HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-08-23, Page 5' ONTARIO HERALD $USNF$$ CARDS WANTED CASH FOR FOX HORSES --Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r1.5, collect. Jack TJViI- LOST hams. P.T, 4-0-`41 A :young white pig, G wee Finder notify Earl Gingerich, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Put Your Want, For Salt Lt$ ALNEWS Lost, Found; Etc. Ads, in this Column, It AM IN A POSITION TO COAT- iaet shy Auction Sale, regardless III to size or article to sell. I solicit four business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Res- tored. ABEHUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 VETERINARIAN COXON; . \V . - `V'ETERINARY 17 'EO Mee with Residence, Main Opposite Drug Store thane ---96. Zoarhe : BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the wery Choice of Fresh and Cur - ad Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration. Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins $, Yungblut & Sou PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED 1 -lave your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Leroy O'Brien ,?horse 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creantuy Your Horne Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus s premium for delivered crearr We are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg land Poultry department in Charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK ISE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $275,133. E. F. KLOPP--ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in `Lights), cast Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Job Printiri IP YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R �T ER ORDINARY WORK, RE- MEMBER TO CALL, AT 'ME HERALD OFFICE WillERE PRICES AIRF, ALWAYS LOW AND WORK- MANSHIP GOOD. 01 NOTICE Farm to hent on Shares, consisting of 190 acres, north of Drysdale. For particulars phone 2-98, Zurteri . NOTICE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS REGISTER NOW Students who intend to enter the Exeter 'High .School in September are asked to register with the Sec- retary, Miss K. MacFau: August 23, 24 or 25. Included in the courses is. Home Economics and Shop Work, Com- p -1044V Option foiz Mfttrieylation, one-year Commercial course; regular Matriculation course. Grad - nates of the Commercial course have secured good positions, FOUND In Zurich a Ladies Coat.—Call at Edighoffer's shoe shop. WANTED To purchase a small organ, anyone having the same for sale kindly con- tact the Herald Office. NOTICE BEATTY WASHER SERVICE Hamilton Street, Goderich Repairs and service to all makes of Washers, Irons, Vacum Cleaners. -Phone or call at Stade & Weido's Hardware, Zurich; or J. (Passmore, Hensel].. FOR QUICK SALE An inside white enameled door with lock and hinges, also a number of metal door knob sets.—Apply at Herald Office. NOTICE CAR OF ALBERTA COAL We are receiving a carload of Al- berta Coal in the •near future. Place your order at once—L. Schilbe & Son, Zurich. lart Economic 01 D rab1e SPRING and SUMMER FOOTWEAR For Work, Sport and Dress Wear ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES DAY OF THANKSGIVING The Allied victory in the -Second Great WIT was observed Sunday with services of prayer and thanksgiving in Canada, Great Britain, the United States and other countries which con- tributed to the overthrow of Ger- many, Japan and their satellites. In the cities and towns across Canada citizons.heecled Prime. Minister King's. proclamation of the day as one of national thanksgiving and prayer. Mr. Ray Sehilbe who is in the Can- adian Navy was a visitor at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Milfrad Sehilbe last week, Mr. Ed. Swartzentruber of Blake, is still confined to his ;bed after the recent auto accident,' ` His many'frt. ends wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Patricia O'Dwyer, nurse in- training at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, returned to her duties after an enjoyable vacation with her par- ents at Wilberforce, also spending a day at her home in Zurich. Mr and Mrs. Roy Oliver of St. Marys spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mrs. Flossie Brown accompanied them on her re- turn home after enjoying a week's vacation at St. Marys. Mr. Ward Fritz who is camping at the Bend, accompanied by'two other men made a trip to 'Parry Sound on a fishing trip last week. We are told that Ward was the lucky one to land a monste pike. Miss Patsie t of Bradford, and yyho has been v..•.:i g with her grand- parents, Mr. Pr.' 