HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-08-16, Page 4Dead and Disabled Animals
Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15
gliasaauase !lag e
Imple ent Repairs
We have recently received a good supply of
Repairs for Farm Equipment, such as Plow Points,
Sole Shoes, Landsides, Plow Repairs for M -H. No.
7 and Verity Plows; Cultivator Points, Etc.
Soon the Poulry and Chick season will be with us
again, and many supplies which may then be hard
to get will be required. Put in your supply now
while the supply is here. PEAT MOSS, POUL-,
TRY LI 1 1 ER, and CHICK STARTERS are some
of 'the items you will require. Let us supply you.
The Fuel Administrator advises all people to place
their orders for next Winter's Fuel as early as they
can, to avoid the big rush when it is actually needed
Place your order now and don't be disappointed by
ordering later. , ..
to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon :Schwalm of
Hensall, a daughter.
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. tCampbell, of
Guelph, were visitors last Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. John :Bolton.
Ronald Stephan of Landon, spent
the week -end with his . mother, Mrs.
0. Stephan.
Bill Miekle and 'Charles Fee ret-
urned Wednesday from attending the
United Church boys camp north of
Goderich' Cla-
and Mrs. Claude Blower,
udette and Sandra, of Exeter, were
Sunday guests with lvlr, and Mrs.
Laird Miekle •and family:.
Mrs. T, Palmer is visiting in Tor-
onto with her son, Earl.
Miss Amy Laramie of London, is
visiting at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Lainmie.
Mr. and 11Irs. G. M. Drysdale have
left on a month's trip to Western
Miss Eleanor Fisher of Winnipeg,
visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
Hannah Workman.
Evans_ MacLaren
A pretty avid -summer woddleg was
solemnized in Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Hensall, on Aug. 4th at 3
p.m., when Anna Margaret MacLar-
en, only daughter of Mr, and "Ars.
R. Y. MacLaren, was united in mar-
riage to Wellesley Dorland Evan.$, of
Waterloo. The ceremony was perfor-
med by the bride's uncle, Rev. John
McEwen, Schoenberg. The bride was
given in marriage by her father to
music played ,by Mrs. Malcolm Doug-
all. The flower girls were Ruth Mac-
Farlane, Clinton and Claire Taylor,
Walton. The reception was held in
the church parlor for about 50 guests
The bride's table was decorated with.
yoses and sweet •peas. Serving were
Mas. Norman Stanlake, Miss Violet
Hyde and Miss Alice Glenn. The
bride and groom left amid showers
of confetti and best wishes for a
month's trip in Muskoka and North-
ern Ontario.
C a 8
as �l ra itis
mas -.,.9 9 r-,=c� ,. a.:;M m c1•00611rX4M aelea :asap meee r Bette s-tiess r
tt Cat
— through pickle spoil-
age, because of a few
cents saved on inferior,
low-priced vinegar. It
happens every season,
but you can avoid this
waste in your pickling.
Always use Canada Vin-
egar it's
in-egar—it's absolutely
Canada Vinegar has been
recognized as a highest
quality vinegar for over
80 years. Sold at all
grocery stores.
For F ER
ape Booklet write to
Canada Vinegars Limi-
ted, 112 Duke Street,
it6 a car :. Ins
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Will Oesch
on August 11th, a daughter (Marilyn'
Misses Vera and Loreen Oesch vis-
ited relatives ea Babylon Line &ek-.
ing the week -end.
;ter, Jim Jolul8tOn went to London
to visit his sister foe a while.
Mr. and. Mrs. Ed. Stelck of Dash-
wood visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam
14Ir. and Mrs. Harold Finlay at-
tended the funeral of a relative at
kincardine last week.
Mrs. E. Carnie is visiting with Miss
Mary Johnston.
The second of September the Blake
church service will have an Honor
Roll. Service at. 2.30 p.m.
We are sorry that Mr. Edmund
Schwartzentrt:bcr the rake Store-
keeper is suffering so much, after
being injured in an auto accident.
We all hope he may soon feel much
Threshing wheat is the order of
the day and some wheat is running
very good indeed.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Goetz, of
Erie Pa., are visiting with his bro-
ther, Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz.
Miss Ella Martinson of Teep tp,
spent a few days with friences litre.
Miss Zeta Nadiger, R. N. or 'How-
ell, Mich., Miss Martha Graupner of
Detroit and Miss Helen Meyer of
Farmington, Mich., spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.
Mr. and Mrs. F. McLean and Mary
Ellen, Mrs. Mark Miller of Detroit,
and Mrs. Maria Hayter of Greenway
were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Ber-
tha Hayter and family.
Dr. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor and
Anne spent a few days in London
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and dau-
gliter Suzanne, Mrs. McCallum and
daughter Anne of Windsor, Mrs.
