HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-08-23, Page 3F1:Y 11 'or meads -In -a -hurry at any time of day—breakfast, lunch, between -meal snacks --- clever housewives rely on Kellogg's ready -to -eat cereals, They're ready to serve in 30 seconds ... need no mixing or cooking. Easy to digest. Economical, too • SEW1VES Nazi Atom omb Nearly Completed Germany was within five months completing her own atom bomb when the European war ended. A. British task force four months ago discovered that German scien- tOilts almost had completed work the bomb in a two -room labora- ry in the heart of a small sills fiactory north of Hannover. The bomb, it was calculated would wipe out everything within a radius of six miles. A famous German, research. scientist in charge of the experi- ments was flown immediately to Britain at the time. He estimated his work would have been com- pleted by October. He said, the German Govern- ment had given hint unlimited funds and equipment and had not demanded any immediate results. THE ONE MAN JAPS ASKED BE SPARED HIROHITO, EMPEROR OF JAPAN Food and Clothing Arrive In Norway Supplies of food and clothing .are arriving in Norway each week according to "News of Norway," Qn July 6, a dusty caravan of 20 Swiss trucks, heavily loaded with food, medicine, shoes, and clothing, rumbled through Oslo's streets. Nine days mit of Basel, the trucks carried ,100 tons of supplies valued -at three million Swiss francs, and had liaised through Germany, Denmark, and Sweden on their way to Norway. Trucks and driv- ers of the Swiss Relief Convoy re- ceived a joyous welcome in Oslo In 50 B.C., the firing of damp straw to smoke out enemy posi- tions nas common. Infantile Paralysis ty- phoid and other dangerous diseases can be carried by the common fly, Fly-Tox kiile filthy flies instantly. (pct a large bottle today, K I Public .interest in the post-war possibilities of the Trans -Atlantic service operated by Trans -Canada Air Lines continues to grow The number of requests for passage has increased to over :1,000. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED ti you ale troubled with itching piles ur :al;t sureness. du not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this Coudlll,, become chronic Any Itching or . urcn•si ur Ua,inrul (lasa- age of stool is nature's warning and proper tiCutmettl Shou,d be secured at CICO. For this purpose get a package of Rem -Bold from any druggist and use es tltreeled. This formula which Is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the ti,•fun>; and sureness and Bid In huulir Itie sure tender spots, llenl-hold is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and It seems the height or folly for any one to rill: a painful and serums pile cowl ition when such a. !'ins remedy may be had et such a small cost. Ir you try Hem-rtoid and are not entirely p1eiisetl with he results, your drngki'I will ;lazily return your mono' lHere's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY ' , .F::LE ISOM Lyd iaE. Pinkham's Vegetate ie Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung feelings—when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. ?inkhorn's Compound helps nature! Follow label directions, Try ill ,_ + . vormaltt JAP TERRITORY UNDER POTSDAM TERMS KM+CMAT$A ti♦��rr+•...p'� 4,......"--6-e-1-1, r ++ i4CUTOr r l est,1F O#(`�4 t+u� "3r*ye nQ4 Ipei Mrd* ;r 1fNM .NON5HU JoVo„ UnA� (.11,'1 iltk okyo Pompon, ' JAPAN unu..ro. DKG FAcWIC OCEAN 'WO 1 , reonbOU , footle', lop Advene. CHINA Pereelosio U S.S R rot, s.. Slwns 0 ie r . CM'S Paw .i bengal re 1 i ' WAKE. r - j MAaiAN1,a w . I, el !GUAM MMitiHAil 1$ • va►.• . -'' .t. l ,(l. � Taun'WV'WVt j• CAROLINE is. ft r \1 '1 0 .1 t i.NE 1H��%+t4.`p p,4 4,1 JAVA I • t t °No— .,. r'4/i SO4.9.4010,,e i I Qtr. _ .._....,_....2r* .. COAs? Sw 4 ��-!i ,Japanese holdings will; be reduced to four islands indicated in black, under terms of the Potsdam Conference, which Japan has agreed to accept. Dotted lines indicate greatest extent of Jap conquests. aitItLT is r«w,1 0 _r,+-.✓ The Potsdam declaration Con- tains the following terms: 1. Elimination "for all time" of the authority and influence of those who led Japan into her career of conquest. 2. Occupation of points in Japanese territory to be desig- nated by the Allies until a "new. order of peace and security" in the world is assured. 3. Limitation o f Japanese sovereignty to the main Japaneee islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, and a few mirror Islands. 4. Carrying out the .terms « the Cairo Declaration which wouia strip Japan of all its conquests. Complete •disarmament oof Japanese armed forces. 6, No euelavenent of the Japa- ttese nation. . 7. Stern justice for war crim- inals. 