'airs. Thos. Meyers in, Zurich, is s,• 1•11ig the ween with her other gran ,.rents, Mr. and Mrs Ed. Stelck of .wood. Mr. Fred Hess ;/' o has been 'boli- dayiug with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess left for his studies at the Medical School, Toronto, while •his brother. Quimby of Kapascasing is. spending his vacation with his par- ents at Grand Bend. The summer harvest is rolling a- long. Some have finished last week, and some will be through this week. The rain on Tuesday detained the work somewhat, but the moisture was badly needed for the later crops and the pasture fields. Aged Lady Passes The death took place at her home Blue Water Highway, north of Drys- dale of Mrs. Mary Bedard on Monday August 20th in her 87th year, being one of the oldest residents of that district, and known by many who she came in contact with during her many years living there. The funeral was held on Wednesday morning at 9.00 p.m. with Requiem High Mass in St. Peter's R. C. Church, Drysdale and interment followed in the adjoin- ing cemetery. LIONS FROLIC Next Wednesday :evening the first Lions Frolic of the 'Zurich organizat- ion will be held on the local -Fair Grounds, and there will be plenty of entertainment for all, in fact it will be a big night for Zurich. To miss it will mean to regret it. If yet': will read the adv. on this page or -,•this issue it will in part give you an idea of the fine evening's program that is in store for you. Thousands of peo- ple are expected to be present at• this first frolic. ..And remember, er- ery cent of •money' you leave, will be used advantageously for public wel fare, and goes right back to the conn- munity. Bring the Whole family for a big evening film and frolic. V -J DAY CELEBRATION V-3 Day was celebrated -very ord- erly and fittingly last Wednesday ev- ening in Zurich. •A parade headed by Constable Earl Thiel mounted on a white horse was a fitting setting for the occasion, after which a pro- gram was given from the verandah of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gascho, at which Mr. Victor Dinnin ably introduced Mr. Albert Kalbfleisch as chair- man, and the reeve and clergymen of town addressed the audience of en- thusiastic citizens. The school clill- dren sang, and the singing was led by Mrs. Milton Oesch, with Mrs. Jno, Tueskheim presiding at the piano. In fact it was a happy, event to cele- brate, and to think that peace now prevails on earth, possibly the first time since the christian area has been ushered in, and the only way to main- tain this peace will be to police those' war bent nations and not let them prepare for 'war. It will require more than a bit of educating, it will re- nuire military force to do it. Let's hope our Allied leaders will find just the right solution for this. KLAPP'S ONE STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS ?t Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's yore get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Giem;e. We invite you to watch our trained Attendants Grease Cars. Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor. Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires *lean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zu leh's Finest and Most Up -To - Date %war e and Sertsice Station, Drive in and Iet us service and "Pep Up" your Car HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE Wind Fritz Used Car Lot in Connection. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg of Lucas IMO in town Sunday afternuun. miss Marilyn Dagg of :4uean, is holidaying a few days with her fri- end, Miss Betty O'Brien. Mr. Cl;'.aire Schnelkes and Mr. Hoff- man of Milverton who has recently returned from overseas, were visit- ors at the home of the fortner's:aunt and, uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Bren- ner. Has Large Signal School At St, Hyacinthe, Que., the Royal Canadian Navy set up a signals school which is believed to be the largest training centre of its kind in the British Commonwealth, if not in the world. Toward the end of 1944. it was accommodating 3,200 naval personnel, including Wrens. Has High Rating Canada ranks third among the Un- ited Nations in naval power and 4th in air power. During the war, Can- ada became fourth largest supplies of war equipment, third trading nation and second exporting nation among the United Nations. GARAGEMEN'S Pi(;r1ic Over 300 were present at the pic- nic;sponsored by the Huron County Branch of Garage Operators, The picnic was held in Bayfield on Wed- nesday, August 15th. Races, games and sports were arranges lur all. Those in charge of the day's pro- gram Were the president, Walter Westlake of Bayfield; .W11 Mills of Goderich; Gilbert Plante of Goder- ieh; Lloyd Gemeinhardt of Bayfield and Bill Wells of Clinton. The picnic was voted a real success and much credit is given the committee for their splendid effort. WEIN—COLE NUPTIALS In• a charming ceremony ar noon, Aug:• lst at Mt. Piesant United church Mount Pleasant, Jean Worden, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cole of Science Hill, became the bride of Sheldon Daniel• Wein, of Ex- eter, youngest son of Mr. and Nips.. Jack Wein of Dashwood. The occasion marked also the anniversary of the marriage of the bride's parents. Rev. A. B. Irwin, • of James St. United church,, Exeter, performed the cere- mony for which the church present- ed a grand scene: Bridal music was played by.Mrs. Aaron Oestreicher, of