Streets of London and Mrs. Carolyn
Mr. and Mrs. Willard l)uctarne
and family of Detroit were vacation-
ing with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jo:eph Ducharme .ind Mr. and Mrs.
N +.eon Masse.
Misr Bernadine Bedard is ',Tending
a few weeke with her ,sister, Mrs. Wil-
lard Ducharme, al.eo hee nieces, the
Misses Audrey and Tiernan Ducharme
Messrs. Claude and Milton Bedard
of Windsor were visiting; at the home
of their mother, Mee N. on Masse.
Mies Roselle Corriveau w3to is
w:,rking at Clinton hospital was a
week -end visitor with her parents,
DI I. and Mrs. Frank ,Corriveau.
Metiers. Ed. and Lucian tecrrtvean
arc quite b«sy putting in neer drains
foe Mr, lS'el on Masse,
Mrs. Joseph Mechanic' bad the
misfortune to fall and injury her
rum on a barb wire fence near her
home on Saturday whic'r.Tetluired
medical attention. Her many! friends
Trope she will ,soon be well again,
The Patriotic Society of Brace -
field entertained men recently retur-
ned from overseas those who enlisted
in the district together with their par-
ents and wives at a banquet. At con-
clusion of the banquet an open .air
musical program was enjoyed. A war
bond was presented to each of the
men, who were; Sgt. Wan. N. Mur -
-xsr bacrt;' -tai.; 'were- `CTSz..
itors with Mr. and Mrs. ie. Tiernan
on Sunday evening.
Rev. J. Burn is spending his vacate
ion on a trip out West.
Mrs. Joe Bruce of Windsor, is
spending a few weeks with her mother
Mrs. B. Hayter.
Pte. George Scheff:buch of Vancou-
ver, B.C., is spending his furlough
Chief P. 0. Robert Hoperoft who
has been with the Navy for over 3
years returned and spent a few days
with his parents before leaving for
his hone in Port Colbourne.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Dale of London,
accompanied by Mrs. Dale's two
young nephews of Windsor, visited
on Sunday with Mrs, Meidinger.
Rev. A. B. and Mrs. Irwin of Exe-
ter have returned from a trip to
Miss Fanny Bissett, well-known re-
sident of Exeter, died in' her 80th
year. •
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Booth and
daughter left Winghm to make their
home at ,Stratford, where M. Booth
will represent a life insurance com-
Herman Deer, of the Blyth-Atrb-
urn road, was one of the first in the
district to have his wheat' cut and
threshed. From .six acres tie had
264 bushels, an average of 44 bushels
per acre.
Returns .From Overseas
Lieut. Nursing 'Sister Jessie Isobel
Betties, daughter of Mre and Mrs.
Theron Betties, Winthrop; ' returned
from overseas on the Ile., de France
F.w�aeartant y r....pM ..
yrr ail d Mrs. Williar i. ' Worklnan,
Nippen, announce the .engagement of
their daughter, Erma friary, to
Lloyd Blake Bowerman, RCAF., son
of Mrs. H. Bowerman, Toronto, and
the late H. Bowerman the marriage
to take place in August.
Foreman Injured
J. B. Milne, :foreman at the Purity
Flour Mills, .Goderich, was painfully
injured. He was assisting in the un-
loading of the .frienghter Canandoc,
when a cable used to moor the boat
suddenly tightened, striking hien in
the abdomen. The extent of , his
injury had not been determinecit,,
Blind Lady, Knits for Soldiers •
Lucknow — Despite the 'fret „that
she has lost her eyesight, and on July
21st observed her 89th birthday, Miss
Mary Hall, a native of Ashfield,
spends a good deal of time knitting
W; Weber, and i4liss Mary and since the war began has made
Weber, of Aiiu:urn, also Messrs, .1. lnanzr pairs of socks for the soldiers.
and T. Hamilton of Goderich, were
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Luker.
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks, Rose
and Bernice, Mrs. Edgar McClinchey
and Jerry, are spending this week,
camping at Drysdale,
Miss Beth Murdock, who re on the
Inspection Board, in Hamilton, is
vacationing with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Murdock, Stanley Twp.
Misses Betty and Lila Moir have
returned home from a two weeks vis-
it spent with Mr. and ..Mrs. Albert
Wolfe, at Goderich.
Sgt. and Mrs. W. N. Murdock, Miss
Olive Wood, of Toronto, and Miss
June Murdock of Brucefield, have
returned from a pleasant holiday
spent at Ottawa and Kingston.
Ronald .McKinnon, Jack Boyd,
Lloyd Buchanan, Ewan McEwan,
Ronald Chutor, Charles Fee, return-
ed home this week after spending a
ten daye at the United. Church boys
camp, north of Goderich,
Rev. J. E. Hogg, .Seaforth, will lc -
a: ally tins pulpit in the United Church
Su'e{iay morning, Aug. 19th, Rev.