8. Removal by the Japanese Government of all obstacles to a revival of democracy, freedom of speech, religion, and thought. 9. Permission for Japan to re- iain such industries as will sus- tain its economy and permit reparations in kind. 10. Access for Japan to raw materials and world trade, 11. A prose to withlaw occupying 11 ed !orcei wtiet Japan has estabii11hed a peace- fully Inclined government "in accordance vyith the freely ex- pressed will of the Japanese people." Britain Had No Civilian Population It is an error to refer to the ci— vilian population of Great Britain, says the Windsor Star Everyone in the United King- dom and Northern Ireland was en- gaged in some war work, war task or in uniform. None was a civilian in thee true sense of the word. All were fighting or working for vic- tory, a Insects have killed more men than all the wars in history put together. Alexander the Great died at the height of his career from a mosquito bite. 5,721 Allied Airmen Rescued from Seas A total lif 6,721 Allied airmen owe their lives to the gallant crews of the launches and planes of the British Air -Sea Rescue Service who picked thein out of. the water near Britain often under the noses of the Germans, the Air Ministry announced last week. Qverseas units of the service rescued at least 3,200 airmen and in areas other than the seas around Great Britain, 4,665 sol- diers, sailors and civilians were saved. At she time of the Battle of Bri- tain the Air -Sea Rescue Service was a small, itnprovised and im- provising body, but in time it de- veloped into the highly specialized organization which sent out 136 R.A.F. craft, 60 United States coastal cutters and a large num- ber of naval craft to play their part when the great D -Day fleet sailed for France. One of its pilots touching down on the Istl.nd of Lampedusa in the Mediterranean during a heavy air raid, was just in time to receive the surrender of the Italian gar- rison in the invasioti` of 1943. Dutch Royal Family Reunited In Holland Princess Julianne of the Nether- lands and her three daughters, ar- rived in Holland recently and were met by Prince Bernhard for the first reunion of trite roJval family on native soil in five years, Princessu anna has reported at the food distr distribution office at Baarn, adjacent to Soestdijk iyhere she will snake her bonie with ter family, to obtain new identity cards — necessary for the issuance of food cards — for all members cat her family, aocording to the Ne- therlands Government Information Bureau. "I want to live with my husband and my children under the food ra- tioning system as all other Dutch- men do," the Princess told food officials. "We want to live under normal rations as they are distri- buted by the food distributing ser- vice." love. You u Husband: "You clout seem to care for that sport.jacket 1 or dercd for your birthday ie lien .. bei, ] wi ed if you pl eferrc'd or large checks." Wife "Ye, but how did you were talking about ''tTIf —o - 9s this the pugilist who was run into by a motorist?" asked the house surgeon. "No; he's the motorist who ran into the pugilist." —o-- Hous(.,v1fe: Just look at the dust on the piano, Beulah. ft's at lcaet six weeks old. Maid: Then it don't have nothin' to do with nee, ma'am—I've only been here fcur weeks. —o— Mrs. Newlywed: "Guess what I've cooked for your dinner." Mr. Newlywed: I'll try. Let ole see it." —0— Smith: "So you're setting your boy up fn the bakery business?" Jones: "Yes; he's so keen on dough and such a swell loafer that I'm sure he'll rise in the business.' Lessor" In Democracy A lesson to the whole world in the blessings, practices and free- doms of democracy was to be seers in the fact that Prime Minister Ohurc,tl.i=l took the leader Rf the Oppositton Labor •party, Clement Attlee, with him to the Potsdam conferencesl, so tl39 her T,ratilta i bietfer fitted to take over it the election wentit did. It was detnecr3cy working at tis excellent best.. EXTRA FUSSY coffee lovers go wild about Max- welfl House. Available :. t your grocer's in an All. Par. pose Grind that suits any type of coffee maker. Itis superb coffee. BABY CHICKS BARREN STRAIN LID GH O R N" Pullets, 6 weeks and up. Sussex' X Barred Rock' pallets, 6 to 10 weeks. Johnson Hatchery,, Fer- gus, Ont. FREE RANGE PULLETS 12 WEEKS up to 26 weeks. Day old chicks hatched to order for Fall deliv- ery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. WE. WILL HAVE CHICKS FOR September -October delivery, it ordered now. For immediate de- livery we have limited supply light breed pullets, 2-3-4 weeks old.' Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., HeMilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CLEAN ,EASY MILKERS NOW available. We want dealers in your territory. S. S. Dennis Co., 398 Ridout St., London, Ontario. WILL TRADE FINE WOOD TIM$- er 175 acres for good truck or house or sell. Walter Covy-eow; Vanleoughnet, OD L. I)VEIN AND CL11iAZUNG HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 1'onge Street, To- ronto. EDUCATIONAL ATT',GN.i) BUSINESS COLLEGE ' this ball. Enquire about Gregg Shurthand, choice of highly -paid stenograpers, secretaries and re- . porters. "Ureduate with Gregg" u'AetM MAUI•IINEIIY FOR SALE CHOPPING MILL IN GOOD LO('AL- ity. Diesel power, Always good crops, Write C, J. Cox, Auburn, Ont. 60 H.P. INTERNATIONAL STA- tionary 1.)!esel, used very tittle. 11•'rite or phone .Lowville' feed Mill, Route 2, Milton, Ont. I'OU SALE CHICK HATCHERY $3500. U'OlI C111C.i< IIlTLiI16R? n11111' London. Capacity 200,000 chicks, Six ,lamesway incubators 2 Huciteye setting units and all necessary equipment. Price in- cludes exceptionally good build-' nags. Business has grown t00 large for owner to handle. BERT WEIR & SON Dundas Street, London. E1.li;C"1'iiIC• MOTORS, NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Jtleetric Com- Pany Ltd.. 2320 Durfer!n St., To- ronto. BOILER Hale, GOl U11 McIUI LOCA, 65 111'., 110 1 l5 STEAM,IN EX- 0011.L,EN.P CONDITION; IRON I'.IREMA.N STOKER, RIIIJt1V.ING% TANK, CAN'ADA LAUNDRY, 1123 DUNDAS W., TORONTO. ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND AND I{EPAIR141). EX - pert workmanship. Moderate prices. Lloyd M. Bettger. Monk - ion, Ontario. ANGORAS PAY: h'OR. l'1;T1'T) QUOTATIONS ON iharoughbrd stock write White 'Cloud TRablriiry, 28 Purdy Ste Belleville, Oaf, 1)11N -1)A01.1'0 KENNELS, RT0ll13- tered, for Tint llahund puppies. Write 136 Riverside lar•, 'West- ntoun't, lVeslon. Ontario. MAHI') AT HOME '(`FIT` FINI,1S'l' orangeade. lemonade, raspberry. free SA 11101e. Write 'GRADERS, Box 101, Ottawa, Ont. ' FOR SALE) 86 DUSCIOUS DARK RED FAIRFAX or 25 heavy bearing Catskill or 20 Gem Everbearing Plants that bear until late Fall, Are hardy plants for Northern growers. All new, thrifty, sprayed plants. Or- der now. Mention this paper. Sent parcel post prepaid. W. Phillips, R. 6, Welland, Ont. DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORN Bull, 8 months old, dark red, Sire 1"'. arfaite 'Winston &atesi' backed by R. .O; P. Breeding show type, weighs around 600. One hundred. Jack Sturdy, Clinton, MAGIC NOVELTIES. ALL KINDS. List sent free. TRADERS, Box 151, Ottawa, Ont. ONCE USED 75 -LB. JUTE POTATO sacks, $3 c each; 75-1b. cotton potato' sacks, .7c each; 50-1b. on- ion sacks, 6c each, Write immed- iately. London Bag Company, London, Ont. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids, you retain Slender Figure, turns your food into energy instead of fat. GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs, no exer- cisee or drastic diet. Month's supply 51.00 postpaid Dominion Herb Distributors 14.25 St, Lt.wrenee Ilivd., Montreal IPAS EMI SALTS FOR SALE—FARM, HURON COUN- ty, 100 workable acres, excellent buildings, good drilled well, close • to good highways and markets. Hydro available, $6,000.. For par- 'ticuIars write D. A, Moore, 208 Deloralne Ave., Toronto. FARM. TWO HUNDRED ACRES fenced, seventy cultivated, rest wood, pasture, sugar bush, large bank barn, cement floor, large house, stone wall, basement, spring water, sink, telephone, appie trees, 21,5 miles from two town, seh001 bus passes door, price $3,000. Box 193, Suodridge, Ont. 130 ACRES FOR SALE, 9 MILES west of South River, '300 yards lalceshore. Leonard Whittington, R.1:. 1, South River, Ont. HUNDRED ACRE TOBACCO FARM for sale, sixty acres Tobacco land. three kilns, greenhouse 27 x 100 ft., bank barn with implements. Apply to Paul Pnlenkas, R•it. 3, Them esvil1e, Ont, 285 ACRES 3i0OR SALE, 12 MILES south of Ilaliburton, approximate- ly 100 acres good workable land, remainder pasture and bush, plenty of wood, timber for lum- ber and maple syrup bush, fair house and barn, well watered and fenced. Railway and river run through property, Hydro power available, 2 miles from station, general store, church, and school. Owner retiring. Priee $3500. Apply, 'Melville McKnight, Rex 14. llaliburt.on, Ont. FARM 1''Oit SALE, NINETY-TWO acres clay loam, more or less, includes twenty acres bush, about five hundred Maples for tapping, evaporator and equipment for making Maple Syrup, nearly new. Two gee wells for heating cot; tage roof hoose, bank barn, silo, garage, henhouse. $0000. Apply Mrs, Jennie Hindy, Selkirk, Ont. FAIt'I FOB SALE, 150 ACRES, lot 2, concession 15, Mariposa, if not sold will be rented this fall; well built 8 -room brick house with bathroom complete and fur - hare; barn 54 x 74 with steel root and other 'buildings; a never fail- ing creek, good fields for tractor work; near station, high school end Church, About 60 miles from %%rent°, highway past the place. 