Dashwood, and Mrs. M. Fletcher of Exeter was soloist. The wedding din- ,„ner was at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell where 60 guests were entertained. • The bridal party and guests return- ed to Mt. Pleasant Gardens, for a reception. The. honeymoon was spent in the Maritimes. The bride traveled in .a. blush suit gown with white acces sories. On their return they will re- side in Exeter. H!LLSGREEN Minister Called A unanimous call has been issued by the congregations of rew's, 3Cippen, and Hiilsgreen Unit- ed Ch riches to the Rev. Albert Hin- ton of Danville, Que. rn:s can has been accepted subject to the action of the Transfer Committee of the United Church ,of Canada. it is ex- pected the Induction will take place on Sept. 20th under direction of Rev. Atkinson of Brucefield and Rev Brook, Hensall representing the Pres- bytery of Huron and 11tr. 1 commence his duties Sunday, iSent- 1:,1,e.....o®4•e1,o4.ecs *'p®aa.a.rye•a`c v+wv.c•r9.;,*a Gar�aoe`go ember;. 23rd. Mr. Hinton is a graduate i : of the United Theological. College of ob Montreal, affiliated with McGill Un- iversity 'and \Vis a Gold Medalist in Bible History:iin his graduating year. n is Vhitrs4149r, August 20 d, 1040 with the formner's mother, Mrs. F. G Gemeinhardt, Mr. 'and Mrs, GO:bent' Knight of Toronto were also visitors there, Anniversary services were held in St. Andrew's United church on Sun- day. The pastor, Rev. F. 0. States - bury preached at the morning serv- ice, and Mr. Ernest Rahn of Detroit was the .soloist. In the evening ser- vice Rev. C. B. Heckendorn of Zurich did the preaching and the music was by the Zurich male chorus. The ladies of St. Johns Church, Varna, and Trinity Church Guild, Bayfield, held a very successful sale of homemade baking', sewing, veget- ables, etc., in Mrs. Edward's store. In less than an hour the counters which had been covered, were bare again. Master Bobby Parker made the draw for the lucky ticket which resulted In the beautifu'1 quilt made by Mrs. Parcy Weston, going to A. C. Van - stone. Had Annual Carnival The Annual Carnival for War purposes was held on Clan Gregor Square, and preceeding it was a base- Lall gams in the Agricultural Society grounds, between Seaforth and Clin- ton, the latter team winning by a big score. Men from neighbouring places assisted the local finance committee with the bin.go and various games of chance, all of which were well pat- ronized. At midnight, Mr. Harold Jackson auctioneer from Seaforth, conducted the draw for the lucky tic- kets. He called different local _persons to the platform to make the etiaws. Following this the Junior Red Cross, Blue Water Highway, had a draw for a doll made by Betty Jean Talbot; It was won by Wm. McDool. There was also •a dance in the Town Hall for which Murdock's Orchestra from Bru- cefield played. WEST COAST STAR Gulden -haired Isabelle McEwen. is chu soprano star of two popular programs soprano star of two popular programs COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurhri g g►, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of, Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. li Let': Get This Straight! What DOES the Bible Say? —ONE MEDIATOR - "For there is one God, and one me liator between God and Men, the man CHRIST JESUS." 1 Tim. 2: 5. —ONE SAVIOUR - "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, amu t'u• life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by ME." John 14. 6. —ONE WAY TO BE SAVED! "Neither i; there salvation in any other for there f. none other naive under heaaven girren men, v. -hereby we :must he saved. Acts. 4: 12. "Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and thou shalt be saved. Act; 16: 31. TUNZ IN: CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, '53, CAL. PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Old-fashioned 'Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at various times. Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor BAYFIELD 5' e Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer ,r and family have• returned after an extended vacation at• various points up north.- Mrs. orth.-Mrs. E. Rahn of Detroit was a holi- . day visitor with her parents, Mr. :Lid Mrs. David Dewar. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Gemeinhardt 11ENSAl..1,, Phone 115. and family of Saginaw, were v:':tol; o ,•a�� per o:rtas�arse�� NOTIOE WE HAVE RECENTLY APPOINTED MR. JOHN INGRAM OF HENSALL, AS CO-OPERATIVE SHIPPER FOR HEN- SALL AND ZURICH DISTRICT. ANYONE INTERESTED IN SHIPPING CATTLE, CALVES OR SHEEP FROM HEN- SALL BY RAIL PLASE CALL HENSALL 53-43 AND AR- . RANGE TO HAVE A TRUCK CALL FOR IT. A SHIPMENT OF BINDER TWINE HAS ARRIVED. ' 1-1!,. or) 1" ii ens' Cc -.Opera, ave R. J. C00PER, MANAGER • e • • 4a` e• • • WE'LL JUST HAVE TO TAKE A SMALLER SLICE ob/0/47/6.0 IF THE SLICEs ARE SMALLER Th PE'LL se F.NoucH Fora l verQYSoDY 4 a A d A 4 a A J •1 a d d `vuGAl'C Su PP , 44 At) 604070 v , +Dn World sugar stocks are dangerously low.. use less 'use with discretion