Devil Wren, iM.A., B.D., Stratford.
wi:i he the Minister in charge for
August 26th., Sept. 2nd and 9th
while the minister Rev. R. A. Brook
is away on vacation.
lelr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantolon and
'•hildren !;rice and Betty of Sehrom-
bcrg are eacationin.g in Hensall.
(7p1. Leonard Noakes of London,
s spending two weeks furlough with
his wife and family,
Mrs. R. J, :Paterson, while visiting
with her son, .Paye, in Toronto had
(he iiie fortune to :fracture he+.r right
'ern, wla'.n she Blipped and fell while
walking in eh( _nrdon.
Born qac hwelea At St..toseph'e
hospital,' Lender, Sunday August 12
To Teach in Bahamas.
Milverton — Miss C. Isabel Mac -
Beth has resigned as principal of the
Merlin High School and has .accepted
a position on the stag of Queen's Col-
lege, Nassau, Bahamas, where she
will teach biology, Miss MacBeth ex-
pects to leave for Nassau by plane
on Sept. 5th.
Cold Storage Plant
W. C. Bennett has returned to his
home, Walton, after serving five Ye-
ars in the Active .Army Services. He
has purchased the brick residence of
D. Johnston and intends building an
egg -grading and cold storage plant.
Lets Contracts
The Tuckeasmith . Twp. ,Council
met in the. Town Hall, 'Seaforth re-
cently with all members.' present.
Reeve Nicholson presided._Tenders
were opened on constructiowork of
a ten by forty foot culvert„ and of
repairs to abutments of two bridges
in the Township,
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Giibbirtgs of
Clinton marked their Golden Wed-
ding Anniversary, June 20th, and
celebrated the occasion by enteaitain-
ing their immediate family and rela-
tives to a dinner party at their home
on Saturday evening, June 23rd,
Both Mr. and Mrs. Giibbinge have
been lifelong residents of ,Clinton
and very valued an prominent fig
ures in the life and community of
that town.
Railway Man Fractures Bank
B. J. Thornton, of Stratford, re -
loving for a week as yard omployee
with the CNR. at Goderich, suffered
a fractured back when he fell be-
tween two cars near the Godcrieh
elevator. •Ile was taken to the espit-
al where he will lie for some luxe.
dock, Tpr. Walter liti othertan, P
Percy Harrison, .AIB. Wesley Ham,
P.O. Carlyle Cornish, 1Sgdn, Ldr, R.
Aldwinkle, Cpl. R. Dalrymple, Pte.
James 'Burdge, Pte. Allen Hill.
The other evening Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. McGregor, .Hippen, held a re-
ception inh onor of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Cameron. Mr. Cameron had re-
cently returned from overseas after
five years of service and Mrs, Cam-
Thursday,, August 10th, 194
eron is a reeeni; bride from Glasgo14...
Scotland. About 80 guests assembled
and presented them 'with a 'wonder
fel shower of household gifts.
tastfuliy decorated basket was 'wheel,
ed in by Annie and Marie +Sinclair,
Jahn and Douglas McGregor. The
presentation address was read by
Glenn McLean and Grace • Tremeer„
and Mrs. Morley Cooper assisted the;
hostess with the gifts
No person may move to and rent or occupy family quarters
in any of these congested areas without a permit from the
Administrator of Emergency Sh.elter.
Before making arrangements to vacate your present home, be sure that you
have other accommodation and a permit to occupy it. Applications for permits
should be addressed to the Administrator of Emergency Shelter in the area to
which you plan to move.
Every person who rents or occupies family quarters in any of these districts contrary
to the order, commits an offence and, in addition to other penalties, will be required
to vacate the shelter axsd the district at his own expense.
(Issued under the authority of the Emergency Shelter Regulations, Order -in -Council P.C. 9439,
December 19, 1944).
ES -6N
TO the writer of this letter and several thousand others who are in the same position;
your Hydro can definitely say that your application for service certainly has not
"slipped our mind." Everything that can be done is being done to serve as many new
customers as soon as possible.
Even though many regulations have been relaxed, and She war in Europe is over;
there is little, if any, sign of improvement in the shortage of labour and materials. The
shortage of only one of the many parts needed to complete a service results in ci :delay„
The labour and materials available are being used with extreme care and planning to
serve as many new rural customers as quickly as possible.
To those applicants in areas where Hydro lines are still to be constructed, Hydro
service will be made available as the supply of labour and materials improves. Alree dy
sufficient applications have been received which will require the construction of over
2,000 miles of line that cannot be undertaken in 1945. However, your Hydro is malkiing
every effort to complete by the end of 1945 all applications made in 1.944 that have
been officially approved by letter.
"four Hydro has done and is doing everything- possible to extend electricity to
essential rural services. The Hydro rural service that you are waiting for will be
completed just as soon as the labour and material situation permits,;