04. ?i': Clarke, Niroodvi1ts, Ont. FARMS von SALE FARM, ERIN TOWNSHIP, CLOSE Erin Village and 24 Highway. Has building, spring creek, water wells, small maple bush. 850 acre. Open for offer. Interested in quick sale. Lot 20, Con. 11, Erin. 150 ACRES OF GOOD LAND FOR sale on county road, ee mile to highway and village with good buildings. Apply to vans Ward, Claremount, Ont. MEDICAL WANTED — EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 81.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-bealth in humans, all ages. No one im- mune? Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists. Toronto 8. SAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- • stroys offensive odor • instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store. Ottawa, FRUIT JUICES: '111E, RINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. HAIR DRESSING LEA RN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy 1117 Avenue Road. Toronto. @TU SICAI. INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. OI'I'OIi'I'tlNl'1'IFi POI{ WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 SLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton R 74 Ririe/in Street Ottawa. I' ROTOR ii A1,111 TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at lowest cost. Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll — 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A customer in Cape .Breton says, "1 have been sending films to you for 4 or 6 years. Would not send thein anywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4a SPECIAL sent with film roll, FR.A.MING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 28c. Framed on ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Dbony finish frames, 1390 each. 'If enlargement colored. 79e each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or snapshot and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost is reasonable. Send us your Picture and tell us what You want done and We Twill tell you the eoei before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto I'rtut Naves and Address I'i,W.tray, 05 TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed au.1 printed. 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25o REPRINTS 8 for 25e FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE Yoh may not get all the films yon want this year, but you can get al the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVIOIS Station 1, Toronto PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 Bing West, Toronto, Booklet of information on re- iiuest TEACHERS WANTED WANTED — QUALIFIED PRO- testant teachers for Township School Area of Kennebec, duties to commence Sept. 8. State quali- fications and name of last in- spector; minimum salary 51,260. Apply J. E. Hughes, Sec.-Treas-, Arden, Ont. TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD, Drury, Denison and Graham. Die- trict of Sudbury, requires 8 Pro- testant qualified teachers for schools in following villages— Whitefish, Worthington and High Falls; also one bilingual teacher for rural school near Whitefish. Reply stating qualifications and salary expected to Mrs. R. E. Murray, 300 Laura Ave., Sudbury. Ont. TEACHER WANTED FOR U.S.S. No. 1, Bond. Protestant, first class; salary 51,400, Apply A. Brightwell, Secretary -Treasurer, Shillington P.O., Ontario. TWO QUALIFIED PROTESTANT Teachers for school area No. 8 Monteagle. Apply stating salary and qualifications to G. H, Wood - cox, Sec.-Treas., R.R. No. 1, Hybla, Ontario. MADAWASKA PUBLIC SCHOOL— Protestant female teacher want- ed for junior room, lst class cer- tificate with music preferred, but not necessary; salary 51,200 per annum: duties commence Sept. 4. F. T. Chaddock, Madawaska, Ont. GOLDEN LAKE—EXPERIENCED Protestant teacher, Principal In n -roomed school at Village of Golden Lake, Ont. Good train and bus service. Apply, stating sal- ary and experience, to Wm. J, Hugh, Sec.-Treas., 5.3. No. 2, North Algona, Golden Lake, Ont, W ANTED LUMBER FOR BARN FRAMING. Quote price and quantity to Ger- ald W, Spence, Brewer's Mills, Ont, WANTED -- AN EXPERIENCED single dairyman, or a married man with no children for caring for a small, but, high Class hol- stein herd on R.O.P. in Peel Coun. ty District. Good living condi- tions and wages of 575.00 to 5100.00 depending on the man. 13ox 43, 73 Adelaide 'eV., Toronto. WAN7.1ED -- A TNOi1OUGina trained coon hound preferably a female must be good at trail and at tree and broke off 05 Seeks, fox and deer. Give full perticu- Jars including price. 13ox 44, 70 Adelaide W., Toronto, WANTED TO PIIRL'HASI; PUL» lets, all breeds from 8 weeks up to laying. Good prices paid. Ap lyy to Box 88, 78 Adelaide W , 1$4. Watt*.