HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-09-13, Page 1E,rt ablished .1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13 d 9 45 Chester L. Smith, Fublish ,$1.50 a Year in Advanca 24th an 25th are the dates of the Zurich *°l"•I•.II•.&•-1•.I+•g•++.g••;:•bor•t,:-: •.1..I+•P+ ,g•+ ++.t--+4i4�r 4.+++++++++++++++++4+ mE ' arry Poffman i untrat 19 -ogre +4. 4. 3 Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance t of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and 4. + Funeral Director. 4. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. 4. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 4.+ t Dashwood — Ontario 4is 4. *+++++++++++++++++++++.44++ i-,++++++++++++++++++++++++* Yourbest investrnent 1-.'_% ta btis�St�vr or increased production A' DURO' ,NJ/APING SYSTEM. Running water under pressure speeds farm production—the need for running water in your home and farm building is greater than ever today. Your investnient in a NE ,,, DURO PUMP you will never regret --saves Time everywhere used. New Duro Pumps are available in greater quantities ,of. Materials and Labour will not allow the Duro 'enough to meet the demand. All Duro ,'healers are on a quota. basis and permit to purchase must be approved by W.P.T.B. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS For Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry. Visit your gmco Dealer for available Myles. and Labour Stade today, but shortages Factory to produce eido — Zurich Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS rho Better Oil Permanents applied 'ith the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. —r JIVE US A CALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH --- ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11,15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services Are You Sufffering From Headaches? Lf so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERRIc0 -- ONT. - Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices MEAT RATIONING. Beginning midnight Monday morn- ing meat ,rationing in Caada went in- to effect in Canada, while in the U. S.A. we are told it will be removed* bY about. the first of October. The; average householder cannot just see; through this regulation now being put in effect when the wars are over, and the abundance of live stock one sees in driving through the country, as well as the big stock yards genera' ally have such large carryovers. A- bout the only thing on the carcass in this new order that is not rationed is hide and tripe, even liver, shanks. and the like are now on. ration. It looks to us as if the ones responsible tor these rulings wish to turn the people of Canada into vegetarians, and let the fine herds of good cat- tle the farmers are raising, Well, just for an ornament, or what? Congratulations are being extend- ed to Miss Doris McEwen, daughter, of 'Mrs. Fred McEwen, of Bayfield, who obtained first class honors in all nine subjects of her entrance to Un- iversity examinations at Clinton Coll- egiate Institute. She won two schol- arships. (1) which enables her to attend Western University for two years, (2) free tution for one year in English. ',PRISONER OF WAR 4'1 CO/09 ♦. J. ;•,. 0000... „`� ... �.., •-. „w ,r.. • nM••.....h. eolot aorf agar stocks are dangerously low ... use less— use with discretion .•a � Ase McCarthy of Oswego, N State, is spending some time with 'er aunt, Mrs. Peter Koehler. Ma Nelson Armstrong, of Wood Wood- stoejf,,NS visiting at the home of her brotker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yung blui4,and other relatives.. Wdnnifred .Shaw, R. N.. of Toronto;, visited a few days. with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth $rt elcey. 2 e many friends of Mr. Edmund Sweipentruber of Blake are pleased: to .sed him well enough to take a trip to Zurich after his recent accident.." • M'rs. Meriam Either it at St. Jos- ephs Hos pital, London for treat- ment " .Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. -Mi and Mrs. Moaris iRau, and Mr. and',Mrs. Gordon iRan of Detroit, werelvisiting for several days at the homea of their mother, Mrs. John P. Raulof town. Mg. and Mrs. H. W. Brokenshire, Miss Marjorie Klopp, Mr. and Mrs. Fred,Haberer and daughter, Miss Mildaied, R.N., were Sunday visitors with jWrrends in. Kitchener. • Mrs Edwin. •Koehler and sisters, Misses Helma and Ada of Toronto, werekbedside visitors with 'their fath- er, the now deceased Mr. Peter •Ko- ehler, the past week, Mrs Betty 1iunlstedler and friend, Rata -filler of Kitchener were week - lend sitars at the home of the for- mer' uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. • Geor e Farwell•, The girls made the trip n their bicycles in about eight hours,. a distance of over seventy e :Sen Sznilic, .Missionary in t gild a• ve. -timer twenty ;• yntiears, ,awhe: is home on furlough, will give an ad- dress in the Evangelical Church, Zur- ich, on Thursday evening, September 13th at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. An offering for missions will be re- ceived. FIFrLD CROP COMPETITION The .;cores of the Field Crop com- petition for 1945 as put on by the Zurich Agricultural society resulted as follows: Fred J. Haberer, Zurich, 9416+%0 ; Roland Geiger, Zurich 94; Bertram Klopp, Zurich 921A! ; Erwin Willert, Hensall 93; Harvey Turner, Varna 9;21h.; Henry Fuss, Zurich 92; Arnold Merner, Zurich 91; Alphons- us Deichert, Zurich 9014 ; Orlando Battler, Zurich 90; Theodore .Stein - back, Zurich 8.91ii ; Peter Deichert, Zurich 89; Wm. Davidson, Zurich 85 Delbert .Geiger, Zurich 84..:°"The -cropcoM' the Judge being s for standing roats. oranick, of Brantford, Ont. ZURICH FALL FAIR • • ,annual Zurich Fall Fair which is oiily two weeks away promises to be unusually interesting this year. One must get a copy of the prize list and see how busy the Directors have been in .soliciting advertising; to help the financial cause along. Never in the history of the Society has there been so large a prize list printed, and every name therein should be a boos-, ter for the Fair. The dates are Sep- tember 24th and 25th. On the la: - ter. date the afternoon will start ort with a ball gauze which will be super- vised by the Zurich Lions Club. Pian to attend Zurich Far this year no mat- ter how far away. Gasoline restri- ctions are off and here's hoping the tireswnl:l soon conte along too, OBITUARY Late Peer ICoeriler Early Sunday morning there pas- sed .away at his holae in Zurich, one of its oldest citizen; if not the old- est, in the person of Mr. Peter Koeh- ler, in his 92nd year. Mr. Koehler who has always been -a very active and smart man, very much devoted to his home life, •has not been- so well the Fast while, and was .confin- ed to his bed, although only a few weeks. The departed spent all his lifetime in the' community, before moving to Zurich ha farmed on ,the Goshen line, and was twice married. Was a lifelong member of the Evan- gelical. church, and a very pleasant man to meet at all times. Surviving is his widow, the former Carrie Spath and his family with his 'first marriage of two sons 'and three daughters: Addison Koehler of Detroit; Edwin of Toronto; Mrs. Clara McLeod of Guelph, and Misses Helma and Ada Koehler of Toronto. The remains were laid to rest on Wednesday after- noon, the funeral was conducted by Rev. J. Burn of Dashwood, in the ab- sencc of the local pastor, Rev, C. 13. lleckendorn, A brief private serv- ire at the home was followed by rt public service In the Evangelical church, with interment in the 13ron- on line cemetery. The floral trib- utes were lovely and many, all air F IV e Bifocals Kryptoks YES, ANY TYPE OF STYLE OF BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY DUPLICATED PLUS A SAVING EITHER FROM YOUR PRESCRIPTION OR PROM A BROKEN PART OF YOUR LENSE A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification J the World's Finest AnthraciW ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal -1 Roe Farms Milling Co. 1 Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Henaall __010.+..4, cos 0 ass+ees0®ecraow®Nee•ae1114111ao+s.0eaa1ase00.60$4es011 1 A� t Westiake Funeral Service okO sb ire Comfortable .Hospital Flwed for Rent e, lay and Night Service aQGeeramip+*tixvoUi cy gom:iGtedwFiie9c9':,th3,U431,M084r®06t3 0pF'DiQB! Phone 158, Zurich 1 ' �° 4wA+ d• r Il, i.I>+i ;> p g ..I z �u� ^; ••I 4. x4.+++ .�..*. } ,� .;.:_.a . , r .a i, 11. + + + + 4 + + 3 �,'l�7'�"i'�+r�i+�F�•&�a+3••t,•i•.!^.A+"s+.4..4..t..ir•c.�`+•:��.ti+.e.�'.ti+•i•.�o.g•b.p+.g•+:+•;3•+F.+i•�e•.F,4+.,;L:�r,3•++Il u:ek vale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FO :DING, LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. CI. KALBF LEISC] SON Phone 69 - - - - ZURICH 4. 4. We are Sales hen for the Famous New WE ALWAYS CARRY A GOOt LINE OF DRY GOODS, HARD. WARE, PAINTS, CLOTHING FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE FA.11S1LY. ONLY FRESH GROCERIES KEPT IN STOCK. 1 he Blake Store t MADE WITH THE NEW ALL SIZES 1N STOCK E. SCHWARTZENTRUIlt.R, !'ROP !FAR a l.l o f tt L F B U Y E R S AAAAIAwe