on) boneless Dry Salt Belly boneless Dry Salt Lean Backs boneless PORK—Smoked Picnic, Hockless bone in Rack or Shoulder, Neck on bone in Rack or Shoulder, Neck off bone in Rack or Shoulder Chop bone in Breast bone in Neck bone in PORK—Fresh Picnic, Hock on boneless Loin (rind on), Whole Pieces oe Chop bone Ira PORK.—Cured Dry Salt Long Clear boneless Hain, Trimmed or Skinned, Whole, Butt End or Shank End bone in FANCY MEAT Liver Kidney Sweetbread COOKED MEAT Any uncooked Group D item (bone in or boneless), when cooked. Loaves made from chopped or minced meat. Cooked meats, j ellied meats in loaf form or otherwise excepting those cooked or jellied meats listed in Group D). Bologna Wieners Sausage, Smoked or Cooked Dry Salt Short Clear boneless Dry Salt Clear Back boneless PORK—Smoked Picnic, Hock on bone in jowl COOKED MEAT Any uncooked Group E item (bone in or boneless), when, cooked. Brawn or Headcheese Liver Sausage, all types Blood Sausage, all types Cretons Francais CANNED MEAT (sealed Sausage • Comminuted (Ground) Pork Comminuted (Ground) Pork Roast Beef.... , Stews, boiled dinners, hashes Stews, boiled dinners, hashes Pork Tongues containers) Container .. 1-14 oz. --k4 tokens 1-12 oz. -3 it • . 1--16 oz. --4 " .. 1-15 oz:= -2 .. •1--16 oz. -2 1-12 oz. --3 " Container Meat Sandwich Spread 1— 705.-2 tokens Meat Sandwich Spread 1— 3 oz. -1 Ox Ton ue 1-32 oz, -1 coupon Meat Balls 1-16 oz. -3 tokens Beefsteak with Mushrooms 1-16oz.--3 " Beefsteak with Onions 1-16oz.-3 Beefsteak with Kidneys....... 1-16 oz -3 " MEAT PIES For any size Meat Pie, 8 oz. per token. O