HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-08-16, Page 14, ICH HERAL Established 1900 'Entrxesem.astrarrormor.rorrammr........rarms ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16 945 Chester L Smith, Publish*" $1,50 a Year in Advarsco nd in the names of your Summer Visits and Visitors ST. PE Evangelical Lutheran C?aurch RI ZUCH ONT. ifRev. E. W. Heirnrich, Pasto WI a.m.-Divine Services. 1.15 a.m.-Sunday Sclooh 7.30 Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to ell Services EMM.ANUEL ZVANGELICAL CHURCH .1.••••••••••••••=1111111•.••1 C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. °each, OrEstrdst SUNDAY SERVICES ID a.m.-Divine Worship. -41.1 a.m. Church School 7.80 p.m. -Divine Services. • etty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS he Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and 'Equipment. And besides all this is our years of experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL! Thane 68 four your Appointinents. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich &view cao GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY STAN PATTON'S All Saxophone Orchestra Thedford Brass Band SUNDAY, AUGUST 19Th. CONCERT 9 P. M. MIDNIGHT DANCE, SEPTEMBER 3, 12:05 WATCH FOR A.M. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SOFTBALL TOURNA- MENT ON LABOUR DAY. Receive B. A. Degrees ,Congratulations are due to two for- mer students of Goderich Collegiate Institute who have graduated this year at ;the University of Toronto with the degree of B. A. They are Miss Mange BaechIer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Baecilder of .God- erich and J. N. P. Hume, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hume, Toronto, for- merly of Goderith Are You SuJ From Henandied : 7M. 1 so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, Re 4 OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH - Good Glasses at Ree,tionable Prices REASONABLE PRICES E. Zurbrigg, R.O. (...PTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. -++++++++4•444-4-++++++++-1* 44++4-4-44++++++++++++++++++++44 4" 4- + + 4- + , et* Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance ÷ ea ea ofSickanlinjure.Licensedmbland an + -ea d dE + .+ + Funeral Director. 4- al, 4. ea + MEMBER. OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. hh 4. -4- ,h DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 4. .i. 4' '-ii. ee Dathwood - Ontario -4* i• + -414-1-4•4-4-4,-++++++++4-i•444-4.++44+4-14-+-}.4.4-4444+++++++++++++++44 arry oilman untrat lijonte r ivASONOREERmiliquitiletwiNelleitalir 1 er I -1'S t re When you are looking, for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruita in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Menne •esch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 -.001-.11:1110toturoMA. i': !t 111II1tR1I1J1i.011.101111,10ti 91,11,11 PT') BBL, HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township •of Hay met in the Township Hall on Tuesday, August the 7th, 1945 at 8.30 p.m. The following .communications we- re read. Stanley Twp. reply re: Lo- gan Drain, Navy League... The foll- owing motions were then passed: That the tOlerk be authorized to write the Township of Usborne to ascertain whether the persons asses- sed towards the Wildfong Drain 'hreuld.-he to„navi.t.lahihhhehhion. towards. a eleanout. in &hay wittiout, the need of getting out a new report. That by-law to levy ancr collect annually a special Irate for the Fed- eration of Agriculture for 'County of Huron, 'be read a third time. That the .Clerk be authorized to write to the Attorney -General's De- partment to ask for advise in the St. Joseph property question. That at the request of the Board of Trustees of Zurich and Dashwood Police Villages the rates be set .at 10 and 11.5 mills respectively, on all' rateable propertylM the said Villages for 1945. That the Budget for the year 1945 be adopted and that the rates be confirmed by by-law. That approval be given to the re- quest of the petitioners on the Bren- ner Drain to have ten inch tile put in the Brenner Drain instead of 8 inch as in by-law. That the accounts for Township Roads, Relief, Hay Twp, and Hay Municipal Telephone System be paid as Per voucher. Township Roads - Rudolph Beck- er $12.40; Nap. Corriveau 26.50; P. Campbell .90; Jack Corbett 10.00; Chas. Aldworth 18.63 C. Becker 2.50; Ed. Erb 6.50; Bruce Koehler 225; Louis Masse 22.80; Clemence Bedard 3.20; Lucien Corriveau $11; James Masse 875; Johnston & Kalb- fleisch 64.45; L. Prang & Son 3.05; Stade and Weido 11.70; Ed. Nadiger 9.80;. James Masse 19.70; H. Mous- seau 14.40; Dennis Ducharme $24; Lloyd Mousseau 4.20; Win. Parke 31.27; J. B. Gould 4.40; W. J. Gould 2.80; Hugh Thiel $7; Jacob Ortwein $5; Edmund. Kraft $6; Archie Masse $14; Edward CorriVeau. $11; Alph- onse Masse 17.10; Marcil Corriveau 69.9g; Frank Wildfong $2; Shaw Bros. Garage 12.80; Zimmer's Graage $15; Dom. Road Mach. Co. 4.57; Ex- eter Trines Advocate 1,05; M. G. Dietz 3.50. Relief - Morris Denomme $125; A. Heideman rent $3; John Suplat $25, General Accounts - T. 0, Ha,berer 246.58; 3, W. Flaberer 246.58; J. Deichert Jr. 246.58; Geo. A. Mc- Cubbin $14; Gco . Coultis & Son 227.88; Robt. Tinney 9.70; H. W. Brokenshire $5; Mrs, 0. Koehler 61.64; Basil Edwards 163.21; Bank of Montreal 1144.88; A. F. Hess $15; C. L. .Smith 95,65; John 'McBride $50 Telephone !System - T. H. Hoff- man 488.81; 13e11 Co. 878.44; North- ern Elec. Co. 1288.29; T -L G. Hess 235.65; Hay ,Stationory 16.80. The. meeting was adjourned, to meet again on Tuesday, ,September 4th, at 8 o'clock, part. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk. Wm.. H. Haugh, Ueeve, The friends of Mrs. E. Tuerkheim are pleaSocl, to learn that she is im- proving nicely after her illness. Miss Betty Witmer of Detroit, is vacationing with her grandma, Mrs, Ciara D;kez dMrs, Philip Bedard of Tilbury were visitors with friends in this vicinity the past week. . Dr. Archie MacKinnon of Water- loo was 4.t. week -end visitor with his mother, Mrs. Matilda IVIacKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman, of Seaforth are spending some time with their son, Mr, and Mrs. Philip Hartman of the Bronson line. Mrs. Thomas Gettus and sons Arth- ur, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gettus, (bridal couple) all of Adrktn, Mich., spent a few days at the home of Mr. "and Mrs. Thiel of town. Mr, anrs. Meyers or Detroit, Ill NI and Mrs,, H. E. Craig, of Windsor, spent the week -end at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. L. Schilbe and other friends, Mr. Frank Warnock who has been in the Navy for the past five years, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Warnock of town. The for- nier Mr. .Warnock is expecting to get his discharge on September lst. Flying Instructor Ivan Willert of the Halifax district, Mrs. Willert and clau,gther Yof Hamilton, are vacation- ing et the home of the former's mether, Mr and .1,12j. George Hess. n.77 -10:1h,,, 1114.6.1i t.h)W7b-o-y Pat bsn made his annual appearance in town on Tuesday night and gave his en- tertainment to a large audience at the Thiers Transport headquarters. This year besides his well trained dog "Lad" he has a trained Western horse. AUTO ACCIDENT .. An Mite .accident 'occurred la.st Fri- day morning twa. and a half miles north of: Zurich at, what was years ago known as, Wagner's Corner. Mr. Ed. Schwartzentruber, the Blake storekeeperwas on his way to Lon- don via Kippen and travelling east, when at the- intersection he collided with an auto tra-velling south and being' driven by Mrs. !E. McBride, who was, on her way towards Zurich. Both Car4 were badly damaged in the impact and Mr, Schwartzentruber was taken. to Clinton for medical as- sistance, /but was later returned to his home, where he is stir/ confined to his bed, The other passengers in the cars escaped with minor injuries. We all hope Mr. .Schwarzentruber will soon recover. AGAIN -PEACE ON EARTH As we hear the sirens blowing, the ells ringing, and millions of people re jubilant this Tuesday evening of he good news that japan has now urrendered. to the Allies and are eying down their arms in defeat,as hey feel it unwise to carry on their 'edam ..in plundering and robbing ther ptople who have no desire for var. This has been the most terrible var this old world has withstood, the ver ambitious dictators and war loners led their people to believe hat the.World belongs to them, and he free ;thinking peoples do not be- ieve in this ruthless and Godless ioctrine. They thought we were 'soft and easy" and would not put n) much of a fight, but when the free peoples fight they mean it and surely ame through this time again with olors flying and the higher stand- irds of life are protected and we will 'arry on and make this a better world VI' (me and all to live in. We hope his time our leaders will win the RS welt as the war, and make muiitions that there will heno more airs for a long time in fact for all hilt's. How nice it will be again to ive in this beautiful old world when Jence again wili prevail. And these people who have been bent on war pt take our way of iite, they will enjoy life all the more. Let us all to our bit and make this otd world hill, better place to live. Preserve he pone and take fox a daily inettO he old '001don Rule as laid down. '47 be 5Thater•Brinee o4pew. b a s t 0 0 0 t : f 1 FIVtie .1} if 1 c rypt "ik,a Is YES, ANY TYPE OF STYLE OF BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY DUPLICATED PLUS A SAVING EITHER FROM YOUR PRESCRIPTION OR FROM A BROKEN PART OF YOUR LENSE A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. FOR For .positive identification ti the World's Finest Anthrache ask for BLUE COAL •••••••••• •••••••mm. Miller Creek Coale VollatIIMmu•wroweaN611..ole,wwww,m•Aoram160,4,1 Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel! agrooefooscoecosco,t000eccooss otoccossosoo.. co Westlake - Brokenshire -Punalea1 ervice Comfortable iftspital Bed for Rent 1 Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich egaosetstsae,a;gavaseseectaocekvaeovaiseeeoeoosto 00000100 0 1. itit's1N444+44-ir++++i-thiehe+4.4-iheieleeteielas+++++4-ehee.44444.44-+4-ti 1 11 uick Bale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - ZURICH ifF.+144i+++++++++++++++++++++4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++41 -.0 4. 4. 49 44, . • . JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, WE HAVE "TED FEED Pioneer Big 3 Laying Mash and Hatching Ration, Pig Starter and Concentrates The Chick Season is just around the comer. Start .your Chicks right with Pioneer Chick Starter. In spite of the difficulties in securing them, we have the following Items to offer: Cod Liver Oil, Bone Meal, Mineral Supplement, Oyster Shell, Hen and Chick Grit, Etc. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND IT In Kt sr Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. voamonomoressagsraesee 1,14 Phone: 11-97 vunsustagis K,V.;